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RE: Quests

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1/5/2012 11:36:00   

Warlic Spell Scroll quest needs a few links adding for the new spells which are listed at the start but not linked in the rewards section. Also where it says two scrolls require three completed dungeons that should say five scrolls and in the last line where it says two other spells are available that should now read five other spells.

Varrinsqu Keep Spell Scroll Quest combinations:
Star Forge: Kad-Morag and Elder Saggidus
Whirl Tide: Lavai, Shadow Storm and FallowSea
Fireball Z: Fallarion, Cayla's Mirror and Conflagration
Seeing Red: Shadow Storm, Kad-Morag, Lavai
Blue Blazes: FallowSea, Conflagration, Elder Saggidus
Green Envy: Shadow Storm, Cayla's Mirror, Fallarion

The part that needs an update is below:-

Once the right combinations are crossed off, a shop with either
Whirl Tide
Storm Tide
Blue Blazes

Star Forge
Astral Forge
Fireball S
Fireball Z
Seeing Red

Green Envy

comes up where you can purchase them. The order that the dungeons are completed doesn't matter and there is no overlap; five scrolls require three completed dungeons and one requires two.

Warlic: Use the spell you have earned wisely. There are five other spells you can get, so come back soon if you haven't gotten them all. Good luck in your adventuring!

You go back to battleon.

< Message edited by SIGMUND -- 1/5/2012 11:40:56 >
AQ  Post #: 201
1/5/2012 21:51:16   
  Grixus Faldor


The Hacker!

Location: Choose to partake in the quest upon dying in the Pit.

«Scene: Camera pans in on Battleon.»

Below Battleon in the dark and cold of the hidden pit...

«Scene: The Pit. Dead corpses are scatter and a "No Soliciting" sign stands amongst the dead. A man with a giant grotesque axe, seemingly made from a monster's carcass is crouched.»

Skelly: When are you gonna stop camping down here!? You're starting to smell bad!!
Hacker: Cease your jabbering before I snap off your fifth and sixth ribs!

«Your character jumps down.»

Skelly: Oooh.... a visitor. HELP ME!!!!
«You»: What happened here?!

«The Hacker cranes his head.»

Hacker: Who wanders into my home uninvited??
«You»: I am «You». What are you doing here? It's a hole in the ground!

«The Hacker stands up.»

Hacker: I used to be an executioner of beast and man, they call me the hacker! This hole in the ground is the only place I can find solitude.
Hacker: After clearing a few nuisances, that is. It looks like there's someone I forgot...
«You»: Who? ME??
Hacker: Mmm-hmm.
«You»: Sounds like my cue to send you packing, scourge!!
Hacker: Hahaha! Not so fast «You». You'll have to fight through the house to get to its master!

«The Hacker walks away.»

«You»: Hey! Get back here! Don't make me— aw, well...

«Scene: Deeper in the pit.»

    Full Heal
    Full Heal
    Full Heal

Hacker: Well, well- tougher than you look! Show me what you've got!

    1 BATTLE
    The Hacker

Hacker: Ugh. Defeated! Even in the darkest chasm I can find no peace.
«You»: Why choose somewhere like this? I hear the Higgins' put together several nice housing packages, available in the Z-Token House shop *wink* *wink*
Hacker: You don't understand. I am shunned everywhere I go because of the profession I chose.
Hacker: I got nowhere else to gooo! I got nowhere else to g.... *sniffles*
«You»: Ok ok I see now, yeesh. You may remain here hacker and I hope you find the peace you are seeking.
Hacker: You are indeed honorable, «You».
Hacker: You have the heart of a champion and I will reward you as such!

The Hacker!

  • Pit Protector Z
  • Pit Protector
  • Pit Protector
  • Pit Protector
  • Pit Protector
  • Pit Protector
  • Pit Protector

  • Play again!
  • Guardan Tower!
  • Leave
  • Got it thanks. ~Aces

    < Message edited by BlackAces -- 3/19/2012 21:55:02 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 202
    1/12/2012 16:40:50   
    ArchMagus Orodalf



    Today's Event > Mogzards! (Zardmasters latest creations) OR Twilly > Hello! > The Frogzard Hunter! (updated!) > Visit the Frogzard Hunter (updated!) > Other Quests > MogZard! (New)

    «Scene: Battleon. Irwin Dundee is crying.»

    Aria: What's wrong, Zardhunter?
    Zardhunter: *sniff* sniffle* *snort*
    «You»: Uh-- What was that again?
    Zardhunter: Crikey, I don't know what came over me, mate. I've had a rough go of it today. I never thought it would come to this, but-- I think I need to retire.
    «You»: WHAT?! Why??
    Zardhunter: I lost a fight to the Zardmaster for the first time. I-- I can't go on...
    Aria: Oh, Zardhunter, I'm so sorry!
    «You»: You lost... a fight? You've got to be kidding. One fight? You can't just give up after losing a single battle! The war still goes on!
    «You»: If you give up, WHO is going to continue standing in the Zardmaster's way?!
    Zardhunter: ... You?
    «You»: No way. I won't do it. Not if you give up. So, how did you lose to him?

    «Scene zooms in on the Zardhunter's o_0 face.»

    Zardhunter: He created a beast unmatched by any other known to nature... It was a bloomin' HORROR, mate!
    «You»: (off-Scene) Get ahold of yourself, man!!

    «A hand comes up and SLAP!s the Zardhunter's face. Scene zooms out.»

    Zardhunter: CRI--key! Thanks mate, I needed that.
    Aria: What WAS the beast he made?
    Zardhunter: It was-- a MOGZARD!
    «You»: ...
    Aria: Aww that sounds cute silly.
    Zardhunter: It was anything BUT cute!! It would have eaten off my face if I hadn't managed to escape! Crikey, I get the shivers just thinking about it.
    Zardhunter: I think Zardmaster is going to use Mogzards to be the base of a new army.
    «You»: What makes these things so tough?
    Zardhunter: It has the ferocity of a motherzard combined with a constant regeneration of its health!
    Zardhunter: The only way I can imagine defeating it would be to overwhelm its healing ability as quickly as possible.
    «You»: Well then, I'll tell you what. It sounds like all you need is a little help. And I'm JUST the person for the job! Let's go stop Zardmaster's plan-- together! Lead the way!

    «Scene zooms in on Aria.»

    Aria: Hmf. Always fighting zards, those two. We should figure out a way to show them that zards can be HELPFUL in their battles against bad guys, too!
    Aria: Come on, let's go talk to Yulgar...

    «Scene: Forest.»

    Zardhunter: the Zardmaster was just east of Darkovia when his Mogzard had a go at me! Who knows what beasties he sent to chase me to Battleon. This could be a challenge to wrangle him!
  • Battle with the Zardhunter's help
  • Battle by yourself

    Regardless of choice:

      3 BATTLES
      Full Heal
      3 BATTLES
      Full Heal

    «Scene: A strange trench emitting sparks.»

    Zardhunter: Crikey! Zardmaster's base was right here! He must have moved everything.
    «You»: I hear something moving-- under our feet!
      Pit Trap!
      Can you escape this patch of ground before it gives way and drops you into a nest full of undead zards?
      Difficulty: 74
      Stat Used: Dexterity
    «Failing the roll gives you two choices - to 'Defy it!' or just continue 'Next'.»

      «If you have less than «» SP and defy the roll...»
        Pit Trap!
        You lack the «» SP to defy the fickle will of the dice.
        Difficulty: 74
        Your Roll: «The number you got»
      • Next

      «If you have more than «» SP and defy the roll...»
        Pit Trap!
        By an effort of will you can spend «» SP to automatically win the roll. Do you wish to do that?
        Difficulty: 74
        Your Roll: «The number you got»
      • Yes
      • No
    «If you failed or failed in Defying your roll:»
      «Scene: Pit with four Undead Zards.»

      Zardhunter: Crikey...

    • Battle with the Zardhunter's help
    • Battle by yourself

      Regardless of choice:

        2 BATTLES: Undead Zard
        Full Heal
        2 BATTLES: Undead Zard
        Full Heal

      Continues below.
    «If you succeeded or succeeded in Defying your roll:»
      «You»: Wow! We actually avoided falling into a nest of undead zards!
      Zardhunter: That wily Zardmaster...

      Continues below.
    «Scene: A mountainous area.»

    «You»: Now which way?
    Zardhunter: If I'm right, Zardmaster will need to set up his base deep in Greenguard Forest.
    Zardhunter: It's the one place on Lore that is most magically in tune with Moglinkind, and he'll NEED that magic to nourish his new army.
    «You»: ... Back to Greenguard we go!
  • Battle with the Zardhunter's help
  • Battle by yourself

    Regardless of choice:

      3 BATTLES
      Full Heal
      3 BATTLES
      Full Heal

    «Scene: Greenguard.»

    Zardmaster: HAHAHA! You're too late! I now have TWO Mogzards, male and female! And soon, my ARMY will be reborn!!!
    Zardhunter: I-- I--
    Zardmaster: What's the matter, Zardhunter? SCARED?!?! HAHAHAHA!!
    «You»: I don't know if I can do this alone, Zardhunter. Snap out of it!
    Zardhunter: There's 2 of them now!
    «You»: One for each of us! Look, you need to fight your fear! I'll take one and a half of them if you take what's left!
    Zardhunter: You got it, mate!
  • Battle with the Zardhunter's help
  • Battle by yourself

    Regardless of choice:

      2 BATTLES: MogZard
      Full Heal

    «The Zardmaster runs away.»

    «You»: You did it! You overcame your fear and we beat the Zardmaster again!

    «Aria's pet enters.»

    Zardhunter: AAAAAHHHHH!!!!

    «The Zardhunter runs.»

    «You»: Uhhh... now who is going to be brave enough to take care of this... handsome... little guy...

    Shop Weapons:
  • Zard Tosser
  • Zard FlinGer
  • Zard Shooter
  • Zard DiZpatcher
  • Zard Catapult
  • Zard Launcher
  • Zard BarraGe

    Shop Pets:
  • MogZard Z
  • MogZard
  • MogZard
  • MogZard
  • MogZard G
  • MogZard
  • MogZard G
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave
  • Got it thanks. ~Aces

    < Message edited by BlackAces -- 3/31/2012 1:41:34 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 203
    1/18/2012 9:54:36   
    Bu Kek Siansu


    Fusion Dragons: Consequences
    Location: Today's Events > Fusion Dragons! OR Travel Map > Dragonspine Mountains > Fusion Dragons: Consequences

  • For somehow I couldn't find the "Fusion Dragons: Consequences".
    I was looking for the Summon Crystal Dragon and found him in the 15: Fusion Dragons 1

  • So, to avoid confusion the location should be changed to:
    Location: Travel Map » Dragonspine » Dragonspine Mountains » 15: Fusion Dragons 1 (Quest: Fusion Dragons: Consequences)

  • Updated the location. Thank you! ~B

    < Message edited by Balu -- 1/18/2012 13:13:01 >
    Post #: 204
    1/19/2012 17:27:46   
    ArchMagus Orodalf


    Flaming Undead!

    Today's Event > Flaming Undead! (War against Zorbak's forces!)

    «Scene: Mountainous outskirts of Battleon.»

    You may skip this cutscene at any time.

    «You»: Slow down there, little guy. What are you doing sneaking around Battleon at this hour??
    Zorbak: «You», please, give me some credit. Why would I be sneaking around when I'm large and in charge?? Meheh...
    «You»: Yeeaahh... Why might you be so confident, hm?
    Zorbak: Ever heard of someone named... XAN?
    «You»: Xan!? The pyromancer cursed with a flaming skull for all eternity??
    Zorbak: So I take it you never heard of him.
    «You»: He and Warlic were both in love with the same woman, and their feud led to Xan's ultimate fate...
    Zorbak: Why can't you just answer my question?! Meh. Anyway, I found one of Xan's spell tomes and was able to "adjust" something for my own use...

    «A Flaming Undead Elf and a Flaming Undead Paladin enter.»

    «You»: This is a joke, right?
    Zorbak: Meh!! What?? This is not a joke! My undead now have CRAZY FIRE RESISTANCE!!
    «You»: And what might you be planning to DO with your new flaming undead horde?
    Zorbak: Well, I certainly would never consider just allowing thousands of them to peacefully gather outside Battleon to protest the Living...
    «You»: That sounds suspiciously like SARCASM.
    Zorbak: Mehehehehe!

    «Zorbak leaves.»

    «You»: Well, I guess he showed me...
  • To War!

    Red-Hot Undead!
    Zorbak has found some secrets belonging to the pyromancer Xan and used them to power up his legion! Now, Battleon is under siege by an army of flaming-skulled undead. Can you stop them before they burn town to the ground??
  • To Battle!
  • Battle with Artix
  • Battle with E
  • Explore Camp (Minimizes the War Scroll)
  • Back to Town

    Guardians can click on the potion bag to refill their potions if they have less than 4 potions on hand. All players may also click on the Treasure Chest to get the Temporary Dracolich Rider armor for battle (You open the treasure chest and find Dracolich Rider Armor!). Adventurers will receive the message "Become a Guardian to get enhanced scaling for this temporary item!"

    Click the Guard dog. You can get him in the war camp screen, right next to where you get the Old Axe:
    Legendary paladin Artix Krieger has come to join us in battle!
    Vampireslayer E prefers fighting vampires and werewolves, but is skilled in fighting Undead as well!

    Twilly: Uh-oh's!! Twilly's is confused! Why are these skellies running around with FLAMING HEADS??
    Twilly: If you need to be healed I can help you.
  • Heal me please
  • Let me handle this!
    Twilly: There you goes! All healed up!
  • Thank you!
    To Battle!

      2 BATTLES

    After all of the Flaming Undead were defeated...

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal

    «You»: Zorbak! You can't just make thousands of flaming undead attack Battleon and think you'll be able to get away with it! Get out here!

    «Zorbak enters.»

    Zorbak: Hmf! And YOU shouldn't think that I wouldn't save my BEST creation for last!!

    «A Flaming Undead Braken enters.»

    «You»: That's a giant flaming undead braken.
    «You»: I hate you, Zorbak.
  • Fight!

    «Zorbak leaves.»

      1 BATTLE: Flaming Undead Braken
      Full Heal

    Zorbak: Well, I guess it's back to the drawing board for me...
    «You»: Face it, Zorbak. Forget the drawing board. You're just not a very good artist.
    Zorbak: ...... *sniffles*

    «Zorbak leaves.»

    «You»: Did I hurt your feelings? Zorbak, I didn't mean it--! Come back!
    Flaming Undead

    Shop Pets:
  • Undead Fire Giant
  • Undead Fire Giant
  • Flaming Undead Kitten
  • Flaming Undead Kitten
  • Undead Fire Giant
  • Undead Fire Giant
  • Flaming Undead Kitten
  • Undead Fire Giant
  • Flaming Undead Kitten
  • Flaming Undead Kitten
  • Undead Fire Giant
  • Flaming Undead Kitten
  • Undead Fire Giant

    Shop Misc:
  • Flaming Skull
  • Flaming Skull
  • Flaming Skull
  • Flaming Skull
  • Flaming Zkull
  • Flaming Skull
  • FlaminG Skull
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    Correction thanks to zippy2010.
  • Got it, thanks ~ Ward_Point

    < Message edited by Ward_Point -- 4/9/2012 6:39:52 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 205
    1/20/2012 11:39:40   


    Guardians can click on the potion bag to refill their potions if they have less than 4 potions on hand. They may also click on the Treasure Chest to get the Temporary Dracolich Rider armor for battle (You open the treasure chest and find Dracolich Rider Armor!).

    adventurers can also get Temporary Dracolich Rider. It may sound like only guardians can get that from above statement.

    Become a Guardian to get enhanced scaling for this temporary item! <also this is displayed at top
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 206
    1/20/2012 14:09:14   
    Legendary AK!!!

    You can also encounter a lvl 130 guard dog.
    Post #: 207
    1/23/2012 12:58:13   
    Legendary KoO Snugglebunny

    The Hacker is now located in the Pit. Once you die in the Pit, you're given the option of leaving for town or going on the quest.
    AQ  Post #: 208
    1/26/2012 13:36:25   


    In the quest The Burning Sands!, there is a mis-quote. Not sure if it would even be that big a deal tho.


    Fire Beast: Chase me, and the weakened Sentinel dies. And we both know you won't let that happen, 'Hero'.
    «You»: You-- you're a monster!
    Fire Beast: Oh you're too kind. but as much as I'd love to watch your face twist in anguish as you realize you won't chase me, I have a job to do.

    The boldend word should be read fiend.

    Fire Beast: Chase me, and the weakened Sentinel dies. And we both know you won't let that happen, 'Hero'.
    «You»: You-- you're a fiend!
    Fire Beast: Oh you're too kind. but as much as I'd love to watch your face twist in anguish as you realize you won't chase me, I have a job to do.

    updated. thank you. ~B

    < Message edited by Balu -- 7/8/2012 9:35:39 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 209
    1/26/2012 16:44:34   
    ArchMagus Orodalf


    The Hunted!

    Today's Event > The Hunted! (It's RoBear season!)

    «Scene: Battleon. «You» are meeting with Robina.»

    «You»: Hi, Robina! I heard that you're looking for me.
    Robina: Yes, I have been looking for you, «You». I couldn't think of anyone else I would rather have help hunt the RoBear.
    «You»: Did you say... RoBear?
    Robina: Yes I did. No one knows where it came from, but it's been causing tons of trouble.

    «Jurg enters.»

    Jurg: 4 TONS of trouble, actually.
    «You»: And who might you be?
    Jurg: Jurg, professional hunter and renowned tracker. Nothing, living, dead, or none of the above, can elude me in the wild.
    «You»: I thought I was helping you, Robina.
    Robina: Unfortunately, today is one of my "give gold to the monsters" days. But Jurg is very good at what he does.
    «You»: Okay. I trust you.
    Jurg: Great! Shall we begin our hunt?
    «You»: I was talking to Robina.
    Robina: Good hunting, friends!
  • Battle with Jurg's help
  • Battle by yourself

    Regardless of choice:

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
      2 BATTLES

    «Scene: Plains.»

    «You»: Hey, Jurg! Where are you?? I think I got ahead of you--

    «An enormous, spiked hammer hits you as the message "Oops! You tripped a trap!" is displayed on the top of the screen.»

    «You»: OOOOWWWW!!!!

    «Jurg enters.»

    Jurg: Ah, I see you stumbled into one of my traps.
    «You»: I didn't "stumble" into anything. If you knew there was a trap nearby, you should have SAID something!
    Jurg: Calm down! You'll spook the wildlife. Here, have this concoction of herbs and bark!

    «Jurg tosses you the concoction. You receive a full heal.»

    «You»: *phoot* Yuck! That tasted horrible!
    Jurg: I didn't say EAT IT! You were only supposed to rub it on your wounds. Hmf. We should keep moving. Something large is up ahead...

    «Scene: Desert.»

    «You»: Well? Where is it??
    Jurg: Keep your voice down.
    Jurg: ..............
    Jurg: Uh-oh.
    «You»: *whispers* What is it?
    Jurg: The wind direction shifted. I do believe the beast has scented us.
  • Battle with Jurg's help
  • Battle by yourself

    Regardless of choice:

      1 BATTLE: Giant Hellhound
      Full Heal

    «You»: If we had not bathed in a few days would that make a difference?
    Jurg: I usually refrain from bathing for several weeks while on a long hunt. Oftentimes it helps you blend in with your natural surroundings.
    «You»: Good. I'm glad it's not my fault it smelled us.

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
      1 BATTLE
      Full Heal
      1 BATTLE
      Full Heal

    «Scene: Forest.»

    Jurg: There!! Our quarry is yonder.
    «You»: Wow! It's-- a robot bear.
    «You»: With guns mounted on its shoulders. and great big teeth.
    Jurg: Observant. Luckily, I have hardened the point of my spear enough that it should be able to cut through steel.
    «You»: You're not going to claim this victory all by yourself, Jurg.
  • Battle with Jurg's help
  • Battle by yourself

    Regardless of choice:

      1 BATTLE: RoBear
      Full Heal

    «You»: I wonder where this thing came from.
    Jurg: Quite. You don't know anyone who might have built something of the sort?
    «You»: Hmmm... Actually--

    «Kamui enters.»

    «You»: Kamui!
    Kamui: There it is, looks like my "RoBear" as everyone's been calling it doesn't have any permanent damage.
    Jurg: Hmf. I didn't figure on you tracking this thing, too. You're truly a multi-talented technomancer.
    Kamui: I'm not a Technomancer by trade, Jurg, I'm a scientist.
    Kamui: I'm also not the kind of frail nerd that just sits in the lab all day, I'm perfectly comfortable out in nature as well.
    Jurg: No. You're a completely different kind of nerd.
    «You»: You two know each other??
    Kamui: Jurg has a talent for... creating crises which require his talents. In this case, on a quest to find some dangerous game--
    Kamui: -- he broke into my testing compound and released the Ursinus Cyberneticus while I was testing its combat capabilities.
    Kamui: However, the final adjustments to its AI and Friend Or Foe system were not yet complete.
    Jurg: Such a complainer. You should be proud of your inventions! Let the whole world see just how GOOD you are at making things!
    Kamui: I would prefer that the world see my inventions when they are FINISHED, and not when they are going to go on an unintended destructive rampage.
    «You»: ... What he said. The RoBear has destroyed a dozen homes and could have killed people!
    Jurg: Hey, what can I say. Survival of the fittest! Now, ehem, if you'll excuse me, I have a reward to collect for bringing down the beast.
    «You»: I don't believe you actually deserve that reward. Plus, I was the one who brought it down!
    Kamui: I'm in agreement with «You», one doesn't get a reward for cleaning up their own messes. Especially when said messes have the potential for loss of life!
    Jurg: Well, if you won't let me collect my reward, the n I'll just have to be content with having YOUR HEAD mounted above my fireplace!!
  • Fight!

      1 BATTLE: Jurg the Hunter
      Full Heal

    Kamui: Thank you, «You». If it weren't for you Jurg's antics would have caused a great deal more damage than they already have.
    «You»: No problem, Kamui. What's going to happen to the-- Ursinus Cyberthingy-- now?
    Kamui: First, repairs. Next, I need to adjust his AI and install the FOF system I mentioned earlier. After that he will be FAR less dangerous, relatively speaking.
    Kamui: As a nice bonus, he will be a great deal smarter than the average bear.
    «You»: That will be a little... weird. But okay. No more smashing houses?
    Kamui: No, he wasn't designed with demolition in mind. I can assure you that he at least won't be doing impromptu renovations on the homes of the good or innocent.
    «You»: Deal.
  • The End
    The Hunted

    Shop Armors:
  • [link=]Zkilled Hunter[/link]
  • [link=]Novice Hunter[/link]
  • [link=]Skilled Hunter[/link]
  • [link=]Advanced Hunter[/link]
  • [link=]Expert Hunter[/link]
  • [link=]Peerless Hunter[/link]
  • [link=]Deadly Hunter[/link]
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    New names for rewards thanks to big E.

  • < Message edited by Ward_Point -- 4/9/2012 19:54:23 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 210
    1/29/2012 20:04:13   
    Legendary AK!!!


    Update to Reign Quest:

    Map for Scion Set is broken. I recreated it: Click

    Added thanks. ~Aces

    < Message edited by BlackAces -- 1/30/2012 4:54:18 >
    Post #: 211
    1/31/2012 0:54:34   


    Dracopyre Showdown
    The link/pathway to this quest is incorrect; "Join the Legacy!" is not part of the pathway.

    updated. thank you. ~B

    < Message edited by Balu -- 7/8/2012 9:37:49 >
    Post #: 212
    2/3/2012 17:03:57   
    ArchMagus Orodalf


    Wyvern Riders!

    Today's Event > Wyvern Riders! (War against Daestis' forces!)

    An uneasy alliance had been made between the Dragonslayers and Dracomancers, but not everyone was so quick to accept. There have been whispers in dark corners of plans to tear the alliance apart.

    «Scene: A mountain at night.»

    You may skip this cutscene at any time.

    Footsoldier3: Why do these secret meetings *have* to be at night?
    Footsoldier5: Yeah, I'm missing dinner. If my roast is dry I'm going to be so angry!
    Footsoldier5: GUARANTEE there's not going to be any cobbler l...
    Footsoldier: Quiet, you fools! Duke Daestis approaches.

    «Duke Daestis flies in on a wyvern.»

    Duke Daestis: Brothers, too long have we been accepting of the dragonslayers! Scheming cowards who murder our family under a banner of peace.
    Duke Daestis: Our Lord Cyrus has been poisoned by their deceit! Now is our time to restore the old ways -- to bring back the days of the dragons!
    Footsoldiers: *CHEERS* For the glory of the dragons!
    Duke Daestis: Ride with me brothers. We will take Galanoth and restore our order. OUR ORDER!

    «Scene: Duke Daestis flies across the backdrop of the night sky.»

    Duke Daestis: There! The fields of Battleon-- I have spotted Galanoth! No doubt telling stories of his treacherous efforts to eradicate our kin!
    Duke Daestis: Come brothers!

    «Duke Daestis leads the wyvern riders downward as the Scene fades. New Scene: Battleon.»

    Galanoth: ... and that, «You», is how you keep the crust flaky but not overbrown it.
    «You»: You really are a fountain of knowledge, Galanoth!
    Galanoth: Yes, well some of our teachings go beyond the standard. You would not believe the quilts Warlic ca...

    «Shadows of the wyverns above pass across the Scene as Galanoth raises his head.»

    «You»: AH!!!!
    «You»: What is that--?
    Galanoth: I'm... not sure, «You». Clouds with wings?

    «Duke Daestis flies in.»

    Duke Daestis: Ahhh, Galanoth. The blood of ten thousand dragons stains your hands. The alliance is over! You are coming with me!
    Galanoth: What?! Foul beast, you will feel the sting of my Dragon Blade!

    «Galanoth prepares to strike.»

    Duke Daestis: Hahaha... NOW!

    «A wyvern rider flies through the Scene and knocks Galanoth over with his lance.»

    Duke Daestis: I don't think so. Now let's go!
    «You»: NO! Galanoth!!

    «The wyvern rider flies back and kills you as Duke Daestis takes Galanoth away.»

    Dragonslayer: I did not watch my buddies die face down in the muck so that this... this dracomancer could swoop in and steal our leader!
    Dragonslayer: C'mon, «You», let's go get Galanoth back!
    «You»: Oh sure, be right there.

    «Scene fades.»

    Wyvern Riders!
    Duke Daestis and his band of rebel Dracomancers have kidnapped Galanoth! The delicate alliance is now in jeopardy! Can you stop them before they feed Galanoth to their dragons?
  • To Battle!
  • Battle with Warlic
  • Battle with Robina
  • Explore Camp (Minimizes the War Scroll)
  • Back to Town

    Guardians can click on the potion bag to refill their potions if they have less than 4 potions on hand. They may also click on the Treasure Chest to get the Temporary Draconic Blade weapon for battle (You now have a Draconic Blade! It will disappear when you log out.). Adventurers will receive the message "If you become a Guardian, you can use the Draconic Blade in battle!"

    Powerful Archmage Warlic has come to help us battle the wyvern riders!
    Robina has offered her skills to aid in rescuing Galanoth!

    Twilly: Uh-oh's!! The Wyvern Riders are attacking!
    Twilly: If you need to be healed I can help you.
  • Heal me please
  • Let me handle this!
    Twilly: There you goes! All healed up!
  • Thank you!
    To Battle!

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
      1 BATTLE
      1 BATTLE: "A powerful foe confronts you!"

    After 100% of the enemies were defeated...

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
      1 BATTLE: Nightmare Wyvern
      Full Heal
      1 BATTLE
      Full Heal

    «You»: Give it up, Daestis! Your rebellion has been defeated. Turn Galanoth loose!
    Duke Daestis: NO! My plans will not be so easily foiled.
    Duke Daestis: You will have your reckoning. You will die, dragonslayer!

    «Duke Daestis moves his lance to pierce Galanoth's heart, but it is blocked by Lord Cyrus's sword. Daestis kneels before Cyrus.»

    Duke Daestis: I... Lord Cyrus! I... I...
    Lord Cyrus: Bite your forked tongue, Daestis! You dare gather our brothers and use our kin for your own desires.
    Duke Daestis: Sire no, I only wanted to put an end to the treachery of the dragonslayers! I was only thinking of our people!
    Lord Cyrus: No, no no. Your days of warmongering are at an end. Even now the rage is seething inside me-- and you don't want to make me angry.

    «Lord Cyrus transforms into a dragon.»

    «You»: AHHHHHHH!!!!
    Galanoth: Cyrus, please, this isn't the answer either.
    «You»: Yeah, maybe a quiet room in a dungeo...
    Duke Daestis: S... sire, please! NO! NO!

    «Cyrus eats Duke Daestis.»


    «You»: and Galanoth: ...
    «You»: So, um, how about those rewards?
    Galanoth: Think you got some of that on me.
    Wyvern Riders

    Shop Weapons:
  • Captain's Lance
  • Captain's Lance
  • Captain's Lance
  • Captain's Lance
  • Captain's LanZe
  • Captain's Lance
  • Captain's Lance

    Shop Armors:
  • Cyclone Wyvern Rider
  • Cyclone Wyvern Rider
  • Zyclone Wyvern Rider
  • Cyclone Wyvern Rider
  • Cyclone Wyvern Rider
  • Cyclone Wyvern Rider
  • Cyclone Wyvern Rider
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

  • < Message edited by Ward_Point -- 4/11/2012 20:40:03 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 213
    2/9/2012 17:46:39   
    ArchMagus Orodalf


    Blackhawke's Black Heart

    Snugglefest 2012 > Blackheart

    «Scene: Battleon»

    The smell of love fills the air as you wander through the hills of Battleon. You catch Aquella meandering into the pet store. Let's go check in on our good friend Aria and wish her and Aquella a happy Snugglefest!

    «Scene: Aria's Pet Store»

    Aria: Hello, «You»! Hope you are having a snuggably awesome SnuggleFest this year!
    «You»: Thanks Aria! No hearts broken so far this year. I saw Aquella walk in here so I thought I'd stop in and say hi.
    Aria: Oh yes, she received a new flutterby from her sweetheart and was shopping for a new cage.
    Aquella: Think I found the perfect home for my new pet. Oh, hello «You»!
    «You»: Hey Aquella! What a cute flutterby.
    Aquella: Oh yes, it's so adorable. Now that I've found it a new home I'm heading back to the waters. What brings you around today?
    «You»: I was just on a stroll through town and popped in to say hi.
    Aquella: We should stop by Blackhawke's too. I saw a messenger arrive there on my way in.
    Aria: Hehe, you are just so nosey!

    «Scene fades. New Scene: Zooms in on the top floor of Yulgar's Inn so that Blackhawke is seen.»

    Blackhawke: Well met, friends!
    (simultaneously) «You»: Hi Blackhawke! Aria and Aquella: Hello!
    «You»: Hi Blackhawke! Anything interesting happen today? Any visitors?
    Aquella: Yes, Aria said she saw a messenger stop by and wanted to know aaaall about it.
    Aria: OH YOU! *grumbles*
    Blackhawke: Well yes, actually, I received a letter from a secret admirer. Asked me to meet her somewhere in the woods she has marked on a map.
    «You»: Meeting strangers in the woods-- I'm not sure if that's such a great idea.
    Blackhawke: Sure, usually, but there are A LOT of hearts on this letter.
    Aquella: I was going to be travelling back home so I will be glad to follow you as far as I'm going!
    (simultaneously) «You»: I'm not doing anything either. *whistles* Aria: I think that flutterby gave me fleas.
    Blackhawke: I am a little nervous. Travel with me, friends, and you'll see it's completely innocent. However, I will have to draw the line at holding hands on our way there.
  • Continue with Aquella!
  • Continue with Aria!
  • Continue by yourself!

    Regardless of choice:

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal

    Blackhawke: Think we are getting close. The heart markings on the map point up ahead.
    «You»: Great! Let's go!

    «Scene fades and then shows another similarly green Scene.»

    Blackhawke: This is the spot marked with hearts. I don't see anything here, though.

    «Mr. Banjo Stiltsocks, an enormous dog, drops in.»

    Blackhawke: AH! Mr. Banjo Stiltsocks. Ruuun!
    Mr. Banjo Stiltsocks: That's right, Blackheart and you've fallen right into the trap!
    «You»: Wait, what. Anyone want to explain the giant talking dog?
    Blackhawke: There was a girl whom I once loved named Kyrie and this was our dog.
    Mr. Banjo Stiltsocks: Convenient you forgot to mention how you turned your back on us. Not wise to break the heart of a valkyrie. I'll be taking you back to Kyrie!
    «You»: Not so fast, fluffy! Blackhear... hawke is our friend and you'll have to get through me first!
    Mr. Banjo Stiltsocks: You'll make a tasty snack for our journey. I will have your bones to bury in my backyard! *Woof*
  • Continue with Aquella!
  • Continue with Aria!
  • Continue by yourself!

    Regardless of choice:

      1 BATTLE: Mr. Banjo Stiltsocks
      Full Heal

    «You»: We better get out of here while we can. Any other giant pets with scorned women that are going to be trying to eat us?
    ???: Too late! Nice to finally see you again, Blackheart!
    Blackhawke: Oh boy...

    «Kyrie enters.»

    Kyrie: I loved you and you loved me, then one day you decide I wasn't good enough for you!
    Blackhawke: No no, it's just... I'm a fighter. I do stuff. I couldn't be tied down and wanted to avoid a messy situation.
    Kyrie: So you leave me and Mr. Banjo Stiltsocks?! Well, I'm not letting you go that easy.
    Aria: Hmmm, well this is awkward.

    «Scene zooms in on Kyrie's very angry face.»

    Kyrie: One of your little girlfriends? Oh, I'll fix this!!

    «Kyrie blasts Aria and Aquella away.»

    «You»: You really know how to pick them, Blackhawke. Oh, I know, maybe she has a sister that can shoot my friends with tiger power.
    Blackhawke: Kyrie, stop! It just would never have worked out. I'm a fighter and you are a valkyrie. Worlds apart.
    «You»: ...
    Kyrie: You will love me as you once did! I have made sure of that.

    «Kyrie uses a love charm to zap Blackhear... hawke, who then has little hearts sprouting from his face.»

    Blackhawke: Kyrie, my dear, I love the way your hair catches the evening rays of the sun.
    Kyrie: Now, with the power of my love charm you will be mine forever!
    Kyrie: Oh, and thank you!
    «You»: You can't get away with this, Kyrie! This isn't right. What you'll have is never true love, but a slave.
    (simultaneously) Blackhawke: I never noticed how the armor brings out the color of your eyes. Kyrie: Love slave Blackheart has a nice ring to it. Now come, my love!
    «You»: Noo!
    Kyrie: Nothing will keep us apart! Not you, not anybody!

    «Kyrie blasts «You» with lightning, killing «You».»

    Blackhawke: You are so cute when you're blasting people with lightning.
    Kyrie: There's plenty more where that came from if you try to interfere! Let's go, loverboy.
    Blackhawke: Right behind you, snugglehelm!

    «They leave.»

    «You»: Ugh... organs cooking *cough*. You won't get away... from... me. Okay, give me a second.

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal

    (simultaneously) Blackhawke: If my love for you were an ocean, it would take two eternities to sail across. «You»: Alright lady, I've been attacked by a giant dog and friend with lightning. I'm through messing around! Turn loose Blackhawke!
    Kyrie: You again?! It's getting so a girl can't steal someone's heart and get a moment's peace around here.

    «Scene zooms in on a raging silhouette of Kyrie.»

    (simultaenously) Kyrie: NOW COME ON!! Blackhawke: Your rage eyes are so adorable, sweetie!

      1 BATTLE: Kyrie
      Full Heal

    «The love charm is knocked out of Kyrie's hands.»

    Kyrie: *WAAAAAH* I only wanted you to love me!
    Blackhawke: It's not you, Kyrie, it's me. Can't we still be friends-- even though you tried enslaving me?
    Kyrie: *WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH* *Sob* Why does this keep happening to me?!

    «Captain Rhubarb enters.»

    Captain Rhubarb: Hello, m'lady, how you doin'?
    Kyrie: *Sniffle* Not so good. Blackheart has broken my heart again!
    Captain Rhubarb: Despair not, there be a table for two on my ship and I grow tired of dining with trobbles. Care to join me?
    Kyrie: Sure, handsome! Lead the way.
    Captain Rhubarb: Arrr! To the Red Betty, then!

    «They leave.»

    Kyrie: Wait! Who's this BETTY you're talking about?!
    «You»: He's going to have his hands full with that one.
    Blackhawke: Oh boy, just hope he doesn't think a giant trobble makes a great gift.
    Blackhawke's Breakup

    Shop Weapons:
  • Blackheart
  • Blackheart
  • Blackheart
  • Blackheart
  • Blackheart
  • Blackheart
  • Blackheart

    Shop Pets:
  • Mr. Banjo Ztiltsocks
  • Mr. Banjo Stiltsocks
  • Mr. Banjo Stiltsocks G
  • Mr. Banjo Stiltsocks
  • Mr. Banjo Stiltsocks
  • Mr. Banjo Stiltsocks G
  • Mr. Banjo Stiltsocks

    Shop Miscellaneous Items:
  • Charm of Adoration
  • Charm of Adoration
  • Charm of Adoration
  • Charm of Adoration
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    Correction thanks to Watashig.

  • < Message edited by Ward_Point -- 4/23/2012 7:22:33 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 214
    2/9/2012 21:48:05   


    «Kyrie blasts Aria and Kyrie away.»

    Mayhaps you mean Aquella, not Kyrie in the second part? I haven't played the quest myself, but logic says that it would supposedly be Aquella.
    Post #: 215
    2/9/2012 22:07:20   
    ArchMagus Orodalf

    Yes, I mean Aquella, thanks. The bad grammar was making me wince too much. :P
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 216
    2/16/2012 4:57:04   
    Seth Hydra
    How We Roll Winner

    where is the Hunted Quest now??...it doesnt seem to be on the map, or neither todays event section
    AQ DF AQW  Post #: 217
    2/16/2012 5:06:27   

    @above I think it's currently unavailable but it may be added to Robina's quest log soon
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 218
    2/16/2012 5:07:26   
    Legendary AK!!!

    @ss2195: seems to be in limbo right now. The staff will probably move it (I'm guessing it would be in Robina's Quest roster) when they have time.

    < Message edited by Dragoon23 -- 2/16/2012 5:21:11 >
    Post #: 219
    2/16/2012 11:16:53   
    Seth Hydra
    How We Roll Winner

    Just checked Robina's Quests, its been added!!
    AQ DF AQW  Post #: 220
    2/16/2012 11:23:02   


    ^Feel free to use the above linked image when doing the Deren write-ups (Opera House Walkthrough) :)
    AQW  Post #: 221
    2/16/2012 15:51:23   
    ArchMagus Orodalf

    The Transporter!
    City of Deren

    Battleon > Mage Shop > Quests > Delivery to Deren!

    «Scene: Battleon. Zooms in on the Mage Shop and then shows the interior.»

    Warlic: «You», remember when I gave you the smelly Sock of Doom and you said you owed me one?
    «You»: Well, I don't remember it exactly that way--
    Warlic: I've got another one around here-- would you like to smell it again?
    «You»: If you're going to put it like that, I guess I do remember it your way. What do you need?
    Warlic: I need a package taken to Deren for the new Temple that's being constructed.
    «You»: ?!?
    Warlic: Normally, I'd take it myself, but I've been called away on important wizardly business. The package contains an extremely valuable and rather powerful gemstone.
    Warlic: I can't just hand it over to any old courier. And due to the nature of its power, it can't be transported by... er... normal methods.
    Warlic: I need someone to actually travel with it across Lore by foot, and who will guard it with their life-- and death!
    «You»: Gee, I can't wait.
    Warlic: Now, where did I leave that other sock?
    «You»: I mean, sure, Warlic. I'd be glad to.
    Warlic: Here it is.

    «Warlic tosses you a package.»

    Warlic: Remember, it must be kept safe and delivered to King Tralin at the palace in Deren, no matter how many times your life is threatened...
    Warlic: ... no matte rhow many deadly battles you face, no matter how thin a thread your life hangs by, no matter--
    «You»: Okay, okay, I get the picture!
  • Transport!

    «Scene: The forest.»

    «You»: I don't know what Warlic was so worried about. There hasn't been a speck of trouble so far-- or should I say-- a fleck?
    «You»: Uh oh! Looks like I spoke too soon!

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal

      Avoid other monsters!
      Are you stealthy enough to avoid being detected by 2 more forest monsters??
      Difficulty: 73
      Stat Used: Dexterity
    «Failing the roll gives you two choices - to 'Defy it!' or just continue 'Next'.»

      «If you have less than «» SP and defy the roll...»
        Avoid other monsters!
        You lack the «» SP to defy the fickle will of the dice.
        Difficulty: 73
        Your Roll: «The number you got»
      • Next

      «If you have more than «» SP and defy the roll...»
        Avoid other monsters!
        By an effort of will you can spend «» SP to automatically win the roll. Do you wish to do that?
        Difficulty: 73
        Your Roll: «The number you got»
      • Yes
      • No
    «If you failed or failed in Defying your roll:»

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal

    Continues below.

    «If you succeeded or succeeded in Defying your roll:»

    «You»: Whew! Glad that's over. And I think I see Krovesport there through the trees!

    «Scene: Krovesport. «You» have met an Assassin.»

    «You»: Hey, you know of any ships departing for Deren soon?
    Assassin: Sure...
    «You»: Well, will you tell me which ones?
    Assassin: Oh, I don't think you're going to care one way or another in a few minutes.
    «You»: Why's that?
    Assassin: Because you'll be dead!

      2 BATTLES: Assassin
      Full Heal

    «The Assassin kneels in submission.»

    «You»: Tell me why you attacked me!
    Assassin: Never!
    «You»: Tell me or I'll--
    Assassin: Oh, alright...
    «You»: Wow, that was quick. I didn't even have to threaten you with anything.
    Assassin: I used to just be cannon fodder. I've been promoted, but old habits die hard.
    «You»: Got it. Okay, now tell me why you attacked me.
    Assassin: A mysterious stranger in a dark cloak and hood told me to.
    «You»: (Groan) I should have known.
    Assassin: Yup, he just told me to make sure I grabbed the package you were carrying, and I'd get a nice sackful of gold for my trouble.
    «You»: Well, that's interesting. Someone knows about the package, and sent two assassins to try and get it from me, eh?
    «You»: Go back and tell your boss that he'll have to try harder than a bumbling assassin to get this package away from me!
    Assassin: Hey!! I represent that remark!
    «You»: Sorry. Just sayin'. Anyway, you said there was a ship departing for Deren today?
    Assassin: I try to kill you and you're going to trust me to recommend a ship to you?
    «You»: We both already know what I can do to you if you try to trick me.
    Assassin: Good point. Take the Founderer. She's leaving in about... five minutes. Better run!

    «Scene zooms in on the Assassin's hood as he stands.»

    Assassin: Of course, that threat only works if you survive the voyage... hehe!

    «Scene shows «You» traveling on the Founderer over the Sea. A Ratliver pirate drops down from the mast.»

    Ratliver: Give us that packet you're carrying, Hero, r me and my gang will cut your liver out and feed it to the kraken!
  • Fight!

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal

    «You»: Well, I guess I showed those guys who's king of the seas!

    «As the Founderer continues to sail, a Braken climbs out of the water and onto the ship.»

      1 BATTLE: Braken
      Full Heal

    «As the Braken continues to assault the ship, it sinks. «You» are now underwater.»

    «You»: Oh no! Good thing I took those swimming lessons after I failed the Talk Like a Pirate Day Quiz!

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal

    «Aquella swims in.»

    Aquella: Who is creating a disturbance down here under the sea?
    «You»: Hey, Aquella, it's just me. A kraken attacked the ship I was in, and I got dumped in the sea. Then I got attacked by two water monsters. Sorry about the disturbance.
    Aquella: Oh, it's just you, «You». Or, should I say, Your Highness?
    «You»: Ah. You heard about that "King-of-the-Sea" crack, huh? It was just a joke.
    Aquella: And not much of one, at that.
    «You»: Look, I need to get to Deren. Can you help me out?
    Aquella: I might have a giant turtle or two around here that isn't booked...

    «Scene: A beach at sunset.»

    «You»: Well! That was an interesting ride! But the sun's going down now, and it's still a ways inland to the palace. I think I'll call it a night right here.

    «Scene fades. Scene returns at night as you stand by a campfire.»

    «You»: I hate to admit it, but after all this trouble to bring this stupid housewarming gift to Deren, I'm curious to see what it is I've been fighting for. I bet Warlic wouldn't mind if I take one little peek...

    «Scene zooms in on your hands as they unwrap the package to reveal a round stone.»

    «You»: Well, it sure doesn't LOOK very impressive!
    ??? (1): Give me that package!
    ??? (2): No!! Give it to ME!!
    «You»: How about this: I'm not giving it to EITHER of you!!
  • Fight!

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal

    «You»: Wow, isn't there anybody that doesn't want this stupid package?
    ???: Don't think so!
  • Fight!

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal

    «Scene: It is now daytime, and the fire has gone out.»

    «You»: It's already daylight, and I never even got to sleep! Guess I'd better head n out to the palace and get this over with.

    «Scene: Forest on the edge of Deren.»

    «You»: Wow, the city gets bigger all the time!

    «Scene shows «You» traveling to the palace. Once outside the door:»

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal

    «You»: Nice welcome!!

    «Scene shows your hand knocking on the door. «You» then enter the palace. A Drakel Guard stops you.»

    Guard: Can I help you?
    «You»: Who are you?
    Guard: I'm Daltry. I serve the King.
    «You»: Do you attack all of the guests to the palace like that??
    Daltry: Sorry, my friends there were just a little too excited.
    «You»: I'm here on official business. I have a package to deliver from Warlic to King Tralin.
    Daltry: Deliveries go around to the back.
    «You»: Hey, this is a very valuable and important gift from Warlic the Archmage to King Tralin. It goes straight from my hands to the King's.
    Daltry: Oh yeah? Let me see it...

    «Scene zooms in on your hand showing the item to Daltry.»

    Daltry: Yeah, right... Like I said... deliveries in the back.

    «Scene: The Throne Room.»

    King Tralin: Ah, «You», how good to see you again!
    «You»: Thank you, King Tralin. I have a package for you from Warlic. He said it's for the Temple that's being built.
    King Tralin: Most kind of him-- and of you, to take so much trouble to deliver it safely into my hands!

    «Scene zooms in on your and Tralin's hands as «You» attempt to hand the object off. It comes loose of the wrappings, however, and rolls down a flight of stairs.»

    «You»: Oops! Sorry about that-- The packaging was kind of messed up. The object rolled out into the corridor and down some stairs! Where do they go?
    King Tralin: They go all the way down into the darkling dungeon-- we don't use it anymore, but it's still a scary place.
    King Tralin: And some say there are still monsters down there, hiding in the dark corners, waiting for an unsuspecting person to come by and, well, CHOMP!
    «You»: ... CHOMP?
    King Tralin: Yes... CHOMP.
    «You»: Well, don't worry! I'll get it!
  • Go!

  • Get treasure!

      1 BATTLE: Huge Treasure Hoard

    «You»: The object!! It rolled behind the treasure chest.
  • Take it!

    «Scene: Back in the Throne Room.»

    «You»: King Tralin, do you mind if I ask you something?
    King Tralin: Certainly! You deserve an answer or two after delivering such a precious object to me safely, in spite of the many obstacles put in your path!
    «You»: What is that thing? I mean, Warlic said it was very powerful, and very important, but it sure doesn't look like much.
    King Tralin: Ah! And you think that to be valuable, or important, an object must look impressive, do you, young Hero?
    «You»: Well, I guess if you put it that way-- no?

    «Scene zooms in on Tralin as the object cracks and breaks in his hand.»

    «You»: Oh no! Warlic's gonna turn me into... into... I can't even imagine what he's going to turn me into for this! I just know it's going to be really, REALLY BAD!
    King Tralin: Be at peace, «You». Not everything that breaks was meant to be whole!
    «You»: Huh?

    «Scene zooms in on Tralin as a small rainbow-furred Zard emerges.»

    «You»: It's alive? That thing was an egg?
    King Tralin: Indeed. And inside is the most precious gift Warlic could give us, to place inside the Temple and watch over its completion.
    «You»: What's that?
    King Tralin: It's a Peace Zard. They are rare and precious beyond measure. It will be housed in the Temple and cared for there.
    King Tralin: When it reaches its full size, it will have a nullifying influence on any weapon or spell that is brandished in its presence--
    King Tralin: -- thereby allowing one and all who come to our Temple to communicate with the Gods to be in peace while under its influence. The Temple will truly be a place for worship and contemplation--
    King Tralin: -- and be free from the politics and machinations of those who come seeking wealth or power or chaos rather than enlightenment and unity and fulfillment.
    «You»: Is that why it had to be hand-carried across Lore on foot? Because it was close to hatching?
    King Tralin: Yes, indeed! You're smarter than you look!
    «You»: People make that mistake a lot.
    King Tralin: Any other mode of transport could have disrupted the delicate processes going on inside the egg, and rendered this baby Peace Zard unable to function as it was meant to-- or worse.
    King Tralin: It might have chosen not to hatch at all! All of the dark forces that pursued you in your travels were attempting to keep the Peace Zard from being delivered to the Temple--
    King Tralin: -- thereby ensuring that chaos would be able to enter instead.
    King Tralin: You have done well, «You».
    King Tralin: Now go, rest and refresh yourself, for the festivities will begin soon, and you will have a seat of honor at my table! Daltry! Come see our friend is taken care of!
    Daltry: Yes, Your Majesty!

    «Scene zooms out.»

    «You»: So, you're going to show me to a nice suite, where I can get a hot bath, sleep in a real bed, get room service--
    Daltry: There's a pond out back, and I hear they just brought some fresh straw in for the barns...
    «You»: Hey!
    Daltry: Kidding! Just kidding!

    Shop Pets:
  • Chillin' Peace Zard
  • Far Out Peace Zard
  • Tubular Peace Zard
  • Gnarly Peace Zard
  • Mellow Peace Zard
  • Funky Peace Zard
  • Groovy Peace Zard
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • To Deren!
  • To Battleon!
  • AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 222
    2/16/2012 16:43:46   
    ArchMagus Orodalf

    Note that I used Black Chancery for the "Yon Ill Wind" quest title because it is as such in-game.

    Deren: City of Enlightenment

    Travel Map > Sail East x2 > Deren > City of Deren

    The City of Deren has several sub-Locations/Quests. They are:
  • [link=]Deren Castle[/link]: Home to the Deren Royals
  • Port of Deren: At these docks the majority of trade in Deren occurs.
  • Noble Dwellings: Here live the most noble and educated citizens.
  • [link=]Opera House[/link]: They say this opera house is haunted...
  • [link=]Art Gallery:[/link] Here one may find many works of art.
  • [link=]Museum:[/link] The Deren Museum is home to relics of history.
  • [link=]Deren Inn:[/link] Find rest, shops, and gossip here!
  • Shops: The House Shop and [link=]Memorial Shop[/link].
  • ???: Building site of a new Temple of Hope.
  • Shanty Town: Commoners live here.

    Shanty Town - Clickies!
    The smell of fresh bread can be smelled wafting through the air!
    A cabin seems to be what a lot of commoners prefer!
    Ewwww, some other kind of smell is wafting out of this shack!

    Clicking on a tree will provoke it. "Probably should not have shaken these trees!"

      1 BATTLE: Blighted Deathwood
      Full Heal

    Noble Dwellings - Clickies!
    No one appears to be home!
    A massive Drakel manor standing stoically against the sky!
    Servants quarters!
    You are just all over these trees today!
    The docks can be seen peeking out in the distance!
    Deren Castle

    You may return to Deren proper by clicking the "MAP" icon in the upper right-hand corner of the Scene.

    «You»: Wow! I can't believe the size of this place!
    «You»: Temples, palaces, gardens-- those Derenians really know how to build a city!


    In the Throne Room:

    A beautiful dragon painting fit for a king! Upon closer inspection you see the artist signed it Wyrm.

    Tralin: Hail, traveler, and welcome to Deren.
  • Curious about the city!
      Tralin: Desire to hear about the city, do you? The Kingdom of Deren had long lived in conflict with more militant neighbors. Draynor, the previous king, however, had led it into an era of peace.
      Tralin: Although Deren had long been a center for learning and progress, such progressive ideals were not always well liked.
      Tralin: In fact, our histories record conflicts very early with the lost nation of Inilar and their capital of T'jeli.
      «You»: T'jeli? Isn't that the ice wastes to the distant south?
      Tralin: It is. They are the same.
      «You»: But? How...
      Tralin: It is an example of one instance where The'Galin was not kind. One might ask Xilar the Silari about what occurred to T'jeli. He was involved.
      Tralin: I am also working with the Loremaster, Falerin, to have our histories opened within the Hall of Memories. So that you may live them, as we did.
      «You»: How long has this city been here?
      Tralin: This seaport has been the kingdom's stronghold and capital for many years. Indeed the School of Thought has ties that go back to before The'Galin's first return.
      «You»: Tell me about Draynor. What disrupted Draynor's peace; What happened to your father? He must have been a great Drakel.
      Tralin: The kingdom of Deren is a human one. The Drakel of K'eld Ner have had a long relationship with the kingdom but until not long ago they lived in isolation.
      Tralin: My father was a brave and honest man. He worked to unify the kingdom.
      Tralin: I was the T'Palo from K'eld Ner. The word means something like ambassador and outcast all at once.
      Tralin: What ended the peace is what killed my Father, the coming of the war with the nation of Vandar to the north.
      «You»: War?
      Tralin: Unfortunately, Vandar became a bitter enemy.
      Tralin: Theirs was a Militant Democracy, founded on the notion that those should have the right to rule by their form of government.
      «You»: Sounds... strangely familiar.
      Tralin: Worse, they felt that anyone that elected for any other form of leadership was clearly doing so under duress and so had to be freed by force.
      Tralin: This applied to even good king Draynor's rule.
      Tralin: When the Vandarians attacked our allies at N'eld, we were forced by treaty obligations to respond. As a long-term ally and friend I was sent by Draynor to N'eld to intervene.
      Tralin: In order to give me the authority of the crown the king adopted me as his heir.
      «You»: That must have caused quite a stir.
      Tralin: In the city of Deren itself it caused little. Though among the School of Thought it was quite the "scandal."
      Tralin: I was well loved in the kingdom, and the humans were quite willing to take me as their prince.
      Tralin: Within the Drakel strongholds it was, however, an apostasy. I had been adopted by a human as heir apparent to rule a human kingdom.
      Tralin: I never hesitated. I loved and honored my father long before it was my privilege to call him such.
      Tralin: It was a joy and a privilege to be called his son; even if he was many hundreds of years younger than I.
      «You»: I can imagine. He sounds like a great man. What happened to your father?
      Tralin: Unfortunately, when Vandar rose as a threat, the first signs of The'Galin's return were also seen.
      Tralin: An undead menace led by the Brilhado under General Diviara attacked first N'eld and then Vandar itself near Delkirk.
      Tralin: Where Myr fell, so fell Draynor. He was killed in a great battle when Diviara opened the portal to the extra-Lorian undead. His own death nearly cost me my own life as well.
      «You»: How?
      Tralin: To increase my magical potential in an attempt to get vengeance for my father's death, I took a potion...
      Tralin: An ancient poison, called Metanoia, that converts the very forces of life into those of mana and magic.
      Tralin: The potion nearly killed me utterly. It did leave me incapacitated for a long time.
      «You»: Tell me about Deren today.
      Tralin: Time brings wisdom, my young friend. Although my brethren long lived in isolation, the time for such hiding is gone.
      Tralin: I unified the human and Drakel kingdoms following on Draynor's model.
      Tralin: Today no Derenian, Human or Drakel, will hesitate to draw a blade or sling a spell if the need is felt.
      «You»: What more can you tell me about the history of Deren and K'eld Ner?
      Tralin: When the time comes, the Hall of Memories shall be opened to much. In the interim the palace Library may have more information.
      Tralin: You may visit if you desire to further your learning. Nel, who serves as my court historian, can usually be found there.
      Tralin: Or, if what you want to now concerns the war with Vandar and its aftermath, you might seek out Governor Darin or Jano.
      Tralin: They are Vandarian by birth and Darin once led Lord Feldrin of Vandar's armies.
  • Rumors!
      Tralin: You desire some dirt? I take it you mean other than the soil beneath your feet?
      Tralin: It is a rich and fertile ground from which anything might spring forth.
      Tralin: Ask the Loremaster about Farmer Hugh of Ranjford.
      «You»: I meant gossip...
      Tralin: I know what you meant. This is your desire for idle talk? I fear I am too old for such endeavors.
      «You»: You do not seem that old.
      Tralin: My body is older than appears and my soul is as old as the earth of the land, which was not the "Dirt" that you were seeking.
      Tralin: I normally don't indulge in such meanderings, but I hear rumors that the wharf is abuzz with romance. Apparently one of the old fishermen has been seeing a new lady.

    Yon Ill Wind

    Deren > Deren Castle > Up x3 > Library > Visit Nel!

    «Nel enters.»

    Nel: Good day, «You». What can I do for you?
  • Train as a Scholar!
  • You look disturbed...

    Nel: I have been collecting information for a new central Library for the School of Thought here in Deren--

    «Scene zooms out.»

    Nel: -- but a massive stormed caused by a horde of wind monsters caught me as I was transporting a large batch of papers and blew them all over the landscape!
    «You»: Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that.
    Nel: Can you help me find the papers? They are nearly all one-of-a-kind documents. Part of my project was going to be copying them...
    Nel: ... but now, without them, much of history might be lost forever!
    Nel: I'm not sure, but the timing of this was VERY coincidental... There may be a wind monster that planned it. So be careful!
  • Search!

    «Scene: A beach. You begin with 5 Healing Kits, which you may use at any time for a Full Heal.»


    Note: Traveling through a "Monster" screen that you have already cleared will result in another battle.
    Hint: Taking the shortest routes through this Quest means that you may using a Healing Kit after each battle without fear of running out.

    Nel: I don't know how I can ever repay you fully for retrieving these documents for me! I do have something to offer you in thanks, however!
  • Welcome!
    Ill Wind

    Shop Weapons:
  • Aqua Pen
  • Hydro Pen Z
  • Hydro Pen
  • Wave Pen
  • Tidal Pen
  • Torrential Pen
  • Tsunami Pen
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave
    Phantom of the Opera

    Deren > Opera House > Up

    «There is a note on the first Scene that says:»

    Clear the phantoms from the Opera House so that it can be used again. I have a reward for you if you are successful.
    ~ Leroux, Manager of the Opera House
  • Phantoms?!?

    There must be SOMETHING here causing phantoms to appear!

    «You begin with 8 Full Heals.»

    «In the room with the diary:»

    The journalist doesn't write very much. Ah! The last performance. Perhaps that will say what happened here.
    Opening Night: We opened tonight. The house was PACKED. Mary injured her foot - she swears she will be able to dance on it tomorrow.
    Day Two: Mary won't be dancing tonight. Tomorrow, for sure.
    Day Three: Brittain wore part of his costume to the market today - and was asked which opera he is from! There is no other opera house in Deren.
    Day Four: No performance tonight - Mary is allowed to practice with us again.
    Day Seven: There are ads for a new opera house in town - also performing Le Fantôme de l'Opéra! It is much cheaper - they can't possibly be paying their performers well, and they haven't tried to hire anyone - how can they do it?
    And why the SAME opera? We will be much better than they will.
    They open in two days. I will go... I wonder if Camille will be busy?
    Day Eight: Disaster! During the performance, ghosts of ourselves appeared. The audience ran - the tickets had to be refunded!
    Day Ten: The other opera manager was a hoax! The "manager" took the prepaid money and left town. I must find somewhere else to take Camille.
    Day Fourteen: The clerics and paladins say there is no ghost. The mages say there is no magic. But there are ghosts, the stolen spirits of my friends.
    We are all fine, even the ones whose ghosts now walk the stage - we must all leave this haunted place before worse happens.
    A blank page...
    Another blank page... This must be all he wrote.

    «On the Stage, a Revenant swings its sword.»
    «In the room with the AV Recording and Display Device:»

    Prototype Audio-Visual Recording and Display Device (with holographic attachment) Model 2
    The Record/Display switch appears to be stuck on Display, but the On/Off buttons seem to work.

  • On
  • Off

    «After turning the Device off:»

    The "ghost" is no longer visible on the stage.
    This must be what you needed to do!
    Now, where is Leroux? He offered a reward...

  • Go outside!

    «Scene: Outside the Opera House»

    You have cleared the Opera House of its haunting! You have earned a reward from the manager LeRoux. Congratulations!

      1 BATTLE: Treasure
      Full Heal

  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    «In the background, an image of Zephyros is constantly taking up an image of Father Time.»

    Zephyros: Welcome to the Museum of Lorian Natural and Cultural History! I'm happy we're finally open to the public, though we're still setting up a few exhibits. What's you interested in?
  • What is this museum?
      Zephyros: This museum, and my work, is dedicated to unearthing and preserving the history of Lore. There's so much that's been lost and forgotten, just like the Azamay Ruins.
      Zephyros: I find these lost treasures-- and I don't just mean gold, but history and knowledge-- and bring them here, where everyone in Lore can learn from them.
      Zephyros: These aren't baubles to be sold to the highest bidder, they are part of our heritage, and here at the Museum of Lorian Natural and Cultural History, I try to share it with the world.
      Zephyros: Not all lost ancient civilizations were friendly, though, and some of their leftovers are very powerful, very dangerous items.
      Zephyros: I keep an ear to the ground for anything like that and try to make sure no ancient horrors are reborn, war machines reactivated, plagues unleashed, and so on.
      Zephyros: It's not easy, but I try to either dispose of them safely, or at least neutralize their threat.
  • What is a Treasure Hunter?
      Zephyros: While pirates simply sail because they love the seas, treasure hunters are driven by curiosity to uncover the truth of legends and myths.
      Zephyros: We're always sailing to the next 'X' on our map. ... Well, actually, we sail, fly, run, dodge, fight, and dig. Not all at the same time, of course, but we do what we must.
      Zephyros: We travel to the ends of Lore to find relics of past ages. Sometimes they're objets d'art, sometimes they're objets d'puissance.
      Zephyros: Some of us hunt for the thrill, some of us hunt for the money, some of us hunt for the power. We're all unique, with our own motivations.
  • Can you train me?
      Zephyros: Unfortunately, since we just finished construction here, getting the museum set up is taking most of my time. However, I do hope to offer archaeology lessons to aspiring treasure hunters soon.

    If you click on Father Time:

    «You»: ... What's going on there?
    Zephyros: Let's just say I really, REALLY hate time travel and leave it at that.

    You may also enter the back storage room, where you will find other items:

    Description: This is the Jewel of Denial. It once graced the crown of a boy king in a desert kingdom. It is said to foil magical attacks, but has the side effect of making you very disagreeable.
    Description: This box is nailed, chained, locked, and magically warded. What could be in here that needs this kind of protection?
    Art Gallery

    «Scene pans across works of art and then reveals Cricket.»

    Cricket: Hello and welcome to my gallery!
  • Home needs some art!
      Cricket: You should talk to Bulbug, in the House Shop, if you want to buy Art for your house.
    • To Bulbug's!
    • No Thanks
  • I'd like to look around!
      A lady shielding her face with an umbrella in the hopes she doesn't give away her p-p-p-poker face!
      A scene of a once-magnificent tree, tossed to the elements by an evil witch
      A powerful scene of a dragon battling its' refusal to bend to the sun's will
      An excellent piece titled 'Man In Contemplation'
  • Ask anything of interest!
      «You»: You have a great gallery! Anything interesting been going on?
      Cricket: Why, thank you. Well, I was trying to help poor Nel with some papers. The wind caught them and scattered them everywhere!
      Cricket: I was struck by inspiration so I couldn't search for long. He was left hunting alone. Maybe you could help him?

    Deren Inn

    Room 1:

    Jhan: Hello! Welcome to the fabulous Drakel Inn!
    Jhan: I'm your concierge, Jhan! Let me know if there's anything I can do to make your stay even more fabulous!
  • I'm weary from travel!
    Jhan: Fabulous! I have a room just waiting for you. I will tuck you in free of charge!
  • Ummm... thanks?

    «Scene: The starry night sky. Snores come from below. After receiving a Full Heal, Scene returns to Jhan.»

    Jhan: You look refreshed! Enjoy the rest of your stay in Deren!

    Room 2:

    «You»: Hello! How is the mogberry juice?
    Duke: *Hiccup* Goo... rgel... blrrrrr

    «Duke drops his mug and slumps over.»

    «You»: ... That good, huh?

    Room 3:

    Bartender: Hey bub, what'll it be?
  • Mogberry juice, please!
      Bartender: Sure, it's said to cure any ailment. Have a fresh glass right here.

      «Full Heal»
  • What's that guy's deal?
      Bartender: Ugh, Duke wasn't dancing on the table again, was he?
      «You»: No, but it looks like he might have a headache when he comes around.
      Bartender: While the juice is known for its healing properties, too much will cause some adverse side effects.
  • Any good gossip!
      Bartender: Sure I hear things from time to time. Mogberry juice seems to loosen lips around here.
      Bartender: Heard some fellas talking about strange spooks being spotted in the opera house. Been gettin' so a guy couldn't enjoy a show without chandeliers falling on someone.
      Bartender: Hear they even started offering a reward for anyone brave enough to clean house.

    Memorial Shop

    A skull with strange markings!
    Nightmare castle in a snowglobe?!
    An acorn! No doubt pried from the hands of a hungry chipmunk!
    Scaramouche scaramouche, why can't I buy this fandango?
    The treasure chest is locked!
    Helm of a knight! Wonder where the rest of the armor is.
    An inactive Stone Doll!
    Polearm of the fallen Absolix!
    Some kind of crazy time wand!

    Thorne Lorin: Hello, traveler, and welcome to my shop of oddities and antiquities.
    «You»: Good to see you, Thorne.
  • Finally settling down?
      Thorne: I will never settle down. It is important, however, that we remember. The only way for the work of my order to succeed is that we do.
  • Any new treasures?
      Thorne: If what you are seeking is treasure, the man to see is my friend Zephyros. He and I studied Archaeology together.
      «You»: Where is this Zephyros?
      Thorne: He runs the Museum here in Deren City. It always seems to have some new trinket he's dug up.
  • What is this shop about?
      Thorne: What is it about? Somewhere around nineteen thousand three hundred thirty-three square feet.
      «You»: No, I mean-- What is this shop all about? What is its purpose?
      Thorne: Things are still in the early stages of planning and implementation. The gathering of the spoils of history is a time-consuming process. All I have at the moment are some items from The'Galin's last visit.
  • Devourer Saga Items
    Devourer Saga Items

    Shop Weapons:
  • Edge of Unity
  • Salvation Blade
  • Salvation Scepter
  • Salvation Bow
  • Brilhado Spear
  • Hollow's Weather Remote
  • Duality Dagger
  • First Silari Bardiche
  • Golden Wing
  • Gauntlet of The'Galin
  • Blackbones
  • The Exterminator
  • The Exterminator
  • Ninja Star
  • Captain's Hook
  • Grave Tongue
  • Brilhado Blade
  • Protector Rod
  • Edge of Unity
  • Silari Electron Blaster
  • Purity Blade
  • Whammer
  • Gauntlet of The'Galin
  • Disorder Flux Flail
  • Disorder Flux Staff
  • Disorder Flux Glaive
  • Salvation Blade
  • Salvation Scepter
  • Sword of Deren
  • Bronze Edge
  • Grave Fleshrender
  • Flaxen Wing
  • Brilhado Spear
  • Duality
  • Protector Rod
  • Edge of Unity
  • Sword of Over 3000 Truths
  • Golden Wing Z
  • Ninja Star
  • Captain's Hook
  • Blackbones
  • The Exterminator
  • The Exterminator
  • Capable Silari Bardiche
  • Charnel Tongue
  • Turmoil Flux Flail
  • Turmoil Flux Staff
  • Turmoil Flux Glaive
  • Edge of Unity
  • Silari Proton Blaster
  • Protector Rod
  • Charnel Fleshrender
  • Purity Blade
  • Gilded Guardian Wing
  • Bedlam Flux Flail
  • Bedlam Flux Staff
  • Bedlam Flux Glaive
  • Expert Silari Bardiche

    Shop Armors:
  • AssaultMecha
  • Souvenir Boy's T-Shirt
  • Souvenir Girl's T-Shirt
  • Protector Armor
  • Winged Guardian
  • Protector Armor
  • Souvenir Boy's T-Shirt
  • Souvenir Girl's T-Shirt

    Shop Shields:
  • Chaos/Unity Shield
  • Protector Shield
  • Shield of Corruption
  • Kindheart Mirror
  • Protector Shield
  • Shield of Corruption
  • Agony Shield
  • Trueheart Mirror
  • Braveheart Mirror

    Shop Spells:
  • Summon Galrick
  • Wicked Shadow
  • Arrows of Integrity
  • Nightbane's Howl
  • Nightbane's Baby Teeth
  • Nightbane's Redemption
  • Brilhado Quills
  • Lesser Charm
  • Summon Giliara
  • Summon Brain Spider Imago
  • Least Elemental Unity
  • Evil Shadow
  • Arrows of Honour
  • Summon Jumping Brain Spider
  • Nightbane's Salvation
  • Nightbane's Teeth
  • Summon Diviara
  • Nightbane's Piercing Howl
  • Lesser Elemental Unity
  • Charm
  • Summon Tarantula Brain Spider
  • Elemental Unity
  • Nightbane's Purification

    Shop Pets:
  • Keeshish-Kin
  • Protector Pet
  • Ninjat
  • Octopirate
  • Keeshish-Kin
  • Broadkil Cydaver
  • 292
  • Protector Pet
  • Octopirate
  • Ninjat
  • Broadkil Cadaborg Z
  • Broadkil Cadaborg

    Shop Miscellaneous Items:
  • Mark of Hope
  • Evil Eyeglasses
  • Ring of the Twilight Copse
  • Mark of Hope
  • Evil Eyeglasses
  • Ring of the Shaded Grove
  • Mark of Hope
  • Evil Eyeglasses

    Shop House Items:
  • Nightraider
  • Nightraider
  • Jumping Brain Spider
  • Tarantula Brain Spider
  • Nightraider
    Port of Deren

    A large ship, seems to be seaworthy.
    Home of the mercenary Usterik!
    Crusty Joe's Bait Shop!

    Bait Shop:

    Crusty Joe: Welcome to me fish shack!
  • What's biting, Joe?
      Crusty Joe: Not much today, but there be a fresh load of bait-fish I'm waiting on. Going to go after some really big floppers when it does.
      «You»: I've never been fishing, fallen in the water a few times though. Why do they call you Crusty Joe?
      Crusty Joe: Got that name when I was a younger man. We were nettin' rayfish n the salt brines of Lolosia. Had me a really big un and the blasted thing drug me overboard!
      «You»: Whoa, guess that one got away.
      Crusty Joe: Well, it wasn't getting away that easy! As I fought the creature, the salt was crusting on me an inch thick. I finally got me hands on that fish and choked it out with me bare hands.
      Crusty Joe: When I hauled it in, it was quite a sight. With one manly flex I knocked all the salt crusty off, and the boys have been calling me Crusty Joe ever since.
  • Just looking around!
      «Scene zooms out.»

      Crusty Joe: Sure, have ye look around. You think about stealing from ole Joe, though, and you be swimmin' with Davy Jones-- in me aquarium.

      Chum barrels. Fish tested, mother approved!
      Nets! For that fish shanty ambiance!
      Uh oh! You caught the dreaded Timbre's Aquatic Shivering Pox, better go sleep it off at the Inn. - Causes damage
      This is where Crusty Joe keeps the really good worms and chum!
      This rope smells a little fishy.

      Clicking on the fish tank will provoke the fish. "Don't tap on the tank! Fish hate that!"

        1 BATTLE: Dweller
        Full Heal
  • Fish Shop!
    Crusty Joe's Fish Shop

    Shop Weapons:
  • Static Eel
  • Eel Z-apper
  • Electrifying Eel
  • Dynamic Guardian Eel
  • Sparking Eel
  • BlitZing Eel
  • Voltaic Guardian Eel
  • 1.21 Giga-Eel

    Shop Pets:
  • Sea Squirt
  • Bloodworm
  • Angry Tortoise
  • Flyrtle
    Usterik: Avast! What business you have?
  • Any good catches?
      Usterik: Yar! Landed me a beast of a Braken this mornin'!
      «You»: Sounds like a tough challenge! They aren't easily landed.
      Usterik: Well, I'm a tough guy. A whelp like you could never hope to catch one with scrawny arms like those!
      «You»: Well...
    • I'm drinking milk!
        Usterik: Well, you keep drinking and one day you might have muscles like me. We mercenaries know all about keeping our strength up.
        «You»: Mercenary, huh? I might need me one of those someday!
        Usterik: Bwahaha! Save your pennies, lad. I don't come cheap!
        Usterik: 3 billion be my goin' rate if you want me to swing my blade for your cause!
        «You»: What?! 3 billion? Who has that kind of money?
        Usterik: Yar, well you can see why I've taken to fishing. Won't lower me rate, though, we mercs have standards.

    • You don't look that tough!
        Usterik: I'll show ye tough, you little whelp! C'MON!

          1 BATTLE: Usterik
          Full Heal

        Usterik: Not as scrawny as ye look! Be a different story if I had my REALLY big sword. Still, you fought well, I may have something interesting to show you...
  • I need that ship!
      "Warned you that dock is slippery!"

        1 BATTLE
        Full Heal
  • Mercenary Shop! (accessible only after defeating Usterik above)
    Usterik's Mercenary Shop

    Shop Weapons:
  • Usterik's Sword
  • Usterik's Dagger
  • Usterik's Sword Z
  • Usterik's Dagger Z
  • Usterik's Sword
  • Usterik's Dagger
  • Usterik's Sword G
  • Usterik's Dagger G
  • Usterik's Sword
  • Usterik's Dagger
  • Usterik's Sword
  • Usterik's Dagger
  • Usterik's Sword G
  • Usterik's Dagger G
    Thanks to Xrai for Mercenary Shop requirements.

    < Message edited by ArchMagus Orodalf -- 2/17/2012 11:11:31 >
  • AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 223
    2/16/2012 17:29:22   

    The Hunted (RoBear) quest will now be accessible by talking to Robina. But its currently bugged: Clicking « Hunted! » actually leads to Parakkas Unbound, which is the button just above.
    Post #: 224
    2/17/2012 11:10:27   

    Now Usterik's Mercenary Shop can only be accessed after beating Usterik after selecting "Any good catches?" and then "You don't look that tough!" to fight him. But it can be accessed again until logout after that.
    Post #: 225
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