RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (Full Version)

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the reincarnation -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/19/2005 10:10:32)

alrighty, lets get this show on the road

favourite song by queen?
Bohemian Rhapsody, baby.
how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
42.5 lbs.
puppys or squirrels?
Puppies, for the sheer reference of Nintendogs.
inflatable cat or deflatable dog?
Hot dog.
are you special like me?
Eh, sure.
am I special?
Hoo yeah.
me, or orange?
Blue, personally.
do you like watching things burn as much as I do?
Not really.
well, thats all for now, so, by mr. gangsta!!

etalihinna -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/19/2005 10:24:05)

Seen you around, what's up?
Eh, the usual. Work.. hurts. Ouchies.
Best. Comic. Ever. That and VGcats.. and PA.. and..
Worst injury.
As said, the nerd physique prohibits sunlight.. although I got a stapler in my finger once.
And finally, what'cha think of Xmission's most famous hosted chap?*
Alas, lacking in the knowing.

*if you don't know what I mean, heh...nevermind.

Dadric Daeglos -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/19/2005 10:44:53)

z0mg! Wasted!
zOMGS, Dadrs!
Who's your favorite blues artist?
Hehehhe.. Albert King, right now although the list changes daily, at minimum.
Are you jealous of my having seen The Allman Brothers this weekend?
Totally. ;_;
Why is the Gentlemen's Club so cool?
Because we've got cool out the wazoo there. Enough chuzpah to power a small town.
What's your favorite green vegetable?
Broccoli.. Mmm.. broccoli.
Does Noah NOT look good in red?
Quite s3xy, if I may say so mahself.
Why do we have such superior taste in music?
I blame it on our superior chutzpah.
Catch you later ;)


kuncklesfire13 -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/19/2005 11:12:41)

is there any possiblity that i can become a GGD AK??
Eh, it depends on tons of things... Maybe, maybe not. It all depends, but I'd say put your time towards better uses.. like homework? *shrug* I got nothing.

Crystal Lion -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/19/2005 11:24:16)

Do you like lions?
More of a tiger person, really.
Are you Chinese?
Actually, yeah.
Are you allergic to prawns?
Naw.. good stuff. Mmm.. prawn.
Do you play piano?
Nope. Guiitaaar.
I hate weddings!Huargh!

Legasee -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/19/2005 11:33:41)

You know me, right?
Yeah, seen you around here and there.
What's your opinion on the forums?
Ok, but.. please use the shift key.. please? ;_;
Do you like Chicken?...Drakes Coffee Cakes? I love'em :P
Hoo yeah.
Do you like things that scare you? If so, give me your email address lol >.>
Not really; I'm a ponze.
Who are your best friends here?
Everyone. =)
What motivated you to come up with your obscure name?
My distaste of anime references, use of leet and the term 'dragon' and/or 'dark' in a name.
Favourite Film? You must see 40 Year Old Virgin XD It's a MUST
Steve Carell's mah hero.
...Well, I'll see ya around. Bye ^^

slowde -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/19/2005 11:38:06)

I just going to ask a few ultimate questions.

Windows, Linux or Mac?
Windows, unfortunately. :( Mac rocks mah socks though, used one this summer. Shiny too. :O
Should I reveal that all the pie is really gone?
Not really; they'll be waiting for that.

What is the meaning of life if you live in a coloney of Guava fruit growing pigmies?
To eat delicious guava all day.

Clone of Bob -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/19/2005 12:30:44)

what is the gentlemens club?
A club with gentlemen, obviously.
why am i here, why are you here, why are we all here?
Because. Just because.
how long you been an archknight?
About a month now.
.. You don't say.
and on that note SWEET MOTHER OF MIKE
To be honest, Mike's mom is kind of a jerk.

Evant3h1337 -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/19/2005 15:03:11)

*Snuggles thewastedmile*
HI [:D]
Do you like squirrels?
Is this a random question?
Can I have a muffin?
Sure! *muffins*
Err.. yeah? Eh.
What happened to the accomplishments thread?
Tis on break; it's in Cincinatti right now, visiting folks.
Wallo,Ancient,or Sarah?
D) All of the above *glomp*
Chipmunks or Ferrets?
Buh bye now [:)]

the reincarnation -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/19/2005 16:56:25)

in response to my earler post, bohemeian rapsody for me too.

canada, or the denver broncos?
Canada, definately.
me or ironic retrobution?
The latter.
paper, or email?
Email, baby.
existance, or squirels?
Existance. Squirrels come with it too.
alexander gram bell, or tom clancy?
Clancy, cause he's got games.
roald doll, or jk rowling?
smbdoll, or reens?
Both definately! *huggles*
thats all for now homey

Pae -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/19/2005 17:01:10)

I be the Paerate... rawr...
Augh! I ph33r teh pae
How's insanity been?
Tis groovy; specially with OWA as mah roomie
How've you been?
How've I been?
Am I here?
*checks* You're actually in the closet.
Hoo yeah.


Lovely little reverse pyramid, hope you like it. Have fun with this :P . Final note, green is better. ;)
Bah! Blue > Green!

Josh -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/19/2005 17:16:21)

ok...this is going to be the toughest question in the history of mankind...ebil snigger. *ahem.*
If a giant polar bear came running at you, when you had just crashlanded on a tropical island with a murderer, pregnant woman, a not very nice person with a gun and a spooky bald guy, what would you do?
Well.. to be honest, I"d have no idea. There's really no way I can respond to that without it being horribly awkward.
Q2. Twig: Annoying, cute, or suffering from some kind of mental disease
Snuggable, by far.
Q3: Have you seen the monty pyton dead parrot scene, if so what were your thoughts on it.
John Cleese > You

The Extinguisher -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/19/2005 17:18:35)

Hey! It's Me, The <insert latest title, elemental alignment or catchy title here> Ph34r Me! (I haven't checked lately, but I think I'm now a undead were-pyre who uses fire as his main weapon...but I'm not so sure)

Now, in Meet the <insert title here> tradition, I shall pester you with stupid questions that have no point at all other than to feed my insane self interest. Are you scared???

Lets Begin!!

Favorite Color?
Neon grey
Favorite Food?
Hot dogs.. Mm.. hot dogs.
Favorite Non-Citrus Fruit?
Favorite Type of Music?
Blues & Jazz
Favorite Band?
Band Of Gypsies
Favorite Song?
Killing Floor- Howlin Wolf

*For the Next part, it is which is your favorite*

Purple or Tuna Fish?
"Final Fantasy Sephiroth" or "Kingdom Hearts Sephiroth"?
FF- He didn't have a guy from N'Sync voicing him. How depressing.
Red or White?
Moogles or Demons?
Golden Set or Nightmare Set?
Snuggle or Huggle?
Vampires or Werewolves? What about Were-pyres? Vamp-wolfs?
Werewolves.. far cooler

This Next Part requires you to have a sense of humor that would make even the most hilarious person whimper in Ph34r *Laughs manically* If you do not, I suggest you skip it.

Hello, again.
13 or B?
Vampragon Rider?
Defrosted Snow?
I concur!
Tootsie Mcgee
cos (45) = ©
Cn u Spll?
-->Keyboard Arrows?<--
Trading Cards?
AQ Trading Cards?
Bah! x2
That'd be cool though.
AQ Movies?
Sure, as long as they don't get Uwe Boll on it.
Dairy Queen?
Peanut butter & chocolate, personally.
Dragon Slaying?
Dragon counseling.
Vampire Slaying?
Were-wolf Slaying?
I'm in concuring.
Were-pyre Slaying?
Daah!! Too many questions! I'll finish the rest of you lot later.. *fist*
Zard Slaying?

Axel Slaying?


This Section is finished, I hope I didn't break you brain.

If I didn't, this Might.


That had to do it ^_^

We now continue with our regularly scheduled questioning (of your brains not broken)

If you could teach any AQ class, what would it be?

Zero-Hex: Traitor or Visionary?

Sephiroth: Wussy or not?

Favorite Final Fantasy?

Favorite RPG (other than AQ)?

Dehydrated Water: A good Invention?

Meat Vision: A Good Super Power?

My Chemical Romance: Are they a Good Band?

Have you met my evil clone, Lexa?

Favorite Number?

Why <insert your name here>?

Favorite in Game Class?

Favorite Type of Weapon?

Favorite Weapon?

Do you Like Chocobos?

Do you Like Me?

Ever Talk to Your self?

Ever PM yourself? (I did once; I sent myself a love letter)

Do you think I'm Crazy?

Have I annoyed you yet?

Do you like my sig?

I'm done...for now *evil maniacal laughter*

SiLvErWiNg -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/19/2005 17:23:18)

hey! look what i found :D *ebil grin* oh yeah...that above post is just cruel :P
Tis quite cruel. :( Can't even finish it. :O are you?
Chillin with Miles Davis in the background.. good times. =D
what class would you want to be in charge of?
Art class; that'd be fun.
raspberry or peach? or both?
Both.. Mmm.. fruit.
snuggles or huggles?
Both! *huggle/snuggles Silver*
I concur, totally.
and...i'm off. *byesnuggles*

Megadude57 -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/19/2005 18:02:10)

are you really wasted?[>:]
As of this moment, sedated on antibiotics.. Flu season. xP

What's your favorite food?[8D]
Sashimi or for our less culinarily diverse patrons, raw fish. Mmm.. fish.

Who's your favorite character?(from any game)[>:]
Probably Jack Cryer from Far Cry, for the sheer fact that his lines are godawful.

Do you have any goals in life?[8|]
I'm more of a 'in the moment' guy, so take it day by day.

Why is the answer to everything violence?[;)]
Because. Just because.

d0 y0u 5p34k 1337? 707
Not to be rude but to your keyboard vomit on your screen? (Bazing!)
Is being wasted fun?[>:]
Hehe.. stay off drugs, kids.

That's all.[:D]
s0 8y3(ph33r 7h3 1337 707)

Noah Reeve -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/19/2005 19:33:57)

Okay, questions of the randomness, just because I can.
All about motivation, folks.
1) If Tab were the last liquid remaining on earth, would you drink it to sustain yourself? Or choose the comparatively less painful method of death and allow yourself to dehydrate?
It says quite a bit that Tab's older than the average AQ patron.. XD To be honest, I'd go for the latter, for the sheer thought of drinking one calorie soda. Diet.. bleah.
2) If you were a giant monkey, what monkey would you be? On a related note, what exactly is the price of tea in china, in US Dollars.
Orangatang, by far. They wear spacesuits and drink Tang all day; the TV told me so. As for the second question, $32.51.
3 or is it 4?) I have seventy three cents in my pocket, if you can guess the exact compination of coins, I will give you...nothing.
It's %$, actually. But to the topic at hand. Now this one.. it's a noggin scratcher... I'm going to have to take a lifeline.
5) Do you hate me? Cause if you do...I might have with it..or something.
Naw.. you use the shift key, therefore putting you far up in comparison to the average forumgoer.
6) ghu gues rusn rusom? (no, that was not just jamming on the keyboard)
Ghnu gabababaoo!
7) Random enough for you, yet?
Need more random!
8) You stated before that you were a hippie? you like sit around in bellbottoms protesting vietnam and not showering for months on end...or are you one of the comparatively cooler, more modern hippies?
Hehehe.. fortunately, I've discovered the beauty of bathing and the fact that bellbottoms look like you've got parachutes covering your shins. To appease my ego at least, I'm a cool hippie. =D
9) Will you mak my car payment for me this month...I'm a little short. Next month would help too. I won't pay you back, but you could be all super nice and stuff.
Well about that... I know I've owed it for a while but I'm short this month too..
10) If you were to die immediately after answering my last question, what would be your biggest regret?
Choosing the Pizza Combos over the Cheese And Sour Cream Pringles for lunch today.
11) Play favorites now...who is your favorite mod? Note the use of the word mod no AKs!! Personally Spork is my favorite now, she's my hero. Vephy used to be my favorite...but he's still up there, a few cool points behind Katie though.
Heheh.. I'll have to cite the fifth, so I don't get throttled in IRC. :P
12) Assume the following. All watches are gold. All the gold is being used to build space shuttles. What then, is the answer to life, the universe, and everything, assuming that fourty two is not an option?
'42'.. Ahh. References.. good times. Anyhoo.. Space ship watches? That'd be a big watch though. I mean, fitting an engine on your wrist and all.. the strain would be enourmous.. and...
Okay...I think thats enough randomness for today.

crasypen -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/20/2005 8:35:27)


Crystal Lion -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/20/2005 11:01:03)

Are you pure Chinese?As in both parents are Chinese?
Do you like dragons?
More of a werewolf guy, personally.
My real name means the dragon who appreciates beauty.What does yours mean?
*notes to ask*

Eagle Wraith -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/20/2005 13:48:31)

Here goes:

What do you do in your free time? (Except dragon hunting,playing AQ or wasting smiles)
Jamming on mah guitar, gaming and listening to music. (Specially on mah new iPod.. $110 too. =D)

If you could do only one more thing,what would that be?
Honestly, I've not an idea.

What is your favorite (real life) pet? (discluding dragons :P)
Not an animal person, personally. :O

What is your favorite Flower? (No,i am not trying to find this out so i can get a date with you xD)
Hehe... weeell. :O Sunflowers, for their quality of growing absurdly large and for th fact that their seeds are delicious.

If you would be on a tall,icy (and very cold) mountain,what would you do?
Slide down; that'd flippin rock.

For teh final question:
What's your favorite part about IRC? (as you said,IRC is your favorite part in AQ)
Groovin and the sheer randomness of it with the regular folks.

~Lion Eagle~ -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/20/2005 18:25:33)

Hiya's - writing some questions in white for secrecy.

I really, really hate my mom and my brother. They're cohorts in trying to make me miserable. My brother can hit me, sit on me, kick me, bully me, and insult me and my MOM DOESN'T CARE. I hate him. This is not a childish insult to him, it's pure hate - like blazing fire. I bet I could write a whole page of descriptions of him watching me get punished. What should I do?

Well, the thing is, highlighting makes them come up anyways though. So as for secrecy.. eh, notsomuch. Sibling rivalry's been around for ages, I assure you, so your case is hardly a new thing. My best advice would be just not to provoke your brother; from what you said, he seems like a bit of a hothead. If you give him his space, without his going into yours, that might work. (Whoah. Went all 'Dear Abby, there.)
Is having prophetic dreams normal?
Probably not.

I find that I prefer talking to forum people than my parents. My dad is too busy to care, my mom doesn't care cause she wants to tick me off, and my brother is sadistic. Actually I never knew that about 70% of the things I say beat myself up. I guess my parents taught me that everything I do fails. Why me? >_<

Tis the rigors of adolescene.
Am I a loser?
Probably just having a bad day.
Is it normal for me to take bits out of some words and put them into other words in a sentence?
You should try eating frozen Fuji Apples - pretty nice.
*notes to do that*
Cya for now - If you want, I'll come back with some poetry.

Xiaro -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/20/2005 19:40:38)

Hi! ^^

I have a series of pointless questions!

Why are you a wasted-smile why not a not-wasted-smile?
Cause I am. And that's that.
*shifty eyes* Whats my IQ? Ill give you a cookie if you can guess it =D
41 1/2
Write AdventureQuest with your nose! adfernurequest
*Squeak* *Squeak* .. Well, that's no good.
If you were stuck at the bottom of a well, for 3 years with nothing to drink but a coke or a pepsi, what yould you drink?
I'd concentrate more on escaping.
What is the capitol of New York, Ohio?
Pickles or Chocolate?
Bah Bye!

XxDeathbringerxX -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/20/2005 20:23:32)

[sm=jumping-smiley-017.gif]since he is busy at he moment i will answer my own!!!! yayyyy [sm=jumping-smiley-017.gif]

in red

If you were a pirate which shoulder would you wear your parrot on?
personally i dont like parrots so i would probably not wear one
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
someone actually calculated this but i donr know what they got
If the world was flat would you travel to the end of it?
think about that for a would be soo cool....if the end of the world shows up somewhere then im going there
Paper or Plastic?
i like paper because it burns....FIRE!!!
Can elephants jump?
it is proven that they cant
If the moon was made of cheese would you eat it?
my first delimma would be getting there but once i did i would
What if the moon was made of ribs?
even better
or pizza?
pizza is overrated
What do you want the moon to be made of?
i think the moon should be made of glow in the dark bouncy balls because it would glow and bounce
Do you wish pigs could fly? I think that would be cool.
it would be soooooo coool.....flying bacon
I could think of more questions but I will let you (me) work on those for now!

EDIT- hmmm...i guess since there is no answer i could always answer my own! yeah! i already know all the answers anyway! i could answer them if i wanted to....hmmm that would be cool...i think i will answer them in red in a little bit......yayyyy for the randomness!!!!

hahaha i did it! my answers to my own qusetions! mwahahaha....oh i am such a loser, you only wish you could be as much a loser as i am....well guess what? you cant! well i guess you technically could but thats not the point right now. come on admit it, you want to be in my ultimate loser club. well uhhh....thats all after i create an ultimate loser club. but when i do get one the admission fee is tree fitty! yayyyy

Yeah.. sorry bout that. Too many questions! Gack! *flooded*

eh dont worry about it

SkyPatroller -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/20/2005 21:27:52)

Hamha. ^_^ Hope you don't mind a couple more from me.

If you could pick any one, which old school Nickalodeon game show would you appear on?
zOMGs, Legends of the Hidden Temple, baby.
Internet Explorer, FireFox, or *gasp!* AOL Explorer?
You know.. if I ever even thought of using AOL or IE, feel free to shoot me.
Rocky or Rambo?
Rambo, for the cool guns.
What would happen if someone asked you thier question in blue text?
Well.. Hmm.. I'm not sure.
If all the world's a stage, would you pay the 5 bucks admission?
$5?! That's highway robbery.
Is it possible to beat All Star mode on Super Smash Brothers Melee on Very Hard mode?
Cos X = 42x/.015
If Sarah Renee, Sharpie, Wallo, and Vephoma were each given a Happy Meal toy and told to fight to the death, who would win?
Hmm... I'm not sure. Sharpie's threatening me in IRC in the moment, so I'd have to say him. =P
Why can't we share?
When will people read the stickies before posting?
The day that happens, I'll be the happiest person ever.
If you could switch any two numbers 1 through 10, which ones?
6 & 7.. just to mess up with all the goth kids. The luckiest and unholiest numbers suddenly being reversed? Tis delicious.
Alright if I use my sig?
Eh, sure. But if you use it more than one, if it's a pic, in a single page, I'll shoot you.

retarded -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/20/2005 21:52:45)

[sm=mixed-smiley-010.gif] Oh well he never answered my quuestions so I'll answer them! yay
ooh in orange
Yay random questions
gamecube or PS2?
Is your skin color purple with yellow polkadots?
Are you the grim reaper come to steal my soul?
did you ever make a candle out of earwax?
I don't have enough
do you play AQ 18 hours a day?
I couldn't, even if I tried.
do you hate twig?
definitely yes!
hi again
do you like cake, ice cream, bread, or ground pig intestine?
all of 'em. pig intestine is sausage!!!
are you sick of people asking you questions?
I was never asked questions.
Do you hate me?
how long befor you answer a question?
3 weeks
do they make you an archknight for donating alot?
no its cuz u play the DS!!!!
ok bye

thegreatmerc -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/20/2005 23:41:48)

Hi, thewastedsmile.
BAWLS, Jolt, or Red Bull?
Bawls & Jolt Gum, totally.
TechTV or G4?
TechTV, totally. Specially now that the G4 CEO got sacked. xD Dedicated TWIT listener since show one too, baby. I <3 the podcasting.
If you could have 4GB of RAM or a half terrabyte Hard Drive, which would you choose?
:O.. I'd have to go for the hard drive, on account of ripping all of my DVD's.. (Legally, of course. :P) is filling up my WD. Waitin for a rebate..
Programming languages?
Some C++, Pascal, Visual Basic, rudimentary HTML
Non-programming languages?
Gibberish, incoherant babble and nonsense
Exclude Windows and OS X. Which distro of Linux would you choose?
I've grown to Debian from what I've used of it (not much, unfortunately.) But it's always the infernal command prompts. Yar.

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