RE: Clues VI (Full Version)

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Circa Survivor -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 10:49:11)

nvm gtg .....again people can someone tell me what happened when i was gone when i get back ?

Hell Blazer -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 10:50:08)

I know. It is getting harder, but more brilliant by the second

Tola -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 10:56:52)

Take a look at the link that says 'Encyclopedia of Truth'. That should give you a COMPLETE rundown.

shintilaberis -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 11:01:43)
Woah, look at this and then look at maxwells char!

Hell Blazer -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 11:07:54)


ORIGINAL: shintilaberis
Woah, look at this and then look at maxwells char!

Maxwell's character's eyes are freaking me out!

shintilaberis -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 11:10:34)

Hmm, Nova isn't just maxwell, it's the hollow too. Hmm Jess didn't play much of a part in this, she could be interesting, and I think A9 D9 is important too

Kuld -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 11:11:22)

i always kept thinking that the stupid android where going to betray us in the future saga >_>

shintilaberis -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 11:12:35)

I Think that te creator is alpha and the devourer is omega

Agent Redemption -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 11:13:02)


ORIGINAL: shintilaberis
Woah, look at this and then look at maxwells char!

dont see a conection, nova isnt an uncommon name you know.

shintilaberis -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 11:14:04)

The Eye! The Eye!

Kuld -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 11:16:35)

Maxwell have said that his character have nothing to do with this.
and also notice that Maxwells character have the same eye colours as Cor Demi

shintilaberis -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 11:18:31)

maxwell said actually that
My character has nothing to do with this
or does it
It doesent

Or does it?

Kuld -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 11:20:07)

hmmm yeah, but i think his character is more connected to Cor Demi than the one on the nova page

shintilaberis -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 11:20:48)

Hmm, but maybe they are cor demi and truth? or cor demi and another cor dem?

mr tinkleberry -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 11:31:08)

the truth is the truth and it has to do with some thing with the maple leaf on the dress of riona showdowgale and for some of u guys says wat the **** are utalkin about go to stone rule and then click artix and then the part where u get to her ghoust part do not press return of blah press the the carnax saga cutscenes and find a picture with riona's full bodie and look at here dress if u look closely u can see the maple leaf! and at the knights trainin place when u battle some one while u knight train u can click the shield on the background and the showadow of the shield is a maple leaf rember riona showdowgale she hs the word shadow in here name and the shields showdow is a mapleleaf and she has a maple leaf on her dress...ring a bell? it mean the truth is the fisherman dude is from canada! yea canada woo! canada!

2 D -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 11:33:15)

let me just throw this out there again:

NOVA might be a good thing protecting truth.
Truth might be trapped by lies or lies might be "The other side" of truth.

Kuld -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 11:37:02)

maybe Truth and Lies are like Jeckyl(sp?) and Hyde?

2 D -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 11:37:38)

thats what i said

Kuld -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 11:39:27)

oh, i misunderstood you then

2 D -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 11:40:24)


Ikiryou -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 11:40:33)

Truth and Lies are delusional.
About Lisa,
i believe LISA is a program, also known as LIES.

Kuld -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 11:43:18)

Terrix, the "twigquetra" is not a joke you know that? god used to be depicted as a fish, if i remember right this where because the jewish, or the early christians where not alowed to depict god

Ikiryou -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 11:44:38)



Terrix, the "twigquetra" is not a joke you know that? god used to be depicted as a fish, if i remember right this where because the jewish, or the early christians where not alowed to depict god

if you find it offensive, then ill remove it.

Kuld -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 11:45:00)

i do not find it offensive, just wanted to point it out(i happen to be a little to interested in history)

Korento Ratsastaja -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 11:45:36)

what happend since last thread page 6?

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