zekefreed777 -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/20/2024 7:46:19)
As a long term player, I coudn't believe the stat changes came around. Although some niches for FD Warriors may not exist and the dynamics may change from the bonuses, I think Warriors should be better off with the changes because they have morre durability with FD armors. Removeing the accuracy from Dex also aligns it to a more DF like stat spread which I think the game sorely needed, so I see that as an improvement as well. One of the things I noticed was implemented with Ranged was the 20 turn attack buff, and I may have an unpopular and possibly wildly hard to implement take on this, but I think a blanket buff should be given to normal mobs (not boss or semi-boss mobs) that goes into effect after 20 turns for the sake of speed. I have always held the opinion that if you are a level 150 X-Guardian with the strongest arsenal known to Lore, you should be able to get through the most basic of mobs quicker than the average boss or semi-boss as mechanically intended. I don't know if that can be tied to level and mob difficulty and if its pertinent to the stat overhaul, but I am glad that something to that effect was implemented with Rangers in mind. The CHA nerf, although offputting to some, is something I don't think will be that bad. I have a CHA secondary and I have to say that it tends to shred through mobs fairly quickly with the right combination of pets, items and spells. That may affect the other Beastmaster builds, but the core Beastmaster build is kept in check that way. Another thing to keep in mind as well is that we can't see the full picture, and if these changes accomodate for interesting things to be done with class overhauls further down the line, I think the CHA and Warrior buffs are fair, given the amount of things that can be done with advanced Warrior classes later on (Assassin, Archknight if that ever takes off, Dragonslayer for warriors and Beastmaster, Dracomancer, Ranger for CHA and other unexplored classes for both). I don't know if I am 100% on board with the LUK change given accuracy is always an issue, but if accuracy is tied to mainstat moreso than DEX, it probably is also a welcome balance if it raises the base accuracy levels (looking at you, Sneaks, Skeeters, & Ghosts). Suffice to say, I think the overhaul is a step forward overall and the change is something exciting. My thing to those worried about the CHA nerf is that the staff has consistently delivered, and Patience is ALWAYS a rewarded virtue with this game. EDIT2: I think Sapphire's idea for giving old gear new love may also help the staff get 2 birds with one stone, so I'm all for it too!