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RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion

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5/6/2012 12:36:22   

Very true SIGMUND very true.

Well this is nice to come back to after a long work conference. I doubt I'll get it anytime soon but my brother may.

Chii, there's no real arguing with you there; but what of thinking up solutions to that problem? What of compromises? Would it be feasible to just brainstorm with a few folks on this? I'd just like to see some effort towards that. If nto a kingdom what about a castle, just a massive estate.

And for many tokens a plot could be a village, that takes the place of possibly even more than one space but gives you multiple resources and could even be affected by a few things you do. Or not; its just an idea.

Aren't castles in themselves at least a great deal more feasible?
AQ MQ Epic  Post #: 551
5/6/2012 13:13:53   
Legendary KoO Snugglebunny

What would distinguish a castle from an estate, besides the graphics? Kingdoms had very VERY VERY VERY VERY big differences from an estate, namely that they would cost "millions of tokens" and "be owned by multiple people" (which runs into serious issues right there: what happens if someone wants to sell a kingdom?)
AQ  Post #: 552
5/6/2012 13:18:54   

Why make it so big? (and utopialistic) You could have a castle owned by, say, upto 5 people.

You could have more options in the castle compared to the estate.
Post #: 553
5/6/2012 13:25:06   

Personally I think a Kingdom is too big of a step for the game to take. We could have something like a Manor/Palace first which is notibly bigger than a Mansion. It could have more options than the current estates. eg. More places to place picture, more plots, more storage slots, more creative estates, etc.... *cough* Animal Barn *cough*
AQ  Post #: 554
5/6/2012 13:27:03   

Unless it had something actuly new to it it would just be a bigger house which would have little point.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 555
5/6/2012 13:29:07   

^Yes thats what I meant. It should have new functions of some sort but not something as revoltionary as a kingdom. Kingdoms are just too big of a project.
AQ  Post #: 556
5/6/2012 14:05:06   

Well Chii thankyou for that clarification.

I think the initial concept was for 100 players to work together to form the kingdom. I can certainly see many problems with that.

Like I said before we can dream of good things and then wait....

However I can see possibilities for scaled down Kingdoms. Or if you prefer we can call them Hamlets, Villages or Fiefs.
Costing up to 500K which could be possible if linking the five characters Estates of one account.

With a map page like this:

1 ----- 5 ------3

With 1,2,3,4,5 being pictures of the character's Mansion or House

Or the map could have 5 spokes with the central position taken by a picture of the Central Hub whatever that is... Castle, Jousting Field, Hamlet or just a Market place.

The Question then is what new functions would the "Kingdom" need to make it "worth" implementing.
The obvious thing would be trading/consolidating of resources.
A central place to house Stat Training buildings and the Museum, to free up spaces on the estates ?

The other would be Parties or Invitational Jousting Tournaments. Where we could Donate Resources or Gold to other characters similar to the Kibbles donations.
Or these could be targeted to specific characters?
Which might take a lot of programming and may not be possible.

< Message edited by SIGMUND -- 5/6/2012 14:14:37 >
AQ  Post #: 557
5/6/2012 14:07:47   

Personally, I see a kingdom as not being joint ownership.

I would think more along the lines of feudal systems or maybe even tenant farming.

The "owner" (lord, duke, or whatever) of the "castle" has vassal estates.

The Lord receives a percentage of the revenue generated by the vassals. In return the vassals don't defend their own property. The property defense is provided by the Lord.

Of course that would require a lot of setup and coding that is probably beyond what can be accomplished at the current time.

But, without major coding, then yes, the only thing to do is make bigger versions of what exist now, or leave it alone.

AQ  Post #: 558
5/6/2012 14:12:22   
Legendary KoO Snugglebunny

SIGMUND: Splitting the cost between multiple characters becomes completely irrelevant if each character is on the same account, since you'd be paying for them all yourself (and 500K tokens would be $1675.80 ...)
AQ  Post #: 559
5/6/2012 14:29:15   

Well you could pay for it all if you are rich.

But I was thinking it would be more like a two year project for the player. Partly funded by bought tokens and partly funded by interest accrued by your 5 Estates


and by token drops and Ballyhoo.

Personally by buying tokens and using my 5 estates and with characters Ballyhoo and playing I have accrued over 200K per character. But of course this has taken a lot of time. I could shorten that time by buying more tokens which would benefit AQ and me.


Check these tokens out.

< Message edited by SIGMUND -- 5/6/2012 14:45:51 >
AQ  Post #: 560
5/6/2012 16:05:23   

My idea of a castle is a bigger building that can house more features and produce everything much more efficiently than a regular house and estate.

Would't something with more slots and some estate items that are exclusive to castles add spice to the game with out the greatest amount of difficulty?

Its not too hard to get a few "think tanks" going to produce some great potential resource producers.

The main point is:

Better buildings
Better resources
Better pizza housing system

For the right price of course. Maybe 40k tokens? The cost is something that can be discussed after the concept.

Afterlifex, you are right, and that is precisely the point of me trying to get a productive brainstorm going for the possibilities of said castle. For those who enjoy just having a house it would be more enjoyable and for those who like using their houses to add to the war efforts it would be more enjoyable.
AQ MQ Epic  Post #: 561
5/6/2012 16:23:47   

Thats... pretty insane. I don't think normal players can make that of money... maybe like half of that so like 50k tokens each... seems a lot more reasonable. Also with the interest rates from houses down from 5% to 1% and the time it takes for the sell price to even out going from 2 weeks to 10 weeks... most of your tokens would have to get bought and thats not exactly cheap. Its like $20 for 6K tokens? Even more here in Canada. So yeah those prices arn't exactly realistic.
AQ  Post #: 562
5/6/2012 16:37:27   
Rai Spellfang
True evil needs no shirt!

It's probably worth noting that last Captain Rhubarb said, he'd abandoned the original idea of the Kingdoms. He did say, however, that the portals and the alien worlds were part of his new plan for Kingdoms.

Been a very long time since we've heard a single word from him about housing, though.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 563
5/6/2012 16:58:20   

I think that's best, lore as it is ain't kinda really packed maybe what we need is new planets to occupy or co-mingle with natives of said planet. I think small villages might be doable but nothing more than that.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 564
5/6/2012 18:22:51   

Having said that I love the new artwork for the new estates I'll just mention that I love the way the first floor floats above the ground floor.

I am guessing there should be a bit of red roofing to connect the two levels. Like on the building behind mine.

< Message edited by SIGMUND -- 5/6/2012 18:25:56 >
AQ  Post #: 565
5/6/2012 21:49:42   
the clan master

@above I thought it was just me that had that issue. I even posted it in the housing bugs section yesterday.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 566
5/6/2012 22:53:09   

I not to fond of the look. When you you go to the estate, the house looks much bigger than regular. I wish it was wider and more massive from the outside instead of being sorta cyclinder shaped. Still its much better than being traped in Drakovia with all those Vampire and Werewolves:)
AQ  Post #: 567
5/7/2012 7:10:53   

Well, an interesting brainstroming, although some of the ideas might seem crazy or not realistic. Why not keep it simple? Estate = 1 player. Castle = upto 5 players. Kingdom... well, it seems the devs are not really too keen to go for upto 100 players.

Why not implement a castle first, see how it goes and then maybe see if the idea of kingdoms is realistic? Try it out on a small scale first.
Post #: 568
5/7/2012 7:39:41   

I think there is a way that "sharing between players" could work. For instance, something of the likes of the Paxian war sees players contributing to separate entities with some effect to the game's storyline. A similar thing with kingdoms could be implemented, with various preset kingdoms which players can join and use gold/tokens to upgrade, as well as participating in hostilities with other kingdoms?

As for the Deren Estate, I like the interior as well as the unique monster fight associated with it, but I think the exterior is a step backwards relative to the rest of it.

< Message edited by lh47 -- 5/7/2012 7:44:21 >
AQ  Post #: 569
5/7/2012 12:00:37   

Where is the Deren Estate? It's not in the Higgins shop.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 570
5/7/2012 12:02:52   
Dreiko Shadrack

^Yes, yes it is.
Oh snap you're right! it's gone :0
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 571
5/7/2012 12:05:21   
Memory of a Nightmare

Seems like the Forest Log Cabin Estate is back though...
AQ DF  Post #: 572
5/7/2012 12:23:43   
El Roacho

I can confirm the Forest Log Cabin Estate is once again in the shop. Seems like there might be an issue with how many items the shop can hold in that category, or something of the sort.
AQ  Post #: 573
5/7/2012 12:51:51   
  Dwelling Dragonlord

ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L

@El Roacho: Or perhaps they accidently "swapped" the two items.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 574
5/7/2012 13:45:38   
Lives to Slay Dragons!

I like the new house - I haven't gotten yet but I will here shortly but from what I see it looks great !! hopefully next will be something Medrivan ( dragon )??? would be willing to go as high as 100,000 tokens in cost if it had a dragonsword in the stone


[ image]http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/8835/beta4zd.png[/image]
[ image]http://img105.imageshack.us/img105/3986/nimet2yo.png[/image]
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 575
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