RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (Full Version)

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destructionist -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/30/2008 2:31:31)

at mt thrall, pod 1, anna replies "locke my dear" to scakk. i believe it should be " Look my dear"?

lufarinvaeilk -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/22/2008 21:37:58)

when summoning guardian dragon, one saying is

"What a coincidence, I just bought a new cookbook: 'How to Serve monster.'"

when you summon him he says

"What a coincidence, I just bought a new cookbook: 'How to ServeSir Pwnsalot." it shuld be "Serve Sir Pwnsalot"

J.O.W. -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/23/2008 14:26:21)

the guard drag says "... how to serve_____" no space in there

Rambo55 -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/27/2008 14:04:14)

The 3rd newest One Spells "Teddy beat pet" Should be "Teddy Bear Pet"

koolkosma -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/28/2008 16:21:39)

Mt.Thrall when u find the rhino men one says calm dawn

it should be calm down

icydarkstary -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (5/3/2008 11:23:56)

when clicking on galrick at the war event ( the rise of omega ),

'Galrick, a skilled fighter from Lore, visited a world called Terra, where he found a strnge item called a 'T-shirt'

it should be strange

Underclass Hero -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (5/4/2008 15:25:50)

I think I have to post it here, the new "Fall off Augerthorne" say number 13 but it should be 17

NFITC1 -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (5/5/2008 9:26:14)

When battling the Necropolis Fiend if you have been infected with Grave Rot and block an attack it says "You fight of some of the Grave Rot". Should say "fight off".

Ianthe -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (5/8/2008 22:07:53)

The White Gi's "Claw Slash" is described:

An open-handed Melee strike mimicing the clawing attack of the Zard.

"mimicing" should be spelt "mimicking".

Earendl -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (5/9/2008 12:00:21)

Serpent Fang Gi attack menu. Attack number 10. It says Posion Fang. Should be Poison Fang.

Excommunicated -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (5/9/2008 22:11:33)

I don't think they posted before, Ancient Spirit Gi level 10 ability Chii Onslaught


Channel your Chi into a devestaging onsluaght of Chi infused attacks!

Should be devastating

pikid31415926535 -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (5/16/2008 14:35:12)

I don't know if this is a typo, but... The Greek god Ares has a chariot, pulled by two terrible beings: Fear and Terror. These being were known to the Greeks as Phobos and Dermos, and if this is what the Nemesis lesser ubers are refering to, the "i" in Deimos should be changed to an "r."

Ianthe -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (5/21/2008 22:41:39)


ORIGINAL: soul_breaker 23

Wooden Staff

Location: Adventurer Mage no-drop weapon
Price: N/A
Sellback: N/A
Level: 0

The Temporary Version is spelled wrong it says Wooden Staf ( In - Game )

There is supposed to have another (F) and the Temporary Version is Missing

Ianthe -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (5/27/2008 23:26:33)

In the MogBusters quest, after the Twig-lifting-the-rock myth:

Adamog: Well we are going to test whether a piranha can really strip someone to the bone is 10 seconds.
Twig: Wait?! What!? That sounds weawwy dangerous!

Should be "in" and "dangewous".

Quick Taco -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/1/2008 15:08:47)

In the Serpent Fang Gi level 10 ability it says "Posion Fang" this should be "Poison Fang"

NFITC1 -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/4/2008 9:39:08)

The Pedia entry of the Serpent Fang Gi reads as follows:

Level 6: Sneak Skin - Toggle
Focus your Chi into Snake Like Scales! Provides +5 Melee and Ranged Defence for 15 SP a Round!
Cost: 15 SP per round

While active, your Melee and Magic Combat Defences increase by +5 each.

Since I didn't get this armor I don't know what it actually does, but I'm assuming it increases melee and magic since Sneaks have high defenses against them. Subsequently, I don't know if the in-game description of that attack is correct or not.

And it's spelled "defense" everywhere else.

jkm199 -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/6/2008 22:28:27)

i used the blade of awe and summoned the guardian dragon. he said something that ended in "servingFire Gloop" or something along those lines. i know theres supposed to be a space between serving and fire. i dont know anything about action script but every other language ive used all have the same way to fix it. just add a space between the last word(serving) and the end quotes. like i said i dont know anything about actions script.


i know it doesnt alter gameplay at all and i dont really care about it but i thought the AE crew might.

edit again-

i apologize for posting the topic in the wrong section before. im more than a little out of it today.

PrimeDestroyer -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/7/2008 14:14:56)

On the second Wizards Game shop it says Evry not every.

afterlifex -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/11/2008 20:46:59)

Blade of Awe-Guardian dragon saying: What a coincidence, I just bought a new cookbook: 'How to Serve[Monster name].

There should be a space between serve & and the monster name. (there is not one currently)

Clyde -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/11/2008 21:18:58)

In the Quest: War of the Clans after Falerin arrives he says "I am sorry to see that our warning did not arrivesoon enough."

It should be "arrive soon" so basically just needs a space inbetween arrive and soon. I'll double check the quest again to confirm. :)

Free Willy77 -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/16/2008 19:56:11)

in fire spawn part 1
when using the draconic blade against a great wyvern
when the wyvern poisons you, it gives random damage before before the wyvern attacks and is says the damage is "purple" element

link630 -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/19/2008 23:01:46)

Description for Zombie Bane Scepter: The Battlemage Khold forged these SCEPTRES... - should be "scepters".

@ above: that's intentional as far as I know (I don't know very far)

harry8989 -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/26/2008 19:43:15)

When you talk to Suld in the wind orb quest, you refer to it as the "Wlnd Orb" (with out the bold). As in "I've come for the Wlnd Orb.

baba020 -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/3/2008 17:58:15)

when you talk to twilly in Battleon and you ask him about the moral compass,

Beside the -, it is written : and your alignment chanegs(...)

the correct form would be "changes"

Megahack -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/13/2008 19:57:02)

There's a typo whenever the Blowout shield is used and damages your enemy, it says that "the shields chills your opponent". It's on the top of the screen in the text bubble. Sorry is this has already been reported and I didn't notice.

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