=AQ= Ask Zorbak! (Full Version)

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Zorbak -> =AQ= Ask Zorbak! (9/16/2024 15:15:09)

Ask Zorbak, Mogloween Edition!

HEY, YOU. Yes, you, with the toes and small ears and obvious need for guidance from a handsome and successful necromoglin. Have you heard the good news? EbilCorp's Character Popularity Survey is complete!

The results are in, and the most popular character in AdventureQuest is...

Oh, oh ebilness gracious, it's ME! MEHEHEHE.

Effective immediately, EbilCorp will reorient its entertainment line to fulfill this untapped market. If some lorekeeper who hasn't even opened a library yet can give out interviews with cute hosts, why can't I? And as far as cute hosts go, I've got the market cornered!

Back by popular demand, Ask Zorbak is returning this Mogloween as a special quest! Submit new questions as replies to this thread, and your undying interest will be fulfilled with quality entertainment!

The subject: Me.

The host: Me!

Topics of interest: ME! Though as this is a general interest show, I suppose I can accept questions about me, the world of Lore, myself, lore, me...

And just for fun, the price of admission is that each asker should let me know what monsters (No Void or boss monsters! That kind of postage is expensive!) they would like to battle in exchange for an answer. Pick your own doom! Mehehe, I get to use that word too now.

NightofLight -> RE: =AQ= Ask Zorbak! (9/16/2024 15:38:47)

Was curious about Zards and how they evolve, was wondering if you had some fun facts and have you ever tried to make Zards in your image oh great Ebil Zorbak.

Since the question is Zard themed some Zards would be nice to fight.

Aura Knight -> RE: =AQ= Ask Zorbak! (9/16/2024 15:51:06)

Zorbak Form when? 1v1 me in the void.

We got a preview while in Death's Domain and other moglin forms exist. Why not the ebilest too?

Dardiel -> RE: =AQ= Ask Zorbak! (9/16/2024 15:52:26)

How much use do you get from the Bag O' Bones spell these days?
And speaking of a Bag of Bones, I'd love to run into a Brain Spider again if you're able to get any in the level 150 flavors (a pack could be extra fun).

Frigus -> RE: =AQ= Ask Zorbak! (9/16/2024 16:07:55)

If you were allowed to prank Nightreign, what would you do to prank him?

As for the fight, I guess fighting a Weredragon would work.

Lorekeeper -> RE: =AQ= Ask Zorbak! (9/16/2024 16:15:55)

Remember that Zorbak asked for monsters for you to fight that aren't boss or Void creatures, folks! (And since you have to fight them, that does mean no asking for encounters like the Dragonblade)

Keep the questions coming! There'll be a heads up in advance when questions close.

Jet Silver -> RE: =AQ= Ask Zorbak! (9/16/2024 17:05:27)

We know you're the best necromancer, but who is the worst? And for that matter, who is the worst paladin?

I'll fight a DoomScale.

Maxtrigon -> RE: =AQ= Ask Zorbak! (9/16/2024 17:14:52)

Question: Hey Zorbak, ever since the "Farm Incident" with Seahawk what are your thoughts on passing your skills onto another person? Were you too scarred by it or are you waiting to pass it on to your kid instead?

Monster: Would not mind another rumble with Leeroy and the Gang, they never paid back the loot they owed me.

Progseeks -> RE: =AQ= Ask Zorbak! (9/16/2024 17:56:52)

In your quest for Ebil, have you drawn any inspiration from Moglords of the past? Or better yet, have you raised any to be your undead champions?
A moglin ghost or moglin phantom might make a fun fight! As DUM always says, Moglins! Moglins everywhere!

Zork Knight -> RE: =AQ= Ask Zorbak! (9/16/2024 18:16:22)

In your honest and incomparably intelligent opinion, what is the most effective type of undead lackey? We would love an explanation of what makes it so, and even more if you could give us a demonstration of your choice's prowess.

CH4OT1C! -> RE: =AQ= Ask Zorbak! (9/16/2024 18:22:14)

How is Seahawk doing? Have you finally managed to bestow upon him your vast knowledge of the necromantic arts? Or is he still trying to chase Eukara's students away from his veggies?

As for a monster, how about Doom Cola Machine (In the event of this being too old and bad, St Elmo's Fire would be a good alternative).

Red Blood -> RE: =AQ= Ask Zorbak! (9/16/2024 19:13:27)

Could we get a general update of how your brother is doing/ getting into? In exchange let us take care of another Green Nasty before the wife finds it. ( Ideally lvl scaled)

MetalKnight -> RE: =AQ= Ask Zorbak! (9/16/2024 22:23:10)

Dear Zorbak...

How did you become very smart and made your mech suit(Assist)?

also for a monster... What about the Black Knight? (the black knight might need a redesign.)

JhyShy -> RE: =AQ= Ask Zorbak! (9/17/2024 6:21:46)

Are you a "Yes ma'am" kind of guy or are you the boss in your household?

Been a while since you've done these, wow, how many years has that been

I'd like to jump Leeroy and the gang, haven't seen them in a while

KhalJJ -> RE: =AQ= Ask Zorbak! (9/17/2024 16:31:53)

who wins, you or 1 billion lions?

For a monster, Calladus (I think a boss?) or The Seeker, but if even that is a boss, then the Angry Zug fundead lion cub!

dizzle -> RE: =AQ= Ask Zorbak! (9/17/2024 17:15:48)

How tall are ya? Be honest you little ankle biter

For the monster I’ll fight your superior, the greatest necro moglin in all of Lore - Kabroz

Telcontar Arvedui I -> RE: =AQ= Ask Zorbak! (9/19/2024 10:46:54)

What's your favourite bone? Tibia, second metatarsal, 4th rib?

I'd go for any elemental variant of Undead Wounded.

Ninjaty -> RE: =AQ= Ask Zorbak! (9/19/2024 17:57:31)

Dear Zorbak,
How humiliating and/or infuriating is it for someone of your clearly superior intellect and power, to have to take orders from us lowly heroes, when we bring you along as a pet or guest?

someone who likes to bring you along as a pet or guest.

Ps. as for which monster I would like to fight? Surely, someone as necromantically talented and powerful as yourself, wouldn't need to resort to hiding behind other monsters to defeat meekly heroes, would they? Naturally, surely even, you would have the courage and confidence to fight us yourself, instead of shaking in your tattered cape. Not that I doubt that, of course... so can we fight you? :P

battlesiege15 -> RE: =AQ= Ask Zorbak! (9/19/2024 20:35:13)

@Zorby: Who do you fear the most aside from Mu-Glen?

Admission cost: A franken carrot like the good ole days at Seahawk's Farm

Lorekeeper -> RE: =AQ= Ask Zorbak! (9/20/2024 11:36:33)

Heads up, everyone! We'll be closing questions in two days to pick a selection to put in the quest!

Thank you so much for your questions! Any that don't make it in could still feature in future content-- Oh, just a moment.

Yes, Zorbak? ...What? No, I don't have a butler. Or a maid. No, I don't have a skeleton scribe either. I don't have people to get in touch with your people, I'm sending you the questions myself. ...In an envelope. I don't have magic.

Oh. I think I made him angry. Well, I'm sure he won't take it out on you folks! Right?

decimallow -> RE: =AQ= Ask Zorbak! (9/20/2024 14:30:16)

@Zorbs. Are you and Kabroz related to Twilly in any way? Pull up your ancestral tree and let us know what you find out about yourself. Hope I did not touch a bone or two.

As for the monster I'd like to tango with: I'd go with Veegus. It could use a bit of your touch. Those eyes take away what should have been nightmare fuel but Lucretia does use them for her potions, so I am not complaining. After all, looks don't matter. Am I right, Zorbs?

kamikazi008 -> RE: =AQ= Ask Zorbak! (9/20/2024 22:04:41)

Dear Zorbak,

What are your secrets to organizing the best Mogloween parties? How much Ice Cweam and how many Candy Golems do you plan for each guest? What party favors can I include in my goodie bags? And how do you keep the Moglinsters from crashing the event?
That is, unless you're making the Moglinsters. 😒

ThySirBurp -> RE: =AQ= Ask Zorbak! (9/20/2024 23:19:14)

Your littlest lord of Ebilness,

Do Vampire Dragons exist in Darkovia? There hasn't been a rumored sighting of them since the early brutal Vampire vs. Werewolf Wars. Vampire moglins and werewolf moglins were viciously hissing at each other worse than drowned nekos.

For monster to fight against, the vampire dragon of course. If evidence of their existence can't be found, the nearly elusive pirate Gogg will do.

Magmamax1818 -> RE: =AQ= Ask Zorbak! (9/21/2024 14:51:50)

"When are you going to release your next game on www.EbilGames.com? I've been waiting for, like, 10 years now."
Monster: idk maybe a mounted enemy in honor of 'Monster Joust Madness!'? Frogzard Knight?

(Alternative question; didn't follow the latest quest releases, does the populus know already that the Hero is alive? Otherwise)
"Dear Mr. Zorbak
I heard {playername} is died
Can you necromance them? ; - ;
Monster: Hero Protestant (the knight with the anti-Player board idk what he's called)

Uskius -> RE: =AQ= Ask Zorbak! (9/21/2024 16:29:03)

Aside from zards, what are the hardest creatures to reanimate? Um, asking for a friend. >_>

Also, Something's gone missing from my terrarium. I'm looking for Something to replace it, but I've had a hard time finding it.

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