RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (Full Version)

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rika -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (11/12/2007 14:47:20)

I need quick help!!! I sell my wood sing and my gold just go -999999!!! please admin help me!!! :(

tomasanas -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (11/13/2007 11:40:13)


ORIGINAL: thebartyone

After completing the "First Battle" scenario of the new Deren war, I clicked 'Return to Town' bringing my character back to the Deren overworld and then clicked 'Return to Town' once again to arrive in Battleon. There is some bug with this sequence as my character is randomly loaded onto the Battleon screen: Image

And it stays on screen when I traveled through the Guardian Tower and anywhere else throughout Battleon.
Here are some other screenies:

After I entered a battle and completed it everything reverted back to normal.

Im not saying anything but that usualy hapens when u go to cheater zone and kill the zard

boom_dawg -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (11/14/2007 3:39:42)

I went to the rip in the sky area and did lady tomo's mini game to capture her doves. I caught 7 of them then nothing happened. All I could do was aim the gun but not fire it, and there was no way of getting out of the mini-game. Could someone please tell me what is wrong?

king cy -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (11/14/2007 20:38:25)

In the last hour while on quest my stats in CHR has gone to -30 from 0 and stayed that way for 3 battles.
I have not change my stats in any way today. It only show on the in game stats above character while playing.
Here is a link to the stats page
hopes this helps.
Fixed fast thank you!

ilikecheeze -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (11/14/2007 21:34:58)


ORIGINAL: king cy

In the last hour while on quest my stats in CHR has gone to -30 from 0 and stayed that way for 3 battles.
I have not change my stats in any way today. It only show on the in game stats above character while playing.
Here is a link to the stats page
hopes this helps.
Fixed fast thank you!

that happens...but it is temp, log out and log back in. Next time dont use stat modifying stats against something that drains your stats

scraggley2000 -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (11/15/2007 1:58:46)

hey im just wondering if anyone else is having problems with the stat trainers i trained my strength stat against sir lancelar and instead of going up its going down why is this happining

chaosnecro -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (11/15/2007 23:19:01)

Using the latest version of Internet Explorer, Ballyhoo was available for 5 times....
full cache clearing, ctrl+f5 to fully refresh my browser, and re-logged in. Still there.

EDIT: Did you happen to read the notice on the AQ home page, or maybe notice the active thread in the GGD?
Ballyhoo is rigged to allow up to eight visits for the next couple days.

Edit: :O oh, wow. I usually sip the homepage nowadays. You're spoiling us, captain [:D]
Not a bug, then.

Arceon -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (11/16/2007 2:43:57)

opk i guess this goes here, well im vsing a mosnter i kill it i go next, and the z-token sign pops up for no joke like a second and i dont get any ive even taking a screenshot but its gone caues i reformated and it said that i got 4 ztokens but i didnt get any? help please

Sammith -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (11/16/2007 7:23:20)

Low Priority:
I think this is where to post this, as opposed to Armor:
My Character Sammith (linked to my post) is a Dracomancer. but sometimes when i log in and look at his stats, it lists him as a Dragon Slayer. i do not have a single level in Dragon Slayer. I go back to Cyrus to restore my class, but it's annoying to have to do that especially since it deeply insults Sammith [:D]

-Operating System: Windows XP
-Web Browser and version: IE 7.0.6000.16544
-Flash player version:
-Number of Online Players during the time you had the bug: 8399

toony182 -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (11/21/2007 19:53:40)

Trying to train my stats on one of my characters (not my main), I'm constantly having issues with training my stats up. Whenever I finish off the stat trainer, I get a message saying "There was an error saving the data." from the stat trainer himself. I've had this problem quite a few times, and solely on this character.
It used to simply not save the data, and neither my stats nor my money were changed after the battle.
Now, it's TAKING the money, and doing nothing to the stats. Again, I've only experience this on one character, name Kiltch.

Arc Angel257 -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (11/22/2007 17:16:58)

I seem to be having the same problem as toony182 but for my CHA stat. I am trying to go from 185 to 190. I can't remember if when I trained to 185 if I had a misc item like pet whistle or leech head active. logging out and clearing cache doesn't seem to help. I have screenshot of me beating Neberon then he tells me there was an error.

screenshot 1
screenshot 2

Edit: after trying a couple more times/closing browser something changed, CHA is now 190. If someone fixed then thanks!
new screenshot

jhagger -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (11/26/2007 23:17:39)

if you use the lvl.9 mage +10 int. boost during the mage int. training instead of gain int. you loose it. i lost 15 int. lvl.s not noticing the glitch, plz fix asap

Hardy -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (11/27/2007 4:19:49)


saving battle results (rare problem now, I hope!)

I've had that 4 times now... I've also stalled on the monster hunter lady... is there a way to get back any of the stuff (xp, gold or items) gained during these stalls?

Hardy -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (11/27/2007 7:45:23)




saving battle results (rare problem now, I hope!)

I've had that 4 times now... I've also stalled on the monster hunter lady... is there a way to get back any of the stuff (xp, gold or items) gained during these stalls?

alright, I think it might be the quest itself. I've officially froze at some point of the trobble quest three out of the first four and have since froze two more times and now am frozen of the please wait screen at the end of the quest... it seems the fates of technology are refusing me this quest no matter how many times I try.

Segamen -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (12/5/2007 3:09:00)

I don't know is this a bug or not but if this belongs to somewhere or it is not a bug, jst PM me then.
When I go to my house and I clicked 'Visit Neighboor', and I went to my neighboor's Stone Cottage, it doesn't seems to give me some potions even if I have 0 (yeasterday just tried 0 Health Potions, Mana Potions).


GreatS -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (12/7/2007 4:11:53)

Not sure whether this is a town or game engine bug:

I visited ballyhoo, watched 9 videos, and took the flax test weapon each time, as it is located on top of the watch one more movie (without going to battleon)... now I got to balyhoo and she tells me that I have seen enough movies for today, yet when I click the "Okay" balyhoo just reloads... of course after relogin it will just take me correctly back to battleon and I assume that the problem is that I am being sent to the location from which I went to ballyhoo...

MikeyBabes -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (12/7/2007 4:34:42)

I bought the Golden Plate yesterday, and I found that everytime i attack with it, be it spells or the set attack the armour does, the game quality shifts from "high" back down to "low" is there anyway i can change this?

Make sure you don't have the Auto-Adjust Quality option checked in the options menu.

alohasurfboy42 -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (12/7/2007 21:00:07)

i just noticed this but i am a guardian and have been for awhile. when i log in, it no longer recognizes that fact, and on the travel map the option become a guardian is present. and the map is as if i was not a guardian, but i can still go to those places. my character page however does acknowledge that i am a guardian. THIS IS A BIG BUG!

n13 -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (12/8/2007 14:17:23)

i coudn't find anywhere this bug would fit so im posting it here even though im not sure its a game engine bug.

Location: stat trainers (neberon the mage)
My stats: i am lvl 43 (i think) x-gaurdian level 5 vampire level 6 or 7 scholar
Background: increasing my INT with neberon the mage i had enough gold and enough stat points. wearing scholars robes with advanced chain axe and glave shield. my stats before training with neberon were Str 55 Int 45 and Endurance 55 (other stats are irrelevenent as i see it)

as stated above I was training with neberon the mage and using my scholar abilities to win. at the beginning of the battle i turned on Lycan power, Vampire charm and Shifter's smarts. i won the battle and fought him once more. i won again but then i realized to my horrow my INT had one down and not up. my INT was now 15 !! im not sure exactly what happened but i think that the scholar bonuses took away form my base INT. please fix this Bug ASAP.

yaron -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (12/9/2007 6:00:15)

When I log into the game I have 11 health potions and 14 mana potions I can refill from my house to 20 but if I will log out it will reset again to 11 14

tershak -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (12/9/2007 11:45:20)

On the stat roller in the werewolf quest it adds all of your str points. Not sure if its a bug but from my experience it adds only some of the stat.

J.O.W. -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (12/12/2007 20:48:38)

when you attack with an energy wep it shows for a split sec (just enuf to registar) it shows old energy sign.

Windy -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (12/13/2007 7:32:34)

[I hope Ballyhoo bugs go here...]

What happened:
a)I logged into the game
b)I went to Ballyhoo (I usually utilise the Ballyhoo and upgrades->Ballyhoo path, but now I used the "Ballyhoo button" under the Travel map)
c)My browser(Mozilla Firefox) showed me a message saying something about "flash performing an illegal operation" and that I should "close my browser".(I don't have a screenshot of it and I wasn't really paying attention.Also, I didn't close my browser)
d)I saw a new (it was new for me) one white-blue-ish water themed add.
e)Later,I saw Out of Jimmy's head
f)After seeing all the 7 adds, I continued playing .

Things to know:
a)I don't live in U.S. (I'm in Europe,+7h from server time).Theoretically, I shouldn't have gotten those adds.
b)Operating System (Windows XP, Vista, Mac, Linux, etc);Windows XP
-Web Browser and version:Mozilla Firefox, probably a recent version since it tends to update itself
-Flash player version
-Number of Online Players during the time you had the bug (check the AQ home page for the count):...It's been a while. Probably around 8000.


I tried duplicating the bug. I managed to get out of Jimmy's Head again. However,I haven't seen the browser message or the water-themed add again.Unique factors that might have influenced it:
a)The water add and the message only showed once, at my first Ballyhoo visit.
b)I noticed the number of views increased from 5 to 7.The coding might have crashed when the number of views got changed.However, I can't know this for sure.
c)I used the button under the Travel Map after a long time. I once had a bug when I used that button:My game froze after seeing all the adds and I tend to avoid it.

Jacob.Rocks -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (12/13/2007 10:10:32)

I got a email about a Frostival Stone Cottage. I logged out, cleared my tempoary internat files and logged back in and I dont see it in the house shop.

EDIT: It should be there by now. Check again.

Arc Angel257 -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (12/14/2007 21:02:28)

a good bug
After hit my gold cap and going to Ballyhoo I cleared trees for new house and still got the 10 gold for the ten battles. [:)]

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