RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 11/11-07 (Full Version)

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Day Malrone -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 11/11-07 (4/29/2008 11:59:37)

This thread would be most suited to your suggestion, Johnwater. Welcome!

posiedion -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 11/11-07 (7/25/2008 2:24:03)

thanks fore the link.

Day Malrone -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 11/11-07 (4/4/2009 8:40:38)


I think we need a new FAQ. I've not been here for a while but it seems like birdy has left, so he/she won't be able to update it with the new stuff I'm planning on making in the 'Reforms' thread. I'd make one myself, but I think it would be better for the Clan Head to do it. As I've found no evidence of a new election, I'm guessing by default Hyrdocannon47 is acting Clan Head. After all, this is a bit old.

Greymare -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 17/06-07 (7/21/2009 10:43:00)

Nice FAQ, FAQ's are always good to be updated cause many ppl ask the same and the same! :D

brianspenceni -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 17/06-07 (7/21/2009 12:04:10)

@Day, you could get shadow to copy the threads code for you so you don't have to start from scratch. Very graciously, he's done this for Glacius a few times.

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