=AQ= User interface update (Full Version)

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=AQ= User interface update

  70% (294)
  30% (126)

Total Votes : 420
(last vote on : 3/6/2014 11:44:24)
(Poll ended: 3/7/2014 14:41:00)


The Hollow -> =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 15:05:24)

The interface is getting an update and we want you to help decide which style is selected! This will also be used for the monster's side. This poll will last for 2 weeks!


Senras Wolf -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 15:06:29)

Gold!! No question's. Love it, this is awesome, and in so much need!

Dreiko Shadrack -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 15:06:45)

agh, why can't we have an option to switch between the two? I like them both. :(

The Gambler -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 15:07:22)

The Gambler likes gold. Gold is shiny. :D

Seriously, though, I would go gold all the way here. The other one looks a little wooden.

dann -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 15:08:03)

Voted for gold. [:)]

CH4OT1C! -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 15:08:05)

gold, it's so much prettier

exgsuntzu -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 15:08:18)

Golden looks much better wooden just isnt cutting it

Shiba -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 15:08:28)

Definitely the brown one! I don't want a *too* shiny interface....

Seth Hydra -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 15:08:51)

Golden looks better IMO

Airenal -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 15:08:55)

I'm gonna go Wooden because I like the contrast with the actual bars against the "wood". Just seems more appealing to me, personally.

BludClaw -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 15:09:00)

Awesome. A UI update is very sorely needed.

And I put my vote in for gold.

bei4 -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 15:09:01)

gold defenitly gold :D .

Gn3ranger -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 15:10:06)

shiny gold !!![:)]I dont want splinters from wood [X(]

RMC -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 15:11:36)

Voted for wood since i use the wood menu :P .

I'm assuming it's not possible to freely change the looks like the menu bar ?

Andlu -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 15:14:23)

I vote for gold. GOOOOOLD. So I can sell it.

Smackie El Frog -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 15:14:44)

"I love goooollldddd"

DarkLore -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 15:15:22)

Gold for me. Stupid question. Will the monster's get upgraded too?

dann -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 15:15:48)

Always believe in your soul.

Righteous Ranger -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 15:16:30)

Too much bling bling. Looks too futuristic for AQ IMO.

rephay -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 15:18:33)

Can we get both of them while still keeping the old one and make it clickable like the battle menu?

RedEyedDrake -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 15:19:04)

*Yosemite Sam voice* GOOOOOOOLD!

The Jop -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 15:20:11)

Wooden looks much classier and not as flashy. I don't want the gleam from gold getting in the way of me reading the numbers on the interface. The wooden one is easier to look at.

Rastaban -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 15:20:34)

I vote for both. More options will please more people.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 15:21:50)

Wooden. I use the wood one for my battle interface so it goes nicely :D

pokepwner -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 15:22:36)


But really, it looks so nice, very sleek imo

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