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11/27/2010 2:11:12   
The Reckoning

Please check previous entries to prevent bogging down the thread with old information. After checking and making sure that the information is new and relevant, please include whether it is for a new entry or an edit/addition to an old entry.

As the Encyclopedia was before, these threads are not meant for asking questions. Please use Questions/Answers for that. Remember to check previous threads and Guides first.

Remember, no sigs. For pictures, please refer to the Guide to Pedia Screenshots. Thanks!

< Message edited by Koree -- 11/27/2010 2:41:17 >
AQ AQW  Post #: 1
11/28/2010 10:53:03   
Legendary AK!!!


The Hippocampus Temporary armor is missing an image. So here is one:


Got it. Thanks ~D

< Message edited by Dev -- 11/28/2010 12:32:22 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
11/29/2010 5:54:14   
I am Moglin!


I was checking the older thred about this and noitced that Marsh Troll has gotten a new picture, but the others didn't and I am very sure that they all looked the same.
I'm link the same picture as Rimz did. *you name it* Troll picture

Bog Troll Z
Mire Troll
Fen Troll *One of my characters has this armor and it does look exactly the same*
Swamp Troll Z
Swamp Troll

Something for you to do in a few minutes ^^
Thanks for fixning them.


Done. Thank you. ~balu

< Message edited by balubamboto -- 12/14/2010 14:17:59 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 3
12/1/2010 23:09:33   
Legendary Miss Fixit


Gift Boxes

Same images as '09

Light base element

Light (everything this year) /Earth (boxes!) /Energy (nonconductive) good; Fire (burns) / Water (soggy) bad

Level	7	37	7	67	97	112	127
Type	G	G	Z	G	G	G	G
PLvl	16	43	43	70	100	115	130
BR	185	286	286	388	500	556	613
S	257	480	480	703	950	1074	1198
BtH	2	5	5	8	12	14	16
Fire	20	20	20	20	20	20	20
Water	10	10	10	10	10	10	10
Ice	0	-10	-10	-17	-18	-19	-19
Wind	0	-10	-10	-17	-18	-19	-19
Earth	-10	-19	-19	-25	-30	-33	-34
Nrg	-10	-19	-19	-25	-30	-33	-34
Light	-10	-19	-19	-25	-30	-33	-34
Dark	0	-10	-10	-17	-18	-19	-19
Melee	28	32	32	37	42	44	47
Rang	28	32	32	37	42	44	47
Magic	28	32	32	37	42	44	47
Price	1400	5600	420	42000	168000	595000	910000
Sell	700	2800	Z	21000	84000	297500	455000

Got it. Thank you! ~B

< Message edited by Balu -- 12/25/2010 14:30:30 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 4
12/5/2010 18:46:00   


Centaurion Form Primus is missing from the Level section of the Armors index.
(edit) Saw it's in the Z-token section. Please disregard/delete this post.

Taken care of. Thank you. ~B

< Message edited by Balu -- 12/25/2010 14:31:19 >
AQ  Post #: 5
12/5/2010 19:37:02   
I am Moglin!


This is the first time I'm writting like this, from anothers information post, so please forgive me if I've done something wrong :)
*Before, I used to write down the info from the game itself*

Guardian Gift box I (2010)

Level: 7
Power Level: 16
Price: 1'400
Sellback: 700
Location: Guardian giftboxes 2010 shop.
Element: Light

Melee: 28
Ranged: 28
Magic: 28

Fire: 120%
Water: 110%
Wind: 100%
Ice: 100%
Earth: 90%
Energy: 90%
Light: 90%
Darkness: 100%

Hits: 3
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: 61,7% Base and random plus 85,7% stat bonus.
BTH: +2

Strange... you can't see what's inside this box even when you're in it too! You can feel a lot of pieces though, and really hope it's SUPPOSED to be like that, as opposed to you giftbox-fu-related breakage... (Guardian only)

Image right here.

Armor stats thanks too Aelthai. Write up and image thanks to DragonUltraMaster. Stats correction thanks to Apocalyptic Silence

Guardian Gift box II (2010)

Level: 37
Power Level: 43
Price: 5'600
Sellback: 2'800
Location: Guardian giftboxes 2010 shop.
Element: Light

Melee: 32
Ranged: 32
Magic: 32

Fire: 120%
Water: 110%
Wind: 90%
Ice: 90%
Earth: 81%
Energy: 81%
Light: 81%
Darkness: 90%

Hits: 3
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: 95.3% base and random plus 160% stat bonus.
BTH: +5

Strange... you can't see what's inside this box even when you're in it too! You can feel a lot of pieces though, and really hope it's SUPPOSED to be like that, as opposed to you giftbox-fu-related breakage... (Guardian only)

Image right here.

Armor stats thanks too Aelthai. Write up and image thanks to DragonUltraMaster. Stats correction thanks to Apocalyptic Silence

Gift box II-Z (2010)

Level: 7
Power Level: 43
Price: 420 Tokens
Sellback: 378 before 48 hours | 210 after 48 hours
Location: Guardian giftboxes 2010 shop.
Element: Light

Melee: 32
Ranged: 32
Magic: 32

Fire: 120%
Water: 110%
Wind: 90%
Ice: 90%
Earth: 81%
Energy: 81%
Light: 81%
Darkness: 90%

Hits: 3
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: 95,3% base and random plus 160% stat bonus.
BTH: +5

Strange... you can't see what's inside this box even when you're in it too! You can feel a lot of pieces though, and really hope it's SUPPOSED to be like that, as opposed to you giftbox-fu-related breakage...

As powerful as the level 37 armor!

Image right here.

Armor stats thanks too Aelthai. Write up and image thanks to DragonUltraMaster. Stats correction thanks to Apocalyptic Silence

Guardian Gift box III (2010)

Level: 67
Power Level: 70
Price: 42'000
Sellback: 21'000
Location: Guardian giftboxes 2010 shop.
Element: Light

Melee: 37
Ranged: 37
Magic: 37

Fire: 120%
Water: 110%
Wind: 83%
Ice: 83%
Earth: 75%
Energy: 75%
Light: 75%
Darkness: 83%

Hits: 3
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: 129,3% Base and Random plus 234.3% stat bonus.
BTH: +8

Strange... you can't see what's inside this box even when you're in it too! You can feel a lot of pieces though, and really hope it's SUPPOSED to be like that, as opposed to you giftbox-fu-related breakage... (Guardian only)

Image right here.

Armor stats thanks too Aelthai. Write up and image thanks to DragonUltraMaster. Stats correction thanks to Apocalyptic Silence

Guardian Gift box IV (2010)

Level: 97
Power Level: 100
Price: 168'000
Sellback: 84'000
Location: Guardian giftboxes 2010 shop.
Element: Light

Melee: 42
Ranged: 42
Magic: 42

Fire: 120%
Water: 110%
Wind: 82%
Ice: 82%
Earth: 70%
Energy: 70%
Light: 70%
Darkness: 82%

Hits: 3
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: 166,7% Base and Random plus 316,7% stat bonus.
BTH: +12

Strange... you can't see what's inside this box even when you're in it too! You can feel a lot of pieces though, and really hope it's SUPPOSED to be like that, as opposed to you giftbox-fu-related breakage... (Guardian only)

Image right here.

Armor stats thanks too Aelthai. Write up and image thanks to DragonUltraMaster. Stats correction thanks to Apocalyptic Silence

Guardian Gift box V (2010)

Level: 112
Power Level: 115
Price: 595'000
Sellback: 297'500
Location: Guardian giftboxes 2010 shop.
Element: Light

Melee: 44
Ranged: 44
Magic: 44

Fire: 120%
Water: 110%
Wind: 81%
Ice: 81%
Earth: 67%
Energy: 67%
Light: 67%
Darkness: 81%

Hits: 3
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: 185,3% Base and Random plus 358% stat bonus.
BTH: +14

Strange... you can't see what's inside this box even when you're in it too! You can feel a lot of pieces though, and really hope it's SUPPOSED to be like that, as opposed to you giftbox-fu-related breakage... (Guardian only)

Image right here.

Armor stats thanks too Aelthai. Write up and image thanks to DragonUltraMaster. Stats correction thanks to Apocalyptic Silence

Guardian Gift box VI (2010)

Level: 127
Power Level: 130
Price: 910'000
Sellback: 455'000
Location: In Battleon, Guardian giftboxes 2010 shop.
Element: Light

Melee: 47
Ranged: 47
Magic: 47

Fire: 120%
Water: 110%
Wind: 81%
Ice: 81%
Earth: 66%
Energy: 66%
Light: 66%
Darkness: 81%

Hits: 3
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: 204,3% Base and Random plus 399,3% stat bonus.
BTH: 16%

Strange... you can't see what's inside this box even when you're in it too! You can feel a lot of pieces though, and really hope it's SUPPOSED to be like that, as opposed to you giftbox-fu-related breakage... (Guardian only)

Image right here.

Armor stats thanks too Aelthai. Write up and image thanks to DragonUltraMaster. Stats correction thanks to Apocalyptic Silence


Got it. Thank you! ~B

< Message edited by Balu -- 12/25/2010 14:32:50 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 6
12/5/2010 21:20:59   
Apocalyptic Silence



Hits: 3
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: 613% Base and Random plus 1198% stat bonus.
BTH: 16%

This is the total, it needs to be divided by three. Similar story with the other variants. ;)

Taken care of. Thank you! ~B

< Message edited by Balu -- 12/25/2010 14:33:36 >
Post #: 7
12/14/2010 22:24:28   
Outsmarting Bugs


Toxic Chimeran Cavalier is listed as Toxic Chimeran Knight in the AQ Armor and Class Index.

Got it. Thank you! ~B

< Message edited by Balu -- 12/25/2010 14:34:42 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 8
12/28/2010 0:34:30   


The Vicious Diretooth Form is missing an image.


So is Bullyfighter and its Z's


Lets not forget about [Ill-Tempered/Angry/Enraged] Paindeer mount


Got it, thanks. ~Baron

< Message edited by Baron -- 12/28/2010 5:00:16 >
AQ  Post #: 9
1/1/2011 19:34:59   
Minion of Squirrels


New Blockman Armor.


Added, thanks! ~Koree

< Message edited by Koree -- 1/23/2011 7:52:08 >
AQ  Post #: 10
1/1/2011 19:37:29   
Infinite Shadow


Blockman IV

Stats: Meele- 44
Ranged- 41
Element Modifier-
Fire: 92%
Water: 92%
Wind: 92%
Ice: 76%
Earth: 60%
Energy: 52%
Light: 68%
Darkness: 92%
Got it. I used Minion's image, though. ~Koree

< Message edited by Koree -- 1/23/2011 7:52:47 >
AQ  Post #: 11
1/1/2011 19:56:58   


Block Armor VI

Level: 127
Power Level: 130 Mastercraft (I assume)
Price: N/A
Sellback: 910,000
Location: Guardian Gift Box VI

Melee 49
Ranged 46
Magic 46

Fire 92%
Water 92%
Wind 92%
Ice 71%
Earth 53%
Energy 44%
Light 62%
Darkness 92%

2 hits. Not sure exactly, but my guess for damage is 600/600/600 with 15-20 BtH (Normally about equal to Chimeran, but seems to hit lower on lucky strikes)

ATTACK 2 (Block Blast!)
3 hits
Element: Energy
Type: Ranged
Damage: ?
Cost: 395 SP
Effect: Inflicts level 130 Energy Burn for 5 rounds

So colorful! And smashy! And it even packs an accurate energy attack that will leave your opponent shocked!


Image thanks to Minion of Squirrels.
Added, thanks! ~Koree

< Message edited by Koree -- 1/23/2011 7:53:07 >
AQ  Post #: 12
1/1/2011 22:05:42   
Legendary Miss Fixit


Giftbox armor became -

Armor ability:

3-hit attack
all hits are at +10 BtH and appropriate damage penalty
Center attack is 50% of the damage, circling beams are 25% each
Damage and BtH are the same as a spell of its level, cost is the same as a spell of its MPLevel (you have these all formulaically I believe ?) (does not use the armor attack at all)
Deals *= 0.62 damage due to the Status
There is a multiplier of Pwr to its damage to compensate for its poor elemental nature
Is NOT actually a spell.
attempts to impose am Energy Burn if at least one hit connects; the save bonus is +0 for one hit and -10 per additional hit that connects.
Costs SP

Armor attack -
2-hit attack
split damage evenly
does not override the weapon type
no BtH change

Lvl	7	37	7	67	97	112	127
Type	G	G	Z	G	G	G	G
PLvl	16	43	43	70	100	115	130
MPLvl	13	41	34	69	99	114	129
BR	148	229	229	310	400	445	490
S	206	384	384	562	760	859	958
BtH	2	5	5	8	12	14	16
Fire	-5	-5	-5	-8	-8	-8	-8
Water	-5	-5	-5	-8	-8	-8	-8
Ice	-7	-18	-18	-22	-24	-28	-29
Wind	-5	-5	-5	-8	-8	-8	-8
Earth 	-9	-22	-22	-32	-40	-44	-47
Energy	-10	-24	-24	-37	-48	-52	-56
Light 	-8	-20	-20	-27	-32	-36	-38
Dark	-5	-5	-5	-8	-8	-8	-8
Melee	30	34	34	39	44	46	49
Ranged	27	31	31	36	41	43	46
Magic	27	31	31	36	41	43	46
Pwr	1.068042019	1.263807472	1.263807472	1.463126089	1.674180235	1.786977615	1.961468748
Added, thanks! ~Koree

< Message edited by Koree -- 1/23/2011 7:53:19 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 13
1/2/2011 1:13:31   
Legendary Miss Fixit


Mr Funtastic series

50/50 chance of either attack
Each attack totals the listed damage
attack with eyes is +3 BtH, other attack is -3 BtH
Both have the usual *= (85/(85+BtHMod)) damage modifier to compensate for the accuracy

Lvl	22	52	82	112	102
Type	-	-	-	-	Z
PLvl	22	52	82	112	112
MPLvl	22	52	82	112	109
BR	166	256	346	436	436
S	245	443	641	839	839
BtH	2	6	10	14	14
Fire	10	10	10	10	10
Water	-15	-30	-42	-52	-52
Ice	10	10	10	10	10
Wind	-5	-13	-13	-14	-14
Earth 	-5	-13	-13	-14	-14
Energy	-11	-26	-37	-45	-45
Light 	-5	-13	-13	-14	-14
Dark	-5	-13	-13	-14	-14
Melee	31	36	41	46	46
Ranged	31	36	41	46	46
Magic	31	36	41	46	46
Price	2300	30000	104000	840000	8350
Sell	1150	15000	52000	420000	Z
Added, thanks! ~Koree

< Message edited by Koree -- 1/14/2011 10:44:58 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 14
1/2/2011 1:42:00   


Heres a pic for the Funtastic armor ;0

Added, thanks! ~Koree

< Message edited by Koree -- 1/14/2011 10:45:29 >
AQ  Post #: 15
1/2/2011 15:34:16   
Blue Revenge


Rubber Man

Level: 22
Power Level: 22
MP Level: 22
Price: 2,300
Sellback: 1,150
Location: Frostval: Gift Delivery 2010

Melee: 31
Ranged: 31
Magic: 31

Fire: 110%
Water: 85%
Wind: 95%
Ice: 110%
Earth: 95%
Energy: 89%
Light: 95%
Darkness: 95%

Hits: 2
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: 83% Base and Random each, 122.5% Stats each
BTH: 2% each
Rate: 50%
Effect: Both hits gain +3 BTH and deal *=(85/88) damage.

Hits: 3
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: 55.(3)% Base and Random each, 81.(6)% Stats each
BTH: 2% each
Rate: 50%
Effect: All hits gain -3 BTH and deal *=(85/82) damage.

This super stretchy suit allows you to make incredibly flexible attacks, even as it cushions the impact of your foes blows!

Write-up thanks to Blue Revenge. Numbers thanks to Aelthai. Image thanks to RasLuine.

Stretched Man

Level: 52
Power Level: 52
MP Level: 52
Price: 30,000
Sellback: 15,000
Location: Frostval: Gift Delivery 2010

Melee: 36
Ranged: 36
Magic: 36

Fire: 110%
Water: 70%
Wind: 87%
Ice: 110%
Earth: 87%
Energy: 74%
Light: 87%
Darkness: 87%

Hits: 2
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: 128% Base and Random each, 221.5% Stats each
BTH: 6% each
Rate: 50%
Effect: Both hits gain +3 BTH and deal *=(85/88) damage.

Hits: 3
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: 85.(3)% Base and Random each, 147.(6)% Stats each
BTH: 6% each
Rate: 50%
Effect: All hits gain -3 BTH and deal *=(85/82) damage.

This super stretchy suit allows you to make incredibly flexible attacks, even as it cushions the impact of your foes blows!

Write-up thanks to Blue Revenge. Numbers thanks to Aelthai. Image thanks to RasLuine.

Elastic Man

Level: 82
Power Level: 82
MP Level: 82
Price: 104,000
Sellback: 52,000
Location: Frostval: Gift Delivery 2010

Melee: 41
Ranged: 41
Magic: 41

Fire: 110%
Water: 58%
Wind: 87%
Ice: 110%
Earth: 87%
Energy: 63%
Light: 87%
Darkness: 87%

Hits: 2
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: 173% Base and Random each, 320.5% Stats each
BTH: 10% each
Rate: 50%
Effect: Both hits gain +3 BTH and deal *=(85/88) damage.

Hits: 3
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: 115.(3)% Base and Random each, 213.(6)% Stats each
BTH: 10% each
Rate: 50%
Effect: All hits gain -3 BTH and deal *=(85/82) damage.

This super stretchy suit allows you to make incredibly flexible attacks, even as it cushions the impact of your foes blows!

Write-up thanks to Blue Revenge. Numbers thanks to Aelthai. Image thanks to RasLuine.

Mr Funtastic Z

Level: 102
Power Level: 112
MP Level: 109
Price: 8,350 Z-Tokens
Sellback: 7,515 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours; then 4,175 Z-Tokens
Location: Frostval: Gift Delivery 2010

Melee: 46
Ranged: 46
Magic: 46

Fire: 110%
Water: 48%
Wind: 86%
Ice: 110%
Earth: 86%
Energy: 55%
Light: 86%
Darkness: 86%

Hits: 2
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: 218% Base and Random each, 419.5% Stats each
BTH: 14% each
Rate: 50%
Effect: Both hits gain +3 BTH and deal *=(85/88) damage.

Hits: 3
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: 145.(3)% Base and Random each, 279.(6)% Stats each
BTH: 14% each
Rate: 50%
Effect: All hits gain -3 BTH and deal *=(85/82) damage.

This super stretchy suit allows you to make incredibly flexible attacks, even as it cushions the impact of your foes blows! As powerful as the level 112 armor!

Write-up thanks to Blue Revenge. Numbers thanks to Aelthai. Image thanks to RasLuine.

Mr Funtastic

Level: 112
Power Level: 112
MP Level: 112
Price: 840,000
Sellback: 420,000
Location: Frostval: Gift Delivery 2010

Melee: 46
Ranged: 46
Magic: 46

Fire: 110%
Water: 48%
Wind: 86%
Ice: 110%
Earth: 86%
Energy: 55%
Light: 86%
Darkness: 86%

Hits: 2
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: 218% Base and Random each, 419.5% Stats each
BTH: 14% each
Rate: 50%
Effect: Both hits gain +3 BTH and deal *=(85/88) damage.

Hits: 3
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: 145.(3)% Base and Random each, 279.(6)% Stats each
BTH: 14% each
Rate: 50%
Effect: All hits gain -3 BTH and deal *=(85/82) damage.

This super stretchy suit allows you to make incredibly flexible attacks, even as it cushions the impact of your foes blows!

Write-up thanks to Blue Revenge. Numbers thanks to Aelthai. Image thanks to RasLuine.

Aaaand I think that's got it! (: Lemme know if I've missed anything.
Added, thanks! ~Koree

< Message edited by Koree -- 1/14/2011 10:45:54 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 16
1/4/2011 9:20:38   
Nex del Vida


The image for the Nerfage Plate is broken. Here is a new one, but I think it's impossible to get it without a shield (because the Nerfage Shield takes up your blank shield spot).

As stated by big E, you can take the photo with the Invisible Shield if you want to. Thanks for the new image. ~Baron

< Message edited by Baron -- 1/11/2011 16:11:08 >
AQ  Post #: 17
1/8/2011 18:33:37   
Memory of a Nightmare


Shapechanger's Dragon Leathers and all its lower level version entries lacks images of the female version of the armor. Here is a picture of the female armor:

[image] http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/991/dragon3qc.png [/image]

Also it might be worth adding that the armor takes on either the male or female appearance depending on if you have a male or female hairstyle.

Got it. Thanks ~D

< Message edited by Dev -- 1/14/2011 21:08:42 >
AQ DF  Post #: 18
1/17/2011 23:31:23   
Legendary Miss Fixit


Wizard - Level 8 class ability:

Level 62 spell with a 1-turn Freeze (L62 because it's the L8 ability; this is the old Wizard so fixed-level)
Dropping the 2-turn Freeze. It doesn't affect anything you'll realistically face anyway; average monsters hit 20 Magic defense at L15 and 30 at L48.

1 hit
Level 62
Type -
PLvl 62
MPLvl 62
Base 55
Rand 108
Stat 509
BtH 15
MPCost 226

*= 0.74 damage to account for the effect
If the hit connects, attempts to Freeze the monster for 1 round (INT/LUK to inflict, END/LUK to resist, Ice element monsters are immune); the monster gets the usual bonus to its save from Freeze.

Lich (L10 Necromancer transformation): Terror ability - replaced the old Freeze with the New Freeze. No other changes. INT/LUK to inflict, END/LUK to resist
IMR got it, thanks! ~Koree

< Message edited by Koree -- 1/23/2011 7:58:33 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 19
1/25/2011 20:39:43   
Kalen Obsidia


Chronomancer needs a "Rare" tag as the calendar is no longer available from HeroMart.

Rareness confirmed by HeroMart staff here:


Hi _

The calendars are sold out for good and we will not be printing anymore. We aren't sure if more Chickencow shirts will be reprinted.

If a product is not on the site, the it means we are sold out and it is unsure if it will be released again, but the 2011 calendar is definitely sold out for this year, but we are working on the next one!

HeroMart HelpTeam

Done and done. Thanks ~D

< Message edited by Dev -- 1/26/2011 19:46:29 >
AQ DF  Post #: 20
1/27/2011 15:32:29   
Outsmarting Bugs


Chronomancer Z

Level	0	40	68	90	110
Type	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
PLvl	40	60	80	100	120
MPLvl	30	55	77	97	117
Price	550	1550	4350	8100	9950

Otherwise identical to the Chronomancer armor.

Fixed the MPLvls.

Also note that they're considered Mastercraft. They get the skill for free! ~In Media Res

Got it, thanks. ~Baron

< Message edited by Baron -- 1/27/2011 23:31:20 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 21
1/28/2011 7:18:11   




Hits: 4
Element: «As Weapon»
Type: Magic
Damage: 22-66 plus 168% Stats Each
BtH: +35 plus Stats
Note: This is treated as a Spell (not a normal Player attack, nor weapon Special). Your weapon Special can't occur.
Effect: If at least three out of the four hits connect, then it attempts to paralyse* the monster for one turn. The monster gets a +20 bonus to its save:**

Level: 100 vs MonsterLevel
Major: PlayerINT vs MonsterEND
Minor: PlayerLUK vs MonsterLUK

Cost: 0 MP

*You compress a field of solid time around your foe, trapping it in stasis!
**Your foe resists the time compression!

Note: This is only available if your opponent is currently paralysed by the above effect.
Hits: 6
Element: Earth; Earth; Energy; Earth; Energy; Energy
Type: Melee
Damage: Earth hits deal 29-87 plus 221% Stats† each; Energy hits deal 26-77 plus 196% Stats† each
BTH: Earth hits have +18 plus Stats†; Energy hits have +28 plus Stats†
Note: This is treated as a Spell (not a normal Player attack, nor weapon Special). Your weapon Special can't occur.
†Note2: Stat bonus to damage is 3*CHA/8 (possibly +LUK/2); stat bonus to BTH is CHA/16 + INT/16 + LUK/20.
Cost: 0 MP

Why does it cost 0 MP? I think it should cost MP.

edit: same goes for all entries
Yeah, they should: Baron probably just forgot them. Should be fixed now, remember to give a link next time though. Thanks! ~Koree

< Message edited by Koree -- 1/28/2011 8:06:06 >
AQ DF  Post #: 22
2/21/2011 19:51:02   


Here are pictures for a number of armors listed in the Known Missing Images sticky as needing a better image or needing an image period.

Earthen Plate

Energy Plate

Fire Plate

Granemor Guardian Plate

Horse Rider Armor

Inferno Steed Rider


Nightmare Rider/Riding Armor

Pegasid Rider/Rider Armor

Razor/Razor's Edge Plate

Razor/Razor's Edge Plate (Activated)

Rogue Outfit

Shining Armor

Tendril Plate

Unicorn Rider/Rider Armor

Water Plate

White Gi

Here are the accompanying Encyclopedia Entries.

Earthen Plate
Energy Plate
Fire Plate
Granemor Guadian Plate
Horse Rider Armor
Inferno Steed Rider
Nightmare Rider/ Nightmare Rider Armor
Pegasid Rider/ Pegasid Rider Armor
Razor Plate/ Razor's Edge Plate
Rogue Outfit
Shining Armor
Tendril Plate
Unicorn Rider/ Unicorn Rider Armor
Water Plate
White Gi

EDIT: Added the code to make it easier for you guys.

Got them all. Thanks. ~Scakk

< Message edited by Scakk -- 3/7/2011 17:07:50 >
AQ  Post #: 23
3/3/2011 15:33:39   


New nemesis plate

Added, thanks! ~Koree

< Message edited by Koree -- 3/7/2011 1:53:53 >
AQ  Post #: 24
3/3/2011 16:06:49   
 formerly In Media Res



Punisher's Maxim / Vindicator's Precept / Avenger's Principle / Vigilante's Creed / Scourge's Tenet / Castigator's Doctrine / Nemesis' Testament

Average armour (not offensive, not defensive).

The attack is four hits.

MC Bonus: Backlash
Whenever you take damage, the monster makes a save. If it fails, then it takes 11.9% of the damage it just inflicted. The monster gets a +20 bonus to its save:
    Level: PLvl vs Monster Level
    Major: (YourINT or YourSTR, whichever is higher) vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

Full Set Bonus: You smite your foe with divine justice!
Whenever you attack, there's a 10% chance of this occuring. Your attacks become Harm, and deal 160% damage.
Lvl	11Z	45	60	75	90	105	120	135
PLvl	45	45	60	75	90	105	120	135

BR	235	235	280	325	370	415	460	505
S	400	400	500	595	695	795	895	995
BtH	5	5	7	9	11	13	15	16

Fire	100	100	93	91	91	91	89	86
Water	87	87	85	84	84	82	82	79
Ice	72	72	65	59	54	50	46	42
Wind	87	87	85	84	84	82	82	79
Earth	87	87	85	84	84	82	82	79
Energy	87	87	85	84	84	82	82	79
Light	100	100	93	91	91	91	89	86
Dark	75	75	67	61	57	51	48	42

Melee	32	32	35	37	40	42	45	47
Ranged	32	32	35	37	40	42	45	47
Magic	32	32	35	37	40	42	45	47

Price	700	22000	44000	93500	132000	700000	1100000	1705000
Sell	Z	14500	29000	62000	88000	475000	730000	1136667
Added, thanks! ~Koree

< Message edited by Koree -- 3/7/2011 1:54:12 >
AQ  Post #: 25
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