First and foremost... Please remember to keep House rivalries to a minimum. No trolling, no flaming, and no bashing. Level-headed discussion is fine. Roleplaying to the point of taking things and blowing them out of proportion is NOT. And remember, this is a Discussion Thread. Not an RP thread, and not a spam thread. With that said... quote:
Wolfblade just plain sucks without customization, and if it was customized, it would be a mess. I respectfully disagree again. Building on the level 35/40 versions make for very good grinding builds. High HP, High Damage, and High Stun Chances (on the BD) make it a viable grinding machine when just using Non-Rare equipment. Even better when using Rares. But then at that Rare level, the value of the WB is in its BD special (same for the other two AHMs). There aren't many non-rare mechs with a stun-capable BD (at least until more SCMs are re-released in Non-Rare versions). For those who can't get access to some of the coveted Rares or NG items, the L.35/40 AWB/ANWB is a reliable tanker/grinder for those who just want to end their battles quickly, without any fancy tactics. Granted, this isn't everyone's preferred fighting style, and that's reasonable and fair. quote:
I would say its something like this for the rewards, but the games should not favor any individual house. RH's rewards were the best, figuratively, of the 3 Houses in the last GG. Second up was MR, followed finally by WB. As to the Games themselves not favoring any House, that's borderline impossible without unfairly tweaking variables and settings in favor of MR and RH. How many more handicaps and rule alterations will be placed on WB? Already, before the latest Games even begin, WolfBlade is being denied it's very philosophy of quick, simple, and clean fights with the supposed additions of turn requirements before a point is counted for/against. How exactly is that fair for the players who joined WB because because that's what they liked to do? I wouldn't mind RH and MR teaming up against WB; a 2v1 House battle. I wouldn't mind giving RH and MR point advantages for doing missions that followed their philosophy; MR Stealing Mascots and RH performing some special mission that catered to their intelligent side while all WB earned is a straight point regardless of whatever Game/Mission they did. I DO mind that WB is being denied its own combat philosophy in the name of balance. And while I myself don't care much if a different House wins the GG this year, I do think it's unfair to invalidate WB's creed mentioned when first joining them. And before people start accusing me of being WB-biased, it was really my alts in RH and MR that participated last year, if only to earn enough VBs for the rewards (I'd rather pay NGs instead of grinding VBs, but that's a different discussion entirely).
< Message edited by EinhanderX01 -- 7/26/2012 23:57:56 >