RE: =WPC 2022= Field of Time (Full Version)

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Chewy905 -> RE: =WPC 2022= Field of Time (2/13/2022 0:02:26)

A thunderous crack split the rhythmic chamber. Five bolts, perfect, pristine, and rippling with energy, fell from the sky and struck a Pawn each. The ticking ceased, time stopped, and life hung still, the prongs of lightning glowing brighter and brighter until there was naught but light.

And then, motion and sound once more. The ticking resumed, the pendulum standing guard behind an empty gate, through it the spires of the Chequered City. A safe passage home. Though not for all, as several competitors had vanished when their bolts faded away.

The Powers had chosen. The War had begun.

And the pendulum of Time ticked ever on.

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