Magmamax1818 -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/18/2024 11:15:03)
By drakaths [REDACTED] please consider adding toggle options for the new DEX stuff. For a mechanic called 'Adaptation' it's ironically stranglingly inflexible. I've been playing around with it the past few days and found that while it works well in short fights, it becomes more of a detriment in longer boss fights, rather than a boon. Like it's pretty easy to hit -40BtH without trying. --> Start of a boss battle offensively with an accurate weapon, but have to play more defensively with less accurate status effect weapons around the end of the fight? Nah, ain't landing those statusses when half your attacks miss. --> Boss hits you halfway in the fight with a blind / -DEX, or boosts its MRM? Oops, your BtH boosters still leave you in the negative. --> Hitting the boss' damage cap already? Pay up accuracy regardless. --> Wanna end a fight spectacularly with a finisher? Hope you don't mind missing your hypercriticalimbuedeleboostedvulnerablizedstatboostered attack, where the 50% extra weapon damage from Adaptation doesn't outweight the entire attack missing. The options you have to counteract the BtH decrease are quite unsatisfying as well: -> Wasting slots on multiple BtH boosters and wasting resources on them for damage that gets blocked by the boss cap anyways. -> Spend resources on autohits for attacks that don't benefit from the boost, and you would've normally hit without autohit anyways. -> Being forced to spend actions to apply defloss, even though your gameplan is playing defensive and you really don't need that extra lean damage atm. -> Try to miss your attacks. But if you miss one, and you hit one, you're still heavily in negative BtH. -> Just spend 250 points on STR / INT to switch to a weapon that won't miss lol. Opens up build diversity but jarring flavour-wise. Like, I warmed up to the idea of the mechanic a lot more after testing it, actually. DEX has always been the more risk-reward focussed of the stats, and Adaptation strengthens its identity by extending that risk-reward factor to accuracy as well. It feels pretty Ranger-y too (poking and prodding your opponent until you get a read on its moves). But I think it definitely needs some degree of control. Right now the BtH decrease is more of a ticking timebomb than a deliberate choice of risk, which thematically doesn't make that much sense. I would add an easy to reach toggle somewhere in the UI, to switch between Regular Attacks, Adaptive Attacks & Predictive Attacks (respectively using 0 Adaptation BtH, using Adaptation BtH on your next attack and changing it depending on hit/miss, or using Adaptation BtH on your next attack without changing it after hit/miss). This change would increase the amount of interesting gameplay choices the mechanic enables. It would let you decide yourself on what -BtH level you stop on, and punish you for your own choice of letting your BtH get too low. Additional thoughts: This implementation could also open up the possibility of making Adaptation affect Melee and Magic attacks, without it feeling clunky. So being able to change Adaptation with Ranged attacks, then use it on your Melee and Magic ones. iirc the common consensus was that, after the 2022 overhaul, STR/DEX and INT/DEX to a lesser degree felt like unrewarding combinations. I don't know if it was the intention behind it, but I think the current revamp gives those combinations some fun new opportunities. INT/DEX can use the DEX style bonus well on tomes. STR/DEX has the synergy of being able to boost 100procs with the 10% STR boost + DEX style + no-truespecial boost, making for pretty chunky bows. Counterstrike working on blocking is nice for DEX as well. Melee and Magic weapons being able to switch to using Adaptation stack BtH would then be an additional reason to combine those stats like the good old days, as Werewolf and other older gear assumes you do. (although I agree with Sapphire that counterstrike doesn't sound as satisfying for offensive warriors. Not a warrior tho so idk [sm=frogzard.gif] , but maybe, since blocking and getting hit are mutually exclusive, change the effect of counterstrike depending on whether you get hit or not? Like blocking still gives the 2,5% melee backlash because FD DEX can use it, and getting hit gives a stacking multiplier worth 2,5% melee on your next attack, until you perform that attack? That seems like something burst warriors can use better, while not having to change power budget calculations around or having to totally overhaul the idea. Again, not a warrior, so not really my business, but I just wanted to note that that option would maintain the power budget) Edited. Please do not use vulgar language. ~Master Samak edit: Understood, sorry chief. I'll be more family-friendly in the future [sm=zorb_smilie.gif]