RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (Full Version)

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1stClassGenesis -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/16/2024 0:18:02)

It appears to me LUK, by definition a secondary stat, is effectively now a 250 or 0 stat. There is not a sane player who would run 245 LUK in the long-term (and adventurers are royally screwed here, the base understanding of what a players' experience should be, I'd add, or at least, my opinion on that).

Nonetheless, I am glad that the revamp has been released, for the staff's sake. But I do hope that it will get touched on in the future when an opportunity presents itself.

ming shuen -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/16/2024 4:18:46)


Why do you think that way? Before the stat was enhanced, the only changes was it no longer contributing to blocking, and no longer being required to get max accuracy. So effectively, the only changes was no blocking bonus. Adventurers can enjoy initiative boost as well as lucky strikes. Which are massive reasons to take this stat. So even if they don't get the extra perks, they are in no way "screwed over".

But then, it is my understanding that the style bonuses kick in at 155 Luk. So even without a 250 stat investment, they still get even more Lucky Breaks anyway. So nobody needs 250 Luk, no?

blex12345 -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/16/2024 5:50:43)

Great work AQ Staffs with the stat revamp!!!

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/17/2024 4:13:30)

Would it be possible to adjust the training option that lets us train up to 500 points or 750 points in a single stat. [:)]

Aura Knight -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/17/2024 4:18:05)

Yes but only for ones which are not mainstats. It's time for the true tank build.

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/17/2024 5:36:46)

^ Like these options? [:)]

250 STR / 500 END
250 DEX / 500 END
250 INT / 500 END

250 STR / 500 CHA
250 DEX / 500 CHA
250 INT / 500 CHA

250 STR / 500 LUK
250 DEX / 500 LUK
250 INT / 500 LUK

500 END / 250 CHA

500 END / 250 LUK

250 END / 500 CHA

250 END / 500 LUK

250 CHA / 500 LUK

500 CHA / 250 LUK

750 END

750 CHA

750 LUK

LoreQuester -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/17/2024 6:03:02)

@Aura how can I train my end stat over 250? The training option isn't allowing me to get more than 250

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/17/2024 6:23:28)

^ Currently you can't train it over 250 points unless ( maybe/probably/Definitely )
there are enough players who support/want the training option to be adjusted. [:)]

LoreQuester -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/17/2024 6:27:33)

: / I got my hopes up for a moment there...

Lorekeeper -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/17/2024 11:23:12)

With the stat revamp already implemented, we're well past the stage where we could rethink the stat caps and allocate the time to make sweeping rebalances in order to accommodate such a change. That's not to say that there won't be any further changes, but ones that would require reworking the balance of the rest of the revamp and so much of the game aren't an option.

Sapphire -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/17/2024 17:56:31)

I don't play a warrior. But I did very limited testing of warrior lean and FD armor and counterstrike using Q4 misc. (cool that it enables the style bonuses btw, but idk if that's OP or does have massive upkeep)

Warriors lack sparkle, which is exactly what I thought would happen. I think 5% melee for Counterstrike is unimpressive.

The end result is we have players who are excited about Rangers, so this turned out great, but unexcited to stay warrior except for the fact warriors have a couple or three items they hang their hat on. But overall jjst more damage and calling it a day feels like there's no bedazzle. Throw in the fact that warrior lean item support will be a work in progress, and item support is always anemic because of various factors including fairness, the warrior I bet might feel a little bit left out. I'm not totally sure, as again,I don't do warrior. Maybe they are OK with things.

But I wanted to run an idea that would run counter to what we've always thought of warriors to be, and I think it might even in some instances be better. I already know the 1-2 turn nuke group will not like this, but for others with an open mind here goes:

Image something a bit different..

Imagine that warrior damage started lower than what it's at now. .. Let's say .8x damage .. . And that missing 20% plus all style bonus damage was all rolled into counterstrike.

And Counterstrike allowed for weapons effects, ele empowers, a + damage misc, stat boost, etc etc etc to boost it and take advantage of effects if desired to..... This would mean then, countering a monster would look quite appealing. And, not only that, vs a boss with a somewhat low damage cap..hitting at or near that cap with each counter adds up. 4 hit bosses resulting in 4 attempted counter hits is sort of backlash-like, in that you increase the number of attempted HITS vs monsters and vs bosses, this is preferable as damage boosts don't go to waste vs damage caps. You'd probs get rid of the 1-2 turn nuke gameplay nonsense but instead, you'd actually be able to sort of hit-count bludgeon bosses maybe better than any Archtype.

You could also apply certain bonuses to counterstrike based on whether the monster's hit landed or missed, too. Maybe landed mob hits have an increase in damage and blocked hits have a decrease.

Or, implement a button that does this where it takes the 1x damage + the 15% style bonus and the button activates counterstrike mode, and the 1x damage is lowered to .8 but the 20% and the 15% style bonus goes towards counterstrike, so a warrior can choose modes.

This application of counterstrike IMO feels more appealing

Food for thought

Andlu -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/17/2024 18:15:34)

I know this was disconsidered long ago, but I still feel like CHA should be a main stat

So far it has been fun testing stuff out, but a lot of stuff is definitely broken

Style bonus not working on status guests, STR in general just being weird, and worse than all the others in general

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/17/2024 20:17:24)


I know this was disconsidered long ago, but I still feel like CHA should be a main stat

+1 Yes, CHA should be a main stat.

Tank Beastmaster 250 END/CHA/LUK or ...

Lorekeeper -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/17/2024 23:20:39)

I'm afraid there isn't a case to make for CHA as a main stat when it would require spending time we no longer have on rethinking the entire revamp. We cannot start over to recreate an old design standard that we were actively trying to remove the vestiges of. The stat revamp design notes cover that situation, as well as the reason we cannot change the base performance of STR.

Kaizoku -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/18/2024 6:14:20)

I'm pretty happy with the changes. Rangers needed a bone thrown at them the most anyway, as did CHA a divorce from DEX. Warrior Lean made me dig up some of my lean-swapping armors because after all these years I'm still not tired of mashing Attack in good resists. I love Sapphire's idea of investing more in the Counterstrike, that sounds really fun.

Magmamax1818 -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/18/2024 11:15:03)

By drakaths [REDACTED] please consider adding toggle options for the new DEX stuff. For a mechanic called 'Adaptation' it's ironically stranglingly inflexible. I've been playing around with it the past few days and found that while it works well in short fights, it becomes more of a detriment in longer boss fights, rather than a boon. Like it's pretty easy to hit -40BtH without trying.

--> Start of a boss battle offensively with an accurate weapon, but have to play more defensively with less accurate status effect weapons around the end of the fight? Nah, ain't landing those statusses when half your attacks miss.
--> Boss hits you halfway in the fight with a blind / -DEX, or boosts its MRM? Oops, your BtH boosters still leave you in the negative.
--> Hitting the boss' damage cap already? Pay up accuracy regardless.
--> Wanna end a fight spectacularly with a finisher? Hope you don't mind missing your hypercriticalimbuedeleboostedvulnerablizedstatboostered attack, where the 50% extra weapon damage from Adaptation doesn't outweight the entire attack missing.

The options you have to counteract the BtH decrease are quite unsatisfying as well:
-> Wasting slots on multiple BtH boosters and wasting resources on them for damage that gets blocked by the boss cap anyways.
-> Spend resources on autohits for attacks that don't benefit from the boost, and you would've normally hit without autohit anyways.
-> Being forced to spend actions to apply defloss, even though your gameplan is playing defensive and you really don't need that extra lean damage atm.
-> Try to miss your attacks. But if you miss one, and you hit one, you're still heavily in negative BtH.
-> Just spend 250 points on STR / INT to switch to a weapon that won't miss lol. Opens up build diversity but jarring flavour-wise.

Like, I warmed up to the idea of the mechanic a lot more after testing it, actually. DEX has always been the more risk-reward focussed of the stats, and Adaptation strengthens its identity by extending that risk-reward factor to accuracy as well. It feels pretty Ranger-y too (poking and prodding your opponent until you get a read on its moves). But I think it definitely needs some degree of control. Right now the BtH decrease is more of a ticking timebomb than a deliberate choice of risk, which thematically doesn't make that much sense.

I would add an easy to reach toggle somewhere in the UI, to switch between Regular Attacks, Adaptive Attacks & Predictive Attacks (respectively using 0 Adaptation BtH, using Adaptation BtH on your next attack and changing it depending on hit/miss, or using Adaptation BtH on your next attack without changing it after hit/miss). This change would increase the amount of interesting gameplay choices the mechanic enables. It would let you decide yourself on what -BtH level you stop on, and punish you for your own choice of letting your BtH get too low.

Additional thoughts: This implementation could also open up the possibility of making Adaptation affect Melee and Magic attacks, without it feeling clunky. So being able to change Adaptation with Ranged attacks, then use it on your Melee and Magic ones. iirc the common consensus was that, after the 2022 overhaul, STR/DEX and INT/DEX to a lesser degree felt like unrewarding combinations. I don't know if it was the intention behind it, but I think the current revamp gives those combinations some fun new opportunities. INT/DEX can use the DEX style bonus well on tomes. STR/DEX has the synergy of being able to boost 100procs with the 10% STR boost + DEX style + no-truespecial boost, making for pretty chunky bows. Counterstrike working on blocking is nice for DEX as well. Melee and Magic weapons being able to switch to using Adaptation stack BtH would then be an additional reason to combine those stats like the good old days, as Werewolf and other older gear assumes you do.

(although I agree with Sapphire that counterstrike doesn't sound as satisfying for offensive warriors. Not a warrior tho so idk [sm=frogzard.gif] , but maybe, since blocking and getting hit are mutually exclusive, change the effect of counterstrike depending on whether you get hit or not? Like blocking still gives the 2,5% melee backlash because FD DEX can use it, and getting hit gives a stacking multiplier worth 2,5% melee on your next attack, until you perform that attack? That seems like something burst warriors can use better, while not having to change power budget calculations around or having to totally overhaul the idea. Again, not a warrior, so not really my business, but I just wanted to note that that option would maintain the power budget)

Edited. Please do not use vulgar language. ~Master Samak
edit: Understood, sorry chief. I'll be more family-friendly in the future [sm=zorb_smilie.gif]

J9408 -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/18/2024 12:03:17)


I would add an easy to reach toggle somewhere in the UI, to switch between Regular Attacks, Adaptive Attacks & Predictive Attacks (respectively using 0 Adaptation BtH, using Adaptation BtH on your next attack and changing it depending on hit/miss, or using Adaptation BtH on your next attack without changing it after hit/miss). This change would increase the amount of interesting gameplay choices the mechanic enables. It would let you decide yourself on what -BtH level you stop on, and punish you for your own choice of letting your BtH get too low.

This sounds incredibly interesting.

Sapphire -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/18/2024 13:35:38)

Hard capping the lean ramp only serves to provide the player a target to overcome. On paper, since it's a lean change there's no valuation. With no BTH boosting present, this is a RNG mechanic in that it is dependent on the specific monster how well it performs.

If you fight a high blocking mob, the lean swap will let you hit more often and this actually results in higher average damage per turn (depends on how much more blocking) It is seeking the sweet spot, in reality. It increases accuracy to boost damage back up to average. Versus a low blocking mob, your damage will ramp up to the point where you get increased damage and eventually you'll have low enough BTH such that you begin to miss. It also seeks in that regard.

The on paper aspect of the accuracy ramp is balanced.

But players will be players and find ways to take advantage of anything. For this mechanic, if you hard cap it then players will just seek out BTH boosters to bypass the BTH loss/damage gained via damage ramping up due to BTH loss in the lean system.

One of the things that this stat revamp has done is increase the power of main stat boosting as it pertains to BTH.

The old formula intaking main-stat , dexterity, and luck resulted in such a way that using something like a +50 dex misc or shield resulted in much, much less BTH than now. Now, a +50 misc is 8 BTH. So using a misc and a shield is 16. Moonwalkers is 86/87 dex and this is 13-14 I'd guess (didnt do the math, just eyeballing based on what 50 is and 100 is)

A misc may exist that has both +50 DEX and +10 BTH, and if not, one may one day exist. That'd be 18 BTH right there. So that particular misc almost completely bridges the gap.

Regardless, BTH boosting in other ways can also occur. Defloss now seemingly isn't a meme anymore. There's still TheCold thats now more widely available, and there's other items here and there such as NYS which is also 16-17 BTH by itself for 5 turns.

These items are now Ranger items in that if a player is attempting to enhance their build, as everyone should be doing, you've now made the supposed downside that's there on paper vanish. As a result, this becomes free damage as long as the BTH boost remains.

It would need bubblewrap to prevent player abuse.

But bubblewrap was introduced. The hard cap was replaced with a soft cap, and pushing the envelope beyond the soft cap of 20 results in a penalty. This ensures that at least eventually, in 98% of the cases, you'll miss. You're supposed to miss in AQ, 15% of the time on average.

So all of these complaints to go back to a hard cap idea I don't think would be healthy for the game.

Now, I'll end with this. I don't know the ramping formula , etc. But if it were me, if at base I hit 85% of the time, and miss 15% of the time...that should mean that should provide the curves for hitting/missing.

Meaning, landing hits should increase the BTH reduction at a rate that assumes 85% hit rate, and the lean change after missing should be based on missing 15% of the time.

The result is when you miss, the rate change should be 5.66x stronger than the other way. (AssumedHitRate/AssumedMissRate=5.66x) at base.

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/18/2024 23:40:03)

Regarding Tank Beastmaster builds with 250 END/CHA/LUK

Game Engine 45.73
- New popups and battle log! Thanks 133spider!
- Melee weapon attack and spells now use STR*3/20 + LUK/40 for BTH.
- Magic weapon attack and spells now use INT*3/20 + LUK/40 for BTH.
- Ranged weapon attacks and spells now use DEX/8 for damage.
- Blocking is back at DEX/10 + LUK/20.
- Your initiative bonus is now +(LUK + STR/2 +DEX/2 + INT/2)/2.
- New: All weapon attack now gain +STR/160 stat damage.
- Players and monsters now gain +END/50 status resistance.
- Players and monsters now gain +[END/20]% incoming HP healing.

- We dropped the planned DEX bonuses to initiative and status potence. Upon reflection, they were excessive.

Would it be possible to add CHA to the initiative bonus for the sake of Tank Beastmaster builds with 250 END/CHA/LUK?
So, then if it's reasonable:
- Your initiative bonus is now +(LUK + STR/2 +DEX/2 + INT/2 + CHA/2)/2.

Stat Overhaul Details


Base Behavior Changes:
  • Pet and guest accuracy is now based on [Mainstat+CHA] instead of DEX+CHA.

  • Is there a way to improve Pet and guest accuracy since END is not as a Mainstat?
    How about another New Year's Surprise [CHA] for the sake of Tank Beastmaster builds with 250 END/CHA/LUK?

    Lorekeeper -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/19/2024 1:12:40)

    Charisma isn't being given a main stat's role in the initiative formula because it's not (And cannot be) a main stat, for the same reason that END isn't part of the formula. LUK is only there (And with a reduced ratio) due to its role as the jack of all trades stats.

    Magmamax1818 -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/19/2024 7:10:44)

    @ Sapphire
    Don't know if your post was a reply to mine but since we posted about DEX lean stuff around the same time I assume so, and want to clarify some thoughts x)

    1. I think uncapped BtH is cool as well
    Sure, it can become pretty nutty, but I think that's a good thing. I feel like many RPG players like mechanics that make you think; "Wait, can I break this?" (as long as they don't become the only viable strat).
    My problem with the implementation isn't that there isn't a cap, it's that I can't decide myself when to cap the BtH. There are a plethora of builds & situations where you'd take your standard BtH over even the theoretically capped -20BtH any day of the week.

    2. I believe uncapped -BtH is only 'busted' on paper as well
    Like I've seen some friends / discord posts get hyped over reaching bonkers Adaptation stacks, but not a lot of remarks that it has become the definitive 'meta'. I mean think about it. As you mentioned, an equip slot can easily provide ~20 BtH. So Adaptation translates that slot into around 30% extra damage. However, this is damage that
    A.) doesn't come out the turn your pump resources into it
    B.) doesn't provide further utility
    C.) has to keep slurping resources to give benefit
    For instance, if I manage to boost my accuracy to get around -80BtH, I have to upkeep at least 4 sources of BtH boosts to consistently get that damage increase. If you stop maintaining even one of those, you start missing attacks, making the damage increase not worth it.
    I think that, while viable, the BtH boost strat is too resource intensive to become the end-all-be-all strat. Sure, if you know what (long) boss you'll be fighting, it might be a very good approach. But each of the slots and turns you spend upkeeping your BtH could have been spent on immediate damage boosters or defensive statusses, with way less risk attached.

    3. Increasing the +BtH from Adaptation misses will probably get annoying.
    Losing a lot of -Adaptation stacks due to an unlucky miss would probably lead to frustrating experiences. Getting to high -BtH stacks on purpose is already resource intensive, so adding a heavily RNG-dependent factor into it doesn't seem very enjoyable. Although I agree that it could help in finding the 'BtH sweetspot' for a fight, I feel like having players decide themselves on what their BtH sweetspot is would provide much richer gameplay experiences.

    4. " You're supposed to miss in AQ "
    I don't think this statement really symbolises the state of the game. Maybe back in 'ol 2002, but players have been able to boost their accuracy to hit important attacks since like, forever right? And Warriors / Mages can still do so. This statement only applies to Rangers. It doesn't make sense that " You're supposed to miss in AQ " only concerns the supposed 'accurate' stat of the game, at least to me.

    In conclusion, I really don't think this whole Adaptation shtick can be provided Quality-of-life by just adjusting numbers. I definitely feel like it needs some degree of player control.
    As a stat mechanic, it affects all possible DEX builds currently in the game. Now, every stat provides benefits not everyone may be using. Not all warriors take FD armor, not all rangers take bows, not all mages break walls. But Adaptation is the only mechanic that actively harms strats that don't want to use it. And on top of that, while FD armors and elecomps (/utility) spells are available on every corner of the street, universal BtH boosters are less common, and usually don't provide much utility besides "don't miss lol". It just reduces DEX's build diversity, and having players decide themselves when to stop Adaptation would fully prevent this.

    = = = = =

    @ Bu Kek
    I've actually heard good things about 250 END/CHA/LUK with quadforce/mod. Flipping status effects and getting ferocious heals on a tank seems kind of nice actually. But I can't really test it.
    The obvious and unbiased answer would be to make quadforce free for everyone, compensate everyone who has one with a UR GGB, so people start hoarding all 3 weapon types and spend more money on bank space. Then full-secondarystat can be a designed-around build. But that's just my neutral take [8D] (PLEASE ARTIX I BEG YOU I STILL NEED TO FEED THE CATS)

    Sapphire -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/19/2024 7:49:08)

    One of the early phases of the stat revamp fixed the longstanding issue where when staff increased the stat cap from 200 to 250, they didn't adjust BTH assumptions. This resulted in approx 7% more BTH than players were supposed to have, on average. We went years and years with this increased BTH.

    Remember when they fixed this and they gave dex blocking for monsters, and the result was actually 12% less accuracy for players most of the time due to how old-style monster builds all mostly had dex? And all sorts of players kept crying and whining and boo hoo I am missing more often? And then staff appeased the crybabies and removed the blocking bonus?

    Do you realize my Lucky BM build who was already down 18.75% BTH due to how pets/guests were coded lost another 12? I didn't cry. I adapted, and found ways around it. I've been utilizing una poca, shieldcake, Sol Neko's 5 bth for pets/guests, and later mindbreaker shield came about. Yeah, it's resource-intensive to counter lower BTH. I know. I been doing this for years.

    So I can't really sympathize if I'm being honest. I think the players need to stop being so spoiled and entitled and understand that training a stat means losing out on another's "stuff". That builds will have different playstyles, items that cater to them, and synergies they need to enhance as well as supplement the downsides.

    So to say you don't think "You're supposed to miss in AQ" when I said "You're supposed to miss 15% of the time on average" doesn't represent the state of the game, then I would have to say maybe it's high time staff reigned back in the state of the game mindsets and ensure that implementation of ideas have enough bubblewrap such that players can't have everything they want always. I think the statement you made IMO is honestly more of an indictment on player mindset that it is for a cause to fix some perceived issue that's actually not there.

    A staff-imposed cap or a player-imposed cap simply means creating a BTH target to overcome to provide free damage. If you are saying you'd rather just use 2 items to boost instead of 4+ so you can just hardcap yourself at a lower ramp because its easier to not maintain the resources then it sounds to me like the bubblewrap soft cap and higher penalty system that was implemented did it's intended job.

    Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/19/2024 8:00:04)


    Base Behavior Changes:
  • Pet and guest accuracy is now based on [Mainstat+CHA] instead of DEX+CHA.

  • Thanks, just to be sure and fair between other builds and Tank Beastmaster builds with 250 END/CHA/LUK regarding
    improving Pet and Guest accuracy without a main stat, would it be possible to release New Year's Surprise [CHA]?

    Since there are already in the New Year Season Limited-Time Shop:
    New Year's Surprise [DEX]
    New Year's Surprise [INT]
    New Year's Surprise [STR]

    Sapphire -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/19/2024 14:14:28)

    I wanted to see if staff would do something that I personally think would be appreciated a lot by the players.

    Now that we have three clearly identifiable Archtypes, a massive issue of gear support is a glaring hole.

    A. FD warrior Lean has almost zero options.

    B. There's not many armors with ranged locks catered to rangers.

    C. There *still* isn't many options for coverage for SC lean .

    D. Some older weapons with specials may be outdated.

    So here's what I think should occur.

    1. Identify existing items that are highly likely not being used by many players, and just make minor quick changes to change the item's identity to cater to the new Archtypes . This isn't a recode from scratch.

    2. Find and change some existing FD armors that have spell based skills, that look aesthetically like a warrior armor, and alter the skill to weapon based. Choose 5 random armors.

    3. Find and change some existing FO armors that can pass for Ranger aesthetic that have a damaging skill and change them to Ranged lock weapon-based skills.

    4. Find Non premium existing FD armors with spell based skills for existing element gaps and change the lean to SC lean and change the skill to an MP costing spell.

    4B- Honestly, Ice and Wind Necro Cavalry armors elevuln skills should cost MP

    5. Identify 5 spears with a 10 or 20 proc special that could be either expanded to L150, reviewed for being up to date, or otherwise in need of minor updates

    In all instances, these can just be basic entry level stuff. You dont have to recode stuff completely or anything. Just minor alterations to fit gaps as an interim measure.

    So lets gapfill quickly. Relying on brand new code-from-scratch items will crawl along at a snail's pace and wouldn't be a great plan for gap-filling or other build specific fill-outs. Takes too long.

    Andlu -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/19/2024 14:22:28)

    I've looked far and beyond and there's barely any bth boosts for pets and guests that aren't main Stat based. I believe there's like only regal reigndragon and maybe some others I missed.

    I'd wager 2/3 on cha and 1/3 on main stat could be neat but I doubt they'd do that


    A. FD warrior Lean has almost zero options.

    I thought this was the reason behind warrior lean? it makes it so warriors on FD work like FD rangers do with bows, but instead, they use non 100 proc weapons

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