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RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III

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5/28/2009 8:47:52   


Nope, not working, I can't even post on the "WELCOME...post here first" thread. Oh well..

That's on purpose. An admin has to review your account before you can post, we had a few problems with spammertrolls lately.


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 601
5/28/2009 9:42:27   
Oliver Bell
AK in Limbo!

We could do Erason, but we would still have a lot of trouble of contacting them, just as much as if we were reviving the old forum. Sorry about my inbox being rather full but I keep some important pms with valuable links there, including the ones for the private forums and images people have suggested for Gaia.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 602
5/28/2009 12:31:16   

My 2 cents:

Starting a new PF is the right choice. For better or for worse the clan is not the same it was back then, even if contacting the old forum adms were easy using the old forums would only serve the purpose of allowing nostalgic people to wallow in nostalgia. Besides starting something from zero is always more involving than just recycle the old.

But what do the other geotians think? Have you contacted some of them with this idea (via PM or otherwise)? I think we'll need at least 5 frequent PForumers for the first month to get a good start.
AQ MQ  Post #: 603
5/28/2009 14:56:31   

Well, there's Me, you, Oliver and maybe Neo_mania?
AQ DF  Post #: 604
6/10/2009 14:47:50   
Oliver Bell
AK in Limbo!

Ok, Erason you can create a new private forum quickly just to show what quality the new PF's would have, then detail can be added later if everyone still agrees to the scheme.

< Message edited by Oliver Bell -- 6/10/2009 14:48:08 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 605
6/11/2009 14:32:42   

http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=16135165 - Please read
AQW  Post #: 606
6/14/2009 16:26:12   

Ok, oliver! Sorry that I havent been here, but I wasn't in the Country.
I'll Draft the Fourm up today or tommorow.
AQ DF  Post #: 607
6/14/2009 17:20:28   
Oliver Bell
AK in Limbo!

Ok Erason I am looking forward to it, good to have you back.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 608
6/15/2009 13:45:22   

Hmm, sorry! But the Forum will be a few days late. I've had a awesome idea!
AQ DF  Post #: 609
6/15/2009 16:42:31   
Oliver Bell
AK in Limbo!

Ok, care to share what this idea is or are you keeping it secret?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 610
6/15/2009 19:15:06   

Keeping it secret till I can see if it works out.

Well, this is just the BETA Forum. Not how it would look like at the end. Compleatly open to suggestions, and new skins.

Oh, and the Secret thing, it's a Geoto Toolbar I'm attempting to make. Sadly it'll only work on firefox and Internet Explorer. I'm saying this now because it's getting together finally.
It's Currently what i would like to think of as beta, and not extremly good. But anything you want to be added to the toolbar is wellcome. This can include searches and Gadgets and stuff.
Click here to try it out.
AQ DF  Post #: 611
6/16/2009 8:58:46   
Oliver Bell
AK in Limbo!

The foum looks good so far though a different colour green would probably be better for the background. Also that reminds me, how are we going to decide on mods and admins? I suggest having council members fill those positions, though it may be difficult to arrange.

< Message edited by Oliver Bell -- 6/16/2009 9:01:32 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 612
6/27/2009 0:43:15   

Once the names for the Power Core and Collectible are decided upon please post them http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=16226035
AQW  Post #: 613
6/27/2009 7:39:27   
Oliver Bell
AK in Limbo!

Ok scakk no problem.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 614
6/30/2009 19:56:13   


The core mechanics -- the Power Cores and the Power Sources -- should be set up with at least a believable façade of seriousness.
That said, part of the plans for Paxia expansion include putting each clan on even ground in terms of equipment: an armor and a weapon. In addition to that, we will allow each clan to come up with one other piece of equipment of some sort: a spell, a misc, a shield, a pet, even another weapon or armor. The clan members will all vote on the proposals, and the suggestions will be designed and implemented, so each clan gets their one extra item. If you want a cookie or a popcorn misc, a pet of some sort, or whatever -- then that's up to you to propose and your clan members to decide. The sky is the limit on the design of this equipment -- after all, we've wielded harnessed eels.

How does that sound?

Quoted from Westwind from page 2 of the Power core/collectable thread. I'm not proposing we have a vote on this since it's way too early, knowing the staff it may be 6 months or more before they ask us to decide. But coming from a staff member I think it's safe to assume this will be done eventually so we should start thinking about it. Maybe by posting a thread here or on the PF. That way when the vote does come we won't be caught off guard like it just happened with the core vote.
AQ MQ  Post #: 615
7/2/2009 15:31:55   
Oliver Bell
AK in Limbo!

I noticed it and it seems interesting. Though I don't think we can do much other than make a few rough ideas, the PFs is a good place for that. But we can't settle on anything without more details, e.g. the level requirement or if we are just naming it or if we are choosing its effects as well. Anyway I though I should post this here, though most of you already know, that I will be away tomorrow until either the 6th or the 7th, depending on how long the drive takes, to compete in the next round of the chess tornament I entered a few weeks ago, this is because the venue for the next round is several hours journey away. This means that I will likely be inactive during that time unless the hotel has computers for their customers to use, which is very unlikely. I may post tomorrow morning but that is doubtful. See you all when I return.

By the way incase any of you are interested here is what I will be doing during my absence.

Friday: Several hours drive, unpacking etc.
Saturday: Chess tornament hosts an optional day of chess practice, which I am taking.
Sunday: Chess tornament all day. Packing etc.
Monday: remaining pacing and several hours drive home.

Wish me luck, I am going to need it.

< Message edited by Oliver Bell -- 7/2/2009 15:46:27 >


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 616
7/2/2009 16:07:26   

good luck Oliver
AQ  Post #: 617
7/2/2009 18:00:53   

Sounds fun. Good luck
AQ MQ  Post #: 618
7/7/2009 4:56:39   
Oliver Bell
AK in Limbo!

Thanks everyone. I won only 2/6 games though, still not bad for my first time and it gives me something to improve on next year. I will check the PFs soon but for now I need to work on warpforce.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 619
7/7/2009 5:41:03   
tjd 07

oliver: You beat two people though. Always remember that you're better than two people that went there. Just tell people you won 2 games. Don't mention the other four .
AQ DF  Post #: 620
7/7/2009 11:40:37   

Hey! For my first (and still the only) chess tournament I had, I won 2/6 too!

< Message edited by Erason -- 7/7/2009 11:42:49 >
AQ DF  Post #: 621
7/7/2009 14:54:04   
Oliver Bell
AK in Limbo!

Was that in the first round or another, if the tornament you entered had more than one round?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 622
7/7/2009 14:59:22   

Interesting conversation. I used to play chess a lot and, when representing my school etc, never lost sight of the fact that I was playing people who took the game seriously enough to compete. 2/6 is good when you consider you're playing serious opponents.
AQ DF  Post #: 623
7/8/2009 5:55:24   
Oliver Bell
AK in Limbo!

Thanks brianspenceni. None the less I hope to improve on 2/6 next year.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 624
7/8/2009 14:17:01   


Was that in the first round or another, if the tornament you entered had more than one round?

It has six matches, each roughly lasting a hour and a bit.
AQ DF  Post #: 625
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