RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (Full Version)

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Tha Killa -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (12/30/2011 18:10:31)


Also I don't know if anybody else has this bug but whenever I fight (2) Two-Bears, they attack then my menu dissapears which forces me to refresh the page, anybody else got this?

That was me and it seems that it only does it my main's account, my secondary has no problems with the monster.I tried logging out and everything but to no avail.

Zaxua -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (1/1/2012 5:24:18)

A friend of mine, Zarek, ran into an issue fighting against the lv 140 granny, at first i thought he was joking when he told me how much damage she did to him, then he linked me the recording.
He was using Google Chrome at the time, from what i understand.

A link to his character page

Damage Screenshot(screenshot of him taking 500000001 damage(Yes that is FIVE-HUNDRED MILLION AND ONE)
Short Clip Here (i'm terrible with links, but it IS there...somewhere. Nevermind, it works now)
After Granny Smacked Him(he forgot to close the options menu)

He was using the highest level Giftbox armor, Pureheart mirror, and (obviously) the fire blade of awe, and HoRD. He mentioned that it only seems to happen when he activates HoRD...
and other times he takes 0 damage while HoRD is active. He's not sure what to make of it, and I figured I would see if anyone else has seen this. I may try to re-create this, if i manage to run into granny again before i go to sleep.

@Afterlife I suppose that's possible too, in any case, i do believe granny has shattered the damage cap [8D]

I would suggest that you friend not hack the game (or abuse any HP/Stat bugs) if he doesn't want that to happen.

afterlifex -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (1/1/2012 7:36:50)

^ I couldn't get it to happen with just the armor and HoRD but the already bugged Pureheart mirror causing an issue may be possible. The shield has a low rate for it's ability so it may just seem like HoRD is the issue.

No Refills -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (1/2/2012 16:33:03)

When you use the elemental sphere it's melee, ranged and magic defenses go on for ever. I left it and it hit 5k.

Not a bug. Attack quickly. ~In Media Res

ilikeshiney -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (1/10/2012 16:23:28)

I was fighting in RA, and got into a battle with a TadZard (2), at the start of the battle, the TadZard had NaN Hp. The screen froze (also freezing my other pages in chrome). I opened task manager and the game resumed, my character attacked (without me pressing attack), then it said I won the battle and the Level Up scroll appeared. (I was lvl 136 at the time, and am still level 136).

I went to Underwater Yonder to do some more testing, and it appears as though none of the high level TadZards have hp... (All say NaN and die after attacking me). I've battled TadZard 130, Elite TadZard 120, and one or two others I don't remember....

Note: equipment used has changed between battles, including:
Blazing Solaris + Oaklore Crusher + Chieftain's Ironthorn + Nerfkitten
Straightjacket Z + Guardian Melee Block Hammer + UltraGuardian Shield + Nerfkitten
Mornignstar Bloodline + Morningstar Devastator + Chieftain's Ironthorn + Nerfkitten.

[Now I will proceed to stop fighting in water yonder and go do something safe... like dragon essences]

Fixed. ~In Media Res

Sanctus Paladin -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/12/2012 16:06:47)

I assume this is a bug but I am not sure. Since the its special poision heals it at the end of my turn, it can't die as long as i am poisoned. Each turn I kill it but before my turn is over it uses its poison to go back from zero to about 10-50. I think this should be fixed because not I have to try and tank it out the ten turns while the poison wears off.

Edit: Same with Duke Daestis

Hinasilyl -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/26/2012 0:11:13)

When I go up against a level 5 Deathwood it doesn't load the monster. I'm only experiencing this in the Crossroads and I'm not sure if it will happen anywhere else. I fought a higher level Deathwood and it loaded just fine.

This has happened to me on the 3rd wave 2 times already, if that provides more clarification.

Should be fixed. ~In Media Res

blackdagger988 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/26/2012 14:54:54)

Before bug occurred: I was playing the new quest involving Lady Tomo (in the past) and I was fighting the monsters during the quest.

During Bug: The damage I was able to deal to the lesser demons using Light damage was much less than the game displayed.

After bug: I switched to wind damage and the problem didn't persist.

Character page link:

Did you log out and log back in? Did you clear cache? : No, logging out would end the quest.
Did the bug happen again? : I haven't experimented with the issue.
Browser Info: Google Chrome, 17.0.963.56 m,
Flash version:

tyson135 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/29/2012 16:52:45)

zardzilla completes all but one load and is stuck there and i have to reload and re-login which is quite frankly... UBER annoying

GodsBreath -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/5/2012 22:05:23)

The Zardzilla bug is also happening to me. The thing is, the monster is the only thing that refuses to load. Everything else is fine, the screen just continues to load indefinitely.

storminmormon31 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/29/2012 11:49:06)

The trainer with the vorpal edge uses his special, and it does damage to me. however, my own vorpal edge's special ALWAYS misses. it registers as a miss, but it ALWAYS does that. what can i do to fix it?

axbxcxdx -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/30/2012 8:54:42)

I faced a Gologowl on Kindred Quest Earth Element. I have never seen one before and it deals Ice damage.

Sir Niaq -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/19/2012 11:22:57)

I THINK this belongs here. I'm not sure at all though. O.o

Before bug occurred: I entered a battle against a Pzycho Fiend on Level 4 of Metalface's Lair.
During Bug: I was very low on HP before the battle, so I equipped Powershard Hogg Six and attacked. Then Pzycho Fiend attacked me, and for some unknown reason, I was fully healed O_o
After bug: I was fully healed... so I beat Pzycho Fiend. Continued on with the quest.

Equipment used: AntiGuardian Plate 105, Ice Dragon Blade 94, Chieftain's Ironthorn + Powershard Hogg Six (activated on first turn)
Character page link: Below avatar
Did you log out and log back in? No as I'm not really wanting to replay the Quest.
Did the bug happen again? No, I haven't found any more Pzycho Fiends until now.
Browser Info: Google Chrome 18.0.1025.162 m
Flash version: 11.something
OS: Windows XP

Sir Niaq -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/23/2012 10:32:15)

Sorry for a double post, but this bug hasn't been reported yet. (And because I don't know if it's a Monster or a Graphic I will post it in both sections.)

Shadow Bleech has the same problem as Ice Bleech has. The eyelid turns a different color halfway down. Shadow Bleech turns from Black to a blue-ish color.

Game Master CCG -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/29/2012 22:22:18)

I'm also seeing the Zardzilla bug. The monster is the only thing that doesn't load, which leads me to believe that it might be some sort of database error where the game is unable to pull the appropriate .SWF files for the monster, resulting in a connection hang with no escape. I think you should probably add a "return to town" button if a battle doesn't load after, say, 30 seconds, so this sort of thing doesn't force players to F5.

Zeruphantom -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/30/2012 3:58:23)


I faced a Gologowl on Kindred Quest Earth Element. I have never seen one before and it deals Ice damage.

The Gologowl has it's own pedia page:



NOTE: This monster is commonly Level-Scaled to Your Level +10.

Level: 60
XP: 590 737 490 980
Gold: 220 264 100 200
Element: Ice

Melee: 30
Ranged: 30
Magic: 35

Strength: 25
Dexterity: 50
Intelligence: 100
Endurance: 50
Charisma: 50
Luck: 25

Fire: 125%
Water: 90%
Wind: 100%
Ice: 0%
Earth: 100%
Energy: 120%
Light: 110%
Darkness: 100%

An agent of the Devourer from the planet Plutarch.

I wouldn't say that's unusual, but I don't think a weak monster like this should be in the Kindred Set Quest. Hmm.

Sir Niaq -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/30/2012 9:28:00)

@Zeru: An Ice base element being faced in the Earth elemental section does qualify as a bug, methinks

Zeruphantom -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/30/2012 15:26:34)

Whoops! I didn't read that earth elemental part of the quote. I apologize for that.
Maybe it's just a misunderstanding with the game system at the time, inside the Kindred Quest. I'm not sure exactly though.

afterlifex -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (5/17/2012 15:16:36)

Rayfish probably do to age doesn't seem to be fully immune to petrification. He becomes petrified then turns back to his original color with the message "The Rayfish does not think that form of attack is very balanced!" but still misses a turn and the status is still displayed.
I don't know if his wind resistance is modified or if Experimental Robocockatrice attacks it with wind(killed it by accident before i could tell).


Immunity to Paralysis, Freezing, and nerfing from the Nerfkitten/ Moglo-Habilis/ Nerfbat pets.
When he reaches 2/3 of his base HP, or when he would be frozen/paralysed*, he buffs himself and nerfs you (see below). If frozen/paralysed, he then immediately buffs himself and nerfs you a second time (see third post).

*The Rayfish does not think that form of attack is very balanced!

Kite- the Shadow -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/7/2012 16:33:44)

I am unsure if this belongs here but the monsters I have been fighting recently have given ridiculously huge rewards if they are higher levels than me.
A few hours ago I noticed that the experience I needed to reach the next level had gone up from 1800000 to 2400000. At first this worried me but then I noticed that the level 100 energyzard I was fighting was worth 8000XP. This seemed strange so I checked the forums which told me that a level 100 energyzard should pay out around 1000XP. I wrote it off as a minor glitch but the vopalzard I faced next gave me 26000 XP and the Banshee Messenger a few battles later gave me over 80000XP and 2600 GP.
Has the game engine updated or is this just a bug?

I have checked by refreshing, clearing cache etc and the monsters are still worth a large amount more XP than they should be.

Ubear -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/7/2012 16:34:42)

@Kite- the Shadow: Hey it's a new updated from the Sweep:

Kite- the Shadow -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/8/2012 2:45:45)

Thanks I did wonder if it was something like that.

Grixus Faldor -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/8/2012 3:58:08)

The Thunderbird death animation has the updated graphic superimposed over the old Thunderbird and so you can see part of the old thunderbird's legs.

Infinity Everlasting -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/8/2012 21:49:35)

the entire monster is messed up, the pedia entry confirmed that Parakkas does not look the same as an archdeamon [&:]:

Arcon -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/9/2012 6:58:44)

In the current war, some of the monsters element is "flipped" (dark monsters attack with light, thunderbird attacks with water)

If the monster packs up (ie Darkzard (2)), this flip does not occur.

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