Mastermind (Eclipse of DOOM), The (Full Version)

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DemonicDarkwraith -> Mastermind (Eclipse of DOOM), The (4/16/2024 14:23:45)

The Mastermind

Location: Eclipse of DOOM -> To the War! -> The Mastermind
Requirements: Completion of The Eclipse, 100% War Meter
Release Date: April 16th, 2024

Objective: At the peak of Falconreach, right outside the Guardian Tower, a massive undead has emerged!
Objective completed: All's well that ends well?

Experience rewarded: Scaled
Gold rewarded: Scaled

(1) Skeletal Giant - Boss


Scythe of the Doomed Eclipse I


*All that remains of the undead invasion is a lone Skeletal Giant, which emerged outside of the Falconreach Guardian Tower; after defeating it, the Doom fog starts to dissipate as Zorbak calls your name from above.*

Zorbak: <Character>?!

*Scene pans above to focus on Zorbak, who is at the apex of the Guardian Tower.*

Zorbak: You're the one who's been defeating my undead army?!
<Character>: Zorbak. I should have known you were behind this!
Zorbak: Of course! Who else would be kind enough to summon an army of skeletons to defend Falconreach?
<Character>: That's right! Your ebil plan stops now—
<Character>: Wait, did you say defend?
Zorbak: You saw what happened the last time the sun went out!
Zorbak: I'm doing my duty as a *cough cough* Guardian *cough wheeze* and protecting the city!
<Character>: ...
<Character>: Then why did they attack me?!
Zorbak: Meh. Self-defense?
<Character>: And what about the glowing red eyes? And the spooky Doom fog?
Zorbak: The— what?

*Zorbak moves out from the apex of the Guardian Tower in order to regroup with you.*

Zorbak: Meh. Now what's all this about Doom?
<Character>: There was a red fog. And your undead attacked me first.

*Zorbak uses his staff to hit the dead Skeletal Giant repeatedly.*

Zorbak: Hm. Yes. That explains everything.
<Character>: It... does?
Zorbak: Yeah. With the sun blocked out, stuff got all Darkness'd. As it does.
Zorbak: The Doom that lingered around after all these years from last time, finally had a chance to pop back out.
Zorbak: ...And there just so happened to be an undead army waiting to absorb it.
Zorbak: Now that it's all been sucked up, and dissipated by heroic types like you, it won't be a problem anymore.
Zorbak: Maybe.
<Character>: And what about the eclipse?
Zorbak: Meh. I'm just a moglin. I don't have all the answers.
Zorbak: Now, I need to go take a nice long bath to wash off my good deeds.
<Character>: Next time you want to help defend the town, can you at least let someone know, first?
<Character>: People were panicking!
Zorbak: No promises. Now go away.

*Zorbak leaves you to enter the Guardian Tower again.*

<Character>: ...

*Scene pans above to the black sky with the solar eclipse, which goes away as it turns back to the sun, signified by the blue sky.*

<Character>: Huh. I guess that solved itself.

*Oblivious to your presence, Cysero appears besides you.*

Cysero: Just had to change the batteries! Should last another 20 years or so!

*You turn around to face Cysero as the sound of an audience's laugh can be heard; scene focuses on Cysero's face before it turns to black.*

  • Complete Quest

    Other information
  • Completion of this quest will unlock Doomed Eclipse Upgrade shop.

  • Page: [1]

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