RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (Full Version)

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turkeylurkey -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/9/2007 8:24:23)

so,im doing the shapeshift stuff,and then i come across an ice burrower.

i put on famale drakle disguise and the gauntlet of the 'Galin

i click attack,go to the bathroom,come back,and these are his defences:


gogeta324 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/9/2007 10:48:39)

I was doing Gnuvain's quest thing, but then it said "You need to be atleast lvl 0 to do the quest" and i'm lvl 94......

Aycen -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/9/2007 11:04:22)

I noticed while facing a new wind zard, that the stats are erred. It should be Earth 150%, but instead, the 150% is on Energy, the stat right below earth...I think it's just a typo that affects the actual stats, but I believe it to be a bug nonetheless. Thanks!

KarnaK101 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/9/2007 12:06:41)

shape shifting.. when you click cancel you still lose your turn. its anoying

terrongraham -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/9/2007 19:22:51)

I was fighting a Alpha Dracowolf with Reign Plate, Eye of Naab, and Auger of Brontus and hit for 112 and he only healed 11.

shintilaberis -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/10/2007 3:41:34)

It costs 495 SP to flee from Zhilo

Cete -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/10/2007 7:14:08)

I'm sure this has been posted before, but it's so annoying, when you fight an Am-bush on it's first turn, it hits more than once, causing it to almost kill me after hard hours of work (yes it's been annoying, it keeps popping up so many times I had to flee umpteen times) then it uses its magic attack a few more turns BANG I'm dead. PLEASE FIX IT!!! [:(]

Not a bug.

Ephidel -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/10/2007 8:29:38)

@above post: Isn't that the point of an AMBUSH?

After fighting a Syphon Dracovampiress, my INT was restored, but 30 points were missing. I only realized this as I equipped Water Sign and my MP was back to where it would normally be without it.

EDIT: And I don't know if this is a bug or not, but when fighting Phlox with a Nerfkitten, the Nerfkitten still buffs and nerfs as usual even if it doesn't do any damage.

DRACATH -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/11/2007 14:02:49)

when fighting the ice burrower i you pull up a class menu of any kind he stays at the top and his defence infanatly goes up stacked in 5's.

EDIT:it has now increased its defences all the way to 370,000
EDIT:note it uses the first 3 digits as its defences when i atacked it said 382993 and the defence it used was 382

Llong Jjohn Killer -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/12/2007 0:30:29)

Hmm, interesting bug. I was fighting an Archdemon in RA, and, strangally, it's weapon was blue.

It weapon started blue when it entered, and didn't afect the fight at all........just, it's weapon was the wrong color.

Here is a picture.

ShadySwipe -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/12/2007 9:07:23)

Archdemon was green for me?I think it had to do with elements?Or his "deadly secret" in his description.

The If -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/12/2007 16:21:20)

When fighting an Ice Burrower, after clicking a magic attack or using an attack that takes longer than the Ice Burrower's animation's length, the animation loop stops with the Burrower at its full extent. However, his defense immideatly begins to skyrocket past 100. Using the Inferno spell on an Ice Burrower will have the spell strike it with a minimum of 184 defense, and a maximum of 304. If you open a class menu, the defense will jump to incredible heights, reaching a peak of over 300,000.

This glitch may have been brought up before, I don't know... There was once a time when this glitch was the exact opposite, for example, fighting a Forest Demon. If you opened a class menu, the Demon would freeze in his animation and his defense would remain at 0 until after you hit him. I don't know if this glitch is still there or not, or if it's been reversed, as the Ice Burrower's has.

A GATEKEEPER -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/13/2007 17:50:11)

i was attacking a sneak like every other time he had 37 hp left i hit a 50 and 30 and some how he had 1 hp!!!!


evascah -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/14/2007 0:31:37)

With about half my battles, while the monster's still coming on screen its luck stat is -1001. it's not much but i think it's a bug.

Dragfire235 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/14/2007 20:28:10)

Whenever I come upon The Seeker (doesn't matter the level), the buttons saying 'Yes' and 'No' come least they're supposed to. For me, a black outline goes around the buttons, so I can't press it. Basically, I can't fight him or do anything, but I have to open another tab and re-login.

I have encountered this several times before, and I have any armor and weapons out. I also have the Protector pet out.

dragonofchaos -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/14/2007 23:42:52)

i swear on my life this pic is not edited in any way.

Felinous -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/15/2007 19:54:21)

not sure if this is a weapon bug or monster bug, but seems like monster bug

i was wearing protector shield, protector armor, and had protector pet, and was using the ballyhoo flaxe

i fought a woodland pack, and just as i was about to use the flaxe special attack, when the turtle damaged me
this lead to me using the special attack without raising my arm, so that the mace went flying diagonally downwards of the screen a bit
it still did damage, and it lowered their health to zero, but without defeating them
they don't attack (except for the turtle, which can still damage me), but my attack menu does not come up either
it is not frozen, we are still moving and the turtle still attacks

this bug may probably only happen very rarely, but i would like to know that it gets fixed

update: i let the turtle kill me, but i still could do nothing, i just have 0 health

Lord Meep -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/16/2007 18:26:37)

I KNOW it's a known bug but... I'm a tad annoyed that the Syphon Dracovampiress PERMANENTLY brought my CHA from 155 to 125. Are people who got cheated by this irritating monster going to be compensated? Or do we just need to get over it a train the stats? It... gets expensive training stats, and I REALLY don't feel like getting the money back. Sorry If I'm breaking any rules.

EDIT: Nevermind, just found it comes back in a re-login...

Nabsol -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/16/2007 21:20:34)

This was agasaint a Mermazon.

I had put on the Drakel Power Armor(new version) and SkyScorcher, and it showed the Artix hair and not the one I had.

Mystery Adventurer -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/17/2007 2:59:00)

I was clearing the trees of my new house, then I encountered a Big Burp(+20). However, instead of the usual 10 gold you receive when clearing trees, I received 240 gold instead. Other monsters that I had fought during tree clearing still give out 10 gold as usual. Possible bug with (+20) monsters?

Here's a screenie of the battle.

Rubix Cubezz -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/17/2007 20:58:11)

Okay, I died against two monsters. The first attack killed me, the dying animation did its thing, and then the second attack came and killed me again, so I died twice. When I was in Death's place, it immediately put me in a battle with a Frogzard, but I had 0 HP, 0 MP, and 0 SP. I died the first round. What's up with that?

Shirefolk -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/18/2007 20:45:01)

Not sure if this is meant or not but whenever i encounter an angel of darkness it drops its spear and on my next battle i have it where my no-drop weapon should be WOTHOUT me picking it up [:'(] i hate this because it causes me to lose my Staff of Awe which i am very fond of

kamikazehydrogenbomb -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/19/2007 18:50:33)

@Rastafarian: That is a known bug.

When frozen (bug: or paralysed), Fire Orbs turn into:

Ice Crystals

Quoted from the Fire Orbs/ Ice Crystals Encyclopedia entry.

@Shirefolk: I can't remember where, but I read somewhere that even if you don't want the Angel of Darkness's Spear, you still automatically get it.
EDIT: Oh yeah, here it is: at the beginning of the Monster Bugs Thread. xP


# Shirrig - Known screen-freeze when using water attacks against him. Provisionally fixed! (Which means you can report it if you have a problem with it. Full details necessary. What you attacked with, what armour you where wearing, did your pet/guest attack ? What pet/guest did you have ? Did it freeze on your turn or on its ? etc)
# Packs with zombies or orcs in them - a "killed" monster reviving. A "feature" of the pack system when the pack monsters can "heal" or "regenerate".
# Angel of Darkness - Gives you the Dark Angel Spear automatically after you win. It replaces your no-drop weapon whether you want it or not.

Quoted from the Monster Bugs Thread.

Dragfire235 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/20/2007 0:16:41)

Smoking scroll. When you're supposed to fight Akriloth a Frogzard comes up instead of Akriloth. Unless that Frogzard IS Akriloth... (because after it says that you killed him)

Beserker1027 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/24/2007 17:47:02)

Before I Was Fighting A Woodland Pack And While I Was Attacking...The Turtle with a bomb instead of a shell exploded in the middle of the attack( I Didn't Hit ) and then the attack bar didn't come up...WHAT IS UP WITH THAT?[sm=rlyvm8.gif][sm=rm7nr6.jpg][sm=rlyvm8.gif]

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