 Mail Moogle of AdventureQuest
That's right folks, we're giving it one more shot! Thanks to Euky, Paxia is being given some much deserved attention, and I fully intend to capitalize on it and keep the ball rolling! Or at the very least if things fall flat again we'll have a nice archive of what happened for historical purposes (but let's not that happen). This post will be updated as things develop, so keep coming back! Useful links for your revival needs: The letter that started it all (this time around) A response to said letter that still has not been formally replied to The first newsletter detailing Paxia's first event in a long time An awessome Paxia Suggestion thread by the Moogle inspired by the past (under construction) Clan Armors Suggestion by Slayer Ronin Poems and Stories specifically about Xov's assault on Paxia Have something you think should be added to the front post? Tell the Moogle here! Table of Contents 1) What to do if your clan is dead after you poked with a stick- Reforming the government! 2) Paxia Post- A Newsletter perhaps... 3) More to come! First order of Business for Reviving Paxia: How to revive your dead clan. Have you come here to Paxia excited by a newsletter filled with something Paxia related? Are you an eager forumite ready to show your love for your clan but find it hard to show said love when your current government seems a bit... dead? Fear not, for you are not alone in you predicament! Paxian Revivals happen because things are dead, and so when the time to wake up hits and no one's answering, it's time to remove the dead weight and start anew!! First thing to do: Check your clan's government type. All clans except for Dynami and Nautica have Clan Council organizations of some sort, so please check those for leaders. If you don't see any recent posts, click their profile and look when they last logged in. if it's been a couple of months, good chance they may be gone. If it's over 6 months, definitely go to step 2 here. Step 2: Post here! Here at the NNPRM we're trying to keep everyone active, and if a clan is dead as a doornail, we want to help the seeds sprout! (horrible analogy? you decide!!). Post your clan, explination of what's going on, who was in charge, links to verify your claims that your clan is dead in the leadership department, and if you yourself are interested in helping head the new government or know someone who is. Step 3: Get more people intersted in your clan's leadership! It's lonely at the top, friends make it fun. Step 4: Once things are hashed out, the Moogle (or another Clans AK) will assist with setting you up with the new thread, explain stuff/history to you and more!!! Government Activity Status of All Clans (Please see Paxia FAQ for more info about clans): Aerodu- Active, holding nominations right now, go check it out! Council thread Dynami- May seem dead but they're there, lurking. Council thread Geoto- Clan head, Oliver Bell, is still active so no need for government upheaval, but feel free to poke him. Council thread Glacius- Overthrowing Dead Old Regime to eventually get to Restructuring Council thread Igneus- Undergoing Restructuring Council thread Lucian- Mostly active on their own Private forum, currently led by Eschaton Thunder with theosenia as second in command. Council thread Nautica- Undergoing Restructuring Link to the Amphitheatre, the Nautican meeting grounds Nocturu- Undergoing Restructuring Council thread Note see this post for more info on what "restructuring" means. You may want to know more about the clan's actual government and whatnot. Great interest, however right now I'm not going to put all that in here cause the Moogle is very buseh. It WILL get added, but if someone else wants to make a brief summary for their clan's goverment structure, feel free. More importantly is the "Clan Head" a position that formally charges a forumite to act as liaison between AKs and his clan and also is the forum leader of the clan when you boil it all down. Note I said FORUM leader, not actual clan leader. That's currently your NPC. Section 2: The New Paxia Post? It's been suggested we have a newsletter. Teh Paxia Post was Paxia's newsletter during the Big Three, and can still be foundin traces here: http://z9.invisionfree.com/PaxiaNews/index.php It's up to y'all if you want a newsletter. I'll contribute to it but I'm certainly not organizing it. So far, nothing has been set up on this. Ok guys, I can only do so much by myself before I get tired. Have ideas for what we need here? Please post, especially in a fromat you'd like me to just copy and paste here!!! Let's breathe new life to this island :D EDIT: added the clan links and added to clan statuses, also made some small spelling corrections ~ Oliver Bell 07/02/13 EDIT2: updated Igneus' status ~ Oliver Bell 07/03/13
< Message edited by Ultrapowerpie -- 7/3/2013 18:04:02 >