Actually there is a filter in there so one side won't win my a landslide. The problem was that it wasn't active until the start of the last week livefeed. As for the second part, whenever I find myself fighting with 3 legion players my partner 9 times out of 10 runs just so the other two legion players can possibly get bombs by winning against me. While I understand they feel like they are losing cheating doesn't balance out anything and makes the PVP experience worse. As for the first part what they did made balance worse to be honest. They did this change to combat heal looping and give blood mage a buff. However, in doing so they just gave strength builds and HP builds an indirect buff. Energy is still under heavy stress even with the increased cooldowns, and even with all this it doesn't stop strength builds from dominating, and made it harder to combat them since they can now use energy moves more freely without the worry of getting energy drained. It was one of those band aid fixes you mentioned the game doesn't need anymore of at best.