RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (Full Version)

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mitilotic2 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (10/2/2009 10:10:22)

deimos helm + mayhem = recipe for disaster

while equipping deimos helm fighting mayhem, the game dosent continues, it freezes at ur turn w/o the battle screen/box

What armor are you using? That's usually an armor bug. ~Aelthai

i tried with fujin pl8 and kindred valiance

equipped with platinum sword thingy, snake and tiger guest, pets are either keehkin thingy or the nerf kitten

both ends with same results...too much of a coincidence huh..

it's the armors. Fujin does that reliably - with any helm, and i believe kindred does it as well. ~Aelthai

Voivod -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (10/4/2009 15:07:12)

I was just moving 100 dex to charisma. So I was fighting the stat trainer Neberon.

I noticed status effects don't get removed from battle to battle. I crippled him and then used guardian gumn and it pretty much sticks everytime....making him unable to hit me most of the time. I could probably find other effects, too, and it would always be there.

Known. It has to do with how they end the battle (improperly). ~Aelthai

EVIL MOGILN -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (10/5/2009 13:49:55)

uhh when i start a battle and my weapon uses a special it shows no damage or change in the monster's HP/MP

Which weapon? There are a few weapons that do that. ~Aelthai

Uhh.. Ameythst Claymore

Fethend2 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (10/7/2009 2:14:08)

Apologies if this actually isn't the right one, but I figured it technically is a monster.

Big treasure chest seems to be only giving out 25 xp and 76 gold instead of the listed amounts. This happened in Somewhere, but I got confirmation of it in at least Fairwind Spring as well.

Not a bug ... it was changed because of interactions with WarpForce. ~Aelthai

the dragonslayer -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (10/13/2009 8:24:02)

I don't know if this was reported or not. I don't want to read through 3X pages but;
When the newly updated snayl spits at you that splash graphic thingie lags the game. It still does on lowest graphical settings and it isn't my computer, I can run many other games on highest graphical settings without any lag.

The Terminator -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (10/16/2009 5:14:07)

Quoted from my Q&A question:

"I just fought Lord Arrrghthas, and I ended the battle in about 10 turns. 5 turns (though not simultaneously) I used Wizard's fire and the other 5 with Asgardian+CIT+Liquefactor to finish him off.

It all occured when Arrghthas got to 4 HP, and my DoT killed him the next turn, and the BSoD appeared, and the white text at the top appeared "The game just ran into a strange problem......"

Similar reports have been made from other users on the forums, I don't remember the details, but it with one of those monsters that you get to access a shop/do special things with (I.E Grabbi, Dynablade Drakel, etc.), and it got finished with a DoT, then a BSoD appeared right after that too."

This has been worked on (yes, we caught it on Wizard's Fire) - I'm not 100% sure it's fixed, but I *think* it was. Are you still getting this? ~Aelthai

Numuul -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (10/16/2009 22:52:05)

Ice Burrowers continue gaining their defense rate when you are in the armor menu, instead of actually peaking and going back down.

Known. ~Aelthai

Crimzon5 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (10/17/2009 8:50:22)

Monster: Void Dragon

It says in the description that Dragon Bane Ore doesn't work... but it's effective, after all, it does Fire Damage instead of void

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (10/17/2009 13:01:25)

Monster: Corrupted Dragonslayer

Galanoth's trigger activates while fighting him, even though he's not a dragon.

Known. This will also happen on other things that trigger on Dragons. ~Aelthai

dasherman -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (10/24/2009 14:22:26)

Since when did he strike with PWD element?

What did you do to get him to do that? He doesn't ... Please include more detail - what had you attacked with? What did you have equipped? Had you just attacked/cast a spell/whatever? Was this his first attack or was it later? ~Aelthai

NetForever -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (10/25/2009 16:14:43)

0 exp and 0gold from monsters in the dark orb quest. I may take print screens in case of need.
And NO, i will not re-log, i am an adventurer and it takes me sometimes 2 days so that i can log on! I may take print screens in case of need.

Update: all monsters are giving me 0 exp and 0gold... what da hell is happening?

update: i reloged and the same bug continues... waiting for help...

update: didn't know there was a daily limit of exeperience and gold lol:

"Game-related Questions
I started getting 0 experience and 0 gold in battle! Why is that?

If you started receiving 0 experience and 0 gold in battle it is because we have a daily experience cap. This means that your character has reached its daily limit of experience and gold. If a character goes over the limit, the next battle reward will be zero gold and/or experience. The tracking is separate for gold and experience, so someone farming for experience may keep earning gold after they hit the max experience cap.

The experience and gold caps are 10% higher for Master X-Guardians because of the X-Boost.

The daily reset time is at Midnight, server time. After midnight, you can start gaining experience and gold again.

Please keep in mind, any messages regarding in-game content are answered on the forums. We do not answer questions about in-game content via email."

You don't have to relog, the reset happens whether or not you do. Handy, isn't it? ~Aelthai

StealthMaster -> Monster Families and Drakath (10/29/2009 3:15:55)

Drakath the Undead Dragon's head does not match the Drakath.

Sprat isn't in the catergory "Undead", despite the description stating that it is undead. Nurse Botoxia and Frankenspine should be "Undead" too, but aren't. Also, FrankenZard is so similar to a Zombie Zard, shouldn't FrankenZard be a "Zombie", or at least "Undead" as Dr Frankenspine said that this method made thing undead. (tested with Nighthunter and NightHunter Vampire Slayer's Vampire Strike)
Also, Vampire Slayers seem to have the "Vampire" trigger on things such as Vampire Strike and Nighthunter.

Should DemonSpectre be in the "Drakel" group, because it currently isn't. (tested with Charmed Bladehenge)

Yes, Sprat is undead. I just checked. I think he was one of the ones fixed in the massive group during my last trip to Battleon.
Nurse Botoxia is already undead. So is Frankenspine. What did you test this with? It sounds like you may be testing with one of the old items that does a name match instead of a category match.
Oh. With Vampire Slayer. Yyyyeah. That only catches stuff NAMED undead. That's a issue with the armor, not the monster.
(Yes, FrankenZard is a Zombie)
Sure, why not. DemonSpectre is now Drakel as well. ~Aelthai

So should this now be posted under item bugs now, or doesn't it matter because it's been seen?

Lushy -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (10/29/2009 5:03:14)

@stealth master.The reason the head doesn't match the portrait is because the actually monster animation was updated.

Crimzon5 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (10/31/2009 5:53:10)

Sea Fiend can be found in RA.. but has the same background as Rare Treasure Chest (it should it on water, right?)

He's on the beach now. ~Aelthai

aNyThInG -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (10/31/2009 11:38:07)

Wrong background, much?

Edit: Oh, Crimz beat me to it :(

He's on the beach now. ~Aelthai

atrus -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/6/2009 19:30:22)

I am still having the problem with Wizard's Fire and monsters who aren't supposed to drop below 1 Hp. (Just had it 10 minutes ago with Lord Arrgthas.)

Gogg Knight -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/10/2009 17:25:30)

I noticed a bug with the monster "Night of 100 Ninja",
when this monster is at low HP, and it misses when you got Sparkling (or other versions) ornament shield equipped,
the damage caused by the shield might make the HP decrease under 0, which makes it possible to beat them before they reached 0 Ninja.

xehanort -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/19/2009 14:04:42)

For some reason the level 100 Predecessor in Defend Unity on Paxia is giving 8907 XP and 2969 gold.

How in the world did this happen anyway?

And the level 60 predecessor's rewards have dropped to 370 XP and 130 gold.

Seriously, what's going on?

WarpedGuy -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/22/2009 19:13:15)

This was a while back, and I only remember the glitch.
If you let the frogzard hunter get eaten in quest one, the game freezes.

WarrrK -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/23/2009 1:42:24)

Is NaN% a known bug? If not, I first used Elite Ice Katana which happened to freeze it and next round I attacked with The Liquefactor; next, I attacked with Elite Ice Katana and did 0 damage.

Was using:
Reign Plate
Elite Ice Katana/The Liquefactor
Chieftain's IronThorn

Onyx Koofu
Lv. 90 Nerfkitten

loh87 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/23/2009 7:30:16)

when i met grabbi and defeated him i always get blue scrol of doom

schloaty -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/23/2009 15:38:15)


Game frozen on my turn at the end of the encounter while fighting a Shirrig(lvl40).

Was wearing:Valhallan Plate, Iron Thorn, Tsunami Edge
Summon:Krenos (lvl 70)

The last attack was the special attack from my Tsunami Edge, it looked rather strange. The wave was suddenly placed
on the left side of the screen.

+1, though I was in Asguardian rather than Valhallan, with the flower from Pirate shop and lvl 90 nerfkitten. But the special did the same thing, and my game, too, froze.

Must be linked to the graphics of the Shirrig's special defence against water attacks and the timing of the wave hits from Tsunami edge. This happened to me once before, long ago, in the nemesis plate, which also had a long delay between hits.

Ferox The Great -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/24/2009 16:11:52)

I was facing Dark Djinni on the second Vampire Slayer quest. It clearly states in its description that it's a demon, but when I use Vampire Strike (a Vampire Slayer skill), it comes up with a bubble saying "Not Undead"? Aren't Demons supposed to be considered Undead?

lan517 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/24/2009 19:21:17)

im in alphanx rainbow quest and im lvl 76 x Gaurdian trying to get the gilded armor and gilded shield which takes 30 straight battles
and im fighting the monster called the woodland pack and the monster wont attack and the screen for me to attack/ change armor wont appear but the turtle with the bomb keeps moving and hurting me so im in a deadlocked situation that i have 2 choices 1 refresh the page which logs me outor 2. wait till the turtle bomb kills me and have to restart the quest from the begging
this has happened twice so far ive tried everything lowering the graphics settings closing all other windows but nothing works plz help
i really want those items

P.S. i have the grave crowder weapon equipped and i can change the element from fire to dark and back by clicking it so its not totally frozen im just stuck cause theres no way to give my character a command so im sitting duck and dying slowly by a kami-kaze turtle

loh87 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/26/2009 11:28:04)

to ferox the great demons arent undead

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