RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (Full Version)

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Elfy Twinky -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (12/12/2008 16:36:36)

He is suppose to, then you can get the sword.

He reach 0 hp when you exit the shop

EPJ_III -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (12/12/2008 18:27:46)

Does anyone know why Lord Argthas shows up in the area of Yonder in the Crossroads he is just supposed to show up in the battle monsters button in Battleon.

No, he's supposed to show up anywhere you fight a random ice monster. ~Aelthai

Chaoelemental -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (12/13/2008 16:22:38)

Im fighting orc horde in the void in restoration quest and when its my turn and i kill them, it randomly calls reinforcements and revives it selfs and when its like after the glitch it after my turn calls reinforcements even with all 3 orcs and heals its self

my equipment set during it was:

obsidan cloak, eye of nabb and naga's staff and wooly thocater guest.

Yes, you have to kill all 12 of them. ~Aelthai

Cloud The Dark Angel -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (12/14/2008 9:19:07)

Treasure Hoard's gold is 1056, still affected by the 10% gold boost.

Original gold: 960

960 + 96 = 1056.

Happened: Travel quests with 12 battles and Fairwell Spring.

Happens to any equipment and have cleared cache and used both Mozilla and Internet Explorer.

Edit: Seems to be fixed. My bad, didn't know that 10% gold just stopped today.

I am Crazy -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (12/16/2008 8:38:48)

For me, in the Frostvale in July quest, when you have to fight Dirty Snowman, it doesn't load.

Connor -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (12/19/2008 11:45:14)

I was questing for the blessed clay pot shards when this happened... Weird?

It was a Frogzard with the name drakel ninja.

IIRC, when the game can't load a monster for some reason, it defaults to Frogzard. ~ww

Hakunin -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (12/20/2008 13:44:15)

Monster: Visia

Location: Battle with Visia!

bug 1: the armor menu was unusable for the duratiobn of this battle

bug 2: her water-attack (when she has too low MP) do damage to BOTH on my HP and MP. I had more mana then her every time. According to the Encyclopedia Entry she should only damage (drain) my MP in that case.

clover!!! -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (12/25/2008 16:28:19)

Monster: Granny (lvl 100)
Location: Frostval Gift Delivery Event

Bug: The problem is that when she uses her draining attack, in which she drains some of your stats and levels, your stats do not come back to their original level when the battle is finished. In order to get your stats back it is necessary to log in again.
If there is any relevance, here is the equipment I used: Mage Robes (focused empowered stabilized spells and 10INT boost), Sila's Staff, Eye of Naab.

/There is a side problem with the event itself too: there is no information on the homepage so I guess not to many people realize that it is live. I do understand that the staff have they day off, but I'd like them to see it once they're back [;)]

Known. ~Aelthai

Erason -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (12/29/2008 10:15:24)

Monster: shrigg
Location: Fight the hunters in Bennjuin Wetlands

Bug: When doing it's "face-changing" attack, the attack is not compleatly finished when your pets and guests attack. I dont get the attack menu, although I guess thats it speacil abilty.

Mm, no, that's the bug. It's known - the revenge attack is buggy. ~Aelthai

Uber lord 7 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (12/31/2008 14:00:52)

in the the granny fight i ran away and the drained stat points did not go back to normal
normal changed
str 130 130
dex 75 75
int 40 40
end 55 40
cha 115 100
luc 15 15

Known, thanks ~Aelthai

Deadly the Eternal -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (1/1/2009 20:27:21)

When you're fighting Moonray (3) at the Triple Challenge, attacking with a lot of Darkness will cause one Moonray to die, fully heal and then cause HP damage (not too sure about this), and freeze the game.

OS: Vista SP1
Browser: Firefox 3.0.5

~Deadly the Eternal~

Blaze warrior -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (1/2/2009 22:49:39)

Drakelon Steam Dragon Prototype doesnt trigger any Dragon-slaying stuffs like DS shield or the Dragon Strike

It's a machine that looks like a Dragon rather than a real dragon ~Aelthai

1337XXX -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (1/3/2009 5:17:40)

Why does'nt the Untrainer work?

What do you mean, doesn't work? You have to lose to him, then he removes the 5 stat points you asked him to. ~ Aelthai

Nightwing7 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (1/3/2009 16:32:09)

After buying items in the maze of distractions with the black coins, and i click to fight the ledgendary monsters button, the player information doesnt load up (the other stuff like pets, guests, monster does load). happened twice but i havn't cleared my cache

vista, i think flash is the latest version, i used firefox but i did not upgrade to the 3.0 one, there were 9,500 players.

Ssiimmee -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (1/6/2009 10:13:49)

This is a kinda weird bug.
Sometimes when i fight Undead Xyphos he starts with 0 HP and after 1 attack it's 25.(it's veery hard to kill him then[8D])
And if it happens does the game system think it's a hack cuz it goes so fast to kill him?

Ssiimmee -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (1/7/2009 2:48:39)

Dont know if it's a bug but i was batteling a void dragon at sinister 7.
i used Kings duaLight it had 599 mp remaining but it said MP drain around -12000 so i lost [8D]

It's a Void Dragon. It REALLY likes it when you do Void damage to it ... and the Kings Dualight does Void on its special. ~Aelthai

juultheone -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (1/7/2009 14:32:39)

I just fought against a night terror with the big 100K sword

The type of the monster was definitely darkness, but my 100K sword didn't change into a light weapon... [&:]

Big100K triggers on undead and zombies, not darkness enemies - and the Night Terror is neither undead nor a zombie. ~Aelthai

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (1/7/2009 15:36:51)

Location:Defend Trade Hut

Problem: It's under lip is gone and looks pretty weird now.

earth breather -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (1/10/2009 3:32:26)

When im fighting deery when it transforms its base element doesent change

True, but there's no reason it should change. Not all undead are Darkness, you know. ~Aelthai

Prongy -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (1/18/2009 21:24:35)

If you get the Untrainer's health to zero he gives a different text and doesn't decrease the stat

Not a bug - to untrain the stat, you have to lose. ~Aelthai

Endless Maelstrom -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (1/21/2009 9:43:20)

Zardosaurus Rex's howl gives a sound even if you have disabled sound effects.

kocho -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (1/21/2009 21:27:52)

it wont load when i try to battle a monster, it loads everything but monster and freezes, the wheel keeps spinning but nothing happens even at low graphics while i can play the other three games very quickly on high graphics[:@][:@][>:]

I don't have any trouble loading a monster. Can you go elsewhere and does it work?
What level is your character? ~Aelthai

woah, posted this a long time ago
was having some weird bugs, but I can't remember any specifics anymore
it's since gone away

exgsuntzu -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (1/26/2009 4:48:15)

Lord Arggthas wouldnt die when down to 1hp

Took me 3 rounds to get him to die no change in hp he just wouldnt go in that spinning thing and die

Lord die?

as you see hes down to 1 and its my turn again

Hm. what were you attacking with? What did you use to get him down to 1 HP initially? ~Aelthai

exgsuntzu -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (1/27/2009 11:13:13)

I was using

Golden Plate
Silas Staff
Arrows of Virtue

simply casting AoV only

huhuhu -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (1/28/2009 0:35:29)

there was this glitch and still is for me when i was a adventurer i alway get stuck waiting for it to load like when it say loading monster or backround it just stops and i have to go back and wait till i could go on again!!!
but now im a guadian and dont have to wait but still. why does it happen?

That probably means you were having issues with your network connection. If it drops in the middle of loading, that happens. ~Aelthai

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