Zaxua -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (1/1/2012 5:24:18)
A friend of mine, Zarek, ran into an issue fighting against the lv 140 granny, at first i thought he was joking when he told me how much damage she did to him, then he linked me the recording. He was using Google Chrome at the time, from what i understand. A link to his character page Damage Screenshot(screenshot of him taking 500000001 damage(Yes that is FIVE-HUNDRED MILLION AND ONE) Short Clip Here (i'm terrible with links, but it IS there...somewhere. Nevermind, it works now) After Granny Smacked Him(he forgot to close the options menu) He was using the highest level Giftbox armor, Pureheart mirror, and (obviously) the fire blade of awe, and HoRD. He mentioned that it only seems to happen when he activates HoRD... and other times he takes 0 damage while HoRD is active. He's not sure what to make of it, and I figured I would see if anyone else has seen this. I may try to re-create this, if i manage to run into granny again before i go to sleep. @Afterlife I suppose that's possible too, in any case, i do believe granny has shattered the damage cap [8D] I would suggest that you friend not hack the game (or abuse any HP/Stat bugs) if he doesn't want that to happen.