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RE: The Hunt - OOC

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2/16/2015 20:19:54   
Therril Oreb
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Present :D
But yeh, it is harder for me to be there at certain times ( Monday and Wednesday are brutal to me thanks to the school life)
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 101
2/16/2015 23:30:07   
How We Roll Winner

Yeah, the only reason I'm so diligent in the role-plays is because I stay up until 2/3 am every night. So I get my college homework done, take a break, and do this stuff too.

TJ, If you want to come on in, come on in. Tdub has not as yet posted his second post to us. Also, just a note, he's going to be incredibly busy over the next coming weeks, so a lot of interaction will likely have to happen between us.
AQW Epic  Post #: 102
2/17/2015 8:05:50   

I'll wait till his word. I just don't want my 1 posts-a-day to hold the RP back.
DF AQW  Post #: 103
2/17/2015 15:29:43   

1 post a day would definitely be enough to keep up with the series, based on how fast things are moving so far. I think like one post every two or three days would be about the limit on how inactive you could be and not get left behind.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 104
2/18/2015 0:16:34   

I know things are moving slow, and now I owe you guys an explanation of why.

I am currently involved in a production that opens on Thursday. Rehearsal today ran 7 hours, after classes, meaning the time I had to write was about thirty seconds. For the next two and a half weeks, that is my life. I'll have my next post up tomorrow, no promises, but it's the best I can do. As soon as I actually have some time on my hands, things will pick up.

TJ, that's fine. And I will NEVER expect anyone to have to post once I day. I will never be able to post once a day. You shouldn't have to. In fact, though a post within a week of you last post is preferrable, this RP would be able to function at an absolyte maximum limit of a post every two weeks. Still try to keep it within a week, though.
Post #: 105
2/18/2015 10:46:11   

I just noticed K hasn't posted in a week and I've been kind-of holding things back by waiting for him. If Master K doesn't post by tonight IC or OoC, I'm just going to make my post and just go on. If he doesn't make it in time and wants to jump back in, he can always jump in when Tdub moves the plot forward. Hope that sounds fair to everyone.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 106
2/18/2015 13:45:21   
Master K

You're waiting for a post from me? Oh, weird. I didn't really see anything to post, per se. Unless I'm missing something. :/
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 107
2/18/2015 13:51:06   

I just didn't want your character to get left behind in the background or something. If it's alright, I'll just move on, ok?
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 108
2/18/2015 14:20:56   
Master K

Oh, I thought no question or anything was posed. My character tends to get caught up his thoughts anyways, so it should be fine. Go on, do what you must. :)
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 109
2/18/2015 14:47:50   
Therril Oreb
Legendary AdventureGuide!

A slow RP is fine for me. Gives us time and then there is no need to rush everything. :)
Gives us time for other matters too ^^
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 110
2/18/2015 15:20:17   

Yeah, before I had a job I use to want to post like three times a day. Now I got so much to do I'm lucky if I can post in both of my RP's within a single weekend. But everything's getting lighter now, so I think I can handle 1 more RP.

Tdub, I will finish my bio, which can be found on page 1, and will start writing a post. As soon as the bio is reviewed/fixed/approved I'll post as soon as I can.

EDIT: Finished the bio. Will work on a post as soon as I can. Will post it if/when I am accepted.

< Message edited by TJByrum -- 2/18/2015 15:59:25 >
DF AQW  Post #: 111
2/20/2015 23:35:01   

Accepted, TJ. My post will be up in an hour or two.

Edit: Short and to the point. Of course, your character will reject the offer. Your post should detail your actions as you enter the warehouse, your reactions to the speech, and anything you have to say about the matter. You can exit now if you want, with any teammates you desire. Or, you could stay and ask Gavin questions.

I know it seems like you didn't get enough information. But you will. I promise.

Lazo, a voucher exists for Faint as well, as the Cult knows you're there. How Faint recieves it is up to you.

If there's anything I've left out, let me know. I'm quite exhausted right now.

< Message edited by Tdub -- 2/21/2015 0:07:09 >
Post #: 112
2/21/2015 10:56:51   

There is one thin I'd like to know, even though it probably won't effect my post. Is there any useable information on the voucher, such as where it came from, who's paying for it, how the bank would know it's real, stuff like that. I'm pretty sure a lot of people don't really trust the Cult and the vouchers could be used to track down someone high-up in the order who could be pressed for information.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 113
2/21/2015 11:06:47   

I don't think Marc took to the offer to well.
DF AQW  Post #: 114
2/26/2015 2:13:36   

I'm sorry for the delay. Had a short break recently, and, as it tends to do, the workload caught up. Still, aren't excuses the most useless things? If you are waiting for me and just must carry on, assume Faint chose to remain hidden and is still spying on the meeting (which will likely be the gist of my next post, anyway, whenever that gets written). I'll try to get a something up before the weekend.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 115
2/26/2015 11:07:19   

Ok. If you ever get too far behind posts and need a quick summary, just say the word :)
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 116
2/26/2015 18:13:21   

Marc thinks we should deal with Gavin first, leave the warehouse - then discuss our plans. He doesn't like talking about it in the face of a potential enemy. But he is open to an alliance, though he's losing trust in Therry.
DF AQW  Post #: 117
2/27/2015 0:38:07   
Therril Oreb
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Haha, funny how Therry loses your trust all because he is more lighthearted :p
This is becoming fun ^^
Loving this so far
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 118
2/27/2015 5:49:19   

I like to look at things from the character's point of view. Marc sees Therry as someone who doesn't take the ordeal seriously, and seems more focused on monetary gain than anything. He feels that if someone came along with a greater reward, Therry wouldn't hesitate to leave and betray the group.

But someone like Warwolf, who seeks a sort of vengeance and closure has ample reason to work together. Marc feels more comfortable about him.
DF AQW  Post #: 119
2/27/2015 7:58:16   
Therril Oreb
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Well of course this is all form a different point of view and nobody knows Therry so they would indeed see it the same way you do.
Who knows, maybe things change in the future :p
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 120
2/28/2015 10:44:50   

Perhaps Therry. That's character development after all!
DF AQW  Post #: 121
2/28/2015 11:56:56   
How We Roll Winner

And if I know Therril half as much as I think I do, He's always been an interesting character regardless. (yes that compliment was directed at you)
AQW Epic  Post #: 122
2/28/2015 15:31:04   

Wait a minute.... I just noticed this ad I could be mistaken, but @Dragonnightwolf, did Warwolf's chapter thing just skip from 2 straight to chapter 5? IDK if it's just a slip up or if the chapters mean something other than just a way of marking new events in order, but you might want to check the chapter number here.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 123
2/28/2015 19:15:56   
How We Roll Winner

Thank you for taking notice of that Deth. The next chapter should have been written as chapter 4. The previous response was a brief chapter 3. As you'll well note, most of chapter 1 and 2 are considerably longer.
Chapter three is extremely short, and this most recent that says 5, should have said chapter 4.

So I apologize and during the next bit of info posted, I'll re-correct that to being 4.

AQW Epic  Post #: 124
3/1/2015 17:16:51   

Sitting down to write a post took me longer than I thought it would, but there it is.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 125
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