RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (Full Version)

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Bobwin -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (12/16/2007 0:38:08)

This has happened to me at least a dozen times. I'm fighting a monster, and the ability to change equipment freezes, except for armor. I click on, say, "Weapons", and select a different weapon. Nothing happens. I can change armor, otherwise I'm stuck with what I have equipped.

This problem is always temporary; after a few turns or monster fights it is corrected. Seems to have happened with a variety of equipment, but I use Sila's Staff and class armors alot, so it's possible that is a constant.

Mahonka -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (12/16/2007 15:00:24)

Browser: IE7.0.6000.16575
Loation: long lasting battles
Items equipped: Obsidian Cloak, Asgardian Shield, Koofu, Keeshish-Kin

Whenever I start a battle and then go for lunch, or part from the computer for more than 15 minutes while still being engaged in a battle, I notice the browser is slowed down to the point where it's almost impossible to use it any more. It seams that the animations in AQ, or something else I don't know, constantly allocates memory. The battle lags then heavily, until it is won. Once the battle is over the game returns to its normal speed. I notice this only with AQ, DF does not suffer from this problem, but I have it open at the same time.

Normally I have 12 or 13 fps constantly during a battle, but it drops to 3-5 fps after these 15 minutes. IE takes up nearly 15k kb of memory instead of less than 11,7k kb of memory.

EDIT: This is probably a specific monster/armor/weapon/shield or pet causing the problem.
If you notice anything consistently causing the problem, let us know.

I can't confirm which item it is yet, but I tried two different settings. The first setting did not generate any noticable problems, while the second produced them fairly quickly.
Location: Frostvale House, fighting King Frost

First Setting: Primal Grap, Nemesis Mace, no pet, no guest, no misc, no shield.
Result: After about 10 minutes the screen saver turned on, then I moved the mouse. I had 13 fps pretty much all the time.

Second Setting: Obsedian Cloak, Poise, Asgardian Shield, Koofu, Keeshish-Kin, Belequas Gift
Result: After 10 minutes the fps drop to 11fps and the screen saver turns on. Interestingly enough, additional 5 minutes caused a drop to 10fps, yet another 5minuts reduced that to 9fps.

I'll keep a close eye on this, maybe it's a specific item, but maybe it's the animation all together. After all, I chose a heavily animated setting with a cape and transparency. I'll update this once I know more.

King Frost, another time. After about 30 minutes I reached 10-11 fps with Primal Grap, Nemesis Mace, Asgardian Shield, Koofu, Keeshish-Kin, Belequas Gift. That is significantly slower than with the second setup, but excludes Poise and Obsedian Cloak as heavily animated items.

With yet another fight against king frost, I equipped only Obsedian Cloak and Poise. After 30 minutes I reached 9fps.

The next try was in a compleately different environment with a different monster. I was fighting a Frogzard in the Moglin Forest Challange, and equiped Nemesis Armour, Reign Shield, Fansarins Machete, no pet, no guest, no misc. I had 13fps constantly.

Again Frogzard in Moglin Forest Challange, this time with Obsedian Cloak, Asgardian Shied, Poise, Keeshish-Kin, Koofu. Again 13fps.

Last setup: Obsedian Cloak, Poise, Asgardian Shield, Koofu, Keeshish-Kin, Belequas Gift but this time fighting Avalurch outside of the frostval house. After 25 minutes I was at 8fps

I conclude that the frostvale house background causes lag. I tried different equipments and different monsters, but the result is similar although the degree differs.

Imperium~ -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (12/18/2007 9:35:15)

Okay, I really don't know where to post this. The other day I was playing AQ and my programs just dissapeared, I had just found the DB , so I was quite annoyed.
I loaded up AQ again, played and found the Dragon blade, then suddenly my old programs reappeared, so now I had two AQ programs running on the same character both with Dragon Blades. As you know you can't play on two servers, so I had to shut both and lose both Dragon Blades. I don't know what happened but I don't know where to post it. Any idea's?


EDIT: Sounds like your web browser got totally hidden somehow.
You could have just shutdown the old browser session. The new session would still work ok and you could keep playing in the newest login game session.

storkbite -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (12/23/2007 10:54:31)

If you fill up potions in the Frostvale Stone Cottage and then log out and log back in, the potions are gone. e.g.,
I have 3 health and 12 mana. I fill up to 20 & 20 and then log out. When I log back in again, I have 3 & 12 again.

EDIT: The potion count only saves after you successfully do a battle.

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (12/24/2007 17:51:09)


I conclude that the frostvale house background causes lag. I tried different equipments and different monsters, but the result is similar although the degree differs.

Yes that was it, thank you for your help narrowing it down.
There was a messed-up extra crazy snowflake in parts of the background.

I just fixed the house, and the quest that starts from the fireplace.

gagiman -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (12/26/2007 2:16:49)

Stat bug with my account.

In Stat training my strength up 5 to 55 I used a fighters lvl 9 ability(inc str 10) to up my current str in that battle to 60. After I won and got my str upgraded to 55 my perm str was 45.

Which means that the fighters lvl 9 ability(inc str 10) in training battle will cause a decrease of 5 every time you train str.

After logging out and logging back in again the str went to 55 though. Just pointing it out

torfi7 -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (12/28/2007 21:23:21)

Im lagging wery much!! I takes me few minutes to logg inn and fights are slow to load and they lagg when i fight. There is nothing wrong with my internet connection, i can play evrything else and use the internet with out lagging.
I'm running flash version
windows vista
SERVER ONLINE : 12032 Playing

555666333pop -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (12/30/2007 14:16:56)

When you log in, non-Guardians end up at Ballyhoo.

EDIT: That is a new "feature" that is usually turned on.

Thylek Shran -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (1/3/2008 20:52:11)

Location: Red Fog Tower basement

The battle with the chained skeleton doesnt load !
Its like a freeze but the flash animation doesnt freeze.

Happens every time im at this point.

Minion of Poelala -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (1/4/2008 1:18:25)

I was doing Ballyhoo and suddenly I was able to do it 11 times. It said I was only supposed to do it 5, but I did it 11 none the less.
When I logged out and back in I had lost the 7320 gold I got from the watching the 6 more adds than I was supposed to:-S

dotabot -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (1/4/2008 8:18:29)

ok i was playin with primal garb then all of a sudden wen it was my turn the attack menu just disappeared then my pet,the monster and i all started attacking each other at the same time but it kept hitin all zeros and then it said: msg (something)

Serpent of Shadows -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (1/4/2008 15:47:02)

a few times i've tried to either engage in a fight,use a spell of weapon effect or change my equipment,the game takes like 10 minutes and then continues

Vikh -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (1/4/2008 17:06:24)

For the third time in the last couple of months, all of my potions disappeared! I was fighting Demios in the Red Fog Tower quest and had 31 health points and 33 mana potions. I beat Demios, moved and fought a second Demios. I tried to drink two health potions, but I suddenly had only 1 of those and 2 mana potions.

I on Windows XP, using a Firefox 2 browser. Not sure what else I can tell you. What's going on? Thanks.

Mystic Dreamer -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (1/5/2008 4:26:29)

During the fight with Syphon Dracovampiress I use Stone Sign to boost my Endurance stat (+30). After fight my END stat stays permanently decreased by 30 points (from 100 to 70). Next time END stat dropped to 40. I have to log in again to correct it.

Rune Fantic -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (1/5/2008 16:26:23)

i was going to do "the hedge maze" quest when the game screen just turned gray.
i tried almost everything but it wouldn't load.
there wasn't a loading screen it wuz just gray
plz help i needed one more spell component for the gift.....

Hedning1390 -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (1/5/2008 17:44:26)

-Operating System: Windows XP
-Web Browser and version: IE 7.0.6000.16574
-Flash player version: Adobe Flash Player 9,0,28,0

On login one of my chars loaded the stats from the one that I just logged out with. That also resulted in an only partly filled HP bar since she still started with her normal HP regardless of the unexplained extra end. Twilly did however still heal to full when visited.

I tried clearing cashe without luck.

It solved itself after logging in and out with a third char.

Shri Dewi -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (1/5/2008 19:58:27)

Monsters with (+20) seem to give the normal amount of gold when clearing trees for a house.

Mc_srewball -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (1/8/2008 15:17:49)

So i was playing AQ, and my screen kind of froze for 10 seconds, and i got NaN Gold (proof below):
unfortunately, it reverted back to normal when i tried to buy the Asgard Armour, lol.

EDIT: Wow... That's really strange. Thank you for the screen shot.
Do you know what happened right before the gold value messed up?
Saving a battle? Buying or selling something at the shops?

seasapphire -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (1/9/2008 20:15:07)


i have 7 characters on 2 logins. some are guardian, x guardians, and adventurer. i used to log in to 3 or 4 at a time and do the ballywho free gold, watch the clip, etc.
i understand that sometimes it lets you do 3 visits per character and sometimes 5 visits, but today when i tried this, the first time ONE of my characters hit the 3, they all said that. even if i hadn't visited balllywho 3 times with that character.

i understand a work around MAY be to do them one by one, but come on, this game is great b/c u can have multiple characters and be playing on two or three of them at one time.


DoddiP123 -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (1/11/2008 14:13:59)

hmm, I've noticed that the earth area in Fairwind spring is bugged or something 'cause it always laggs there, it's not my computer 'cause I've met these opponents in the same backround in some other plases then Fairwind Spring but there it always laggs and I'm on low graphics, I think it's ubgged or something

Noticed something else that ought to be delt with, when you have a hp boosting item and you end the battle with less then the hp you got you should have 1 hp left like it used to 'cause it goes to zero and you automaticly loose the battle, and it can be ironic *coughs* Click Me *coughs* (I was using Diamond of the Body)

overkewl -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (1/12/2008 0:47:36)

I think im in the right category of bugs here

I was playing the latest "Devourer saga" in current event, helping Wolfwing to confront Nightbane.
My initial intelligence stat is 175.
I met Syphon Dracovampiress and i equipped Water Stone after her 1st attack.

I won the battle, but my Intelligence stat seems stuck at 145, even after going back to town

I tried logging out, and currently haven't been able to login again to see if my stat would return to normal.

I will report back once i'm able to login

thank god, my stat is back to normal. i should have tried RA 1st before i logout. sorry for the false alarm

MoboBoyd -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (1/12/2008 9:34:21)

I was clearing trees for my new house, and I got into a battle with a Woodland Pack.

Just as I killed them (ie. brought them to 0 health) the turtle thing reached me and exploded.

I waited for a while but the Woodland pack didnt go through its death animation, and the turtle respawned and keeps on hitting me!!!

sir.pwnsalot -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (1/12/2008 17:10:22)

i have noticed just recently my choas/unity shield has gone red in the center, but i support only unity, why is this happening?

Besjbo -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (1/12/2008 20:18:58)

I don't know if this is the right place to put this, but there is no stat training bug thread, so I'm putting it here. I just trained my INT with Neberon. I won the battle, paid the money, but I LOST five INT, not gained it. After this bug is fixed is it possible to restore my gold and INT?

EDIT: I got back my 10 INT after clearing my cache.

ogmonster -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (1/13/2008 0:15:36)

I dunno if this would be consider as a bug since the Frogzard Hunter is suppost to be defeated, but when his HP got to 0, nothing happens. (the frogzard hunter, when he is getting eaten by a frogzard)

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