By Threads of Moonlight (DF | OOC) (Full Version)

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Citrion -> By Threads of Moonlight (DF | OOC) (2/12/2025 14:45:51)

By Threads of Moonlight

The Rose. Even just a year ago, saying those two words made people look at you out of the corners of their eyes, a hand close to their weapon in suspicion. I suppose that's understandable. There were very few places in Greenguard where they didn't have influence on par with that of a monarch. Even Atrea wasn't safe from their prying eyes. And yet, now they are widely seen as a reliable sort of policing force. I have to hand it to Queen Victoria. Many people would have seen Jaania's disappearance as a No-Win situation. And yet, she's managed to pull peace out of the jaws of what would have been chaos. The Rose no longer act with impunity. They are held culpable for their actions under the authority of the crown. Not to say that they were dissolved entirely. From what I've been hearing now that I've returned to Greenguard, I certainly seemed to have lucked out. Edelia was so far removed from their sphere of influence that I have no real context for what it was like living under them. I showed my capacity for Weaving not long after we settled here. After our home was destroyed. Sometimes it's difficult to believe that our people arrived on this planet nearly a decade ago. Empress willing, we won't have to make another pilgrimage like that again within my lifetime. But, I digress. I've spent too long in Azaveyr. That was the whole reason for returning to the Land of Dragons. The sun will be going down soon, and I will be able to continue my travels back towards my old home. With any luck, I might even stumble across a companion or two. Until the sun rises again. - From the Diary of Naz'anin Khosra'vi, The Moonlit Weaver.

This story takes place in the world of Lore as established in Dragonfable. This topic is to be localized within the Land of Dragons, specifically the Kingdom of Greenguard. It has been a full year since Jaania, Warlic, and Xan disappeared at the end of Book 3. In that time, the Rose has been reshaped and somewhat rehabilitated in the eyes of the public, acting as an additional resource to most guard regiments among the cities of the Kingdom, rather than an untouchable force of oppression and change they now serve to defend against misuses of magic. As a sort of introductory for the character I will be using, this topic will not be pursuing an extremely strictly defined plotline. However, I would prefer for there to be as little actual combat as possible.

Thread Location:

This thread will start at nighttime opening in the lobby of The Shears, an inn nestled at the edge of the eponymous Greenguard region of the Kingdom, moving outwards into the forest surrounding the Inn as Naz'anin intends to continue making her way towards The Sandsea. Those who wish to participate in this should at least hopefully be willing to follow. With any luck, we can actually chronicle an entire journey across the kingdom. The real goal here is character interaction, rather than making any particularly large or grandiose plans. Speaking of character interaction, Bios. I won't be a stickler for it. Bios can follow the more or less standard format you'll find many users--myself included--following in Yulgar's Inn. I myself will be using the very character I have posted in the Inn, though for the sake of clarity I will be including that Bio at the end of this post.

Post Requirements: None. I'm very bad at posting on a strict time limit myself, so I won't hold anyone to a standard I myself cannot meet. However, because I am not requiring a timer, I am adding a separate limiter.

Open Slots: 3/3

This thread will only be open for a total of 4 people, myself included. This means that if we need to skip someone, it won't have disastrous consequences for the topic at large. I do insist that any participants in this topic at least have the courtesy to ask the person in question if they are fine with being skipped for the post round, however.

All in all, that's everything. Nothing super crazy, just a good casual intro topic.

My Bio:

"It's going to be dawn soon. I know you're excited to make it back to Atrea, but even you have to rest every now and then, Naz."

The figure speaking lit up the night around them like a walking fragment of the very moon that was beginning to descend from the sky, the horizon gaining the beginning strokes of purple and pink that marked the start of sunrise. Anyone could pin this creature for what it was. An elemental spirit. As for the person it was speaking to? That was a bit harder. Her figure was mostly hidden under the heavy cloth of a cloak that she had pulled the hood up on. The only hint as to what she was came when one looked down, spying cloven feet. An Atealan. Interesting. Standing next to each other, the duo made it very clear what she was. A soulweaver. That particular art wasn't usually practiced by her people. There must be some story there. Regardless, she clicked her tongue.

"For a supposed spirit of Balance, you certainly seem to enjoy pushing more than pulling." She mumbled as the spirit she had partnered with chuckled, vanishing into the night as she walked through the doors of the Inn, the light of torches and candles lighting up her features.

Name(s): Naz'anin Khosra'vi | Argentum
Title(s): The Moonlight Weaver | The Elemental Spirit of Balance
Age(s): 22 | Unknown

Appearance(s): The young woman known as Naz'anin is often considered by the native races of lore to be fairly beautiful, a sentiment typically agreed upon by other Atealans. Possessed of a notably athletic figure as well as standing about a head taller than most men even, she has been known to cut an imposing figure, especially given the nearly glowing neon blue of her eyes. The fact that her facial features are also rather sharp and severe hasn't been particularly..helpful in that regard. Like the other members of her race, her skin is a deep, dark color. Hers in particular leans more towards the darker purples that are somewhat uncommon amongst the Atealan, contrasting nicely with the sea-foam green that has settled into her long, carefully braided hair. In terms of attire, she seems to be of the more practical mind. The only piece of armor underneath her clothing that would mark her as a full fledged weaver are the very gauntlets on her hands, styled in a mix of Atealan and Edelian aesthetics. Her spiritlooms bring to mind not only the legacy of weaving that she has come to carry, but that of the legacy she left behind as a prospective Ascendant. The rest of her attire trends towards comfort, with armor being sparse, put on only the most important parts of the body. Previously, her choice in color exclusively leaned towards that which was dark and dull. However, she has now taken to embellishing her outfits with splashes of color here and there, typically by adding metal or patches as needed. This attire is hidden during the day, buried under a thick cloak that fades from a deep black into a brilliant white. Her belongings? Stuffed in a pack that she has fashioned to function in the style of a messenger bag.

Argentum is an..interesting sort, as Elemental Spirits go. Elemental Spirits tend to take on a similar appearance to that they had in life, and Argentum is no exception. However, their appearance is more...ambiguous than many would be comfortable with. A fact that seems to greatly entertain the spirit. As a spirit aligned with elemental silver this is the primary color of their body, which is built to be rather slim. Standing at a head shorter than their Weaver ally, Argentum is the more approachable looking of the pair, standing at close to the midpoint of the average height of both men and women. A fact that has only served to further enshroud the concept of their original gender. In possession of softer, less severe facial features Argentum cuts a rather stark contrast to their soulally. And yet the pair trust each other implicitly, working together as closely as any bonded pair of weaver and spirit.

Equipment: Spiritlooms, Belt of Elemental Gems (Used for on the fly swapping of Spiritloom Elements), Change of Clothes, Cloak, Potions, Wand (Forged in Atealan style, for use of magic outside of Weaving).


Soulweaving: As a fairly recent graduate of Edelia, Naz'anin is considered a full fledged soulweaver, well on her way to proper mastery of the art. As such she is capable of many great feats via the manipulation of soulthreads. This enables quite a few interesting applications of magic, especially when combined with her teachings from a previous life.

Atealan Magic: Before becoming a Soulweaver, Naz'anin was in training to become an Ascendant. This means she is well versed in elemental magic as well as several rituals more particular to her people.

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