=AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (Full Version)

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kreem -> =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (1/24/2025 23:59:12)

It's tradition in February and/or other months we get items, monsters and characters from other AE games games ported to our beloved AQ and added to the GGBs. What AE property would you like to be crafted into a GGB item? Try to limit your suggestions if you have a lot of ideas.

I'll start with my suggestions:
http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/shadow-pirate dont use the armor's helmet/face

Can the thread be tagged by the staff?

Tag, I'm it. ...Wait. ~Lorekeeper

Edit, also posted below:

Hello folks! Sorry for not catching this earlier (1 AM brain derped on me), but we need to make a few clarifications.

As the OP implies, we're indeed going to have do this later in the year, we don't have time to implement this in February. We'll also have to ask for a three suggestion limit per poster.

Lastly, we're not able to import DF armors as AQ armors, only as other items such as pets or guests, because of the different perspective the games use and how differently faces work for both. We've released an armor with that perspective before, and that ancient thing led to some serious bugs loading player faces (This happens even if it's not displayed), which is why it hasn't continued to be done. ~Lorekeeper

GwenMay -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (1/25/2025 0:09:28)

I suggest Lich Necromantess from AQW, with Deadlands Necromantess Visage as either as a separate face in the shop or attached to the armor like Fall Dryad Form's face. Alternatively, Deadlands Necromantess is the same armor as Lich Necromantess but without the floating book in the offhand, if that's easier to animate/transfer. This could work well as an armor, pet, or guest - perhaps poison siphon themed?

I also support the following suggestions by other posters:

Undead Overlord Chuckles by @Andlu
WarpGuardian set by @NightofLight
Nythera guest by @Dardiel
Aegis pet/guest by @ming shuen
Halcyon Bow of Blessings by @CH4OT1C!
Baby Dragon of Awe by @Inferno369
Blade of the Fallen by @ChocolatePotato
Necrotic Sword of Doom by @Corvid

Andlu -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (1/25/2025 0:16:47)

I wanna see Undead Overlord Chuckles with its face on the armor ( here is the cape, just in case.)

The Lich Necromantess would also be a good pick.

And, last but not least, Bright Warlord of Nulgath.

This should count as 3 items suggestions, right? Hope you guys like them.

NightofLight -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (1/25/2025 0:38:56)

Had an idea to add the WarpGuardian set for Crossgame Extravaganza. Links lead to the old WarpForce Fandom Wiki

For the weapons it would be the WarpGuardian Blade and the WarpGuardian Blaster Rifle, These weapons are interesting since they are clones of the Blade of Awe but have unique animations, the blaster in particular is a 100 proc Blade of Awe which is something we currently don't have and in Warpforce these are no drops, the interesting idea I had would be to potentially add these into a no drop trade in area like Valencia but have the cost be golden giftboxes, the weapons are coded into the game already so having a way to fetch them and let aq players use them in the no drop slot could be fun.

For the Armors it would be the WarpGuardian Striker and WarpGuardian Gunner Armors. These both function the same just differ slightly in appearence, These wouldn't work as nodrops unlike the WarpGuardian weapons due to needing a rework but could probably add them as a Rare or UR. The skill these armors have is Ion Cannon which is a standard spell based skill nothing fancy. The proposed rework I had was to make Striker FO and Gunner FD, have them be the opposite element to your alligned armor so if your element is Light this would be Darkness for example and have Ion Cannon share the elementized element so would be Darkness in this example.

Finally there is the Misc the WarpGuardian Helmet, originally this was just a basic Light/Darkness Misc but could maybe do something fun similar to the armor by having its resistances be the Main elementized element and the opposite element. In the armor example from earlier it would be Light/Darkness if you set your element to Light for example funny enough.

Thats the entire Warpguardian Set although I couldn't find artwork of Warpguardian Gunner though no wiki entry for it. Hope I can convince people to vote on it these items are interesting I find and has ready made artwork already due to WarpForce.

MetalKnight -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (1/25/2025 0:50:51)

The Sterling DragonBerserker Set
Sterling DragonBerserker armor
Sterling Dragonlord MasterBlade
DragonBerserker Rage Helm(Face)

Baby Dragon of Awe
Necrotic Sword of Doom
WarpGuardian set by @NightofLight

CarrionSpike -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (1/25/2025 0:57:44)

Suggestions: (In no particular order.)

  • Skyguard Officer's Blade

  • Doomed Longsword
  • Pandora

    Edit: Narrowed down suggestions as requested.

  • Dardiel -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (1/25/2025 0:59:52)

    (Updated to be only 3 suggestions)

    Continuing my tradition that I started in 2023, my suggestions begin with the mechanical crossover of the Oversoul charge system:
    - Spend turn to gain [# of times you've used the skill this combat] charges (resetting each combat)
    - Charges are spent on skill(s), more charges = stronger skills
    - To mirror typical card game design, diminishing returns on the value of charges; eg the total charge value is ^0.75

    For the suggestions that aren't purely mechanical:

    Hunter Berserker - FO Energy armor with the Oversoul charge system and a freeze (or any elemental variant) skill; against enemies with freedom, instead of inflicting freeze it attempts a choke and elevuln. If a freeze is attempted then the charges are spent to give the player empower for the element that the freeze makes them weak to, and if choke/elevuln is attempted then the effect is guaranteed instead of using a save roll (which means the effect is missing a /0.5) and their strength scales with charges spent.

    Void Champion - FD Dark armor with the Oversoul charge system, and a skill to spend charges for a "decaying" barrier - at the end of the player's turn % of its current value (with a minimum flat loss, so 1 barrier becomes 0 and not 0.75) and at the start of the player's next turn it grants a split of BtH and bonus weapon/spell damage with a value matching the barrier lost plus turn delay bonus.

    And how could I forget Nythera?! Since she's from Dragonfable I assume she'd be a guest, in which case I suggest:
    - Call Nythera; brings out a Nythera guest whose upkeep cost is paid for by inflicting the player with a harm burn. Scales with Mainstat instead of CHA. On turns where the player attacks, she attacks with autohit eleseek between dark and harm; on turns where the player doesn't attack, she spends her turn attempting to inflict some turns of elevuln (dark+harm).

    Edit 2: I'd also like to give my +1s to:
    - MetalKnight's Sterling DragonBerserker armor above
    - Zeldax's Dark Thunder Master suggestion below

    ming shuen -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (1/25/2025 2:18:17)

    Floating Avatar of Time (M) / Floating Avatar of Time (F) - Light Spellcaster
    Undead Overlord Chuckles - Do give it a cooler name, with a skull head, and maybe have it be non-dark, for coverage purposes
    Lich Necromantress - Have it be non-dark, for coverage purposes

    Dragonfable Pets
    Envy (Correct Version)

    Bolter -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (1/25/2025 2:38:25)

    Axe of Absolute Death
    Diamondmarrow Mace
    Celtic Hunter Blade

    *Removed my fourth suggestion to limit it to only 3 as have just been mentioned.

    If we are not getting them in February, does it mean that we will get something else(lesser items and requires lesser time to develop) for the February GGBs instead? or will it just be a re-release of past Crossover GGBs again? Suggesting DF weapons are still ok right?

    KuronekoAlchemist -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (1/25/2025 3:59:02)

    Armor: The Boatman
    FO/FD toggle, Ranged/Magic blocking a little higher than Melee
    Dual element, Water/Darkness. Secondary Wind/Fire. Weakness Light/Energy
    Once per battle if the player dies they get revived with 50% HP (65% with Elemental Dias shield equipped).
    Skill: Powerword Mostly Die
    5 hit pure damage skill, uses weapon attack type, seeks between Water and Darkness, costs 100HP, same animation as Powerword Die.

    Shield: Elemental Dias
    When the player gets hit the monster takes element seeking damage to its SP. The more hits that connect the more damage.
    Without The Boatman armor: All elements -15%, MRM 10/10/10
    With The Boatman armor: Seeks or toggles between Water and Darkness -26%, MRM 12/14/14

    Zeldax -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (1/25/2025 9:31:53)

    Dark Thunder Master
    Snowshade Raven
    Tundra Wolf Reveiller (from the same set as Frostfang Dormius which we got last year. Could use the animations of unmounted Warwolf Armor)

    I know the post says to limit suggestions to 3 but I also want to mention DracoGrenwog Slayer, but since it's a Grenwog-themed armor, it could also just come from a future Grenwog event quest.

    +1 to the following:
  • @Dardiel's Void Champion
  • @MetalKnight's Sterling DragonBerserker (and maybe even its Hollowborn version)
  • @Chaotic's Conquest
  • @ChocolatePotato's 3 suggestions
  • @JhyShy's Arcane Cryptkeeper and Chaos Slayer Mystic
  • @Neswii's Magus' Sun Hunter Bow

  • KhalJJ -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (1/25/2025 11:33:04)

    All from DF:

    - Transcendence
    - Blades of the Great One - any style great (gold, vind, or rose), but I like the Vind style so have linked it. Vind = Rose > Gold
    - +1 to other's Necrotic Sword of Doom suggestion!

    - I think any mix/match from Black Shuck, Hidebehind, or Tizheruk could make for any of a spell/pet/guest, with fear vibes.

    - Kathool Adept, chariot or abyssal versions possibly preferred? SC, fear ish?
    - Fallen Necromancer
    - Pyromancer, (helion preferred)
    - Ascendant Escelense
    - Ascended Chickencow
    - Also feel like Chaosweaver possibly has been recommended before? But putting here, specifically the Unravelled version for cool art.

    Thanks LK for some clarification/ground rules, have edited to reflect that

    Lorekeeper -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (1/25/2025 12:53:59)

    Hello folks! Sorry for not catching this earlier (1 AM brain derped on me), but we need to make a few clarifications.

    As the OP implies, we're indeed going to have do this later in the year, we don't have time to implement this in February. We'll also have to ask for a three suggestion limit per poster.

    Lastly, we're not able to import DF armors as AQ armors, only as other items such as pets or guests, because of the different perspective the games use and how differently faces work for both. We've released an armor with that perspective before, and that ancient thing led to some serious bugs loading player faces (This happens even if it's not displayed), which is why it hasn't continued to be done.

    Kaizoku -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (1/25/2025 13:49:27)

    I got most of my favorites previous years (Pridelord, Linus, Shadowreaper) but just something more:

    Cursed Guitar of Skull Punch Island

    Ghost's Blade of Spooky Hotness

    Atgasedd Doll Not so much for the appearance as for the effects, I think a CHA status pet like this could be cool.

    Rastaban -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (1/25/2025 16:55:40)

    Undead Lord Chuckles' Staff Companion

    CH4OT1C! -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (1/25/2025 17:39:30)

  • Halcyon Bow of Blessings - My personal desire would be for a spellcasting bow ( for example) but all bows are good bows!
  • Dark Snowangel Bow - I could very easily see this being a useful compression option. Dark Snowangel could fit Darkness (no clues for guessing why), Ice (Snow), and Wind (Wings).

  • Conquest - We have too few centaur-themed armours and this is a very pretty one!

    +1 to:
  • @ChocolatePotato's Leonine Regalia
  • @JhyShy's Arcane Cryptkeeper
  • @JhyShy's Chaos Slayer Mystic
  • @KhalJJ's Black Shuck
  • @Maxtrigon's Runes of Time
  • @neswii's Magus' Sun Hunter Bow
  • @neswii's Risoluto
  • @Zeldax's Dark Thunder Master

  • Inferno369 -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (1/25/2025 18:03:10)

    Dragon Tongue Bow - could be a water bow, poison or disease maybe.

    DoomDragon Mount - Doom

    Baby Dragon Of Awe - based on our game's BOA, could be aligned with our BOA / Guardian element

    The Shadowmaster -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (1/25/2025 21:31:53)

    Lament Epoch from DF (The Hatsune Miku parody) lust/Envy clone or ele booster..The female version
    Lot of game getting Hatsune Miku, we should tooXD

    ChocolatePotato -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (1/25/2025 23:23:35)

    Dark Dragon of Time
    Leonine Regalia

    Blade of the Fallen

    +1 to Chaotic's suggest of Conquest and Dark Snowangel Bow
    +1 to Zeldax's DracoGrenwog Slayer as well!

    +1 to JhyShy's suggetions

    Corvid -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (1/25/2025 23:33:46)

    Necrotic Sword of Doom

    SkullStaff of Doom

    Twin Blades of Doom

    Darkness melee, magic and ranged weapons (melee sword, magic staff, ranged twin blades- 100 proc).

    In terms of effects, my suggestion for twin blades would be to toggle to apply perma darkness poison. Skullstaff would apply perma dark poison on casting dark spells. Fits with the original effect of the weapon’s doom DOT. Necrotic sword can do the same thing as twin blades, or alternatively have a clickable high hitcount darkness skill that applies a perma dark poison (similar to the original weapon having a powerful 12 hit specia).

    Maxtrigon -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (1/25/2025 23:53:04)

    I would like to make my three suggestions

    Weapon - I know I'm kinda cheating a little bit but I think the Dragon of Time Cleaver/Wing blade/Runes would make a great 3 in 1 weapon

    Armor - The Dragon of Time Armor/Class from AQW I think would be pretty neat.

    That's all, I'm looking forward to what gets put in the crossover GGBS this year!

    neswii -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (1/26/2025 0:03:10)

    Prime Blade of Awe
    Magus' Sun Hunter Bow

    +1 to:
    @Chaotic's Halcyon Bow of Blessings
    @Chaotic's Conquest
    @Gwen's Necromantress
    @ChocolatePotato's Dark Dragon of Time
    @ChocolatePotato's Blade of the Fallen
    @Inferno369's Baby Dragon of Awe
    @NightofLight's WarpGuardian set
    @JhyShy's Chaos Slayer Mystic

    Ninjaty -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (1/26/2025 0:41:19)

    Blade of Chaos - Transforming into Chaos Champion Drakath. In AQW where he originally hails from, he was an unrivaled offensive beast for a long time, and the effects of his Chaos magic were pretty much unblockable. To this end, I suggest a toggle that allows the armor's attacks to become unmissable, in exchange for each hit using a random element. Or, alternatively, allow each hit to inflict random conditions on both player and monster.

    Necrotic Blade of Doom, the weapon of Sepulchure. Could be a Darkness weapon that attempts to inflict Darkness Vulnerability on hit to showcase the Doomlord's might, or perhaps have a built-in Summon for Fluffy the Dracolich.

    Since they just got a new variant of this classic in AQW, how about we finally get the original Legacy of Nulgath armor. I have no clue what this could possibly do, but it would be very cool to have in the game, as one complete armor.

    kibouemon -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (1/26/2025 2:50:10)

    Yami no Ronin
    Oni Hatamoto
    Infernal underworld sheathed katana or any other sheathed katana, possibly 100 proc or with click skill where you unsheathe it.
    I just want more samurai stuff

    JhyShy -> RE: =AQ= Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (1/26/2025 3:11:39)

    Undead Lord Chuckles' Staff From AQW (Spellbooster)

    Arcane Cryptkeeper from AQW (Spellcaster armor)
    Chaos Slayer Mystic (Spellcaster armor)

    +1 to:
    @Chaotic's Halcyon Bow of Blessings ( Even made my own suggestion for it)
    @Chaotic's Conquest set
    @Gwen's Lich Necromantress Set
    @NightofLight's WarpGuardian set
    @ChocolatePotato's Blade of the Fallen
    @KuronekoAlchemist's Elemental Dias
    @MetalKnight's Baby Dragon of AWE
    @Dardiel's Void Champion
    @neswii's all 3 suggestions

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