@shadownightninja, a quick tip: You're going to have to post with this character, and at least half the time it's not going to be a fight. Your character is insane and feeds off of the sanity of others. If you can enjoy doing that for God knows how many posts, more power to you. I personally cannot find that enjoyable. I don't like to give unsolicited advice, but if you can at all avoid creating a mentally ill character, do it. They are hard to do - not only in terms of how you can play the character, but in how correct your portrayal is and how respectful you are of their condition. "Insane" is sometimes tossed around cutely as something that describes people who are spontaneous and don't think through the consequences, but this guy is a sanity-draining complete schizoid monster and that's not going to be cute or fun, it's going to be silly and unusual for exactly 1 post and then you're going to end up with a nightmare on your hands - every time you post, you have to remember that your character is totally irrational and you have to come up with his reaction to every individual detail in an insane way. (I did an insane character one time. It...didn't end well. He died right away because I, along with everyone else in the RP, got instantly sick of his antics. Then he haunted the group...which was HILARIOUS, for some reason, and incredibly fun and interesting. Something about a mentally ill ninja is off-putting and strange, but something about a deranged ghost who keeps possessing your group's electrical appliances is pretty durn funny.) Side note, though: I like your character a lot and will accept any of his flaws due to the fact that he is reasonably close to my height (I'm 6'8").