=EC 2022= Factory OOC (Full Version)

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Starflame13 -> =EC 2022= Factory OOC (7/17/2022 10:40:20)

Welcome, Factory Participants! This thread will be your Out-Of-Context forum for the competitors of the Factory Arena to discuss tactics, collaborations, and plots, as well as to ask questions of your fellow combatants and to provide any additional details necessary to clarify your character or your actions. It should also be used for necessary communications with the Director in requesting extensions. As a reminder, you are required to post every 4 days. While I will do my best to provide 24 hour warnings, please do not rely on these. I must be informed in advance if an extension is needed.

Each of the combatants in this arena will be placed along the outer edges of the arena. The order in which you are listed in the roster is the relative location you enter the arena in, with the first competitor entering at the North (top-left) of the arena and moving clockwise around the edge of the arena. Alternatively, you can view this as the competitor listed above you will be on your right and the competitor listed below you will enter in on your left. All contestants are assumed to enter roughly at the same time, regardless of posting order.

Feel free to ask me questions within this thread, via PM, or via the AEF RP Discord Server if you have any details you would like clarified. Our Discord Server can be found here.

This was the music inspiration for Factory: Hunted. This was also the winner of the music poll for Arena Selection!

In addition, I will be editing in any questions that may be useful for all combatants to read. Beginning with:

What are the dimensions of the arena?
This year, Factory is taking on a square design. Each boundary wall is 100 feet (30.5 meters) long, with the distance from the geometric center to any of the four corners being approximately 70 feet (21.3 meters). Two entrances are evenly spaced along each wall. The rotating gears of the ceiling and floor are 40 feet (12.2 meters) above and below the platform. The bridges leading into the arena initially span a gap of 5 feet (1.5m), although this is reduced to a gap of scant inches by the time the walls stop moving.

But we have fewer than 8 in the arena!
While arenas are designed with a maximum occupancy of eight contestants, we'd rather let people spread out and have more arena variety than crowd everyone into a single arena. Any locations after the last person on the roster is placed will be considered vacant, and their entrances will remain closed.

Do the doors out of the arena remain open?
Yes, although with the shift of the walls, each entrance is now barely a foot or so (less than a meter) wide. If you manage to squeeze out the exit, it will be considered forfeiting the fight.

So what’s the deal with the ping-pong cube?
A 5x5x5 foot (1.5x1.5x1.5 meter) cube of bronze is currently sitting in the dead center of the arena. If any of the four vertical sides of the cube is struck with a significant physical force (either melee or ranged), the cube will move in a straight line towards the direction it was struck until it collides with a boundary wall of the arena. It will remain there until struck again. If the cube is struck mid-motion, it will change directions to follow the blow. The speed of the cube is about on par with an average human sprinting. The cube makes a high-pitched whir as it travels, and the gears above and below clank loudly while it's moving as well.

We’re getting judged now right? What are you looking for?
Each Director has their own writing elements that they look for and their own methods for selecting the Paragons (and, later, the Champion). I do not use an official point scoring system of any kind, but I do look at seven key criteria. In no particular order, they are:
 Combat Activity (Use of Abilities, Reasonable Physical Actions, Pacing of Actions)
 Character Interactions (Accounting for Opponent Actions, Dialog, Environmental Awareness/Acknowledgement)
 Consistency (Writing Style, Mana/Stamina Usage, Cross-Post Awareness for Injuries/Actions/etc.)
 Storytelling (Complimenting the Action, Relevancy to Combat, General Worldbuilding)
 Character Personality (Growth/Development, Passion/Emotion. Show me why they want to win).
 Technical Writing Ability
 General Creativity & Uniqueness

Dragonknight315 -> RE: =EC 2022= Factory OOC (7/17/2022 14:07:57)

Here is the Factory Map! As usual, this is purely a visual aid. No rulings/judgments will be made via the map! You can click and drag your token to move it! Please however only move it after you post. Same goes for the square in the center.

Selenianece -> RE: =EC 2022= Factory OOC (7/18/2022 6:11:54)

Wrong place, I apologise

Sylphe -> RE: =EC 2022= Factory OOC (7/21/2022 17:47:06)

Good evening! I would like to request a 12 hour extension, please. :)

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2022= Factory OOC (7/21/2022 20:35:12)

@Sylphe - Extension granted. Your new deadline is 11:59am on Friday, July 22nd. You have two 12-hour extensions remaining.

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC 2022= Factory OOC (7/24/2022 18:59:13)

Requesting a 12-hour extension, please.

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2022= Factory OOC (7/24/2022 19:03:30)

@Apocalypse - Extension granted. Your new deadline is 12:03am (that's 00:03) on Tuesday, July 23rd. You have two 12-hour extensions remaining.

Oddball -> RE: =EC 2022= Factory OOC (7/25/2022 21:47:33)

Requesting a 12 hour extension, please! Thank

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2022= Factory OOC (7/25/2022 21:49:01)

@Oddball - Granted! Your new deadline is 11:24am ET on Tuesday, July 26th. You have two 12-hour extensions remaining.

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC 2022= Factory OOC (7/26/2022 0:02:59)

Posted with collab from Sylphe

Sylphe -> RE: =EC 2022= Factory OOC (7/26/2022 15:55:32)

Requesting another 12 hour extension. Thank you!

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2022= Factory OOC (7/26/2022 23:41:04)

@Sylphe - Thank you for reaching out to me via PM as well as here; I was able to temporarily confirm the extension with you while my power was out! That said, extension officially granted. Your new deadline is 10:16am on Wednesday, July 27th. You have one 12-hour extension remaining.

nield -> RE: =EC 2022= Factory OOC (7/29/2022 12:40:29)

Requesting 12 hr extension, just to be on the safe side of things.

nield -> RE: =EC 2022= Factory OOC (7/29/2022 19:49:12)

Posted with the ol' collab from the Oddly ball.

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2022= Factory OOC (7/29/2022 19:52:58)

@nield - I was away from the computer, but granted! Your new deadline (which you beat) was 7:24am. You have two 12-hour extensions remaining.

Oddball -> RE: =EC 2022= Factory OOC (7/30/2022 4:51:29)

Requesting another 12 hour extension! Life is life, is life.

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2022= Factory OOC (7/30/2022 11:09:20)

@Oddball - Extension Granted! Your new deadline is 8:47pm ET on Saturday, July 30th. You have one 12 hour extension remaining.

Oddball -> RE: =EC 2022= Factory OOC (7/30/2022 19:57:03)

posted with collab from Nield!

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2022= Factory OOC (8/1/2022 22:44:23)

A slight issue with the most recent rounds of posts. @Grimm Jester - I stated while balancing that we needed limitations on the nightmare apparitions in order to avoid becoming a multi-character swarm. We balanced this by giving them two potential action sets: within 15 feet, attempt to scare people while being intangible (gaining their semi-solid state at 10 feet) and within 5 feet, attack anything and everything savagely.

The apparitions in your most recent post are, rather than thoughtless nightmares, presented as a unified hive-mind attempting to purposefully break free from Alder. As a separate but still independently intelligent entity. This is particularly obvious in the actions performed by the "False Ribali", where you explicitly have them performing specific, defined actions to block IN Ribali, rather than frighten her off.

This is either too intelligent for what needs to be a mindless feature; or it implies that Alder subconsciously has a lot more control over these than I was aware of - neither of which are acceptable. As Alder is about to wake up and vanish these illusions, I will not force them to vanish - but how you portray them needs to be adapted to better fit the original description by the time they show up again.

As Selenianece has posted and seems to have worked with the idea of her "False Regina" entering the violently attacking/perusing stage now that she's drawn close to Alder, I will leave it to @Sylphe if she needs to reach out to me to ensure her characters' interactions with your ability are equally under her control.

nield -> RE: =EC 2022= Factory OOC (8/2/2022 15:59:39)

Posted with collab from Odd

Sylphe -> RE: =EC 2022= Factory OOC (8/3/2022 5:31:28)

I'd like to request my final 12 hour extension. Thank you!

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2022= Factory OOC (8/3/2022 10:13:15)

@Sylphe - Extension granted. Your new deadline is 6:46am on Thursday, August 4th. You have no extensions remaining.

GrimmJester -> RE: =EC 2022= Factory OOC (8/3/2022 17:03:24)

I'd like to request a 24 hour extension as I am currently away and will barely be back home in time

Oddball -> RE: =EC 2022= Factory OOC (8/3/2022 19:28:21)

Gonna have to request my final 12 hour extension. Thank you!

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2022= Factory OOC (8/3/2022 19:56:23)

@GrimmJester - A little odd to be taking an extension a full two days in advance, but granted. Your new deadline is 3:01pm ET on Saturday, August 6th. You have one 12 hour extension remaining.

@Oddball - Granted - your new deadline is 7:53am ET on Thursday, August 4th. You have no extensions remaining.

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