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RE: Choice

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4/21/2013 6:24:17   

@above hiding builds would hurt the game more than making the builds visible
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 51
4/21/2013 6:25:39   


hiding builds would hurt the game more than making the builds visible

no it wouldn't.
it would hurt the player's ability at copying builds. and make them use their brain instead of having to copy it.
AQW Epic  Post #: 52
4/21/2013 6:30:19   

@above the first turn advantage is already close to determine the win/loss of the battle, and with build hiding it wouldn't give the players a chance to figure out the opponent's build/tactic before they are being defeated.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 53
4/21/2013 6:31:40   


the first turn advantage is already close to determine the win/loss of the battle, and with build hiding it wouldn't give the players a chance to figure out the opponent's build/tactic before they are being defeated.

thats because balance is broken atm.

HP is too low for u to do anything with strategy.
1 crit and ur pretty much done.
AQW Epic  Post #: 54
4/21/2013 6:42:48   

it wouldn't help much unless 1 stat point=4 hp

but with the increase of HP, it would make certain builds/classes OP

< Message edited by TRizZzCENTRINO -- 4/21/2013 6:44:11 >
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 55
4/21/2013 6:46:15   


but with the increase of HP, it would make certain builds/classes OP

let me guess, ur gonna say reroute?

it doesn't help reroute anymore than it does bloodlust and passive armors.

although you just reminded me of an idea i had for passive armors. to put it more on par with Bloodlust and reroute.

< Message edited by goldslayer1 -- 4/21/2013 6:51:15 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 56
4/21/2013 6:51:07   

you get the idea.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 57
4/21/2013 7:05:56   

Varuim Balance: reason it does give enough benefit spending 50$ on a promo so next year everybody buy with credit not fair in the least i hope(it's varuim only next year), buying a promo for it cores and them to NERT not a happy for those who support the game and empty their wallet. i was gonna buy this promo but before that i went to check the balance forum and it was already full of thread of how OP the promo were ain't gonna buy something so it loose their value after a week. also their is just not enough perks benefit from buying varuim on top of that they remove the credit that we use to get from it without a reasonable excuse.just getting THE ITEM FIRST IS NOT ENOUGH FOR PLAYERS TO BE SPENDING MONEY ON A UNBALANCE GAME. and if anything any reward we get as varuim player becomes ACHIEVEMENT like who care about achievement all we wanted if perks that benefit us in battle.

Blocks and shadow art: they took 2 weeks for a bot and a armor and they haven't fix this problem since when doing 3 damage per block decide the battle, blocking your attack with 3 times less dex them somebody else decide the outcome of the battle. shadow art really need to be rework and i rather be buy one of the devs idea please don't pick from the suggestion of player i seen a lot bad suggestion been made and maybe like or 2 that are good.

Focus and Bot's: everybody is been force in to it because is only build that is not affected by all this NERF that been happening lately, please either buff stat progression a little bit or nerf the bot damage or it progression. also i hate how the Bot special is the most effective when you have focus which is another reason why people are going wild with focus.

Post #: 58
4/21/2013 11:14:40   
King Helios


but with the increase of HP, it would make certain builds/classes OP

Not really.

Merc: High HP tanking w/Hybrid Armor
TaMerc: Moar Sugical Strike! Mooooarr!!1!1
BH: Smoke/Mass, high HP Bloodlust tanking
CH: Malf/Mass w/Support, high HP tanking w/Strength and Static
TM: Battle mage, high HP caster (not as much energy b/c reroute)
BM: High HP tanking w/Bloodlust
AQ MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 59
4/21/2013 14:38:08   

Faction Updates- Ideas/Concepts and
2 random players vs 1 Random Boss Battle mode
Post #: 60
4/21/2013 14:58:26   

@ trizz

If you play enough and know your build well, you can figure out what kind of build your opponent's is using or not using by first attack. When I use my first move. Especially with the way builds are now, if they use the aux first and get decent damage even if you have decent defenses you know it is a support build. If they debuff you check how much they debuffed you for. If the debuff is weak is strong you know they have decent support once again. There are ways to know what you are dealing with without seeing the build.

I like Goldslayer1 have also suggested this idea however, people are more afraid of going in blind then stopping build copying, and the staff would rather have people who can't find a working build copy someone else's rather then have them come up with their own builds.

Build copying is the true bane of creativity as far as I can see. Because even if we somehow managed to get a form of balance that everyone is happy with, do you think there will be diversity? Nope it wouldn't. Everyone would just look for the most effective build out of the bunch, copy it an boom the same build will be used over and over again due to build copying.
Epic  Post #: 61
4/21/2013 15:01:12   
Dual Thrusters

MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 62
4/21/2013 15:42:10   

Make the game more fun..
Epic  Post #: 63
4/21/2013 22:34:09   

Actually, the suggestion about Custom Skill Trees would be mine.

Even though some of you may say it can cause balance issues, there would still be limitations. Also, the point is to make the best skill tree you can come up with. Like seriously, if you purposely made a bad build, of course you're gonna lose like having all physical attacks while using malf.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 64
4/21/2013 22:56:45   

core drops
AQW Epic  Post #: 65
4/22/2013 5:59:58   

1)new battles modes( 3vs3, 2vs2-free mode, no teams)

2) custom skill tree suggestion

< Message edited by romanu -- 4/22/2013 6:00:47 >
Post #: 66
4/22/2013 6:05:38   

Tournaments! Why? It's a pvp game, it's like one of the "must have" features. And I don't like what they did with golden yeti tournament, it has to be something like : a old fashion tournament, each defeated enemy gets you one step closer to the final.

< Message edited by Darkwing -- 4/22/2013 6:06:09 >
Post #: 67
4/23/2013 10:39:41   
King Helios

^ I agree.

75% of the most-wanted suggestions are in FSI but not in game. e.e
AQ MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 68
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