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RE: =AK= Meet the AK: Maegwyn

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8/25/2007 18:35:44   


Ok lets Start.

1. When you heard you have becamed AK what did you do?
Oh, just like everyone else ... stared at the screen in shock!

2. Where Do You Live?
I live in the Midwest US.

3. Which Side Are you? Ninjas Or Pirates? (This Is A Massive Question For Me)
Well, since it's a Massive Question for you, I'll give you a massive answer. When AQ had the war between Ninjas and Pirates, I felt the need to fight a little bit on each side, because I don't think there should be enmity between the two. When people ask me, Ninjas or Pirates, I always say Pirates, though, because it's so fun to talk like a Pirate, and I wouldn't have the first clue of how to talk like a Ninja! Just yesterday, I was joking around with Cubal about Ninja Otters and I was seriously thinking about writing a little story in Legends and Lore called "Maegwyn and the Ninja Otters." But don't hold your breath, because I am really great about getting ideas and not actually ever sitting down to write them out. So, to answer your question properly, I am on Both Sides At Once. I think that both Ninjas AND Pirates are awesome!

4. Do You Love me? o.O
o.O Well, in the abstract sense, yeah, sure ... just as I love everyone. I'm not a hater!

5. What Games You Playing? (Not Including DF Or AQ)
Just Diablo 2 Expansion, although it's been a week or so since I last played.

6. What Sports You Like?
I'm not a huge sports fan. I watch a little baseball.

7. FireFox Or IE?
Firefox. I like Opera, too, but FF is more universal.

8. What Most You Like In DF?
The graphics!

9. Nice Name :D
Thank you! Yours is also very nice!

This Is All, Enjoy Your Summer! (Or The LeftOvers Of It).
Thanks! You too! I love summer because of swimming!

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/28/2007 12:02:57 >
DF MQ  Post #: 51
8/25/2007 19:12:05   
Nightmare Eternity

Oh wow. I never knew that your "Meet" thread was this late... weren't you an AK a long time ago?
Yeah ... it's late ... nothing like waiting 4 months to make a formal entrance XD

Anyways, congratulations on becoming on AK. This is actually the first "Meet" thread I've replied to, but anyhow...
Wow! Thanks! I'm honored!

*reads answers* Ah, I see that your old computer you complained about is replaced. Congrats on that, too.
Yeah, that was long overdue. It's still an old computer, but newer than my old one, and far better.

I'm fairly good with numbers, but I hate math... kind of strange.
I blame schools for this.

Since when did Maegwyn become an otter maiden? o_0 I never really caught up on Nautican news, really.
I think it was during one of those parties when I suddenly realized that Maegwyn was, in fact, an otter!

How did you get to be a DragonFable AK? I mean, was it already decided, or did you choose to be an AK here? Or is the thread just here?
I actually chose to add helping out here to my duties. There were already some awesome AKs here, and the forums were going crazy over the Dragons hatching, and I offered to help.

Hmm... what would be your favorite quote?
Okay, I'm terrible at "favorite," but here's a good one:
"I do not think it is putting the case too strongly to say that much of the poverty of our society's intellectual life is directly due to the sort of books children are encouraged to read. Practical books with facts in them may be necessary, but they are not everything. They do not serve the imagination in the same way that high invention does when it allows the mind to investigate every possibility, to free itself from the ordinary, to enter a world where paradox reigns and nothing is what it seems to be; properly engaged, the intelligent child begins to question all presuppositions, and thinks on his own. In fact, the moment he says, wouldn't it be interesting if…? he is on his way and his own imagination has begun to work at a level considerably more interesting than the usual speculation on what it will be like to own a car and make money. As it is, the absence of imagination is cruelly noticeable at every level of the American society, and though a reading of E. Nesbit is hardly going to change the pattern of a nation, there is some evidence that the child who reads her will never be quite the same again, and that is probably a good thing." -- Gore Vidal, on E. Nesbit, 1964

Hmm... so, is life hectic with being an AK, thinking of going back to school, having a job... all that? I'm not an adult yet, as you may have noticed. :P
It was more hectic in the past few months, really, than it is right now. I'm taking some time to not think about things, which rather ironically results in thinking about them on a much deeper level than when you're actively worrying about stuff. Which you may not have had to notice yet XD (I may be an adult, but I'm not very good at the 'being grown up' part)

Hmm... running out of ideas.
Are you pleased with the new Harry Potter book? Or not?
Quite pleased! Pleasantly surprised. Aside from a few minor criticisms, that is. It was truly better than I had expected.

Alright, I ran out. Congratulations. I thought you would become an AK, anyways, after Pie. Oh, and Lkeas.
Have a nice day. Or rather, afternoon, or night, whichever is currently present at the time.
Thanks! It's afternoon just now.

Actually, I'm back. And there's more questions.
Are you going to participate in the Zardian?
I don't have any plans to do so at the moment, but if I get to feeling really creative, I might apply.

Do you play any instruments?
Trumpet. Sometimes.

Favorite authors?
E. Nesbit, as you might have guessed. Diana Wynne Jones. Charles de Lint. Tolkien. Haruki Murakami. Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman, Tad Williams, Gene Wolfe ... just a few off the top of my head. I have TONS of favorites!

Microsoft or Apple? :P
Eh, I've never had the opportunity to play with the Apple stuff, so I have no basis for comparison there.

How did you start playing AQ/DF?
Well, I have this friend, who has a son who is also my friend. (I hate calling him "my friend's son" because that just seems like it's disrespectful, but it also sounds weird to say that I have a 10-year-old friend without explanation.) I used to let him play some of my Diablo and D2X characters, and when he started to be allowed on the computer at home (he was 8 or 9) he started showing me stuff you could play online. First it was RS, which I didn't really like (and ran horribly on that old computer), and then ... he found AQ. And I was hooked. DF still hasn't hooked me quite the same way. Now he's more into DF and I'm more into AQ, but we sometimes go on battlenet and play D2X.

Okies, that's it. I hope that's a baker's dozen. I hope. Or less.
I lost count! I got really into the answers.

Ah, I remember the question I wanted to ask. Pwetty pwease with sugaw on top can you answer this?
Are you a grammar and spelling freak? If so, we're alike. :P
I worked as a proofreader for a little while. So, yes!

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/28/2007 14:48:09 >
AQ DF  Post #: 52
8/25/2007 19:17:47   


May I ask some questions?
Yes, please do!

Well first of all why did the chicken cross the road?
To get to the otter slide!

Do you like pizza?
About 3 times a year.

Which smiley or ?
this one

Do you love your job going around the df forums?

How many questions will I ask?
13, I hope. If I run across a post that looks like it's WAY longer than 13, I'll have to switch my M.O. of just answering as I go along and actually try to count them first ... if more than 13, I'll have to pick and choose. Yours didn't look extra-long.

If you think I'm done post yes!
The scrollbar on the side isn't at the bottom, so unless the rest is blank space, I'm going with a "no."

Well I'm not!
Just as I suspected!

Or am I?

What flavor Ice cream
Vanilla. See p.1 (or p.2?) for more details.

Have any pets?
Yes, a cat. Check previous posts for more details.

Have a great day !
Thanks! You too!

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/28/2007 14:57:06 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 53
8/25/2007 19:23:31   

Hi, Whats up?*looks around*...Ummm....I'm an alien.... :D
Hi! *Looks up* ... streaks of light across the ceiling. And .. oh! XD

Well Congrats on becoming an AK!

Do you believe in aliens?
Well, I believe in you, so if you're an alien, then perhaps I do.

Do you enjoy the power and authority of an AK? (being able to lock threads, etc.)
It's a necessary part of the AK thing, so in a way I do, because it helps the forums. But as far as enjoying it simply because it's "power and authority?" Not so much. I joke about it, of course! But honestly, I'd rather see a page full of great, fun threads than a page of things needing locks and edits/deletions.

Did you punt twilly?
A little bit.

Pirates or Ninja's? I like ninjas *rawr* <.<
^ scroll up.

What would your favorite weapon in DF be?
You guys are really going to make me play DF, aren't you. I think my main owns two weapons so far and I don't know what they're even called o.O

Okay now lets try this snugpounce/tackle thing...../me snuggleisticlyhugglesnugtacklesandapounces teh otter... Wow O.o Do you think that was good for a first try?
That was Awesome!

Okay me done now. *throws Mae a chocolate bar* Have a great day. See ya later. ~TGB~
/me splashsnugglepouncetackles teh chocolate ... and you! Have a great day too, & I'll see you around!

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/28/2007 15:12:42 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 54
8/25/2007 19:39:23   

do you think im awesome?
Should I be in awe of you?

do you like chicken?

do you like any other games then df aq or mq?

Thanks for letting me off semi-easily! That first question was tough to answer though o.O

your welcome maegwyn and yes you should be in awe or you shall be pwned!!!!!!!!!!!!! no im kidding or AM I no im really kidding OR AM I? MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *COUGH*

< Message edited by Xan78 -- 8/30/2007 20:41:57 >
DF MQ  Post #: 55
8/25/2007 19:40:26   


I've never met you... Have you ever heard of me?
Sure! You're an ancient Celtic holiday! Very famous in certain circles! And I think I've seen you post, too!

If you said yes, than WooT! if no ='(

What happens to people that enter the cave?
They get all philosophical like Plato.

Have you had to answer Boomies' questions yet? Don't... he'll never know =P
Yes, and he stayed within the limit o.O

That's all for now. I'm hyper *goes to run in circles*
Running is something I should do more of. *puts on roller blades & skates in circles .... later maybe, when it cools off*

OOO, I almost forgot. Can you post a screenie of the AK buttons? I really want those buttons >.<
Such sekrits are not mine to unveil, alas. o.O

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/28/2007 15:23:00 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 56
8/25/2007 20:02:00   

*puff of red smoke appears around the dagger and i appear*
You re-appear! I'm going to get back to this second round after answering for some people who haven't posted yet. But I shall return, never fear!

A rogue always returns to the future murde..r... >.> you didnt see that...

What class are you in AQ and DF?

Do you approve twilly punting?

What super power would you have?

Global freezing!

You swim for a long type :P

Are these questions annoying?

If not i need to try harder!

I'm just kidding dont get scared.

What's youre favorite zard?

I shouldn't be up right now should I.

Who cares... except my parents.

How long can you hold your breath?

How fast do you type?

Do you watch Mythbusters?

This is gonna make you regret this thread :)

What level did you hatch your dragon?

Do you have a Wii?

Do you read Harry Potter?

Can you draw good?

I have ADHD. Do you have any illnesses?

I live in florida. It's too sunny here.

I ask too many questions don't I?

Are you gonna play MQ?

Do you think cysero's NPC looks cool?

Thats all for now...

I will be back!
but before i leave... *huggies* you deserve it :D

Btw for anime shows watch Full Metal Alchemist or Bleach.

bye bye!

*Puff of yellow smoke engulfs me leaving behin a sword with a note saying: "I will ask more questions!!!! P.S. You owe me 5 gold."*

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/28/2007 15:25:47 >
AQ  Post #: 57
8/25/2007 20:58:17   
Solar Flame

Yay my turn! =D

1) Who pwns more, Link or Yoshi?
Link! Well, that's what my friend Densoro says, anyway.

2) I like cheese fries do you?
I prefer mine with vinegar.

3) What level is your DF acount if you have one?
I think they're 5, 6, and 9 o.O

4) How do you spell Dragonfable?
DF, usually XD

5) Favorite weapon in AQ?
Ooh, someone asked me this and I couldn't decide! But in the previous answer, I forgot to mention my trusty Nautica blade. It has sentimental value as well as nice art and a pretty sweet-looking special.

All for now. I'll be back to terminate I mean ask more questions! XD
o.O that sounds vaguely ominous! But I'll look forward to it!

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/28/2007 15:31:21 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 58
8/25/2007 21:20:33   

Hullo Thar

Don't these just build up page by page by page what fun!
It is quite fun!

Back to some very fun yet thought on the spot questions

Whats your favourite type of music?
To expand a little on previous answers, while my 'favorite' would lead me to the 'World Music' or 'Latin' section in a music store, I would also be found browsing through just about every other section. I can find something good in every genre.

have you read the new harry potter book? If not guise who dies :)
I did read it! No spoilers!

Favourite film genre?
I tend to gravitate toward foreign films. I like a surreal/magical element to the plot. Big fan of Truffaut, too.

Its dark here like 2:20 am im warm yet its like 10oc.
It's quite bright outside, a little after 10 am here, and probably reaching 100F later. But I'm inside where it's cool.

What did you feel like when you were asked to become a AK?
Astonished! And flattered and honored.

Thats all i can think of fornow.

Ill be back with more questions and be less sleep deprived hopefully+P
Great! Rest well :)

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/29/2007 11:21:15 >


Death is the meaning of life. We are born to die. Accept it...
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 59
8/25/2007 21:30:23   

1. Hi Maegwyn, you seem familiar but I don't remember where I've seen you before
Hi! Could've been numerous places; when I have time, I enjoy posting in various areas of the forums.

2. Ready for torture interrogation?
Sure ... sounds a bit ominous o.O

3. My AQ character is noob, want to help me make it better?
Sure! An expert rater might be better, though. And it can't possibly be worse than my DF characters...

4. What do you think of me up to this point? (Be nice please!)
You seem nice enough (*wonders why the worries that I'd be other than nice*)

5. Want me to teach you how to count?
Many have tried ... it doesn't stick! Thanks, though.

6. I'm assuming you play DF since you're going to be an AK here as well. So how come you don't have your DF character displayed as well?
My DF character(s) are laughable so far! I don't have to have the best character in the world in order to display it, but I think I should at least have something worth seeing, otherwise it's a waste of curiosity, really (and the time people would take to click the link would be such a horrible waste, so I figure there's no point in it yet.) (And it's embarassing!)

7. Who am I?
You ... are ... a clock?

8. Do you live in U.S.?
Yep. Midwest.

9. Are we going to be best friends?
I already have a best friend who is truly irreplaceable, so, alas, I don't see best happening, but I always like being friends with people. :)

10. what do you think of me now? (Be nice still please!)
I think you might be posing some difficult/uncomfortable questions to see what I do with them? *snuggles*

11. Thanks for your time, goodbye now!
Thanks for your questions!

12. Torture Interrogation is over! That wasn't too bad now was it?
/me breathes a sigh of relief. That was tough! Took hours!

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/29/2007 11:44:31 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 60
8/25/2007 21:32:01   

awwww cute otter sig dude ull get the babes with that
Thanks? That wasn't quite the result I was looking for with the otter avvy XD


ummm how long hve u played df?
On and off, more off than on, since about the middle/end of the beta period.

can u balance a ball on ur nose?
Seals can do it; I, however, am more likely to try to put the ball on my tummy and crack it open to see if there's something tasty inside.

boy or girl

well im out of questions bye
i got more takes out extremly long list
do u like fish?
if u culd make a pet it would be???
phone number lol jk
Thanks! Bye!

< Message edited by tyranno -- 8/31/2007 0:09:06 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 61
8/25/2007 21:43:21   

Hola, Maegwyn.

1) Fiction or non-fiction?
Ooh! Both at the same time. I tend to be in the middle of several books at once, usually a mix of the two.

2) Favorite Star Wars Episode?
Trouble with Tribbles. Oh wait. That's Star Trek. Um, I guess the first one.

3) Have you read Eldest (the book written after Eragon)?
Y'know, I still haven't. I keep planning to re-read Eragon first, and get distracted by other stuff I haven't read yet. I'll probably get to it this fall, though.

4) So far... is there anything wrong with my grammar/ spelling in this post?
Is this a test? There is an extra space between "or" and "non-fiction." But the grammar and spelling both look fine to me. Did I fail?


< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/29/2007 12:22:11 >
AQ DF  Post #: 62
8/25/2007 21:55:58   
Angel Ecka
Banned Multi


How are you?
Fine, thanks! Yourself?

Whats the feeling to be an AK?
It comes with a feeling of Wow! sprinkled with the pepper of "lots of responsibility" ... mostly a nice feeling.

Are you happy with your job?
My AK job? Yes. My real-life job? Well, I'm just ending one job, as part-owner of a small bookstore, which is a bit unhappy (although I'll be glad when it's all empty and locked up now) and I'm not sure what I'll do next.

DF or AQ?
AQ more than DF

Level is DF
I really ought to log in and double-check this. My 'main' is L9, and the other 2 are something like 5 & 6.

Level in AQ
Main would be L99 by now if I would play him for a couple of hours or so. I have some other characters at various mid-levels, too, all Adventurers. And a new character that I think is L20.

Are you an artist?
Not a good one, and not here on the forums, but I do like to draw and paint.

Are you a writer?
Yes. I'm an approved author here on the forums, too. I need to write more, too.

Not here on the forums, and not really, although in the old days of Nautica I suppose some of what we did was really considered RP-ing.

I'm not in the Debate Club; I withdrew my application when I realized I had no time to participate. But in 'real life' I end up in debates fairly often.

Ah, it's not a title I ever had, no. But yeah, I'm a pretty helpful person.

Again, not a title I ever had here on the forums, but yes, extremely creative.

Thank heavens, yes, I'm well! I wasn't, at one time. And that was not fun.

Thats all for now, bye-bye.
Ok! Bye!

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/29/2007 12:55:34 >
MQ  Post #: 63
8/25/2007 22:11:23   

Ello meine freünd (I don't think I spelled "freünd in the right way >.>)!
I'm not sure of German spelling, but I got the idea! Hi, my friend!

Being an AK is a hard job, is it tiresome, exciting or both ?
Both, but luckily it isn't tiresome that often.

Who's your favourite Star Wars character ?
I'm not one of those huge fans. Kind of fond of Yoda, I suppose.

If you had to choose between fantasy or Sci-Fi games/books, what would you choose ?
Fantasy, but of course good sci-fi is better than bad fantasy. And I do like sci-fi when it's done well.

Uh, your favourite book ?
#1 all-time favorite is a toss-up between The Lord of the Rings (read as one book) and Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury.

Imagination is dead at the moment so there won't be more than these... for now >,>
Ah, ok! I think my question-answering imagination needs a re-charge too, so I'll take a break. Thanks for posting!

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/29/2007 13:06:12 >
AQ  Post #: 64
8/25/2007 23:00:32   


why are u an otter?
In AQ, my main character is in Nautica, and it's part of the 'backstory' of that character. And I love otters.

if i was a AK i would have a squirrel pic, would that be cool?
That would be very cool!

what do u like to do for fun
Besides the computer games and forums, I read a lot when I'm indoors (and sometimes outdoors as well). I like to rollerblade and dance and swim ... I have tons of 'hobbies' and generally if I'm doing it, it's fun, whatever it is.

i like to eat nuts and run really fast
Ah, a true squirrel! I like to eat seafood and swim and play, so perhaps I am a true otter.

are u in college?
Not any more, although I'm considering going back for a Masters/PhD in English. Expensive, though.

whats ur favorite game
I'd really have to say Diablo 2 Expansion (Lord of Destruction) because I've been playing on and off since the release date.

are u for or against guitar hero? i love it soo much

I'm All For it! I've never played it, but I've heard great things about it. Sounds like something I'd enjoy, too.

dou like pie 3.14195?
*Runs screaming from the number!*

nuts nuts i like nuts
Macadamia, Brazil, Filbert and Hazelnuts! Cashew nuts, all kinds of nuts!

who would win a squirrel or a otter in a fight to the death???
I would hope a fight to the death would never happen! But I'm afraid that due to sheer size, the otter might prevail. I, however, would never want to fight a cute little squirrel!

what about in chess, checkers, base ball?
Ah, I suspect that this particular squirrel would certainly win against this otter in baseball! Probably chess and checkers as well, although you never know!

well nice to meet u mage, do u like mages
Nice to meet you, too! And yes, I do like mages!

Bye! See ya 'round!

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/31/2007 13:03:22 >
DF  Post #: 65
8/25/2007 23:03:47   

Y h4l0 th4r.

How are you today/tomorrow?
Even better than day-before-yesterday!

Have you ever petted/touched an otter?
Alas, no I have not. I've only seen them from a distance.

Have you had an experience with the otter?
Well, not directly, but I imagine that feeling a sense of kinship with them is a kind of experience. I hope to one day, though.

Do you play any games OTHER than DF and AQ?

Are you extremely smart?
I s'pose in some ways, yes. Not with numbers, though!

What is your IQ?
I have no idea! How do you find out?

Mine is 117. Is that good for a 13 year old?
It surely sounds good! I don't know much about IQ statistics, and of course, they're Numbers o.O

Thanks, from the Association of Animal Protection.
OOh! I have never yet mentioned that my best friend volunteers for a Wild Animal Rescue/Rehabilitation place and sometimes I go along to help. One of the things I do for fun sometimes!

Did I say that? I meant, Good Bye!
o.O I meant to say thanks to you! And, bye for now!


/me hugglesnugs teh fuzzy otter
/me splashsnugs teh Reincarnated one

You are fuzzy, right? ^_^
I think of myself as being more sleek than fuzzy, but ... yeah :)

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/31/2007 13:14:33 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 66
8/25/2007 23:11:08   

Hello Maegwn *formaly shakes hand with the otter he doesn't know much about*
Hello! I hope I can illuminate you further as to my nature.

1. Do you have any pets, or are you a pet?
I have a cat. Scroll up/see previous pages for details.

2. Whats your DF character ID#? I wanna fight him/her
Watch underneath my avvy for a link to appear. And if I remember, I will re-edit this with the link.

3. When will the universe end?
If ever, it will be just at the wrong time for some and precisely at the right time for others.

4. Will Santa Clause gun us down or give us pressies?
Is this the new coal-in-the-stocking threat? Just say no to guns!

5. D0 u nd3rStnd ch4t/l33t spk?
d0 u?

6. I have 500 cookies on my table. I eat three. I give you 3. Cysero comes along. How many cookies does he eat without asking: "Wheres my yhogurt? " ?
I smell mathematics! /me goes to bake some more cookies in case the answer is "the rest of them."

7. Whats your favourite Pie?
Ultrapowerpie, kupo!

8. How old is Mr Flibbles?
As old as his tongue and a little bit older than his teeth. Just like me!

9. Try typing 'elgooG' on Google. Go on *points* --> Google
I read ahead and did this earlier. Brilliant!

10. Having fun with all the new buttons?
What does this big red one do? *Presses* *Forums go offline* o.O

11. What's it like being an AK ? (Rimblade owes you some $Moneez$ now)
I always think of that Alanis Morrissette song when I get this question, but all the lyrics are too angry for me to find a line from it that fits. *hums the Jeopardy theme song to make Alanis go away*

12. Are you an otter or a Woman????

13. Last question: Are you building up an army of slaves to gain world domination (just like the other Mods/AK)?
I have no army, no slaves, no minions, and have no desire for world domination. Is this otterly odd or what?

Thats all there is, there isn't anymore. And may death come quick to your enemies! Bubeyes .
Thanks! Fun! er ... my enemies don't die; they just slink away, defeated, with their tails between their legs.

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 9/2/2007 8:50:36 >
DF AQW  Post #: 67
8/25/2007 23:31:38   


< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 9/2/2007 8:51:55 >
AQ DF  Post #: 68
8/26/2007 0:12:01   

Just one...

Can you be bribed?

Heh. Try me and see what happens. *cue ominous music*

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 9/2/2007 8:52:49 >
Post #: 69
8/26/2007 1:41:04   

OH PWN. I was actually here on the day it was posted! But I'm never this early to the party... <_<... >_>
Nevar say never!

1) I am psyched about MQ. Will you be...
a. Psyched
b. Bummed
c. Frothing at the mouth? xD!! Okies, I'm just kidding about that one.
c. Be so excited that you'll forget to take your pills AND start frothing at the mouth? Of course I'm serious! What, do you think I'm stupid or something? Are you gonna try to tell me something blatantly false, something ridiculous like that last deceiving Artix character... "The sky is blue!" what a bad liar.
Q! Now I must proceed to lock every thread in this forum!

2) What's the longest time you've gone without sleep? Me?... about thirty-five, maybe -four hours. Sleep is my toughest enemy so far, lol.
It has been rumored that I never sleep. I'm kind of a stealth-sleeper. I think I might have exceeded 48 hours once, long ago, but the ensuing delirium caused a memory malfunction so I can't be precise with my answer.

3) What is/are your favorite color(s)? BLACK & PURPLE FTW!!!
AH, I answered this in detail somewhere earlier. Next question!

4) Favorite TV shows/animation? =D Fullmetal Alchemist is my favorite anime, and TV shows... I dunno. xD!!
I like that show starring Zorak. (No, there is no missing "b" in Zorak.) My old computer's error message was "That was fun! Blow me up again!

5) Are you piratey? >_>
Arrrr I?

6) What's your favorite flavor (in any food)?
7) Lucky number?

8) Why do I have to post a baker's dozen? T_T
You don't have to. It's not like you face Dire Consequences if you don't. Unless you consider having unanswered questions a Dire Consequence of exceeding the limit. Or maybe it's because I lose count past 13?


10) Have you lost track of your motive yet? (I win again!)
What if my motive is ... to let you win again? o.O

11) AQ or DF? I know, it's not original at all, lol.
I call Filler! lol

12) Hobbies besides AE games?
Ah, now there's a real question! I like to do stuff and learn about stuff and experiment. Now, that's not a real answer.

I like to invent recipes, for one thing. I get my basic idea from one or two recipes and then combine, add, and take away various ingredients. Sometimes I write these down; more often, dinner turns out to be a never-the-same-twice event. Not to brag, but there have been very few times when the experiment has turned out badly. The downside of this is when I don't write down what I did, some delicious meal lives on only in memory.

I love to read, of course, if you consider that a "hobby." For me, it's more like breathing. A necessity of life.

Gardening, too. I like to grow plants and flowers and heirloom vegetables in my little available space. This year I stuck a tomato called "Mortgage Lifter" in the mint (a.k.a. "The Bee Garden" which also has a rosebush in it) -- it's called that because it is supposed to produce tons and tons of fruit. The weather has been so strange that it didn't quite live up to its promise, but the ones that have ripened have been delicious. I tend to choose organic methods, so my harvests or individual vegies may not be as massive as those of other people's, but they surely do burst with flavor. I take the time to hand-pull weeds, and I sit and watch the bees.

Other than that, my hobbies tend to be 'artsy.' I'm no great artist, but I like to draw and to play with color, especially water-soluble colored pencil and watercolors. I do some writing now and then. I often get so distracted by research that a story goes unfinished. If I can ever discipline this, I might actually attempt to get some things published. I'm currently trying to finish a stained glass window design for our house. It's a diamond-shaped window, and my inspiration comes from an architect/designer from the early 1900s named Charles Rennie Macintosh. I'm interested in that time-period in general, and our house was built sometime around 1908-ish. (We're going to have a professional actually make the window, since I've never tried my hand at stained glass.) I play trumpet, so I suppose that counts as a hobby. Oh! And photography! I just got a belated birthday present - a shiny new little digital camera. I also have a plain old Pentax K-1000. I like learning new words in Welsh, and might learn pronunciation one day. Languages fascinate me, as well as the mythologies that inform cultures ... perhaps that's really anthropology. I once proofread/did some light editing for a really interesting book about the Cahokia Mounds. I guess I'll stop going on about stuff that interests me now, and let's just say I have an ever-expanding list of hobbies XD

13) (Arnold voice) ALL BE BACH ('tis something like that, heh)!!
Ha now you're putting more non-questions next to numbers just to confuse me!

EDIT: 14: Favorite musical instrument (I asked this one just to be defiant, lol)?
If you guessed the trumpet, you might be wrong. I have always wanted to learn to play the guitar, and my poor little fingers just cramp like mad after about 2 minutes. I will find myself a little-kid-sized guitar one day, though. I have also recently discovered the joys of the sound of the pedal steel guitar. (Never played one though.) (Yet.)

DOUBLE EDIT: 15: What is(are) your favorite band(s)?
Now that's the way to ask me a "favorite" question!

Everything Manu Chao has ever been involved with. Also, in no particular order, trying to pull some favorites from various genres:
Sex Pistols, The Clash, The Jam, Dead Kennedys, The Coup, Steve Earle, Rodney Crowell, Santana, Steely Dan, Pink Floyd, Traffic, Neil Young (also old CSNY), Bob Marley, The Beastie Boys, David Byrne/Talking Heads, Patti Smith, Lou Reed, Lucinda Williams, The Old 97s, and I'm sure I'm leaving some much-loved favorites out but I think this list is quite long enough now.

TRIPLE EDIT: 16: Do you know of a little game by the name of DotA? Best thing since sliced bread, 'nuff said.
Donkeys of teh Apocalypse? Denizens of the Aquarium? In other words ... nope. But I Googled it.

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 9/2/2007 10:18:28 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 70
8/26/2007 1:53:51   

Hehro! Fank You!
Hehro! Wercome you are!

Cookies teh likez you do?
Cookies teh likez yes!

Can you describe your childhood dream?
My mother once edited a collection of mini-biographies of ballet dancers, which inspired me to beg for (and was enrolled in) ballet lessons dreaming of becoming a prima ballerina. Alas, this dream was shattered when I moved to live with an aunt who refused to allow me to continue my lessons. I may be built for it, but I wasn't all that great, honestly, so I suspect that the ballet world is no worse off for my failure to pursue this dream.

I see you like piez, teh truez?
teh truez!

Fank you for teh cooperationz!
Fank you for teh questionz!

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 9/2/2007 10:25:21 >
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 71
8/26/2007 2:02:00   
mark bair

hi here are my questions!:
Hi! Here are my answers!

Who, me?

What color is it today?

When are we going to get there?

Where were we going and just how lost are we?

Why? Because we like you!

yes or no?
Yes, if at all possible.

oh ya or OH NO HE DIDN'T!?

wikiwikiwa or wikiwikita?

you or yourself?

cna you eat food and bones?
I can. Crunchable!

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 9/2/2007 10:29:09 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 72
8/26/2007 3:27:12   
Llong Jjohn Killer

Not exactally sure if the right for "Snugglepounces" is reserved for AKs only, so I'll just have my Robophant(Well, if it was my Baby Void Dragon, you would slowly be sucked into the Void, and if it was my Ice Rhino, you would be swiched.) pounce you instead. (Not harmfully, of course. Would want to electrify the any otters, now, would we? lol.)
As far as I know, snugglepouncing has no rights reserved. /me splashsnugglepounces you, then dries off to avoid sizzle-shorting teh Robophant.

Ok, I'll have to say, you have one of the more stranger set-up of pets in your AQ page. Why would you need a Dark Vampragon when you have the Little Death pet already, and you have 2 Light pets as well? (Although I wish I had that Lion on my new charatcer. I like lions, and my new charatcer is going to have max Cha.......)
Hehe I am strange, but there are reasons. My Dark Vampragon is named Little Bear, because he looks just like my cat, and he loves to help with the enemies when he can. Fairy GodMom may be classified as Light, but she hangs around for the healing, really. When I want to use a pet who actually attacks with Light, that's when I invite my DragonKitten.

lol. You kept your No Vote on your character as well? I thought they were all deleted after they were done with them.......o well, it's always fun to have a useless Rare or 2. (Heh, I should know. Arc Dagger, Ice Arms, Jolly Old Armor, Scale Rot, Robophant even! I have an armory of now useless items. )
Nothing like a useless souvenir to take up space ... but at least yours don't detract from your character when you use them for fun! I like your 'less-than-superpowered-but-fun' armory XD

Any helpful hints for me and my new character? (I'm planing on a all Ranged and Cha. charatcer, with a good amount of Str. and End. as well.) I know to get the level 100 Salvation Bow for Wind, the Keeshin-Kin pet for a Light pet, and the Charm spell, as it uses Cha. instead of Int. (Or so I've heard.)
That sounds like an excellent plan! The only really useful helpful hint I can think of is: don't spend more in END than you really need. Of course you won't have a lot of mana to use for healing, so you'll probably want more than my main has, but I do have a 0-END warrior who hasn't died too much yet.

Alright, now enough of the AQ related question.

If you have heard of KH (Kingdom Hearts), do you have any favorite Organization XIII member?
I have heard of it, and that is the extent of my knowledge until I come back and click your link later.

If you have played KH1, do you think Ansem should return? I liked him as a villian. Here's how he looked when he was possesing Riku, when he was using a Keyblade to fight with, and how he looked after losing control of Riku,(His normal look.) and how he looked after Riku took control over him.(The one in the background. Sorry, I couldn't get a better picture from Youtube.)
Alas, no opinion, but seems like it'd be cool if he were to return.

What do you normally post if you had to delete someone's sig?
This function is not a power I possess. Only the mods can delete siggies. If I were one who could delete sigs, there would be a water theme. Something along the lines of "Your sig has drowned. It was otterly too large (insert tall/wide/big details here) to swim in the AE forums."

Are you a Super Smash Bros. fan? If so, who were you not expecting to be a newcomer to the fight? I wasn't expecting them to add Diddy Kong, or change Zela's looks.
Yet another thing of which I know next to nothing beyond the-fact-that-this-game-exists.

Ok, I guess I'm done for now. Have fun AKing around the forums.
Man, I feel terrible that I don't know anything about so much of the stuff you asked! I had fun answering the ones I did know about, though. Especially thinking up the water-themed sig comment! You have fun too, and I'll see you around them forumz!

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 9/2/2007 10:57:25 >


AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 73
8/26/2007 3:47:13   


Having fun answering questions?
Yes, it's a lot of fun!

What type of AK are you? Strict or Laid Back
I suppose I'm kind of a combination of both. In order to be properly fair to everyone, I need to be strict with the rules. The rules are all there for reasons, and by participating in the forums we have all agreed to follow them. So if I see them being broken, it's my job to give a heads-up. At the same time, though, I'm not eager to give out dire consequences unless and until I am sure that they are warranted. So in that sense you might consider me Laid Back. Really, my aim is to understand, to help, and to be fair.

Were you transfered to DF GGD or have you always been lurking?
I didn't lurk much before becoming AK. I came in to help when things were really crazy at the time of Dragon Eggs hatching.

Do you come here in peace?

When you lock a thread, you. . smile and shake your head, roll your eyes, or frown and glare?
I have been known to do all three, and sometimes also there is a sad, regretful expression.

Was answering my questions, time well wasted or a waste of time?
Time well spent!

That's it
There ain't no more?

Hasta la pasta.

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 9/7/2007 9:45:07 >
DF  Post #: 74
8/26/2007 5:58:24   

1) Hi, good morning/evening
Good morning for me! And good morning/evening to you too!

2)Amazing how many questions are asked, right?
Amazing indeed!

3)Are you dedicating most of your time trying to answering all this?
I wish I could say yes, but no. I'm fitting in a few questions-answering in between other things.

4)Ever heard of singapore?
Oh yes! I have forum friends from Singapore! I've never been there, though.

5-12)No questions to stop using up your time
Aw, it was my pleasure.

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 9/7/2007 9:48:40 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 75
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