Dwelling Dragonlord
 ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L
I am still around. I have written several parts of this story, but unfortunately I cannot reach most of those files. Hopefully, they can be retrieved and the files have not been corrupted beyond recovery. I have always prided myself with trying to honour the writers whose work I incorporate into my stories. However, I vowed never to go back and rewrite my story in the event of retcons as I witnessed with my own eyes how this made writers unable to advance their works. Unfortunately, the games have started to contradict themselves in such a manner where I am not sure as how to proceed. I took as canon the book in the Falconreach townhall which states that Falconreach is a new town at the start of Dragonfable with Oaklore Keep having been built to protect it. However, in the backstory quest where we meet Aria's mother those locations already exist. Furthermore, the characters would have been different. We have to say that Alteon and Yulgar, for all intents and purposes, basically look the same (age). We also see Sir Stephan in that backstory quest. Which looks like he's roughly 10 years old. In my research notes, the rebellion took place ~20 years before the start of the game. Drakath would not be very old at the time, nor would Alteon likely have been married prior to becoming king. Drakath and Robina did not meet as children (according to the tragic love story he did not know about her identity), which gives credence to the notion that she was born after her father ascended to the throne. I think that we can all agree that Yulgar in that quest does not look like someone who could lead a rebellion, which puts us at least 30 years back. At this point Drakath could most certainly not have been born, he does not look like he is 30 years old. Thus, it is fair to say that this was during Slugwrath's reign. However, I don't think that I saw his banners (as you do during the Alexander Saga).