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RE: =AQ= Edge of Extinction War Stories and Poems

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2/9/2013 17:14:49   
The Gambler

Warrior's Choice

Cerrana groaned as her younger sister, Astreaea, pushed her off her bed.

“Uhhh…what is it now?” she asked.

“Come on, Cerrie! I just heard from Warlic that there’s big trouble brewing between the necromancers and paladins!”

“So? Why are you getting ME involved in it?”

“You’re the best fighter amongst us all, Cer. We need your help."

“By ‘we’, do you mean the necromancers?”

Astreaea looked confused. “Of course I do. What else would I mean?”

Cerrana groaned and rubbed her eyes. “No dice, Astreaea. You know I hate choosing sides in a conflict.”

Astreaea started pouting, her gray eyes clouding up even further with tears.

“Don’t do that, Astreaea. You know I can’t resist saying no when you pout. Gods. Fine. I’ll do it. But you owe me BIG time!”

Astreaea clapped her hands in delight and hugged her older sister. “Thanks! I’ll tell my friends right away! Thank you!” The mage bounded off back into town.

Cerrana shook her head. “Those idiots don’t even know what they’ll be getting into,” she muttered to herself. “But…I guess it could be fun. Beats stabbing a frogzard on the road, that’s for sure.” She yawned and stretched, wincing.

“We have to do something,” one young necromancer said. Cerrana didn’t know his name, only that he was new to the scene, and seemed to be a hothead.

“Agreed, but we have to think this out rationally,” Undersoul answered.

“Rationally? Against THOSE zealots? There’s no reasoning with paladins, Undersoul!” Astreaea yelled. “We have to kill them before they kill us! Enough said!”

“And if you just go into the battle with single-minded rage, Astreaea, how does that make you any different than them?” Undersoul stared her down. “No. Fight if you must, but remember, fight with honor. Do not let your emotions get the best of you. We cannot afford it at this time.”

Astreaea grumbled as she sat back down. “We need to protect our arts no matter the cost.”

“The ends do not justify the means, Astreaea. You stoop to their level, and we’re as good as dead already.” Undersoul returned to his own seat.

“What do you think, Cerrana?” Astreaea asked suddenly. “You haven’t said a word since we started.”

“What can I add?” Cerrana asked. The older warrior was balancing one of her throwing knives absentmindedly on her fingertip. “I’m only here at your request, sis. I’m not a strategist. I go in, defeat the enemy, and get out. Enough said.”

Undersoul groaned quietly and put his hand to his face. “This is just great. Anyone else have anything to add?”

< Message edited by The Gambler -- 2/9/2013 17:39:35 >
AQ  Post #: 26
2/10/2013 19:24:50   
The Winter Knight

Alright, first chapter.

Chapter One- A Storms Brewing

Raziel, The Winter Knight, and a Paladin, looked up at the brewing storm.

“That’s not a bloody natural storm,” Raziel muttered. He stood on a hill not very far away from the ongoing battle. His Paladin brethren, outfitted in shining Golden armor, some with a cloak of golden silk attached, and others with no cloak, fought the Undead legion in front of them.

The War, now coming to be known as the Edge Of Extinction War, as the scholars of Lore deemed to name it, was started by Artix Kreigers desire to eradicate the Undead. Artix believed that the Undead threat was growing to much, and needed to be put down, and so they fought. Raziel couldn’t say what his own reasons where in fighting the War, but it didn’t matter much now, he could only fight to preserve his order. Of course there was the fact that throughout this War Raziel had been searching for Obsedia, a Necromancer Woman. She had given him an insult a long time ago, and Raziel simply could not let it be.

It was petty, but it wasn’t within him to let it go. Some Undead skeletons got bold and rushed Raziel, their clubs and various weapons raised high.

Raziel arched an eyebrow at them,

“Blasted ugly bunch of creatures, aren’t you? May the light bring you peace.” With that, Raziel raised his right hand. A green glowing ball of light started to form within the middle of his palm. It expanded, and then, with great force, blasted forward, becoming a long beam of green, deadly energy, that utterly destroyed the Undead rushing him. Bone and dead skin flew everywhere.

There was an argument among the Paladins, “Do the Undead who wish to be Undead deserve to live?”

Raziel believed they should be able to, if they wished it. Some Undead were Undead against their will, but some wished to be, so why deny them? It was something Raziel struggled with in this War, but he ended up convincing himself that because they stood in his way of achieving his goal to destroy the evil necromancers that plagued lore, they must be destroyed. Still, when Raziel didn’t feel directly threatened, and he had the opportunity, he addressed it by asking them to step aside, that they were not his enemy, and if they wished to be Undead, they could be. Most still opposed him, unwilling to believe a Paladin could be reasonable, thinking he might stab them in the back if they turned it. And so they died. Raziel was a powerful Wizard, with the Robes of Talados, his Blade of Awe and his Paladin shield, he was formidable. He was trained by the best Wizards he could learn under, his intellect was as high as it could ever be, and his skill with a Blade and other melee weapons were also top of the line. His endurance was in great shape, but not quite as good as it could be. Still, he was a hybrid in combat, and not many Undead could match him. He destroyed them.

“What will come of this war? if we win, what will our purpose be?” Raziel said out-loud.

It was hard to say what he would do, but one thing was for certain, he would not let his class end, he would fight for his order, because they did good. There were a few with questionable judgment, but most did good, and that was all that mattered to Raziel.

Chapter Two- Winter Isn’t Always A Nice Season

“What can you tell me of your plans, Necromancer?” Raziel said.

They were in a cabin, or rather, they were in one of Raziel cabins that was close to Battleon. He was on his estate. He had built this cabin a while ago for occasions like this. There were times when one needed information and had to be unpleasant to get it.

“Go soil yourself, Paladin.” The Necromancer spat.

“Hmm, well, how about we start with something simple, like your name?”

The Necromancer glared at him.

“Shove it, I’m not telling you didlie, get out of here.”

Raziel sighed. Torture was not something he enjoyed, but information equaled power. And at the moment, he needed the Necromancer War plans, or at least some of them. Raziel recalled how he had captured the Necromancer earlier that day.


Raziel had stood on the hill watching the battle for a while. Watching how the Paladin generals responded to the Necromancers undead minions trying to flank them, the Paladins had called up a wall of light to block them, it only lasted a bit, but it did the job, it allowed the Paladins to get some soldiers repositioned there, countering the flank. The rumors circling were that the Necromancers were planning something big. Raziel decided it was time to do something about it. He headed down the hill, blasting away Undead when they tried to rush him, and cutting them down when they got to close.

Soon, he was deep within the Necromancer camp. He had knocked out a Necromancer and stolen it’s uniform. Soon, he made it close to the center, here he paused. Necromancers were everywhere. Some circled fires, other were calling up undead, some were eating and laughing, none noticed Raziel. He kept an eye out for any necromancers that looked important. As luck would have it, one pointed out him.


Raziel snapped to attention, and when he answered, he made his voice soft.

“Yes, sir?”

“Come here a moment, I need a word with you in private.”

“Yes, sir.”

This was perfect, a word in private? Away from prying eyes, oh how lucky he was today.

They headed through some trees until they were away from the camp.

“Can I trust you, necromancer?”

“About as far as you can throw me, sir.”

And with that, Raziel bashed him over the head with the pummel of his Blade, dark Phoenix.

Five hours later, they were in one of his Cabins.


“You know, I don’t enjoy torture, really I don’t, but this is a War, I need information, and you have it. I really rather this not get unpleasant.”

“Go feed the sharks.” The Necromancer spat.

“You think you can resist me. You believe that you can withstand pain, eventually you will break, though. Hell, even I would, and I’m extremely stubborn. Now, I’ve tortured dark monsters, and dark practitioners before, I can inflict a whole hell of a lot of pain.”

As he said this, he brought unsheathed his Blade.

Dark Phoenix was a dark Weapon, but it’s ability was to painfully paralyze whatever it did damage to. The blade was long, broad, and black. The hilt was made of a brown metal, and had a shining gem attached to it. The pummel and shaft was also made of a dark brown metal, it was a wicked blade.

“With this, I could literally, and quite painfully, paralyze your entire body. You’ll return to normal after a bit, and then I can do it again. Eventually, the pain will get to you. The thing is, I won’t do it right away, you’ll return to normal, and I’ll do it randomly. You’ll start to wonder when it’s coming, try to anticipate it, it’ll drive you nuts. You will tell me what your side is planning, we can be here for awhile, and sure, you might end up holding out until your plan is carried into motion, but if that happens, I’ll simply kill you and hide the body, you won’t even become a lich like I know your planning, because I know an incantation that will prevent it. So, care to share?”

“Go do everyone a favor, and jump of the Guardian Tower.”

Raziel sighed again, and touched the point of dark Phoenix to the Necromancer, and the torture began.

Chapter 3- Trial by Combat

Two hours had passed, and Raziel was starting to admire the necromancers determination.

“You do realize that this would be a lot easier if you simply told me what was so big that you necromancers are planning.”

“Go boil yourself in Zard Dung.”

“Hmm, and so it continues.”

Instead of touching the Necromancer with Dark Phoenix right away, Raziel got up from the chair he had been sitting in, walked over to a counter and picked up the mug of steaming tea he had there.

He sipped it, and then without warning, wiped Dark Phoenix toward the Necromancers face,but stopped right before the point of the Shadowsteel blade touched him.

He then calmly withdrew the blade and sipped his tea again. After awhile he sat down, and calmly and slowly extended Dark Phoenix again.

“Wait, dang it, wait! I’ll tell you, just don’t touch me with that blasted thing again!” The Necromancer cried.

Raziel almost let his surprise show, he didn’t though, instead he withdrew Dark Phoenix again.

“Alright then, speak.”

“Arial strike. We plan on flying a few Dracoliches over your camp, dropping hundreds of undead minions in it’s center, catch you by surprise and diminish your numbers.”

Raziel frowned.

“Good plan, except that we’d see the Dracoliches and simply cast a dome of light around us, so it would fail.”

“Nope. We’d hide them with Dark Magicks, cloak them, they’d be invisible.”

Clever, the Paladins would never suspect it.

‘When does yoru group plan on this happening?”

“High Noon, assuming it’s still the first day you brought me.”

“Okay then.” Raziel said.

Slashing Dark Phoenix forward, he cut the bonds holding the Necromancer and tossed his staff into his lap.

“Lets go outside.” Raziel said.

“And do what?”

“Hold your trial, what else?”

When they got out side, Raziel turned to face the Necromancer.

I will not kill a defenseless being, it will be trial by combat. I cannot let you leave here, and I don’t have time to watch you. You kill me, you go free, you don’t...Well, I won’t have to watch you or worry about you ever again.” Raziel said, twirling Dark Phoenix.

“Okay, but I demand a condition.” The Necromancer said, nodding, as if satisfied at how things were going down.

“Name it.” Raziel replied.

“Nothing but magic can be used.”

Raziel arched an eyebrow.

“That’s acceptable I suppose.” So saying, Raziel raised Dark Phoenix and concentrated.

Icy blue flames erupted at the tip of the weapon and started to entwine itself around the sword, and as it did so, the sword changed. It became longer, the blade circling and growing wider. Soon, Raziel held a 5 and half feet long staff in his right hand. The staffs top was a ring that looked like the sun, and in it’s middle was a ball of the same Icy blue flame.

“A long time ago, when I set out for a special weapon, something that was meant just for me, I was a practiced Swordsman and adept Wizard. I needed something that was both magical and at the same time a physical power as well. So, using complex magic and with some help, Dark Phoenix was created. A powerful weapon, that could change into a staff as well as into a Sword. Now, when you are ready.” Raziel said.

Not giving him a chance to reply, Raziel pointed Dark Phoenix at his foe, and concentrated. The air started to condense and soon, tiny needles of ice appeared in the air and shot toward the Dark Magic User.

The Necromancer twirled his Bone Staff and almost instantly an Undead Minion shot from the ground and took the hit from the Ice Needles meant for its master.

“Nice reaction,” Raziel said, “But I must end this quickly. Raziel twirled Dark Phoenix and slammed its end on the ground. Nothing seemed to happen.

“What, not as good a Wizard you seem to-” The Necromancers retort was cut short, as a giant spear of ice slammed through his chest.

The Necromancer fell to his knees.

“You expected something flashy, something big, and so you were off guard when it did not happen. and chose not to take notice of your surroundings. If you had, you would have noticed the spear of ice silently forming behind you. Amazing what a simply sentence will do, I say a few words with the right weight, making ti sound like I’m going to do something amazing, and when you don’t get what you expect, your a sitting duck.”

Raziel watched with interest in his eyes as the light went out of the Necromancers eyes and he died.

“May light shelter your dark heart in the void.” Raziel said.

Then he muttered a few words to keep the Necromancer from returning as a lich, and headed toward the war to prepare for the Necromancers big attack.

< Message edited by The Winter Knight -- 2/12/2013 23:02:08 >
AQ AQW  Post #: 27
2/12/2013 16:41:14   
  Stephen Nix
Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)

Got a comment about my story or a grammatical error with a sentence? Click this fancy link over here -> Stephen Nix Works!

The Ultimate Showdown

The battlefields were glowing and the fights seemed endless. The Paladins and Necromancers were giving their all in this never ending battle. However this time was different, everyone was tired of the opposite alliance, it was time to go head to head and settle the differences once and for all. Two people stood strong in this dispute, Stephen Nix and his long time rival, Artix Kreiger.

From time and time again these two warriors clashed in battle. When Stephen first met Artix he was only a trainee, a small half undead half penguinmancer that helped scream terror in the 2nd undead war ever in the history of wars in BattleOn. Nix ended up losing but not before losing something very close to him, his Black Index. This book contained all knowledge of the races, weaponry and areas along with a special interest in monsters. It was once given to him as a Loremaster's book to travel the world and record your findings, but it turned into a curse the day he got it. As one page was ripped, the other was right behind it as it should. It was a shape shifters spell and the other was to summon an undead creature. When Nix first signed his soul to the book, he read every page, making sure to not miss one area.

It was two nights after several successful summons that he came across this shape shifters spell. The spell was to transform him into the king of all penguins, to grow in size and take the world on full, to never be scared anymore and to not fear the darkness within the icebergs. Nix had to have that spell, but as he read it and merged it with the other page due to the tare, he transformed himself into the being he is today. After the few years had passed he met up with Artix on the battlefield after helping his current boss with the war he was approached by 5 paladins. Each were slain and all by Artix stood in his way. But due to Artix's quick thinking skills mixed with his holy spear bombs, he was able to take the book away from Stephen and the war was over with Nix defeated and sent to an iceberg to remain there for 5 years, but now he has returned to his old roots back in BattleOn and awaiting to find his pray.

So how does this Nix fair different from the DragonFable's version of Nix? (Cannon = there are several ways that Nix could've reacted to this from freezing himself and waking up to find himself in the lands of Hoth, finding a way to work portals and traveling in time to be dropped off in Main Street in Herosmash) to In this version, Nix was defeated and sent to the iceberg but not moments later instead of waiting like the other did, he immediately took action and smashed his way out of the prison and began his decent to the Northlands. Here, several years had past and now with the fate of the Necros at hand, Nix found the opportunity to finally regroup with his fellow Necromancers and descend into Paladin territory. Nix was well aware of some Necromancers that featured the ways of good necro magic, and realized the only way for them to co-exist is if they were to work together to stop the paladins, good or evil on their side. This is where the story begins...

Artix: Are you ready brothers to fight for our right to remain?

*Crowd cheers*

Artix: Then let's let the undead have their rest, FOREVER! CHARRRRGE!

Another small attacking force was sent to the Necros graveyard and a plenty fold of necros were slain but on the other side...

Necro 1: Burn their precious paladin homes to the ground! Let none live, for tonight we dine on paladin meat!

*Crowd roars*

Necro 1: We will not be taken in by the opposition! NECROMANCERS TOGETHER!

It was clear that both sides were not ready to give up. Multiple days had past and warriors and mages on both sides had been wounded in battle. Calvary were slaughter and equipment ripped to shreds, one penguin stood with a set of men to take on the world of L.O.R.E. against the Paladins.

Stephen Nix: It is time to take this to the next level!

Nix summoned up three Undead Zards and 5 Undead Archers...

Nix came close to a nearby settlement of the Paladins and said....


Paladin Guardsmen were ripped apart by the undead zards and a small cloud of arrows covered over two tents as three paladins from within them were killed on sight. Nix personally ran up with a small pack of Necromancers and as each would use their magic, so would Nix to stop the charging paladins. Finally after the small town was liberated one paladin stood in defence hiding in the corner of the now open area...

Necromancer: Found him!
Archer 3: Tear his head off!
Stephen Nix: No, stand still, I shall have a word with him.

Nix creepily waddled his way towards him...

In the AQ's version of Nix, instead of being in no armor at all, Nix took the time to cover himself in a black knights armor. It was a merge look between a half Guardian with black trim and outlined glow, with a Knights thick steel armor. Like usual it was cut in half, left side for Guardian appearance and right side for Knight Steel armor. He had in his bony fin a black spiked mace and was built like a grunt, he was an average sized warrior but knew of how to summon undead, and that is all that Nix needed. His head was the creepiest part about him, for over time in the areas near Darkovia his head had turned fully undead but thanks to some other Necromancers and himself, he was able to maintain his true penguin image. Just one thing that made Nix stand out from the ordinary if the above wasn't enough...his skull was on fire.

Stephen Nix: And what's your name, lad?
Paladin Axe Master: I shall never tell you any info, you abomination!
Stephen Nix: Now hold on, let's not get out of hand here. You tell us the information we need, we will let you go. It's simple.....WHERE IS ARTIX!?
Paladin Axe Master: NEVER! I'll NEVER TELL!
Stephen Nix: You know the Cyclops are starting to pull back, the sunrays are starting to get annihilated. It's your call....you could save yourself now.......why not do that?
Paladin Axe Master: *spits at the ground* You will lose Nix, as will the other Necros here *points at all the undead around him*
Stephen Nix: Tsk, tsk, tsk. Looks like, it's your end game Paladin. *raises his mace* Pity.

But Nix didn't let up for the slightest, over the course of three days he would go to each settlement of the Paladins and let the last person make their choice.

Stephen Nix: *holds up a Paladin Captain* WHERE IS HE?
Paladin Captain: I shall tell you nothing vile creature.
Stephen Nix: *opens his mouth as the fires from within him ignite the paladin*

Stephen Nix: Where are your leaders?
Cyclops: We will defeat you Nix.
Stephen Nix: Ohhhh I'm sorry but your answer was not in a form of a question. *grins* Thanks for playing. *picks up the cyclops and breaks his back and while it remains motionless, Nix snaps its neck*

Stephen Nix: Do you have the answers I seek?
Sunray (while trapped in a glass containment): You are wasting your time here!
Stephen Nix: *nods* Another settlement boys and girls!
Necros: Ahhh COME ON!
Stephen Nix: *picks up the container and throws it in the air as the archers fire at it till it explodes*

But Stephen finally met the intel he needed.

Stephen Nix: Do you know where Artix is?
Paladin Soldier: Please don't kill me....I'll tell you everything!
Stephen Nix: Is that right? So where is Artix?
Paladin Soldier: B-By-By T-t-the Paladin Order village not far from here!
Stephen Nix: Such a good puppet!
Paladin Soldier: Your gonna let me go right?
Stephen Nix: Hmmm..... What do you think Undead Mages?
Mage 2: Take his heart!
Mage 6: Let's tear his head off!
Paladin Soldier: *now scared more than ever before as the undead get near him*
Stephen Nix: STOP!

The undead are motionless....

Stephen Nix: Obsidia would not be proud of us. Unless you goons want to have to spend an eternity listening to Zorbak, you will halt where you stand.

Stephen Nix: *points in the direction of the opposite fighters near the forest region* A deal...is a deal. I'd run before I change my mind!

The paladin runs off in a hurry and becomes unseen rather quickly as he runs into the deep portion of the forest.

Undead Archer: ARGGRRGG! You have gone soft Nix!
Stephen Nix: The goal was to get the piggy to squeal....you want revenge...take it out on Halenro.
Necromancer: I thank you personally for letting him go, we don't need to always act like savages. Not everyone deserves to die in this conflict.
Stephen Nix: It's best to let some go. Our target is Artix and his friends. I thirst for revenge!
Stephen Nix: I will do everything in my power to get my book back. ONWARDS MEN!

Nix at this point was within striking distance of Artix's Paladin Order.....a final battle will determine whom will be left standing....WHO WILL WIN?

NIX OR ARTIX? - You decide!

< Message edited by Stephen Nix -- 5/19/2013 23:43:17 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 28
2/14/2013 0:54:39   

The cousins

The war was taking a nasty turn, and the paladins were destroying the necromancers. A lone figure, in a tattered cloak was walking to an lite cabin in the darkovia woods. This is his first time being their since the war, he prays that the war has not made an enemy of his cousin. The creaking wood alerted the paladin inside, and was ready for a fight. "I will kill all of-" then he saw, his only family left outside in the night. "I would have thought you would be dead by the first week." The necromancer laughed "and I thought you would be smarter to sleep somewhere it isn't so dark since that is what you fear." The paladin laughed as well "well get in, I promise it isn't a trap." Both men went inside and sat by the fire, but it is a surprise that both are no older than seven-teen. "you have been involved in the war?" the paladin asked. His looks would have told he was one, big guy with honest eyes, and a body that could go on for days fighting. "had to, after a few days the paladins were killing the necro army, and they needed any necromancer's they can get their hands on". The necromancer was not as different as the paladin, except he was not as muscular and more smart, but the war has took most of his body away. "Well I haven't fought, but I have took care of the wounded, didn't want to-". "find me out there?" interrupted the necromancer. "yes, and it wouldn't be right for us to fight." The necromancer thought about it, "Do you think they are relatives fighting each other?" The paladin thought about too. "Yes, some of the injured men and women were in tears because they were killing their family out there. I'm glad we didn't found each other then." They sat there, both of them, staring at the fire. Then the creaking of the wood alerted both cousins, and they knew it wasn't family, but worse. "You better get out of here, they won't take prisoners." "I know" replied the necromancer, his eyes were clouded with anger, and deeper was sadness. "Hurry up, we heard you got a necromancer in there, and you know our orders." yelled the captain. "Well...." the paladin looked at the necromancer, still staring at the dying flames in the fireplace. "do it" the paladin knew what he was going to do, he never liked it but he has done it himself before. "good luck" the paladin says, and the door bursts open with the paladin soldiers and officer. they were on the verge of saying something, but couldn't say anything, for they were slammed to the ground by a sudden burst of speed out the door. The thing that made the paladin and the necromancer cousins was of blood, and their ability to become dragon kind. The necromancer, being a dracopyre was soaring above the trees, knew he would give in soon since he was halfway through his training. He hoped that he would land somewhere he can recover, but luck was an enemy rather than a friend towards him. And the world went black and a thud could be heard in the distant darkovia woods where he fell. Now the paladin, being a dracomancer, can only hope he made it. He can only hope...
Post #: 29
2/16/2013 20:44:38   

PsyBlade looked over Halenro's body.

He had misinterpreted the specifics of what Artix had planned, and so fought on the side of the Necromancers. He had fought to prevent good people from being killed. Artix hadn't planned that.

He didn't care that he hasn't necromancy or his paladin skills in years (not needing too). He hadn't even done so at any point in this war. He didn't care about that.

To him, he had aided in the problem. He should've listened to Diavara.

PsyBlade got started aiding in giving Halenro his last rights.
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 30
2/18/2013 18:08:43   

Three necromancers sulking at their secret base. Post war.
Necromancer 1: Great this war is over and now all we got was some stupid dog that belonged to Artrix.
In response to being called stupid the dog goes super saiyan and tries to bust out of its cage
Necromancer 2: Ha dumb dog there is no getting out of that cage for you. It was specially made so that no paladin powers can break through it. Now that I think about it we should have made armor with this unholy metal.
Necromancer 3: Hey let him out I have an idea.
Necromancer 2 proceeds to let the dog out and runs as soon as the cage is open. Daimyo Daimyo then walks out slowly and cautiously. When the dog has full emerged from the cage Necromancer 3 pulls something out of his cloak.
Necromancer 3: You see the ball boy! You see the ball! Go get the ball!
The Necromancer pretends to throw the ball and watches as the dog goes after where it thought the ball was thrown. When Daimyou Daimyou realizes that he was tricked he turns into a super saiyan dog again and rushes the necromancers. Necromancer 1 then gets out chocolate and throws it at the oncoming spirit dog.
Necromancer 3: Noooooooo. If he eats that then he will die and his soul will curse us for eternity. Upon hearing this Daimyo x2 snatches the chocolate mid-air and eats it in one bite. He then goes into a seizure like state where his body is twitching and jerking until a final blast of light happens and he disappears.
Necromancer 3: Quick everyone dance the dinosaur.
Necromancer 2: WHAT?!? You mean the dance forbidden by the necromancer order that is punishable by death?
Necromancer 3: Just do it or we will be cursed for ever.
The three necromancers then proceed to dance the dinosaur.
Daimyo's spirit:(chanting) Moglin Moogle. Moglin Moogle. Moglin Moogle.
Once the necromancers finish dancing
Necromancer 3: Haha dog it is over now. You will be sent to Death's Domain and tortured for the rest of eternity.
A portal opens sucking in Daimyo's Spirit.

Everywhere is dark then out of nowhere a light comes and shines on Daimyo's face. It is Hict the Immortal.
Hict: Hello.
Daimyo Daimyo: How did you know the necromancers would send me here.
Hict: A long story to cause a little manipulation. Now back to the reason why I had you sent here. I told you I would have my revenge for what you did to a fellow Paladin. Now you shall have to watch channel 100 forever. Muahahahahahha.
Daimyo x2: NOOOOOOOO
Another light comes on from a T.V.
T.V.: Hello this is the customer service channel. You can call our office at any time through the number 1-800-WATCHTV.
Hict: Have fun. Muahahahahahaha.
Hict then disappears.

< Message edited by hict98 -- 2/18/2013 18:23:33 >
AQ AQW  Post #: 31
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