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RE: =AQ= User interface update

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=AQ= User interface update

  70% (294)
  30% (126)

Total Votes : 420

(last vote on : 3/6/2014 11:44:24)
(Poll ended: 3/7/2014 14:41:00)
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2/24/2014 11:18:45   

I would also love it if the interfaces were changed like everyone's been saying. Olive? Yuck!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 126
2/24/2014 21:07:13   

Why not both? Like the different options for the attack menu.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 127
2/25/2014 13:49:20   
  The Hollow
AQ Lead

Sorry folks, no option to do both! Thank you everyone for your feedback, especially those that took the time to explain what they did and didn't like. I think we have a good compromise, look for the new UI to go live Thursday!

UI Preview!
AQ  Post #: 128
2/25/2014 13:51:45   
Dreiko Shadrack

best of both worlds.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 129
2/25/2014 13:51:56   

Looks good. Both wood and shiny. Everyone will be happy (I hope).
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 130
2/25/2014 14:35:21   

I still get insanely jealous when I see your character, Hollow lol. 1530 skill points and 926000 tokens.. *cries*
AQ  Post #: 131
2/25/2014 14:47:35   
Ike The Swordsman

O.O Love it! Can't wait!


AQ AQW  Post #: 132
2/25/2014 14:50:09   

that looks fantastic, I love it
AQ  Post #: 133
2/25/2014 14:51:04   

So this poll was pretty much useless lol

Still love the new one due to the fact it makes the gold ring around the face standout more.
AQ  Post #: 134
2/25/2014 15:10:49   

To be honest I'd prefer a simple and neutral interface design, which is why I'm fine with current one and that's why I'd even prefer to stay with the old interface, except I might be partially biased for I've probably gotten used to playing with this interface for as long as I can remember.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 135
2/25/2014 15:24:39   
Righteous Ranger

Not bad hollow, not bad. Also, your pet i scary; never seen it before.
AQ  Post #: 136
2/25/2014 15:30:38   

Nooooooooo! I REALLY liked the cool sorta-Druidic symbol behind the health bars. *pouty faec*

So, yeah, don't like the compromise. I much preferred all gold.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 137
2/25/2014 15:32:07   

I was going to post, whether we can change our options (somehow) and have a mix of both, but seen the preview! Although, I have one small objection, or two: the font size could be a little bit smaller, so it doesn't look a bit out of place & the equipment icons could get placed on the scroll properly (not slightly outside of it).

Although, a change of font and font size would be pretty cool. Imo, it looks a bit poor - old on new - and makes it looks a bit out of place.
AQ Epic  Post #: 138
2/25/2014 15:39:55   

Side note, I really like everything about the scroll. I just don't like how plain the font for both the hud and the scroll is. I'd like to see it be more stylized. Though, that might make it more difficut to read, but I think it wouldn't be bad to go for a medieval-y font.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 139
2/25/2014 15:41:47   

Also, the name could be centered too - so it won't look weird. New font + a bit smaller size, and I'd be fine with the brand new UI. ^^
AQ Epic  Post #: 140
2/25/2014 16:18:24   

Honestly you have to admit that that looks strange, the gold with the wood. And there's no need to change the popup into a scroll.....

edit: Just go to AQ and look at how much cleaner the current UI is.

edit2: IMO make the entire box wood and make the popup a parchment-like rectangle.

< Message edited by Avalonmerlin -- 2/25/2014 16:31:19 >
AQ  Post #: 141
2/25/2014 16:21:17   

It looks way better than the plain box. And it makes sense; it's integrating the stats pages into the lore of the game, not unlike how character pages already do.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 142
2/25/2014 16:23:08   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

Ooh snazzy! I like this.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 143
2/25/2014 16:57:29   

Very spiffy indeed. I approve.

Btdubs Hollow, you got any Z-tokens to spare for a poor ol' adventurer?
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 144
2/25/2014 16:59:57   
Lord Lee

Exactly what I would have voted for Hollow.

I'm glad you took the time to read the comments rather than just counting the votes.

That's what I love about the AQ community the time the staff invest into listening to forumite suggestions and comments.

< Message edited by Lord Lee -- 2/25/2014 17:04:33 >
AQ  Post #: 145
2/25/2014 17:34:08   

I like the compromise.

Not a fan of the light blue for mana bar; it makes the white overlay number hard to look at. The whole bar grabs your immediate attention, when it's just your mana.. it shouldn't stand out that much, right? Would love if the colour is dulled down a bit.

As noted, the black/blue font colours don't seem to fit with the beige scroll colour. My suggestion is to replace one of the two colour with the colour used in the login screen/scroll: http://gyazo.com/d98ec2228a44b23aeeba8355a1b0df13 ("Today's adventure...").

Agreed with smaller font size. Centering our name would be nice too, but keeping it left-aligned would work if we also move up the character id # & right-align it.

Stylish font could work, though that would be the first time seeing it?... we seemed to have done fine so far with just the same font throughout. But there's no better way to say "new look" than using a medieval-style yet simple font.

Not sure how much of a change we're comfortable with, but I wouldn't mind if the whole setup (in the character box) is changed.

< Message edited by tamle -- 2/25/2014 17:43:46 >
AQ  Post #: 146
2/25/2014 18:19:16   
I Overlord I

Thanks, Hollow!

Not only did you make the entire demographic happy (give or take a few detractors), you changed the U.I. to a scroll--thus, giving it more of an "RPG" feel.

Just what'd I'd expect from an AE employee.
AQ  Post #: 147
2/25/2014 18:32:47   
Legendary AK!!!

The scroll interface is epic. I particularly like the new icons for equipment and potions; the old ones haven't aged well.
AQ DF  Post #: 148
2/25/2014 18:37:12   
Lord Markov

Well I guess that turned out pretty darned good.
AQ  Post #: 149
2/25/2014 19:55:46   

I don't like the scroll, the modern font style just looks pasted on, and then the shield icon trails off the parchment at the rolled-up part at the bottom. It needs better page formatting, and a more period-appropriate font, to look its best.

The box containing the face and health bars looks good, tho. I definitely like the wood paneling with gold trim, it's like a commemorative plaque that displays your current health, mana, stamina and experience.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 150
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