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RE: Book of Sci-Fi! discussion thread

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10/7/2010 16:45:53   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

And through the woods we go... by superjars, Master Samak, FleurDuMal, Eukara Vox
Can anyone figure out what the L&L staff is doing in the Prologue and Intermission and ultimately, the Epilogue?

Why Technology is Clearly Superior to Magic by ultrapowerpie

Tales of Strangeness by superjars

The Right Way by BadHulk

Olằsa by Torn

Death by Khimera

There, hopefully this will sate you guys for a bit. There are still 6 more to post, plus the epilogue, but I need a break. My deepest apologies. Thanks for hanging in there!

< Message edited by Eukara Vox -- 10/7/2010 17:17:05 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 76
10/7/2010 23:10:38   
Red Blizzard
Lv. 100

Alright, I'll start from the bottom up this time with critiques.

First off, I simply LOVED Khimera's Death. It was short, sweet, and to the point, but the concept and the way everything just happened really forced out a powerful image. The way that no names were ever mentioned, and how the Man in Grey finally gave in to human fears in the end was great...but kind of left me hanging in an odd way. One thing I'm a bit unsure about is how this all fits into the Sci-Fi genre. The man's unique ability borders on the edge between sci-fi and fantasy magic, an interesting definition that has been questioned in another story mentioned here.

Olằsa is an interesting continuation of previous stories, with an interesting twist. I liked the wordplay on 'Carcinigen', since a carcinogen pretty much a cancer-causing chemical, the passing comparison of Orvis to the Emperor, and many other small details as part of a continuation from the past. At the same time, you left me hanging (Is this going to become a fashion with Sci-Fi stories!?!?!?) as you left your characters stuck in a trap...(Where was Admiral Akbar!?!?!?) All in all, a beautiful continuation.

The Right Way was a good poem comparing nature and technology, contrasting our two futures as humankind. The dialogue in italics at the beginning of different stanzas helped along the flow, and the constant use of questions added a distinct style to the piece. But at the same time, it got slightly monotonic after seeing one or two questions rephrased here or there. I also was a bit confused over how the androids were brought into the poem, and how they correlated to the rest of the dialogue. But all in all, a good poem on morality!

Tales of Strangeness was a nice, whimsical, cautionary tale in poem form...almost something I'd expect if Aesop had been transported several thousand years into the future. I liked how the whole thing unfolded in a very old-fashioned style - old fashioned for a sci-fi tale - and how it began and ended on a different tone from the tale itself. All in all a great concept.

Pie's pieces always make me laugh, and Why Technology is Cleary Superior to Magic is no exception. To begin with, the title is superbly grandiose, oversized, and filled with superfluous words that only a half-brainy self-promoting pompous, and therefore highly amusing, professor on technology vs magic would utilize in naming their research papers. The very basis for its plot: the disparity between the definitions of magic and technology, and which one is superior, pretty much highlights many of the problems writers used to writing fantasy stories faced when tackling Sci-Fi. I loved how much of what went unsaid contributed to the humor of the piece, and how in the end, a new definition was decided. I will certainly support your new definition!

And finally...Through the woods we go... The Prologue left me wondering as to what you guys were up to, but the moment I saw the Battle Room from Ender's Game, I got the whole concept. After going through that, in addition to Stargate and Star Trek, I can only wonder at what comes next. Dropping characters in on the stories as they occur, only after or during or before the main plot occured, made the references more believable without adding any awkwardness to the scenes. I loved the way things were written, though there was a lot to read, and some of the transitions were rather long. I will most certainly do my best to demand that Star Wars gets a nice, passing reference, and I hope to see A Wrinkle in Time as well, though I'm not too hopeful, seeing how obscure it is compared to other stories... But what about video games? Will we see Samus Aran or Master Chief? Just my thoughts now that the possibilities have opened up.
DF  Post #: 77
10/8/2010 8:49:54   

I really liked Reflections of the City by Cow Face. To me, it felt like the piece reflected today's times. Where people have so much power, with the internet and its youtube and social networking sites and whatnot, yet so many people simply choose not to do anything. Not that because people can't, its that they wont. They've committed to the decision that they wont do anything.

I liked how the Monolith gave people a choice to listen, and those that listened were described as prophets. The simple act of listening made those in attendance, even if they decided not to do anything, prophets.

The message was a strong one I think. It made me feel like the world that those characters lived in was the way it was because people worked very very hard not to do anything. At least I hope people are working very very hard. It'd be very hard for me to ignore a gigantic, religious experience inducing mirror hovering over a city.
AQ  Post #: 78
10/8/2010 14:24:32   

Thanks Blizzard.

Most of my poems got questions in it.
Gotta get rid of that habbit <,<
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 79
10/9/2010 11:13:06   

Thank you Red Blizzard, and nice job catching the Carcinigen reference. Great stories so far, Pie's story was as funny as ever. Nice job everybody!
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 80
10/11/2010 22:29:29   

So is that all the submissions? Or are people still handing stuff in?
AQ  Post #: 81
10/11/2010 22:38:31   

Submissions for this book ended the last day of September.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 82
10/11/2010 22:51:05   


and I hope to see A Wrinkle in Time as well, though I'm not too hopeful, seeing how obscure it is compared to other stories...

You may just get that wish.
DF MQ  Post #: 83
10/12/2010 15:18:46   
Cow Face
One Heck of a Guy

The Gathering by superjars, Gianna Glow, Cow Face, Shreder
The thick plottens!

Space Dock by Dragonnightwolf

Lost in the horizon by 10inchjedi

Life of a Temporary Variable by Versilaryan

Runes and Ruins by Drakyloid

Exceeding Expectations by Wildroses

I come back from vacation, to see a variety of lovely entries posted in the BoSF! As ever, it's a pleasure to read these stories. Great work, all!

< Message edited by Cow Face -- 10/12/2010 15:51:53 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 84
10/13/2010 10:40:16   

Mail Moogle of AdventureQuest


More entries, must read eventually!
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 85
10/14/2010 1:03:11   

See this is why Im confused...Submissions ended at the end of september but it looks like more and more stuff are getting added.

The L&L Staff is working through a massive setback in time. We have only so many more science fiction submissions to post before we can end the Book of Sci-Fi and introduce the Book of Darkness. We are sorry for the confusion, but no new sci-fi posts have been given to us; we are simply going through the backload of submissions still waiting to be posted. Trust me, we're almost done. ~MSamak

< Message edited by Master Samak -- 10/14/2010 1:03:11 >
AQ  Post #: 86
10/14/2010 0:57:00   

Submissions ended at the end of September, these are merely stories that are just now getting put in the book.
DF MQ  Post #: 87
10/14/2010 11:24:24   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

The Quiet among Cats by Dragonnightwolf

Attempt Number 87 by superjars

Epilogue: Her Own Personal Nightmare by Eukara Vox

And thus, the Book of Sci-Fi is concluded. Hopefully, the Epilogue is a good combination of sci-fi and horror to transition to the Book of Darkness.

I wonder who can name all the tributes myself and my wonderful staff have written in the Prologue, both intermissions and the Epilogue?

Now, Samak is working on the intro to Book of Darkness and we will shortly be posting those stories.

@MonsterMike9000 To go along with what Samak and Shreder posted. Yes, we have a deadline that is the last day of each month we run a Book Project. But, we get a lot of stories, and all of us read through them before posting. Quite frequently, we don't have all of them posted until halfway through the following month. It's just how it is. When you have 20 stories that can run 4-7 pages, and 6 people have to sign off on them before they are published, you are looking at a lot of time. Not to mention, school just started up for many of us, either as student or teacher, so this was a very hard month on all of us.

< Message edited by Eukara Vox -- 10/14/2010 11:25:27 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 88
10/14/2010 22:21:22   

^Didnt mean to be a headache. :(

You weren't; don't worry about it. :) Besides, the Book of Sci-Fi is now complete! Now all entries have been posted and we are moving on to the Book of Darkness. Huzzah! ~MSamak

< Message edited by Master Samak -- 10/14/2010 22:21:22 >
AQ  Post #: 89
10/15/2010 20:28:01   
Red Blizzard
Lv. 100

That epilogue...Event Horizon...*rips out his own eyes* LIBERATE TUTAME IX INFERIS!!!

But really. That was disturbing.
DF  Post #: 90
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