He Who Lurks
i like strategic and long battles, there isn't much strategy if the battle ends quickly, the reason why 2v2 is not full of OP builds is that like you said, the reward isn't worth the time you spend in there, thats why people who likes to have fun with creative builds usually go into 2v2 while the OP builds dominate 1v1 I'd just like to state here that you're equating the balance of a class to how potent a build is which is false and I'll explain why. Balance of a class IMO has nothing to do with how powerful a build is, but rather the capabilities of a class in comparison to the synergy of the other classes. If that sounds confusing(which it may), then think of the OP'd class as an "apex predator". Nothing dominates over it. As of now, ALL if not most builds are beatable. I don't use a strength build, however I'm still capable of taking on 90+ strength players. The words in bold within the quote above shows that you believe builds that kill quickly are OP'd(mainly their residing class). This is plain wrong. According to that statement, all strength builds would be OP'd. Balance is not based on how quickly you kill, I stress this point again. It's also clearly evident that you're fearful of excellent builds, not OP'd builds because otherwise you wouldn't have used the words "creative builds". The words "creative" and "excellent"(in the sense of builds) are not synonymous with each other. Creative builds are creative, powerful builds are powerful, powerful yet creative builds are powerful and creative. Use those 2 words by themselves instead of synonymously. It also seems as thought you're being slightly "misinformed"? You don't wish EpicDuel to be a competitive game, but rather a slower-paced game should be favored where-as a well-thought build that exceeds the capabilities of "creative" shouldn't be allowed within EpicDuel. I end my argument, and also you continue to ignore my past 2 rebuttals. I continue you to give you my opinions and you chose to ignore them. There's no reason for me to continue these posts if they come into one ear, and out the other, never being fully retained within your head. Again, I'm not bashing you but rather your senseless(and if they can even be called)arguments.
< Message edited by He Who Lurks -- 2/19/2013 15:31:45 >