Guardian Dragon family (Full Version)

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Jergal -> Guardian Dragon family (9/1/2005 13:23:05)

Guardian Dragon family

Also see UltraGuardian Dragon family.

The Guardian Dragon can be summoned through the special attacks of the following weapons:
  • Guardian no-drop weapons ( Guardian Blade, Guardian Dagger, Guardian Spear, Guardian Staff)
  • Weapons of Awe
  • Dragonhand weapons ( «Normal», Z)
  • Dragonclaw

    Note: Both Guardian Dragon and Guardian Dragon Jr. count as "Other" and are not affected by any damage enhancing items like IronThorn or Sword Master Emblem.

    Guardian Dragon
    Hits: 1
    Type: Magic
    Element: Harm
    Damage: [17 + ([Your Level] - [MonLvl])/2]% of the monster's max HP
    BTH: «Hits automatically»
    Rate: 90%

    In addition, there is a minimum amount of damage the Guardian Dragon can deal:
      The minimum is equal to one expected Melee attack, with a lean of 0. An expected Melee attack is:


      numPlayerBase = (5.25 + 0.5625*PowLvl + 0.00375*PowLvl*PowLvl) / 2;
      numPlayerRand = (5.25 + 0.5625*PowLvl + 0.00375*PowLvl*PowLvl);
      intExpectedSTR* = 2.1462*PowLvl + 10.399
      intExpectedLUK* = 0.7123*PowLvl - 19.111 (if PowLvl < 90) or 5*PowLvl - 400
      numPlayerStat = (200 + 13.2*PowLvl)/200 * (intExpectedSTR/8 + intExpectedLUK*3/80);
      numPlayerAvgDamage = numPlayerBase +numPlayerRand/2 + numPlayerStat/2;

      Base = numPlayerAvgDamage*LEAN
      Rand = numPlayerAvgDamage*(1-LEAN)*2
      Stat = 0%

      *Min 10; max 200; rounded to the nearest 5
      *Min 0; max 200; rounded to the nearest 5

      Where PowLvl is the Power Level of the weapon that summoned the Guardian Dragon. See appendix for numbers.
    Old Image

    Guardian Dragon Jr.
    Hits: 1
    Type: Magic
    Element: «Monster's base element»
    Damage: [17 + ([Your Level] - [MonLvl])/2]% of the monster's current HP
    BTH: «Hits automatically»
    Rate: 10%

    If the monster's resistance to its base element is less then 50%, Jr. will get Daddy who will then do the normal Guardian Dragon attack.

    Old Image, Older Image

    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Additional thanks to afterlifex and AliceShiki.


    Guardian Dragon
    PowLvl	0	5	10	15	20	25	30	35	40	45	50	55	60	65	70	75
    Min	6	10	14	20	26	32	39	47	56	65	76	87	98	110	122	136
    PowLvl	80	85	90	95	100	105	110	115	120	125	130	135	140	145	150
    Min	150	166	180	194	208	223	239	255	272	284	297	311	324	337	351


    As Guardian Dragon enters the battle, it can say any of the following comments:

  • "Prepare thyself for oblivion... nothing can resist my attack!"
  • "Do you guys always have to summon me when I am using the restroom?!"
  • "You have summoned the dragon, but in Soviet Russia, the dragon summons you!"
  • "You summoned me, Master? Ah... Feel my wrath, foul fiend!"
  • "As you command, Master, I shall unleash my power upon thy enemy!"
  • "Hmph... another monster already? As you command, Master."
  • "Mmmmmm... this will make a tasty snack! *Roars*"
  • "If not for me, do you know how many more favors Death would have?"
  • "I refuse to attack one more time. The Dragon Union contract section 40,000 specifically forbids... Oh, what the heck!"
  • "Look, you call me, I burn it. Do you need a witty punchline every time?"
  • "Hrmph.... this opponent is too easy for you, Master. Allow me!"
  • "Burninate!!!! (Do not sue us please...)"
  • "Sorry I am late... I was talking to the Knights of Order about reducing my summon rate."
  • "<Insert witty catchphrase here.>"
  • "Don't blame me, the people on the forums and in the chatroom wrote my lines!"
  • "Gotta make this fast, I've got a Trobble in the oven!"
  • "Kame...... hame................. haaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"
  • "Another summon, Master? Very well, but quickly. I've got a date with Serlissa!"
  • "Master, this foe is unworthy... allow me to vanquish it!"
  • "Geez, again? Haven't you ever heard of spells?"
  • "My apologies for being late Master, the server's lagging up again."
  • "I came to kick arse and chew bubble gum... and I'm all out of bubble gum!"
  • "I scratch your back, you scratch mine. No, seriously, there's a spot right between my shoulders that really itches!"
  • "I wish I could pay some money, wave a small stick around, and summon YOU whenever I wanted!"
  • "Foul creature... prepare thyself for the wrath of the Guardian Dragon!"
  • "You summoned me for... a [Monster name]!?"
  • "Kill it with fire!"
  • "I'mma chargin' mah fire breath!"
  • "Say hello to my little friend!"
  • "*yawn* I just woke up from a nap. Now smell my morning breath!"
  • "You just remember who needs who in this relationship."
  • "I never got a gift from you last Frostval. Want to explain that one?"
  • "You know, I wanted to be a poet. Crush my dreams, why don't you?"
  • "Burn, baby, burn!"
  • "You know, before you Guardians started summoning me, I used to have a social life."
  • "Need a light?"
  • "Ready to meet the Reaper?"
  • "What a coincidence, I just bought a new cookbook: 'How to Serve [Monster name].'"
  • "RAWR. There, I said it."
  • "Okay! I'll burn the darn monster! But I am NOT going to give you a witty punchline!"
  • "If I had a gold piece for every time I was summoned, I could retire and let Junior take over."
  • "I could quit this job. My agent says Peter Jackson wants me to play Smaug."
  • "And as an added twist, I'm really just 12 frogzards in a dragon suit!"
  • "You are like a second son to me. Every time you screw up, I have to clean up your mess."
  • "We don't need no water let the [Monster name] burn! Burn [Monster name], burn!"
  • "You may get the rewards, but I'm the one who gets the girls."
  • "My breath goes to eleven. That's hotter than ten."
  • "Next time, could you summon me to fight something that bathes occasionally?"
  • "Do not meddle in the affairs of the Guardian Dragon. I'm running out of ketchup!"
  • "You could at least buy me dinner first. I feel so used."
  • "I love the smell of dragonbreath in the morning. Smells like...victory."
  • "My name is Guardian Dragon. You provoked this Guardian into summoning me. Prepare to die."
  • "Give a monster a match and it'll be warm for a minute. Set it on fire, and it'll be warm for the rest of its life."
  • "Let's make this quick. It's almost time for Mogbusters!"
  • "D-do you re-realize t-t-the amount o-of c-c-coffee potions I g-gotta drink to k-keep up with all t-the summons?"
  • "For fiery death, touch rune 1."
  • "Why do I always have to have the humorous catch phrases? Why can't YOU say something once in a while?"
  • "I need to teach YOU to do this so you won't have to summon me."
  • "MOO!! Erm... I mean, RAWR!! Yeah, that's the one..."
  • "It is inevitable, Mr. [Monster name]!"
  • "Ugh, I shouldn't have eaten that Firezard con carne"

    Likewise, Guardian Dragon Jr. can say any of the following comments:

  • "Shhh... my Dad doesn't know I am out here!"
  • "Oooh, ooh, oooh, I want to help!"
  • "Stand back and watch my super special attack!"
  • "I am so dead if my Father finds out about this!"
  • "Taste luke-warm justice!"
  • "Hissatsu....wazza!"
  • "If I had hands I'd Dragon punch you!"
  • "One day I'll be as big and strong as my dad, and you'll summon me instead of him!"
  • "Hmph. Take this, you big meanie!"
  • "I'm glad Lore doesn't have any child labor laws!"
  • "Dad's helping some other Guardian right now, so I snuck out!"
  • "Dad said if I eat enough monsters I'll grow up big and strong like him!"
  • "I got a 'needs improvement' on my last report card. They said I didn't work well with others, just because I burned a few monsters. Take you for example..."
      After his attack, if the monster's resistance to its base element is 50% or higher:

    • "Booooooooyaaaaa!"
    • "Did you see that?! Did you see that?!"
    • ""Wooooooohooooooo!"
    • "Awwwwww yeah!"
    • "Toasty!!!"
    • "Shishkabob!"
    • "Take that!"
    • "Boom! Headshot!"
    • "Who's the man? Oh yeah. I AM the man."
    • "*sticks tongue out* Ppppppbbbbbbbbhhhhhhhhhtttttttt!"

      After his attack, if the monster's resistance to its base element is less than 50%:

    • "Uh oh... I'd better get my Dad!"
    • "Let's keep this between you and me... I'll get Dad!"
    • "Oh no, I am SO getting grounded..."
    • "I am SO dead if my Father finds out about this!"
    • "Erm... um... it wasn't me, it wasn't me!"
    • "Whoops... no one saw me do it, you can't prove anything!"
    • "Well... uh... that was just a practice round! Dad!"

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