Alritee guys 2 requests that still needs to be requested, ak 94 quote:
Type(Sig/Banner/Avvy): Siggy, plocks Render( for best results): (Please try to resize it into a size compatible with 500x100, but still keeping it's proportions. Thanks. ^^) Render Placement: To the left and down just so that the chopped part isn't showing Text: Aguila Font( if you want something special): Text Placement: Center Text Color: turquoise (with a glow, preferably, but you don't have to) Background: Just the top left corner of this, thanks. Other(Any specific details?): Nope. Pm when Done?Yus, please. Thanks, am looking forward to seeing the finished product. AND GoldenNeo quote:
Type(Sig/Banner/Avvy): Siggy Render( for best results): Iunno? x) Render Placement: Iunno Text: Your soul is mine... ~Neo Font( if you want something special): !!! or !!!!!!! Text Placement: Middle(your soul is mine) and lower right(~Neo),.. Text Color: You choose what's good. =) Background: [/link=] This please [/link] Other(Any specific details?): I want it A.S.A.P. Please! =)) Pm when Done? Yesh Pl0x Which I'm doing and Lord here ya go,
[image][/image] -Fits the pixels size -188 KB