RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 17/06-07 (Full Version)

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birdy -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 17/06-07 (8/14/2007 20:22:56)

I updated the FAQ, it was alot easier than I thought but if you find somenthing you think could be done better then just post here. I'll fix it immediately :D

I added new links and deleted quite some chunks on the "What do we do on the forum" and Are there some threads I should pay attention to ? since many of the threads on those two questions were dead >.>

I also added another question regarding the Clan Head, since I'd think there should be a place on the FAQ about who in the clan you can PM if there's problems.

Last in last, I'll make all titles bold in a minute... got the idea after I just saw how hard the whole thing is to read :P

EDIT: It took more than a minute >.<

Anyway, enjoy the new easier-to-look-at FAQ and tell me if you odn't like it :P

bm_dude1793 -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 17/06-07 (8/15/2007 3:39:05)

well the nautica C-C thread has been deleted and is no longer there

birdy -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 17/06-07 (8/15/2007 20:03:17)

The C-C is the Cross-Clan thread and I put a new link y'know >.>

EDIT: Apparently it's the wrong link, I'll fix it (I thought I had fixed it O.o) :)

EDIT2: Fixed the link ^_^

EDIT3: I added the new Clan Head in the Q/A section.

Sir Gnome -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 17/06-07 (8/30/2007 17:02:46)

One tiny change - could you replace 'Salty the Happy Trilobite' with 'Salty, our clan mascot', seeing as he's finally evolving?

birdy -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 17/06-07 (8/30/2007 17:04:41)

Sure, I'll add that soon enough alongside the Amphitheater ^_^

EDIT: Fixed what needed to be fixed and added the Amphitheatre in the "What's happening now ?" part and in the "Is there some threads I should read ?" Q/A section, also changed Salty's text. Tell me if you think it should be changed.

EDIT2: Made a new section with links to known Nautica related threads in the other boards and a link to the Paxian PF, I also fixed Salty's name (since the "old" one got outdated a few days after I edited it into the FAQ [:P]). And well, if there's somenthing you don't like then just either post in this thread or PM me.

EDIT3: I have added a link to the Nautica Clan History thread + a link to Lkeas' smart thread (which will later on be added to the FAQ) ;)

EDIT4: I have added the Rating Center to the "What's Happening Now" section, it will later on be added to the Out-Of-Paxia section.

Fishtank -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 17/06-07 (10/14/2007 7:39:19)

You can take down the rating center, it's been locked.

what's happening now should be the Rating center revival.

And you can probably add the level tracking system to "what we do for fun". I mean, it's really just there for fun.

And in "outside the Nautican forum" threads you can add the coral reef, it's on paxia but it's not in Nautica

Just my two cents.

birdy -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 17/06-07 (10/14/2007 20:23:31)

Thanks alot, didn't think about those :P

Now I sure doesn't hope there will be that many edits this time ^_^

Serpent of Shadows -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 17/06-07 (10/23/2007 9:14:59)

oh,oh! i got question!

right i remember before there was a topic in Nautica where when you put in Z-tokens into the can you could get an award for your sig.i recently put in 50 Z-tokens.where can i find the link to the place where i can get the medal?

thanks you in advance -Sos

Serbitar -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 17/06-07 (10/23/2007 9:25:07)

Here you go:

Hope it helps. ^_^

Fishtank -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 17/06-07 (10/25/2007 20:48:27)


Please note than UltraPowerPie, Ricobabie, Z.324 and Bballman23 are closer to Paxia than most other AKs.

Time to add Sir Gnome!..... Unless we're going to test his loyalty?

Muhahahahaaaacckk *chokes on a piece of candy from Mogloween*

Baker -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 17/06-07 (10/26/2007 0:18:43)

Ah, indeed, SG. Added by moi to save birdy the trouble. Somehow, my name is now the first one on that list... :P Since Scakk is now officially head mod of Paxia, he's on there as such now.

birdy -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 17/06-07 (10/26/2007 18:22:24)

Thanks alot :D

I didn't knew SCAKK was head-mod here... but thanks for adding that as well :P

Sir Gnome -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 17/06-07 (10/27/2007 5:52:21)

Also, its Scakk now, rather than SCAKK.

Fishtank -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 17/06-07 (11/4/2007 15:27:57)

The Nautican Private forums can be added:

Q: Does this clan have a Private Forum like Dynami or Lucian?
A: Yes we do, it can be found here: Clicky!

Q: I'm on the Private Forum, but I'm having some sort of problem, whom do I contact?
A: Find Fishtank on the Private forum and PM him, he is the Admin.

birdy -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 17/06-07 (11/4/2007 21:10:09)

I'll add that tomorrow, it will be in the Out-Of-Paxia section and the text will be merged (I'm a bit tired right now :P).

Expect to see it tomorrow.

EDIT: I actually added the Nautican PF some time ago... forgot to edit it in here :P

And uh, Lv. Tracking Thread got updated :)

Fishtank -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 17/06-07 (11/13/2007 17:27:06)

New PF link:

I promise that we're not changing service providers unless the current one explodes.

Agent Val -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 17/06-07 (11/13/2007 19:50:25)

just great i have to delete it from my favourties list and add the new one

Deimius -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 17/06-07 (4/11/2008 2:15:55)

What?! We are not that inactive! We Lucians just like to conserve our energy for when a sudden war or event breaks out :p.

Agent Val -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 11/11-07 (4/11/2008 6:41:55)



1--) Nautica ---Water

Nautica was among The Original Clans -Aerodu, Geoto and Nautica- and the smallest of the three. Nautica have gained a reputation of being peaceful and to be a place for mages and enlightened people.
As the very first clan, Nautica had no form of governmental body –and therefore may seem to be a bit more unorganised compared to other clans- and is ruled by the majority of the people. Nautica is and was a place of art poem and intelligent debate -which can be noted by the Canu’r Delyn-
In the First War Nautica stayed passive and took no side in the conflict between Aerodu and Geoto, but when the Second War started Nautica launched attacks against Geoto –with the help from Aerodu- in an attempt to stop Jaques –or the Fisherman- from gaining power from Geoto itself. Nautica was the “victor” of that war –though in war no one is victorious-.

perhaps you should also say:

"Aswell, the war was ended by Jaques(not in entry, it was jaques?was it not? im sorry im not so clear>.<), when he jumped out of the Geoto tower and destroyed the oringinal bases, while nautica was in the lead(in terms of health), though no victory was awarded.

make sure you check to make sure is sultible for the faq...and you can remove the end if you just one of those militaristic kind of person who doesn't like getting his "win"[:'(]


5--) Devourer Saga

The Devourer Saga is a story that that will influence all of Lore and Paxia highly. It is believed by many that the only mean to survive the Devourer –or The’Galin as it is his other name-, since the Devourer is a god and can’t be killed. Here is a good source of getting information on what it is at large:

im not sure thats a correct sentence, you don't say whats the only way to survive the galin

birdy -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 11/11-07 (4/15/2008 16:35:14)

You... aww! You actually still posted even after I was gone (unless an AK fixed up the stuff >,>) :D
Worry not birdy, you've got the last edit [:)] ~SG
Anywho, I'll start the clean-up tomorrow, and thanks for pointing out the error Val ^_^

The Birdy is back in her nest!

Agent Val -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 11/11-07 (4/17/2008 15:11:08)

heh welcome back birdy

birdy -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 11/11-07 (4/17/2008 19:30:33)

Sorry about the delay with the fix-up, I'll do it in the weekend.

Not feeling too well right now >,>

And thanks for the welcome guys, good to see I'm not entirely forgotten :p

Agent Val -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 11/11-07 (4/17/2008 21:31:55)

no problem[;)] im sure not alot of people still read that::) and im quite sure us veterans would never forget our leader!

Hyrdocannon47 -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 11/11-07 (4/17/2008 23:37:43)


You need to pm me now!

Johnwater -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 11/11-07 (4/29/2008 8:16:47)

Why not make an alliance with Glacius and Lucian and Aerotu, then slowly expand our alliance! Finally, all clans would be united, and we shall FIGHT AGAINST THE 'GALIN!

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