CH4OT1C! -> RE: =AQ= Frostval Season of Gifting Returns (12/4/2024 10:54:07)
With the limited changes made to the contest format from last year, I wanted to provide a few tips for any new/returning players that intend to participate: Donations are distributed per character. Having 10 characters means you have ten times the chance of receiving donations compared with a player that only has one. To be eligible to receive Z-Token donations, your character must be at least Level 25. There are community levelling guides that can help you with that. You're only eligible to receive Z-Token donations up to 24 hours after you last logged in, so make sure to log in every day. The window is even smaller for Gold. Even if you don't donate yourself, you'll still be able to purchase the Gingerbrute items that the community collectively unlocks over the duration of the contest. These will be made available with Ballyhoo after the end of the contest (you can also visit her to obtain the Heroic Titan items from last year's contest too!). The Verdant Frostval Crown will only be given out to 5 Z-Token and 5 Gold donating players daily. However, there's no lower limit to the donated amount, so long as it's >0. As such, if you want one of these miscs, make sure to donate the lowest denomination of both Gold/Tokens until you're successful. Doing this will maximise your chances of receiving one. Precedent suggests that the majority of Gold/Tokens are going to be donated during the first and last week of the contest. Being around then will maximise your chances of receiving a donation. You can transfer both Gold and Z-Tokens through your shared vault. This is useful as it allows you to concentrate the Gold/Tokens you receive on a single character for regifting. Gifting on a single character will maximise your chances of placing highly. You can transfer Z-Tokens directly, but for Gold you're going to need to buy items and move them through the vault. The most efficient way to store gold is the Gold Storage Chest in the Guardian Tower. It's the most expensive item in the game and has a much higher resell value than other items (which are also less efficient with regards to their Buy/Sell ratio). Adventurers don't have access to this item, so will be at a disadvantage. Remember: you can store multiple of the same item in your shared vault. If you intend to donate towards the end of the contest, bear in mind that you can only donate up to 100,000,000 Gold or 5000 Z-Tokens at once. You also must wait at least 20 seconds between donations, so make sure you leave enough time! Good Luck! EDIT: The Gold donation window is 8 hours, unless subsequent changes have been made.