RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (Full Version)

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The Extinguisher -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/21/2005 0:01:42)

A thousand Curses on You! Did you know that your the only one who couldn't answer my entire question must not be crazy enough.
So many questions.. I blame mah Trig. Damn you.. trig.
Anyway, some sensible questions.

Whats it like in the GGD? I would hate to work there (Thats why I salute you)
If nothing else, it's always busy. I smite threads with my "Blade O Spam Killing.'
When you were a regular member, what was the one title you wanted most in the world?
Actually, I was a beta tester on these new boards and managed to get one anyways, but no big whoop either way.
Did you look at my sig before you went crazy? If not here it is.
*thumbs up*

Give a Damn, Prevent Spam!
Axel's Suggestions

Happy Archknighting.


Leonite -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/21/2005 21:10:13)

Like my sig?
It works.
What kind of name is that?
Leonite? Not sure, really.
What is it with you and ur h8 of anime references?
It's more of an 'anime not floating my boat' type of thing
How many times have you been asked what kind of music you like?
About 4 to 5 times so far.
Why do I care?
I'd have not the slightest idea.
Is my name too unoriginal? Personally I feel like I can do better.
Eh, it works.
I've wasted alot of my free time chasing after a girl I can't have...yet...Is this love?
Probably not; infatuation and love are two very very differnet things. Just the hormones at work.
Why am I asking you of all peeps that?
Cause you've yet to realize you're asking a guy who's title is "ArchKnight" for dating advice.
Is this annoying you yet?
Not really
Really? You sure?
Now.. kind of.
So your positive then?
I will kill you.
If you say so...

Bet you can't see this [:D]

blade_master_thorin -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/21/2005 21:43:35)

on;y one question..........

do you think my sig is offensive to you or any other mods??????
Well, if the sig needs to be smited, smited it shall be. I wield the smiting stick like no other.

i think its kinda funny [;)]

SkyPatroller -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/22/2005 0:30:30)

Aw, no new questions yet......

If Ronald McDonald, the Chick-fil-A cow, the Taco Bell dog, Dave Thomas, the King, and Hardee's burgers were all playing poker, which resturaunt chain is the best?
Dave Thomas, baby. He's got the square patties.

Carlos Mencia or Dave Chappelle?

Since you're sleeping right now, what did you dream about?
Stuff.. and patties. Yes.. patties.


Which would you respond to this question with: Brown, Yellow, or that awkward color that's inbetween Green and Purple?

Ever solve that Rubik's Cube?
Nope. Damned cube.

In a Steel Cage match, who would win, Katrina or Rita?
Rita.. Rita Repulsa.. Hmm.

Paper or Plastic?

Thank you for shopping at Pet S Mart. (Which way is it? Pet Smart or Pets Mart?)

geopetal -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/22/2005 2:14:27)

woohooo, Michigan, my original state! THS, ah, the memories...

When people ask where you're from, do you point to your hand?
xD Tis a Michiganian thing, not unlike Vernors.. Mm.. Vernors. (In fact, yeah. xD)

MSU or UM?
U of M, cause my bro goes there. =D

Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2, or Army of Darkness?
Army Of Darkness (I <3 teh Bruce)

Theatre or Band?

um, it's kinda cool that your character has exactly the same face as the secondary I just started, so that's kinda cool...

Well, that's all I got, good luck and keep up the good work. :)

Bilbo Baggins -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/22/2005 4:08:01)

Hi, how should I address you next time?
'His Grand Poobahness'

What Messenger are u using?
Trillian.. all about compact.

Your Zodiac Sign?

Your Horoscope?
'You shall be tackled by an angry water buffalo in the middle of the hallway at 12:32 PM in East Wing.'

Why u use "Teh Sleeping" when you're offline? The Teh means?
Why not, I ask? And Teh=the

Dont just sleep, try and play a part to save Mother Nature, start recycling now!
Right on it, Captain Planet. Man.. I loved that show.

Do u have the habit of bringing your own plastic bags when you're buying some things from the store?

Do you like Lord of the Rings? Have you read the book yet?
Hoo yeah; I <3 the movies and books. Tolkien's attention to detail's maddening though.

Which character do you like most? Why?
Gandalf; come on.. Ian flippin Mckellan. (Spelling? Bah!)

Have you been to any of the Seven Wonders of the World yet?
Nope, far too broke here.

How long u spend on the AQ forums daily?
Pop in whenever, pretty much.

Are the majority of the people here asking rubbish?
Naw, just lots of random.

OK thats it I guess. Thanks for answering.

Links -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/22/2005 6:38:30)

What's your age?
Ripe old age of 16.

How old is your house?
Probably older than you. :O

What do you think of monkeys?
Good guy, bad tipper.

Does the word "bADHBAHDLA" mean anything to you?
Can't say it does.

If you were to create a frozen desert,what would it be and explain the taste?
Frozen ice creamana.. Ice cream.. and banana!

What's your gender?

Do you have a huge pimple that seems will never dissapear?
Kinda gross.

Is Artix one of your best friends?
Actually, at AQ Headquarters, Artix has a cubicle right next to mine; he still has my stapler.

When do you think you'll conquer the world?

What's yout favorite myth god,if you do not know what a myth god is what is your all-time favorite show?
Thor.. thunder, baby.

Swirly -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/22/2005 16:03:00)

One question: What's the difference between a mod and an archknight other than 8 letters.?
Mods get a 10% discount at Wal-Mart and they get the parking spots up front. (Actually, mods are just moderators over the whole boards.. AK's are just for a certain board.)

Thanks I always wondered.

h4rold -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/22/2005 16:33:57)

what aren't you making me for dinner?
Creamed corn and deep fried halibut
how many characters do you have on AQ?
Bout 2 but can never play these days. Gack, life!
how many of them are named after me?
Actually, there's one named H4rolda. (Not really, though that'd totally rock.
apples or oranges?
can you play the spoons?
I can play a mean fork, but no spoons.
can you beat me in arm wrestling?
You're on!
how about line dancing?
are you afraid of camels?
The camel.. the accursed camel!
or giant tomato covered bread like creations?
That actualy sounds good. Brushetta.. Mmm.
and lastly, can you break bricks with your mind?
Yes.. I already did.

kedoaa -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Here (kinda)) (9/22/2005 16:40:24)

if you wish yould wish u was a fish what fish would you wish u wished you wish?
A halibut.
should Vegetarians eat animal crackers?
Hehe..I'd suppose not.
Do you find it a bit unnerving doctors call what they do practice?
That's why I always carry around a spear and hammer; if I ever need to do some demon-letting, it's always handy.
If a funeral procession is at night, do you drive with your lights off?
Kind of unsafe.
If a turtle doesn't have a shell, is he homeless or naked?
If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation?
Only if it's Tuesday.
When sign makers go on strike, is anything written on their signs?
I suppose their picket signs would just be blank pieces of paper.
Stores have signs that say, " No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service." What about pants?
I'll have to try going into McD's pantless then.
when you look into a box of Cheerios, are you looking at Cheerios or doughnut seeds? If you plant them, will they come up glazed or cream-filled?
They'll grow into a beanstalk; that's what I learned.
Why is it called a soap opera when nobody sings?

Why does jello have a smell when you add the powder in the water, but when it "gels" the scent virtually disappears?

Can a unborn baby fart or burp?

If a baseball player hits a home run over the fence, but then dies before he can run around the bases, does the home run count?

If a General is a higher ranking officer than a Major, then why is a major illness worse than a general illness?

Why don't they make Root Beer flavored ice cream? Wouldn't it be better than root beer floats?

What is the point in saying "may I ask" and then follow it up with a question?

Is it possible to be allergic to water?

When an atheist swears on a Bible before they testify in court do they have to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth since they don't believe in God?

Why do cats like to dig their paws into something before they lay down on it?

If a pack of gum says that each piece is 10 calories, is that amount just chewing the gum, or also for swallowing it?

Why is there a little countdown (like 8, 7, 6, 5, 4) near the bottom of the copyright info page in the beginning of many books?

Why does the Easter bunny carry eggs? Rabbits don't lay eggs.

Isn't it weird that all year round your parents tell you not to play with fire, but on Independence Day they hand you a package of explosives, a lighter, and say have fun?

Doesn't a lightning rod on top of church show a lack of faith?

Do coffins have lifetime guarantees?

Dog for Sale: Eats anything and is fond of children, will you buy my dog?

Did you ever read a laundrymat drier's instrustions that say "Please Remove Your Clothes When The Light Goes Out."?

Zeike -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/22/2005 16:42:52)

Can you get me to be an Archknight?
Err.. probably not.
Can an Archknight have AQ creater preivages in AQ?
Heck no's. I'll try to get to your questions in a bit. Yaargh.
Fav song?

Fav singer

Fav food

Zorbak or Kabroz


Fav weapon

Fav sheild

Fav Armour

Fav anime Tv show

Fav movie

Fav Baseball team

Fav Basketball team

Fav Football team

How old r u

Boy or Girl

Fav animal

Fav drink

Fav show in general

Fav color

Fav Fav question[:D]

~Lion Eagle~ -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/22/2005 17:31:13)

Hiya's I'm back.

I wrote the stuff in white so that nobody could see it at first glance. They'd have to forcefully grab the mouse from me to see what I put.

Here's the poetry.
The Rejected One by ~Lion Eagle~
I am:
The shadow in the background
The outsider gazing in
The lost child never found
The loser trying to win
There is no morning dawn for me
Only broken dreams and the Demon
Dark and death are all I see
and my dreams are torn with screaming
Every day I wonder
Asking myself why
My heart and dreams are all asunder
But I can never die
I'm drowning in my shattered dreams
And my life's ruined ashes
On the outside I'm fine it seems
But inside is scarred with slashes
I know that I was born defected
But I never gave a d*mn
Because from the start I've been rejected
And loathed for who I am
My statement may bring strife
But I feel it must be said
I'm better off without my life
The world'll be better with me dead
Sometimes I feel that all of my poem is true. That's why I wrote it.

Do you want to know what it feels like to be me?

Today I came across a nice long piece of wood, it was neatly cut and all, so I took it and made a bit of a sword out of it. I wrapped one end of it in old shoelaces for a handle. It actually has a bit of a stabbing point and a cutting edge.

I hate having to wear a smile every day. If I told my parents how I felt they'd probably give me some kind of lecture. Yesterday my mom harps at me to do better than I possibly can and even made fun of me a little. I told her to stop insulting me. Usually if I tell her that she apologizes...but yesterday she didn't. Thats how I know that she was mocking me on purpose.[sm=icon_evil.gif]

Byebye for now. Thank you for answering my other questions by the way.

DarkForest -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/22/2005 22:06:16)

It is *drumroll* The Wasted Smile!
DF! Woot!
Here are my questions!
All right!
Why is your name depressing?
It is? Bah, I'd be inclined to disagree. I'm rather.. something.
Before you say it isn't: Saying that a smile is Wasted is, in my opinnion, very depressing since it implies that your smile is wasted (arn't I clever). In my experience though, Smiles are never wasted! You smile, you get a smile back!
The philosophy of smiling.. Hmm. *boggled*
I look forward in hearing your heartfelt response,

Sincerely from San Francisco (I'm witty :P)
DF = Witty

Jayboy600 -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/23/2005 16:25:36)

Tell Me Your Awnser!

My Awnsers Are Going To Be Redberry Red MMMM

Fav song?
Thunder Birds Are GO

Fav singer

Fav food

Zorbak or Kabroz


Fav weapon
Blade Of Awe

Fav sheild
Guardian Sheild

Fav Armour
Guardian Pl8

Fav anime Tv show
None! :)

Fav movie
Sponge Bob Movie

Fav Baseball team
None! :)

Fav Basketball team
none! :)

Fav Football team

How old r u

Boy or Girl

Fav animal

Fav drink
Dr Pepper

Fav show in general
Da Boom Crew

Fav color

Fav Fav question

SkyPatroller -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/23/2005 17:30:57)

Why am I here agian? I ate all the snacks last time......
Exactly man.. no chips.
What is the best flavor of Ramen?
Baah.. Ramen's all MSG. XP
Why don't Tendercrisp Bacon Cheddar Ranch's grow on trees?
Get on that, then. We shall merge the tree gene with the Bacon Cheddar gene.. and then, we shall solve world hunger.
Yeah! Okay! What?
Would you like some Nerds?
Mmm.. Nerds.
What is that thing in the corner?
Ye find yeself in yon dungeon. Ye see a FLASK. Obvious exits are NORTH, SOUTH, and DENNIS. What wouldst thou deau?
xD I shall Dennis the flask.

Weebl? Scooby? How can we understand eachother when we're both entirely unintellegable?
Ja newt.

Chandler -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/23/2005 23:14:50)

Just how "sleepin" are you, eh?
Wasted- Now 100% More Sleeper

Why must people waste smiles?
Tis a shame.
Do you happen to have an archnemesis going by "The well-spent frown"?
Can't say I would.
How does one tell the difference between a wasted smile, and a smile that isn't wasted? Without a breathalyser, that is.
Tis by the look of their eyes. ._. <- Wasted :) <-Normal Smile
If you are the wasted smile... Does that mean no other smile has ever been wasted?
My cousin would technically be the first; how'd you think he became Zorro?

About 1/2 an inch (or 11 cm for our Canadian friends.)

Don't forget the Australian friends! And, uh... If you had 11cm toes, you would have a very hard time finding shoes @_@
I buy all my shoes from Clown Co.

l -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/23/2005 23:31:20)

I got a few questions okay first:
Are you goth (wear black clothes call yourself hex in personal life?)
If I ever get so depressed as to get to that point, I give anyone who reads this my consent to beat me senseless with a large stick. Good gravy.

Do you have dogs? I have dogs I don't know each day come up to my bed, and pant for my sock >.>... curious...
Nay, not an animal guy.

So if you seen the news about the 2 record tornado would you think that the survivor's last time can maybe survive this time?
Egads, two major level hurricanes in less than a month. xP At least we're prepared is all I can say.

If you don't know your favorite anime I can appoint you to some *wink*.

If your dog was named by you what would you name her/him?
Larry McTinkleWorth

Sorry about the tornado thing but I wasn't someone's opinion you gotta say 2 record tonado's in 2 weeks O.O...

Edit: no it's not hard to find shoes at all dumby you just borrow one from a clown >.<.
Wonder how much clown's get paid aaaanyway....
$12.51 hr; they're unionized. Local Clowns 432.

Andras -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/24/2005 0:26:46)

Why did you pick blue? Thats my color! I mean, look at my name!
*shrug* I blame Steve Jobs.
Why the name thewastedsmile?
Not sure really; just happened.
Who did you manage to become an ArchKnight (don't worry, i dont even want to be an Archknight, Im just curious)?
Who did I manage? =P To put somewhat simply, it just happened, like those kind of things do.

dhfdhf -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/24/2005 8:02:35)

MTV Raps!
Whats youre favourite type of pie
Pumpkin; AQ forumgoers must have an inane fascination with pie.
Whats youre favourite type of pizza
Mushroom garlic ham and sausage
see you later

Childish Vampire -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Sleepin) (9/24/2005 16:14:44)

are you one of the fabled archknights? :O
I guess? Yeah.
i will respect you. *bows*
what are your intrests?
Killing, pillaging and the such.

i am annoying?

are ya sure?

you positive?

ok, are you REALLY REALLY sure?
.. I will kill you.
uh.. bye! *runs away*

Duckyhunter -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Here (kinda)) (9/24/2005 16:26:21)

What are some ingame perks you get for being an Archknight?
Hehehe.. that'd be nice.
Have you ever met Artix, Galanoth, or Captain Rhubarb?
Actually yeah; we all took a trip down to the secret AQ Lair In The Middle Of The Earth and had one heck of a shindig. (By which I mean.. not really.)
Paper, or plastic?

dragon_ice -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Here (kinda)) (9/24/2005 18:48:55)

Hi there!
If you were made out of water,had 3 dollars,in a volcano,and a helicopter landed in a forest on September 16th 2003 at 3:15 AM what would you do?*Random Question Face*
I'd have not the slightest idea.
Carnax Pie.
Mmm.. Pie.
What is your favourite movie?
Airplane, baby.
Fish or Ice Cream?
Fish cream
Moglins or Mogleet?
Last question.What do you like eating?Bwahaha?
Nothing.. although..

Crystal Lion -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Here (kinda)) (9/25/2005 0:39:46)

What does your name mean?
Some illicit drug reference in my adolescence, I'd assume (it's been around for that long.) It's only been mere coincidence that no numbers or 'x's had gotten added.
What do you think of online weddings?I think they're the scourge of society!

eagle88 -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Here (kinda)) (9/25/2005 1:12:14)

Hello to you thewastedmile!!! *Bows in homage* I have just a few questions I'd like to impose upon you...
Mmm.. Homage.
What is the square root of the square root of 216?
Which composer is better: John Williams, James Horner, Danny Elfman (or someone else if you want!!)?
Nobuo Umatseu (FF Nerd. =D)
Who is funnier: Al Yankovic, Tom Lehrer, Spike Jones or Stan Freberg?
Al, baby.
Black and White films or full color films?
Both; Citizen Kane's the shining jewel of modern cinema, IMO.
And lastly- Do you know who let the dogs out?!
I blame Phil Collins.
OK, thanks for your time and patience!!! *Bows*

X -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile (Teh Here (kinda)) (9/25/2005 2:11:04)

Hey Wasted, how goes it?
Wordness, X.
Your one of the few people still around who have played AQ longer than me, so how goes it being an old man?
I'm oold.. and crotchedy.
Now to some boring random questions..

Preffered fruit of assination.
Do you play any of the following games(online).. GunZ Ragnarok World of Warcraft Halo2/any Xboxlive game Halflife2 HaloPC?
HL2 & CS:S, baby, along with some UT04 & Painkiller.
Do you believe I am in a sane state of mind? Do you believe yourself to be in a sane state of mind?
No & no?
You are battling a race of mutant lumberhyenas from Vorgon 63, what weapon do you arm thyself with? A dead gerbil, cracked AOL trial disks, or the soggy waffle of vengance +8
I shall wield mah jerbal!
Sporks, utensils of evil or absolute goodness?
Weapons of god.
Pokemon, catch or kill?
Eat.. Mmm... Pikachu.
Do the hustle?
Da da da da dumm dumm da da da..
Wasted.. Are you wasted?
At the moment, yeah. 2 AM here. xP
And lastly, I have 4 logic questions for you I stole off of Khold one day..

How do you put a giraffe in a refriigerator
You'll need a flexable giraffe.
How do you put an elephant in a refrigerator
The Lion King is hosting a meeting, all the animals come but one, which one is it?
The zebra, cause he got a ticket and was in court.
You must cross a Crocodile infested lake, how do you do it(No boat, bridges, shield ect ect)
Fairy dust and unicorns.
Well anywho, Im to tired to think up random questions so.. *clicks himself*

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