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RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion

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2/2/2012 21:31:59   
Lord of Nightmares
Some Dreams

I think Flaming Undead Elves will probably be Z-Token only if they're ever released, considering that their Darkness attacks are extremely potent at higher levels.

As for Essence Dragons, good luck ever getting one as a house guard, although if they ever get released, I'll be one of the first in line.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 476
3/1/2012 5:34:56   

Now that the House Shop is located in Deren City ..... I was so hoping for an Estate update when we were promised an item that we had asked for.

Still hoping to get a new Deren Forest Estate for 16K which allows the use of the Hydro Dam rather than a Dark Mana Generator and a Lumber Yard rather than a Graveyard.

< Message edited by SIGMUND -- 3/1/2012 5:40:15 >
AQ  Post #: 477
3/3/2012 10:21:53   
Elemental Magician

Now that level 140 is open to us, does anyone here think that an (Undead) ArMegoggon Guard is just around the corner?
AQ  Post #: 478
3/3/2012 10:50:36   

I'd love to see some house guards thats cost gold for high level players. If anything the staff could make them set to the new Item cost standards so like 300k for a level 110 house guard. Also I know it's not relevant but an inventory update would be much appreciated since taking fifteen minutes to change equipment is a bit excessive.
AQ  Post #: 479
3/3/2012 12:53:50   
  Dwelling Dragonlord

ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L

Probably something like a Guardian Spirit that is Guardian-only, though I wouldn't mind importing some denizens from Kairula who swore fealthy to me.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 480
3/27/2012 1:15:55   

I hadn't been paying attention when I was sending waves earlier in this war, but I noticed that I was getting a different gold to XP ratio when I was sending them today. It's gone from about 1:3 to 2:5. It doesn't seem like XP is any worse, so this change could perhaps be the result of gold getting boosted by 20% (multiplied by a factor of 1.2)!

[The change does not seem to be a part of a larger revamp. If you are wondering if using Mega World Portals with Full Armies using 5 or 7 Rep is still the best way to go, a comparison against 11 Rep strongly suggests nothing has changed on that front. Keep sending Full Armies with 5 or 7 Rep for maximum resource efficiency!]
AQ  Post #: 481
3/27/2012 15:18:11   

Well I'm still using rep 7 and I can't see any difference with rewards.

Maybe you reached level 140 and stopped earning XP but gained more gold instead?

I have just beat my previous war record for MWP kills.


I would so love to see a new update for the Housing system.
AQ  Post #: 482
3/27/2012 17:20:22   

All of my chars are still L137 (in spite of the recent update with L138 rewards that could potentially lure me to climb one more level).


See that 620 Gold and 1540 XP?

620/1540 ~= 0.4026.

For a long time, the ratio was more like 1/3 instead of 2/5.

860/2130 ~= 0.4038
740/1830 ~= 0.4044
630/1560 ~= 0.4038

And so on...


AQ  Post #: 483
3/29/2012 8:48:33   

It's probably to early to tell for sure but I think I've finally reached the point where my estate won't be taken over by our enemies. It's been a full 24 hours and I haven't had to defend anything. Hopefully I won't have to worry about it anymore.

I leave my Museum under constant attack so it doesn't drain my resources.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 484
3/29/2012 8:55:42   

Fisto, me too...yesterday for the first time in almost a week only my stone pit got attacked...

Anyways About houses, i wish that the storage slots that houses give were increased...I don't see why not...it aggravates me when I have to sell something valuable because I dOnt have room..
AQ AQW  Post #: 485
3/29/2012 8:57:49   

I once had almost every guard that was available and was never attacked. Then one day I sold almost all of them to get something from the Limited Time Shop. Which I've regretted everyday until now (hopefully).
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 486
3/29/2012 11:32:19   

@Fisto - But doesn't the guard tower also drain your resources? Since it can never be under attack, my resources are always drained by it.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 487
3/29/2012 11:38:56   

Yes but at least I get some type of benefit from my Guard Tower. Unlike the Museum that is just a complete resource hog that does nothing.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 488
3/29/2012 15:47:33   

Buy 20K worth of Guards and your Estates should no longer be attacked. Then you get full use of your resources during Wars.

Buy a few more guards and you can then reduce your Guard Tower to level 11 to reduce the resource drain, for even more War efficiency.
AQ  Post #: 489
3/31/2012 15:15:56   

Well....I would buy more guards....But i'm saving up my tokens for when i really need, such as maybe a good rare.
Those guards have a hefty price, Z-tokens aren't exactly that easy to get :/
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 490
3/31/2012 16:16:49   

The Equipment at my level just is not worth tokens. The gold option is usually powerful enough.
For me the only thing worth tokens now are House Updates, Buildings and House Guards.
House Updates are the only thing I would spend money to buy more tokens for.

So far the staff don't seem to want my tokens
AQ  Post #: 491
3/31/2012 17:10:24   

That's true, usually equipment costing gold is enough, but i'm hoping for a very special token item that i can really put to good use, which is why i'm not really spending it.
Yeah guess they don't, if they released more housing updates, people would actually go to buy more tokens producing more cash for them.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 492
4/12/2012 22:54:06   

thought I would put Muchiha's post in a more appropriate place:(see spoiler)


Go to Atlas' profile and if you go on his character page you can see his Deren mansion estate!!!!!!

very nice catch Muchiha, lets hope it means something. I am interested in why there are 2 "scrolls" on the wall not just the normal 1.

Do keep in mind such staff content doesn't mean we will get it soon or at all.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 493
4/12/2012 23:16:54   
Shadow Genesis

LOL Did anyone notice on Atlas' profile in his Deren mansion estate his first guard is called Void Nightbane level 500 and has no picture?!
AQ  Post #: 494
4/12/2012 23:19:08   

That would explain the "blank" spot, I didn't think about it...
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 495
4/13/2012 11:54:10   

I see a museum on there... -_-
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 496
4/13/2012 14:55:24   

Brilhado lich..That's an interesting guard.
Hmm so that's a test character and to me the Deren Mansion Estate looks amazing, hopefully we can have that soon, i would gladly switch my house for it.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 497
4/13/2012 14:57:09   

^ just to note...we have had Brilhado Lich for some time.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 498
4/13/2012 14:58:06   
Nex del Vida

Hahaha excellent. Are the massive flailing tentacles in the distance when you look out over the docks specific to this estate, or have I missed that in my previous excursions to the city?
AQ  Post #: 499
4/13/2012 15:00:56   

^ just the house, i went an checked.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 500
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