How We Roll Winner Dec14
Hey guys, I've been thinking and although I can't RP here, I'v been creating concepts. This one's actually pretty big so let me into it. Into Pandora's Box Plot: When a Mage's Spell that was supposed to seal the Gates of Rheithr goes awry, he ends up ripping holes to multiple dimensions with different eras and technology ranging from ancient to ones that we never thought possible. The people, the creatures indigenous to those dimensions start to venture across all dimensions freely by means of Gates. Initially, this does not cause much trouble but after a while, things start to take a turn for the worse as cultures fail to intermingle resulting in some major issues across these dimensions. The Mage calls out to the Heroes from across the world and to answer his cries for help, we cross our boundaries and join him. But can we, Heroes from different worlds, different times, of different species and a variety of talents come together to save the world? Or perhaps, all these endangered worlds? The Purpose: The Mage needs a few ingredients, one from each world to brew the exact same potion. Only then can he shut these Gates and balance be restored. But the task is most difficult and will require the Heroes to give their all. Setting: The fun part. The setting, the timeline, the era changes from world to world. As does technology and everything. The Worlds Involved: This is the best part of the RP. Why don't you guys pool in and make a couple for your Heroes? I haven't thought of a format for world-building yet so if anybody could help. Here's a couple I made: The Tower is a small world which mostly consists of markets and inns. Very few plants grow here and only one city exists. This city, however, is a complete Tower standing in the middle of this desert land like a phenomenally huge needle. It's a vertical city that currently stands at a height of more than 10000 feet. It contains houses, markets, barracks, and a whole Royal Block taking the top 1000 storeys. Aren Lavez, a Faussian by race hails from The Tower. Some other worlds are: Rheithr, The Living City, Void Courts, The Depths, etc. Etc. What can you guys come up with? Character Bio: Working on it. The doubtful part is that eahc world will require its own IC so of course I'll restrict the number of Worlds to like 5 or 6. I don't know if AKs will give me permission. I really hope they do as it is a big project and has something in it for everyone. A Multi-RP of sorts. What do you guys think?