SLC -> RE: Pets/Guests (7/5/2007 12:57:26)
2. For Dragonkitten, can you switch Attack 1 and Attack 2? Becuse it is confusing like this. This is what I'm proposing (for the level 70): Attack Rate: 100 % ATTACK 1 Element: Light Type: Melee Hits: 2 Damage: 7 - 21 BTH: 15 Rate: 0 CHA = 45 %, 45 CHA = 67 %, 115 CHA = 100 % ATTACK 2 Element: Light Type: Melee Hits: 1 Damage: 7 - 21 BTH: 20 Rate: 100 % - Attack 1's Rate = Attack 2's Rate 3. Here's a list of pets that should say estimated + 0 BTH: Pets Ice Cat Ice Dragon Egg Garlic Vampire Legal Trobble (75) Penguin 4. For the Nerfkitten, in the Pets Index, Nerfkitten should be marked somehow. Right Now Nerfkitten Should Be Nerfkitten (Level 50/90 = Guardian-Only) 5. Here are some estimated attack rates (unconfirmed): Garlic Vampire 0 CHA ~~~~~ 29.5 % 75 CHA ~~~~~ 67 % 145 CHA ~~~~~ 100 % 6. First of all, delete Chii and Invalid's posts. Then clean up the entry. Cleaned up entry of Penguin: quote:
Penguin Level: 0 Price: 250 Gold Sellback: 50 Gold Location: Aria's Pet Shop, Frostvale Shop Rename Price: 20 Gold Release Date: June 10, 2003 Training Difficulty: 20 Element: Ice Damage: 1 - 3 ATTACK 1 Hits: 2 Damage: 100 % / 100 % / 100 % Element: Ice, Water Type: Melee BTH: + 0 Attack Rate: 0 CHA = 57 %?, 20 CHA = 67 %?, 90 CHA = 100 %? Description: Cool penguin [image][/image] Thanks to Yangu for further location. Thanks to Invalid for the picture. Thanks to Chii and Suikoman444 for providing the release date. Thanks to SLC for cleaning up the entry and estimated attack rates and estimated BTH. 7. Here are some changes to the elemental Pets Index, the one sorted by element and level. Right Now Lv. 5: Icewolf Lv. 25: Ice Rhino Lv. 30: Ice Vampragon Lv. 35: Gogg Lv. 50: Nerfkitten Lv. 90: Nerfkitten Should Be Lv. 5: IceWere (Guardian-Only) Lv. 25: Ice Rhino (Z-Token) Lv. 30: Ice Vampragon (Guardian-Only) Lv. 50: Nerfkitten (Guardian-Only) Lv. 90: Nerfkitten (Guardian-Only) Rare Gogg Please and thanks. Thanks for all the help, and you're welcome! I added most of it, but there's some things. First, the Garlic Vampire's rate definitely isn't CHA-based, since it isn't 100% for my 200CHA character. Also, I don't believe we use the tags in the elements list. ~In Media Res