RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (Full Version)

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aNyThInG -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/6/2009 0:31:10)

Anwyn's dialogue "Smalls Portals appear as paintings in you tent or house., so you must get a tent or house from Valencia in town first."

Correction: Smalls Portals appear as paintings in you tent or house, so you must get a tent or house from Valencia in town first.

UltimateRAM -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/6/2009 3:35:17)

Misspelled Shocking

exgsuntzu -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/8/2009 6:53:11)

Lil typo in trescol euthark hunting quest


see he refers to Buggest then further on Biggest

lufarinvaeilk -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/8/2009 17:30:57)

On the home page, it says "Dragoin Morph War"

it should be "Dragon Morph War"

knight dude -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/26/2009 21:46:01)

in the bennuju wetlands after fighting the hunters and getting the treasure chest from Robina it says
"I also found an orphaned Dragonkitten that needs to be take ncare of"

Chin -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/13/2009 0:01:11)

Battleon----->Click Valencia----->Click Visit Grubugly (Visit Valencia privately)----->Awe Weapons
After the truffle does its itemscan, if i hit "Yes Please" for the Blade of Awe story she tells me the percentage of it doing a special. The Encyclopedia has diffrent numbers.

Crimzon5 -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/21/2009 22:19:00)



Hits: 5
Attack Type: Ranged, Magic, Magic, Magic, Magic
Element: Darkness
Damage: 100% Base and Random each
BTH: ??? (+0%?)
Stat Bonuses: ??? (Yes?)
A longbow fashioned of obsidian imbued with the essence of the shadow realm, with a powerful 4-hit special dealing from 20-68 damage.

I see a contradiction ;)

Ash -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/30/2009 18:57:16)

In the new twig quest, Adamog and Jamog dialogs are labeled as each other. (Adamog's text box says "Jamog" and Jamog's says "Adamog.") And in a couple their pointing at the wrong person entirely. (Jamog is supposed to be talking and refers to Adamog, and yet Adamog is talking.) It's quite a big and noticeable group of typo's.

titanopteryx -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (5/11/2009 23:48:32)

On the Earn Z-Tokens through Third Party Offers page, under free offers there's an offer where you sign up for a free medical newsletter for 119 tokens. I clicked on the link. It took me to a page where you fill out a form to sign up with Survey Spot so you can fill out serveys in order to win rewards. There isn't a meantion of a newsletter anywhere. The whole discription about the newsletter is a typo and it's supposed to describe a survey site.

Khannibal -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (5/16/2009 5:30:18)

In the Absolix war, on your character page, Sepulchure is spelt wrong, as is Narvizz :/


fearshbane -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/5/2009 5:00:03)

At the end of the quest for the fujin set it still metions the old levels instead of the new level requirements.

mluther -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/6/2009 15:30:10)

when you enter granemor, in one of your conversations with the guard, you say " Woah! Umm.. i was looking for granemor, it use to be here........" it should say used to, not use to.

Lr5s -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/17/2009 17:01:44)

When battling the Expectant Mother dragon on the level 4 dragonslayer quest, you'll see something like "Expectant Mother's blazing temper raises his damage by 50%" once in a while. In this case, it should be "her", not "his".

Braelara -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/5/2009 15:56:42)

The Description for Master of the house has an unexpected start to a new line

"This vampire mage styles himself as

Elder Vampire..."

Sdw4792 -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/9/2009 12:49:52)

In the Devourer Saga Portion-Huntress vs Yulgar- There is a small typo.

In one of Yulgar's Dialogues it says

"I'm getting a really BAD VIBE fromn you -- like the worst possible things in the world follow you around everywhere. You'd better tell me what EXACTLY is going on, or-- or--"

*It should say from not fromn*

Sdw4792 -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/9/2009 12:56:52)

Devourer Saga-Huntress vs Yulgar- Epheel Dialogue

"Give the mage a hand! Yes, it is I, Epheel, and I ahve some advice for you. The Huntress is an agent of the Devourer-- or The'Galin-- and she is now one her way to find hidden weapons which can harm those of her kind."

*It should say "on her way to find hidden weapons" not one*


xD wow what are the odds... one dialogue window later I find another :D

"The path she is taking is in that book she left behind. Follow the path-- follow the HUntress-- and destroy her before SHE destroys those weapons!"

*It should say "follow the Huntress"*

* I believe it should also say she not SHE when it says "and destroy her before SHE destroys those weapons!"*

O.O;; WOW Another Typo 2 dialogue windows or so later... -.-' LOL!!!
Warlic says:
"We have no choice. We need to controny the Huntress-- and since she is going to find weapons that may help us fend of the world-eating Devourer-- now is as good a time as any."

* It should say "find weapons that may help us fend off the world-eating Devourer" not of*

Other_Guy_27 -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/9/2009 20:40:53)

Quote from the buy z-tokens page:


Spend Z-Tokens on Cool game items like:

* Orc Master's Blade
* The Armopede Pet
* Ultra Nightmare Rider Armor
* Summon Energy Dragon Spell
* Player Houses

Bolded items are Rare.

Trillionaire -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/10/2009 20:28:00)

When fighting as a Ninja
with the armor Shinobi Shozoku,
one of the skills is Call Ninja Tortoise.
Eventually, he will retire from battle.
When he does, it says

The Ninja Tortoise retires from battle exhaused

When it should say

The Ninja Tortoise retires from battle exhausted

Also a period at the end if neccesary.
Heres a screenshot too.

NFITC1 -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/11/2009 21:17:23)

The description of the Dynablade Drakel reads like this in-game and in the encyclopedia:

This Drakel warrior, a soldier for the violent Drakel faction of renegade Minsister Bree-ha, is out testing a new weapon called the Dynablade for his master.

Should be "Minister"

Guardian Mage -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/11/2009 21:19:18)

dont you mean "small portals not, smalls portal?

Paranoid Android -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/15/2009 7:23:44)

The Drakel Freak is described as a "A drakel cyborg with an unstoppable intellect, but sadly, not much of a way to make use of it." but if its intellect is as unstoppable as the description claims, then why is he being limited (hence, "stopped") by his useless body?

Also, in the Talk-like-a-pirate-day challenge, one of the questions addresses the lead female in Pirate of the Carribean as 'Kiera Knightley' when it should be 'Keira Knightley'

infuturity -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/24/2009 5:57:35)

The Rabbit Defender's description says that he doesn't "descriminate" when it comes to defending his eggs.

It is spelled discriminate

kain_abel -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/27/2009 17:10:56)

there's an error when Twilly talks about the moral compass, he says "and your alignment chanegs as you make special choices" should be changes

MacAlyster -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/28/2009 13:03:10)

not sure if this is a typo: Fighting an Ancient Wyvern, it attacked me and I saw a question mark with the word "Purple" that supposed to be poison or is that a kind of attack?

Zuyx -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/1/2009 20:24:58)

Dracomancer spirit quest, in the scroll describing what it is it says "To prove to Lord Cyrus that you have true potential as a Dracomancer, you must complete your SPirit Quest" P is capitalized in Spirit

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