RE: Clues VI (Full Version)

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Ikiryou -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 11:45:53)



i do not find it offensive, just wanted to point it out

removed it anyways, it was a little big for comfort

2 D -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 11:48:14)

ok not to be rude but this is spam and we have to crack the code here not ave tea time.

mr tinkleberry -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 11:49:13)

twigpuetra...twig i wuv fish and ice cream and that picture of urs has a fishies on it and it circles

Lord Barrius -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 11:49:16)

Hmm....perhaps my hints are not entirely clear.


Sometimes viewing one's interests can give insight. Do you know the Seeker's interests?

This is quite literal, as I said before. Go to the Seeker's MySpace, then view his Interests. You should be seeing this:


The War of the Words
All that is evil is not Dark
Manifestation: The Coming Dark

Those are all located in the same place. Where, you ask? I already gave you that hint.


An ancient land but just recently found, the land of Lore waits to be defined and described. The world waits to be understood and conquered; its history and its people wait to be shaped and known. Its stories and its history wait to be shared, learned, written, and told.

Tell me....where does this line come from?

Korento Ratsastaja -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 11:50:29)

i would like to jelp, but i don't know if there are any new posts of Truth, Lies, Maw, ect. for any new information (or any new activity from Lisa or Nova)

Kuld -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 11:51:27)

well darksames, why not just view the last 50 posts of lies, truth and maxwell?

Korento Ratsastaja -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 11:52:23)

...ookaay, and how about Lisa who is active on IRC, or how about new characters who got involved, huh?

2 D -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 11:52:54)

can someone post a link to the nova website.

Kuld -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 11:54:45)

NOVA website: Filtered link removed.

A NOVA haters website, aparantly a new character in this plot: Filtered link removed.

anyone know why the my space part becomes ****

mr tinkleberry -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 11:55:04)


ORIGINAL: mr tinkleberry

twigpuetra...twig i wuv fish and ice cream and that picture of urs has a fishies on it and it circles

and that if u scroll down it says nova fisheries-seattle,wa and twig eats fishies and maby we re fishe the fishies

Rimblade -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 11:58:02)

A NOVA website and a NOVA haters website? Great job everyone, great job.

It would, just possibly make more sense if anyone knew that NOVA was, before they started joining/hating.

And no, I don't care about 'NOVA is salvation' posts. That is not specific.


Korento Ratsastaja -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 11:58:52)

how about it, any new characters who got involved?

mr tinkleberry -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 12:00:07)


ORIGINAL: darksames

how about it, any new characters who got involved?


Kuld -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 12:00:28)

yes, the creator of the NOVA hater webpage, the "seeker"
there is some interesting stuff on the novisalie page, and its either a hoax or a part of the plot, and i vote for a part of the plot

Korento Ratsastaja -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 12:00:40)

NOVA hater website?

Kuld -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 12:02:58)

yeah, i posted a link to it together with the NOVA webpage, look at the first post on this page. replace the **** with my space without the space in between my and space

Korento Ratsastaja -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 12:07:49)

the link isn't working, post the link with [code][/code] around it

Kuld -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 12:10:40)

does not work, its a my space site and it seems to censor those

Korento Ratsastaja -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 12:15:18)

Links removed. Please do not evade the filter.

is that the correct link?

Kuld -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 12:16:07)

well i put in .com to, that must be the reason it didnt work

Edit:yes its the correct link, but you must put in a .com if you are hoping to get there

Korento Ratsastaja -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 12:25:46)

Links removed. Please do not evade the filter.

not working either

Kuld -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 12:27:36)

its .com after the
part not after the novaisalie part

D.Spica -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 12:28:17)

Very interesting link...

Kuld -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 12:29:02)

yeah, found it while reading the entire previous clues thread, from page 10 to 29 >_<

Korento Ratsastaja -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 12:29:20)

ow, srry

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