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RE: The Hunt - OOC

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1/30/2015 12:56:47   

Does this mean the RP is going to be sent for approval now?
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 51
2/2/2015 20:10:15   

Sorry for the delay, folks, I've applied and things should get started shortly. But first, I have a question for everyone.

Do you think I should allow entries after the RP begins. On one hand, anyone who's interested has likely already said so, and there is the race aspect of this, so allowing late entries might be unfair to those who've worked hard. On the other hand, some may be holding out on committing until they see the direction, and the race might not have all that much impact on the outcome. (Speaking of which, Question #2 is how much competiton do you want there to be in this RP? Full-on race? Slight race theme? Somewhere in between? Your character will have a chance to team up with others if they so choose, so the choice is yours.)
Post #: 52
2/2/2015 21:26:42   

Personally, I'd say you should allow Apps for at least a week after the IC thread is up because it could get more people interested and I don't think we'd be so far into the plot at that point that it would be impossible to get caught up. Maybe between 3 and 7 days depending on how fast the RP moves. After that, it would be pretty hard to jump in, but whether people are allowed to make bios or not is up to you.

As for the second question, I'd say that competition will develop no matter what, so I don't think there's any problem with holding back on the race aspect a bit every now and then to give the characters enough time to interact and try to figure out clues from eachother and plan their moves and stuff. At the end of the day, stuff has to move forward eventually, but there's a lot of interesting things people can do with a small amount of information available.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 53
2/2/2015 22:20:59   

Don't really mind. My only issue is more in the vein of the added number of players stalling the RP and making it more difficult to manage.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 54
2/3/2015 22:39:05   
Ronin Of Dreams
Still Watching...

This RP has been approved for an IC thread. You are good to go, Tdub. I look forward to watching this thread when I have the spare time.
AQ  Post #: 55
2/3/2015 23:15:21   

Now that we are approved, official dates have been set.

Sunday, Feb. 8 will be the day the IC is posted. Applications will be accepted for two weeks after that day. However, only those who apply and are accepted within the first week will receive a small advantage over the other characters. It won't truly matter in the long run, but consider it a "head-start" if you will. Application will officially close the evening of Sunday, Feb. 22.
Post #: 56
2/3/2015 23:53:32   

Just to clarify, does that mean only people who make a bio the week the IC thread is made will receive the advantage? Or does that mean only people who made a bio the week this OoC was made will get one or something?
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 57
2/4/2015 8:14:15   

No, the people who make their bio and their first post the week the IC is posted will get it.
Post #: 58
2/5/2015 0:25:16   
Therril Oreb
Legendary AdventureGuide!

A new challenger appears!

Name: Therry

Age/Race/Gender: Dwarf, Male, 60 years old (that is like 18 compared to a human)

Appearance: Like all dwarves, Therry is small in height. he is no more than 1 meter high. He has a glorious brown beard going up to his belly and long brown hair in a braid. He has dark eyes and a jolly face, always happy.

Personality: Therry is a happy kind of guy. Always optimistic and never backs down from a challenge. He can be rash at times which more than once got him into trouble but would not want to hurt those around him.
He likes to talk, a bit too much even but usually people like him for his carefree and happy personality.

Clothing/Armor: his usual attire are his mining clothing, often quite dusty or dirty. His brown jacket has multiple small pockets and even a few places to put some weapons in case of emergency. His belt is made of sturdy leather and makes sure his pants don't drop to his ankles. Therry never really had to stand guard before, so he only has his father's leather armor for protection. It is dated but well cared for so it is in good shape.

Weapons and Belongings:
Therry always has his pickaxe with him, his trusty pickaxe never has let him down if a monster tried to harm him or if a shiny gem was hiding in the rock.
He also carries his mining equipment with him. This equipment exists out of a lamp, a rope, some beef jerky, first aid, a dustmask, a helmet and of course his backpack to keep it all with him.
He does not have any transportation means, Therry likes to walk, saying that his feet are the only thing he trusts to go somewhere.

Skills and Abilities:
Like all dwarves, Therry can see well in the dark and needs only little light to see as far as he needs to.
He is also strong and sturdy due to his build, stronger than the average human for sure though he never really tested his strength.

Therry despises magic. It is uncontrollable and always causes trouble. If he can avoid it or destroy it, if he has to, he is content. You'd have to be very convincing to allow magic to be used on him or even near him.

Therry grew in a miner village near Galiarin. An easy life for a dwarf. Every day in the mines, mining valuable ores and gems for smithing and trading with the other people. Being the happy person he is, he has plenty of friends. But his friends like to challenge Therry and the last challenge might have been the one to change Therry's life. After telling him about the legends of Vlade, about how those who find him become rich beyond comparison, his friends dared him to seek out Vlade. being the stubborn guy he is, Therry accepted the challenge. Of course, his parents were mad about it, but since he did stupid things like this plenty of times before, they let him go. So he took his mining equipment, for he believes Vlade would show him the way to a gold mine, and his father gave him his leather armor for protection and away he went.
And thus, Therry arrived in Galiarin. The place where people believe he lives, or so he was told.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 59
2/5/2015 8:24:55   

It looks good, except for one aspect: There's absolutrly no way you'd be able to get anywhere in ny kind of good time on foot. I'm going to accept you, under the assumption that you'll get one early on. Really, you need a horse (or pony, in your case) to complete this.
Post #: 60
2/5/2015 15:55:55   
Therril Oreb
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Since Therry has no riding skills, how about he goes with merchants or other travelers in a cart?
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 61
2/5/2015 16:53:11   

That'll work. However, just so you know, you can add riding skills. The cart will still move slower than the other competitiors.
Post #: 62
2/5/2015 17:15:11   
Therril Oreb
Legendary AdventureGuide!

That is fine. Therry is laidback in nature. He wants to find Vlade but at his own pace. The game wouldn't be fun if we were all bounty hunters who want him first :p
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 63
2/5/2015 17:44:02   

I feel like, early on, I might try to steal Therry's beef jerky
*insert evil laugh*

First you get the jerky, then you get the Vlade, then you get the power!
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 64
2/5/2015 20:26:23   

Of course, you may team up with other players at the beginning, and that would solve all of your travel issues there.
Post #: 65
2/6/2015 15:31:38   
Therril Oreb
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Well, we leave that for the roleplaying of course. No idea if there is a starting point for each of us but You'd find Therry typically in the tavern laughing and drinking :p
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 66
2/8/2015 21:27:05   
How We Roll Winner

Therril, :D

It would seem that the druid too will be in need of purchasing a horse once he gets to the town. Currently he is on foot from the Temple to the Capital City.
AQW Epic  Post #: 67
2/8/2015 22:03:36   

A note: The starting point is at a public square in the capital city.

Due to a scheduling conflict, the IC will go up tomorrow, and all dates mentioned in my previous announcement will be moved forward one day. I apologize for the delay, I know we've waited a long time already.
Post #: 68
2/9/2015 13:14:57   

Hope we haven't lost anyone yet. I mean, it's been about a month since the first bio got accepted and stuff....
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 69
2/9/2015 19:50:10   
How We Roll Winner

I'm still here.
AQW Epic  Post #: 70
2/9/2015 20:26:38   

I think we MIGHT have lost Ragnarros and Master K, but I'm not sure at all.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 71
2/9/2015 23:57:06   

The pace'll pick up soon enough. Don't worry about losing anyone. If they truly care and will be regular posters, they'll still be here.

Now, the game is afoot. This time next week, the doors will close and the advantage of this meeting will be lost to all who have not posted in that time. This will be your chance to learn what you can and team up with others, so speed is the name of the game here.

Of course, you could always choose to not attend the meeting. This is not advised.

Applications close two weeks from this moment.
Post #: 72
2/10/2015 6:51:26   
Master K

Aha! No! I'm not lost, I've just been in the shadows, biding my time.

I'll post eventually in these coming days.

EDIT: Annnnd there's my post. Phew, that was longer than what I expected.

< Message edited by Master K -- 2/10/2015 15:25:38 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 73
2/10/2015 19:58:04   

I'm going to probably wait for Tdub to post before I post again. I'm not really sure if he's going to let the encounter I'm attempting happen or not. So I guess I'll just see what happens either way. If this doesn't work, I'll probably be able to make it to the warehouse anyways.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 74
2/10/2015 23:31:00   

Yes, once you get in the warehouse, wait for my next post, unless you can make a conversation bit stretch a full post.

Not seeing any major problems with the posts so far, so good work!

Edit: Well that was a book. Great work on that, Lazo.

< Message edited by Tdub -- 2/10/2015 23:33:18 >
Post #: 75
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