RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (Full Version)

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ddtheshadow -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (1/27/2025 2:58:47)

Silent Wanderer Butterfly Attack Guest/Pet

Silent Wanderer Butterfly Defense Guest/Pet

Or combine both/switchable.

LUPUL LUNATIC -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (1/27/2025 10:25:22)

I dont have personal suggestions for the Cross-Over but i do like to support 3 of the items already suggested as follows :

1. kibouemon 's Infernal Underworld Sheathed Katana
2. neswii 's Risoluto
3. Corvid 's Necrotic Sword of Doom

I like the art from all these 3 weapons a lot [:)]

Doomknight Arakos -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (1/27/2025 11:08:04)

While we're at it with the recent trend of spooky demon getups, may I suggest Infernal Dark Lord?

sunblaze -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (1/27/2025 13:16:25)


Risoluto is abolutely gorgous that gets my sparkly vote [:)]

Gateless -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (1/28/2025 1:20:34)

Firstly, I'd imagine a lot of people would be elated if we could get some more commonly requested mechanical clones of FGB permarares, like we previously got for QuadForce and Jelly.

Two items in particular come to mind: Grinning Jack and Samukematsuri Oni Mask.

Grinning Jack is possibly the most frequently requested FGB Shield clone. A Wind or Ice Clone would be ideal and beneficial for all parties; short of that, an identical Energy Clone would not be bad, but would be more appreciated by the people who missed out on the original. Elements I recommend avoiding for this clone are Darkness, Light, Earth and Fire.

And a Samukematsuri Oni Mask clone can easily be themed around Legion Shogun, which is an existing seasonal Z-Token package that is effectively an eleclone of the Samukematsuri Weapon, Armor and Shield, but with no equivalent Water Misc. The Legion Shogun Armor is technically a crossover item itself too.

Another neat concept I have in mind is a Water mechanical clone of Limit Buster, which can be fittingly named Muramasa to thematically match the currently in-game Masamune. The names of these two katanas, commonly found in pop culture, are a reference to the names of two renowned historical Japanese swordsmiths. In Japanese legend, Masamune's blades are said to embody inner stillness and spiritual virtue, while Muramasa's blades are said to embody restlessness and wicked bloodlust.

"The often quoted legend about Masamune and his supposed student Muramasa having a competition over the sharpness of their swords should not go unmentioned here. The contest was for each to suspend their blades in a small creek with the cutting edge facing against the current. Muramasa's sword cut everything that passed its way; fish, leaves floating down the river. Highly impressed with his pupil's work, Masamune lowered his sword into the current and waited patiently. Not a leaf was cut, the fish swam right up to it, and the air hissed as it gently blew by the blade. After a while, Muramasa began to scoff at his master for his apparent lack of skill in the making of his sword. Smiling to himself, Masamune pulled up his sword, dried it, and sheathed it."

Masamune: His Work, his Fame and his Legacy

Lastly, I'd like to voice my support for Lich Necromantress as an Armor, Pet and/or Guest. Gwen definitely comes to mind first as one of the most loyal supporters of AQ, and if I had an AE-related OC (I have no such thing) I'd also be elated if it were added to the game. The sentiment is definitely very understandable and I think if anyone deserved that privilege, it'd be Gwen.

Rastaban -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (1/28/2025 4:00:07)

Samukematsuri Oni Mask has a permanently available clone in the form of Perion Crest.

It comes from The Scourge quest under The Last Ride from Warlic.

battlesiege15 -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (1/29/2025 17:38:21)

Elemental DragonSlayer set

Uskius -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (2/1/2025 13:27:59)

Still hoping we can get Kezeroth's Armor to go with Kezeroth's Devastation, so that's my one suggestion.

As for other's suggestions, I'll give a +1 to the Baby Dragon of Awe, Blade of the Great One, and the Risoluto.

Progseeks -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (2/9/2025 1:55:05)
I hereby cast my vote to Sterling Dragonslayer. Bring the dragonbane to the forges at once!

chaosnecro -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (2/11/2025 11:45:54)

I dunno, guys. Have you seen the AQW ShadowSnake Warrior account upgrade bonus set?

That's got some really cool art. Jury's out on what it can do, however it really is striking. That's got my vote. [:)]

Ninjaty -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (2/19/2025 23:38:34)

Oh yeah, if possible, it would also be nice to see some of the older items return again, those from back around when GGBs began (as well as some newer ones that I don't remember having seen myself). Some of these have come back previously (with the original copies receiving a Legendary tag), but even those re-released copies have left again. Here are some of the ones I am thinking of:

French Vanilla Ice Katana
Infernal Bludrut Blade
Blades of Reaping
Purifying Crescent Blade
Onyxx Wartexx
Inferno Scepter
Crimson Vengeance
Shovel of Devastation
Heatwave Spadroon
Water Drop Flail
Hawk Staff
Frozen Dragon Buster
The elemental Midnight Wish Daggers
Twilly Form
Werepyre Slayer
Lilliputian Sorcerer Army
Call/Summon Female Ninja
Chibi Dragonoid
Baby Eternal Dragon of Time
Discount Mogloween Candy Bag

Also, if at all possible, could we avoid any recolors? They tend to not look as good as the originals; especially in this case, where all the originals are based on existing items from this or other games, many of which have very iconic designs and color palettes. Or at least, if they have to be recolored, could they just be slightly darker or lighter shades of the existing colors so its not too drastic?

ming shuen -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (2/20/2025 10:44:19)

I support @Ninjaty's idea of bringing back some old items, especially

- Inferno Sceptre
- Star Sabre Slashes
- Eggsplosion
- Lilliputian Sorcerer Army
- Minotaur
- Chibi Dragonoid
- Baby Eternal Dragon of Time
- Discount Mogloween Candy Bag

Snak3ater1 -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (2/21/2025 15:12:55)

I support @Ninjaty's idea!
There is a lot of old items that would be awesome to see ingame again!

There is alot of items that i hope will come back in the future, but just seeing old items get some loving would be awesome!

CH4OT1C! -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (2/21/2025 15:18:25)

Unless I am mistaken, I believe that most of the items mentioned by @Ninjaty cannot return due to the original terms and conditions set out by those early GGBs. That wouldn't stop them from getting variants though, such as "twisted" versions.

Ninjaty -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (2/21/2025 16:00:01)

@CH4OT1C!: Another option is to simply give the originals a prefix like "Legendary". This was done with Soluna, French Vanilla Ice Katana, Pygmy Zombie Groupies, and more, all of which were also originally released during the time where GGBs were fully replaced each month. Ideally, I'd prefer not to use Twisted, specifically because the original color schemes are iconic, and thus a key component of the item, in addition to its functionality and stats.

Andlu -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (2/21/2025 16:03:03)

Pretty sure that wouldn't work now. Those are the old items that can only return with a "twisted" version, according to the staff. The art technically must remain rare too, in accordance to their rules

Ninjaty -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (2/21/2025 16:11:44)

For those edge cases, surely any level of alterations should suffice. Slightly darker or lighter shades of their existing colors, perhaps combinations of these techniques, such that they at first glance still look pretty much the same, but can be picked out in a side-by-side comparison.

Update: Agreed, it will still take some effort beyond simply adding the item IDs back into the shops. Fingers crossed that the staff agrees and eventually finds the time to bring some of these items back. :)

Andlu -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (2/21/2025 17:46:26)

Yeah, but that's still an alteration to make, so it'd require some editing, which is why it's not just easy to bring them back, might require a specific release where they can add it as a secondary thing

ming shuen -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (2/22/2025 10:21:58)

Twisted Golden Giftboxes were released in May 2021, so perhaps some of the items suggested in this thread could return as Twisted Variants in the future?

A light recolor would likely require minimal development time, making it a convenient option for a lighter release. With some players expressing positive sentiment on both the forums and discord, this could be a well-received update while also serving as a buffer period for the team as they focus on larger content releases like Quests or Class Revamps.

Yozai -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (2/28/2025 13:11:53)

Eternal Cosmic Omen with female version

Eternal Cosmic Omen Dragon

Astral DragonKnight Set custom color.

VileReptile -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (3/5/2025 21:38:42)

Coming by along to suggest axes.

WinterWild Axe

Dene's Axe

DeathEater's Pole

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