Jaque's original description, from The Faintly Gallows: quote:
Jack the Trader - A strange little fellow who stops into town every now and again. His black-and-white spotted horse almost looks like a cow, and it drags around a rickety little cart full of mysterious findings that Jack attempts to sell to the populace. He wears a finely-tailored suit: black shoes, pants, coat, top-hat, and gloves. For some odd reason he wears white paint over his entire face with black paint covering his lips and around his eyes. He's odd, that's for [expletive] sure, and the little trinkets he sells don't seem to do a [expletive] thing except [expletive] you off for not doing anything. People don't dislike him, and they actually anticipate seeing what sort of weird little trinkets he brings into town, but the town could certainly do without him. It's got a 'Dark Souls' vibe to it; a lot of strange items with unknown origins and unknown purposes. You can save up your plot points to get better stuff, or spend them now. I'll add more to the list, hopefully, before Jaque rolls into town, and even more in the far future when he returns. It was hard to put Akio's Katana on the list. That idea is spawned from a character that had developed in my mind recently and I wasn't sure if I wanted to connect her to this story, but I did anyway. If one was to buy it, you'd be in a very strict-set story, as I have something strictly laid out for it.
< Message edited by TJByrum -- 1/20/2015 20:28:59 >