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RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (It Lives Once Again)

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10/11/2015 14:15:23   

Draycos, I appreciate the desire to have me in this RP, and I have been indeed following it. My schedule is freeing up slightly, and you might see a bio from me one of these days. Especially because my desire to RP never died out.
Post #: 51
10/11/2015 16:41:26   

Battle Buddy Bastet! I'd be happy to have you join, but please, don't take up too much. I don't want you to burn yourself out:)
AQ  Post #: 52
10/11/2015 16:57:49   

If I could venture a suggestion:

Group is split in what looks like differently evolving storylines. Maybe pick out a font or text color for the separate groups.
AQW  Post #: 53
10/11/2015 17:18:24   

Don't worry, Arche's group will be headed back to town pretty soon. Also, I don't think multiple text colors is allowed in IC posts.
AQ  Post #: 54
10/11/2015 17:34:33   

I intend to have Woyadei's cavalry-millipede spawn from the corpse of the Grabbi, so don't take them back to town too fast~
AQW  Post #: 55
10/11/2015 18:16:49   

Well I have something that can work with that planned out. So no worries:)
AQ  Post #: 56
10/11/2015 23:11:03   

Aaaand Nilburke is in!

...he hasn't done much, but he's definitely in.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 57
10/11/2015 23:20:26   
Weaver of Epic Yarns

Future side things with fights or harvesting and such should really take longer in a time frame. In fact just leaving and travel time has put the side group off a bit time wise with the ones in the tavern since walking alone takes more time than saying a few words. So those outside of the tavern will now have to wait until I post a time jump for those in the tavern.

And Draycos,any questions or suggestions rpers put forth I will answer as I am hosting this rp, not you or any other rper. This creates confusion.

Sigil, if the split up continue I will be placing in a color code, I have used it before and it is very effective.

Edit: For clarifying, those not in the tavern now cannot reenter the tavern until I give you an all clear.

< Message edited by Afina -- 10/11/2015 23:24:05 >
Post #: 58
10/12/2015 7:35:37   

I'm gonna definitely post today but it might not be til this evening, busy weekend.
AQ  Post #: 59
10/12/2015 9:46:02   
Weaver of Epic Yarns

No worries, ^^
Post #: 60
10/12/2015 13:16:46   

@Draycos Since you have elected me to be the yin to your yang, I will be trying to out-dragon your dragon. It's alright, because I wanted to play a draconian character anyway. Bio will be up in a few hours.


Here we go.

Name: Rajiri

Age: 20

Race: Dragon-kin (daughter of a pure dragon and a half-blooded dragon-kin, making her dragon-blooded by three quarters.)


Rajiri is never seen clad in excessive amounts of clothing, bearing very little amounts of shame in displaying her body. Her usual outfit consists of a simple suit of lightweight beige leather armor, bearing a few pouches for common needs. The armor’s only unusual features are three, fairly large holes in it: two where each of Rajiri’s scapulae are, and one just above her bottom. The latter was tailored to avoid indecent exposure, but the dragon-kin does not care about how she appears to others.

The girl herself stands at six feet and weighs just shy of 152 pounds. Her growth is significantly boosted by the large amount of draconic blood within her, giving her more developed muscles and appearance compared to humans of similar age. Rajiri has a well developed body, but, again, she cares very little of how she appears to people. When her power is unleashed, scales appear in patches whose size is proportional to how much of it being used, morphing her into a more reptilian form the more she taps into it. This eventually leads to wings and a tail appearing on her body, receding only when she has calmed. The colour of Rajiri’s scales vary from coral to red to bright orange, being quite beautiful to observe. She never pushed herself past the point where her feet would begin to morph into draconic talons and her hands into claws, which would come after evolving wings and a tail.

Her hair is the colour of a vivid flame, and her iris that of the brightest ember. Her features often reflect well in the full light of the sun, but also provide a timid glow in darkness. Her eyes are especially notable in such a condition, being easily distinguishable. The iris also varies according to the state she is currently maintaining, ranging from appearing entirely human to absolutely reptilian slits.


Rebellious, litigious, proud, pretentious. All of these adjectives fit the description that one would give of Rajiri after meeting her, as she considers herself to be far higher in nobility than the average human. She views lesser races as little more than rabble, respecting only those who share her gift of being part-dragon or those who actually manage to defeat her in combat. The only one who she considered actually superior to her was her father, who imprinted her with a proud knowledge of her identity and what her role was: to dominate all those around her as part of her superior lineage, crushing those who didn’t fall in line. Being left to her own devices shortly after that, and left by her parents to carve her own path in the world, it didn’t take long for her father’s command to become a rooted conviction in her mind. She is also driven by a strong desire to increase her own power, pushing her body as hard as she can and allowing herself to rest only when tired.

Natural Abilities:

Even when not tapping into the power of her blood, Rajiri is highly resistant to magic and physical wounds. This effect is amplified further when she takes on what she considers her true form, but that isn’t to say her defenses can’t be penetrated. This usually represents her only defense, as her fighting style involves reckless hand-to-hand combat. Her body also is capable of regenerating any non-fatal wound, but this does not become a factor during battles, as it is far too slow a process to actively prevent damage. Far slower aging is also part of the features of her heritage, but her growth is accelerated until she reaches maturity.

Her draconic heritage also grants her heightened senses and physical prowess, allowing Rajiri to accomplish feats achievable only by the most dedicated of humans who are not granted special powers. This effect only increases in magnitude as the dragon-kin gives more and more into her reptilian side. Eventually, she’d gain the ability to breathe fire and accomplish other pyromantic feats simply through the natural affinity that a dragon has, but that is far beyond the point where she has pushed herself the farthest. She also becomes more and more emotionally unstable as the transformation progresses, eventually reaching the point where she is driven only by the desire to fight. When the combat is over, she also suffer from fatigue proportional to how much she tapped into her draconic side, needing rest or suffering heavy damage to her body.

She is able to use her wings to fly, but not to great effect. She cannot maintain long periods of flight, rather using them to augment the height of her lunges and gliding over longer distances. Once every few days, she is also able to focus a large amount of energy into a punch strong enough to nearly decapitate an unprotected human. This is a technique she does not use often, as it leaves her exhausted and works much like a death-or-glory attack. She is reckless, but she values her life more than the desire of simply bringing her opponent down with her.


Rajiri usually fights in hand-to-hand combat, disdaining weapons. She believes her own natural weapons are more than enough to defeat any opponent that wouldn’t be able to defeat her anyway. For this reason, she is highly proficient at using her fists, eventually evolving into claws, but lacks expertise at using any other kind of weapons. Other than that, she is used to living in the wilds, using her senses to hunt prey to feed herself whenever needed.

< Message edited by Bastet -- 10/12/2015 17:04:53 >
Post #: 61
10/12/2015 17:44:25   

Another heavy-hitter alongside Arche! What antagonist can dare stand against the dragons!?
AQW  Post #: 62
10/12/2015 19:02:55   
Weaver of Epic Yarns

I swear nearly no one listened to the more mundane the better it would play out thing. I'll allow it but your character, like with the others will be severely restricted. (This over powered play is getting way old around here, lol)

So no, no one has a heavy hitter. These mixed breeds are no more powerful than your average human in this rp (and with these races I am here instilling my turn based fighting when you go up against anything and I will post what hits, what doesn't and how much damage is received on both sides until proven it isn't required.)

< Message edited by Afina -- 10/12/2015 19:04:03 >
Post #: 63
10/12/2015 19:18:22   

Ah-ha. Sorry Afina, but I hate playing as a human if I have the option of being another race:(

But hey! At least you can look on the bright side, I mean no one as come in here wanting to play some at meltface levels of power like a DoomKnight:P (inbeforeIjinxit)
AQ  Post #: 64
10/12/2015 19:26:40   
Weaver of Epic Yarns

I don't mind non humans, it's the power and skill lists that are bugging me. It's way over powered on some of these characters.
Post #: 65
10/12/2015 19:29:13   

I'm not exactly sure what kind of turn-based combat you're proposing, but I might be in protest. Real fights are all about forcing, not hoping, a situation to occur, by means of distance or timing manipulation. You force the variables to be in your favour, that’s what techniques do.

While I'm not saying we should do things in a "real" manner, I'm saying it's much better to use our competence as story tellers to drive events in our favour. In many situations, context would be much greater in describing damage than mere numbers.

An example: “Lunging deeply, the zombie rammed his left leg toward ___’s thigh and forced his glaive towards his left. Very likely, __ will be thrown to the ground, as __ is pincered between an immovable leg and a leverage-enhanced pole. If __ falls, the zombie will be mercilessly quick in dealing cuts with his glaive.”

For the opponent(or GM) to counter this example, they must know how to counter the actual technique, or withdraw their character, unless superpowers come into play. Numbers can't describe such an experience, and breaks the reader out of the story.

It should be noted that the setting is Lore, and within such a setting, the characters so far do not seem particularly invulnerable. Dragonsbane is a thing, Drakeltech is a thing and outside of this, one should be able to creatively force the scenarios to the disadvantage of even dragons. Ex: remaining out of sight and knifing their necks, grabbing a bunch of villagers and pitchforking them to death, etc.

< Message edited by Remaint -- 10/12/2015 19:39:21 >
AQW  Post #: 66
10/12/2015 19:36:30   
Weaver of Epic Yarns

I'll show in an upcoming fight how it is done. Story telling isn't an issue but over power is and from what I am seeing it could pose a large problem in the future. So until I am convinced otherwise, it will be done a certain way. (Don't worry, it will give for plenty of story telling and pressing the situation and does not call in things such as dice roles or numbers) - feel free to protest and give insight but please remember in the end, I am hosting the rp, the gm has final say no matter what.

< Message edited by Afina -- 10/12/2015 19:37:06 >
Post #: 67
10/12/2015 19:40:41   

Well, technically the mod does if they should ever decide to appear here and blast us all with the ferret ray of dooooom. However, that is a situation I would much rather avoid. I hear Doooom Lasers are bad for one's health:P
AQ  Post #: 68
10/12/2015 19:42:05   
Weaver of Epic Yarns

And if an issue ever does arise I have no problem asking Ronin to stop by and straighten things out. (I know the mod drill, I was an rp mod for a very long time here - Seem to remember having the mod title of "Scary Kitty")

< Message edited by Afina -- 10/12/2015 19:45:38 >
Post #: 69
10/12/2015 20:30:28   

Regarding the matter of mundane characters; this is my second roleplay, I'll be damned if I'm to play Bob the village farmer who pays his taxes on time who never hauls arse out of his no-name village!

< Message edited by Remaint -- 10/12/2015 21:43:34 >
AQW  Post #: 70
10/12/2015 20:34:39   

Hmmm, I don't think that's what Afina meant by mundane characters Remaint. I think now, she meant characters without many natural skills:)
AQ  Post #: 71
10/12/2015 21:00:10   
Weaver of Epic Yarns

Lol, yeah Draycos is right on what I mean by mundane.
Post #: 72
10/12/2015 22:23:20   

I like to think as the Gm presents global rules to carve a story-path, players present mini-rules for the Gm to develope challenges and plots around.

Have a hulking strong character? Bring a giant chasm with a rotting bridge ready to fall! Said character can fly? Spawn a furious thunderstorm! Immune to lightning? Have rock-throwing trolls! Why would the character want to cross the chasm? Because a massive mob of villagers aren't happy with mutants running amock!

A really strong character throws a punch? Sidestep and push them off balance!(Linear force cannot resist perpendicular force) The character's stone-hard? Hip-throw them, it'll shatter their skull! It has no head? Stomp on its joints, it can't have stone-hard joints! Why are they fighting? Because the ordinary people has had it with stone-head's ego!

< Message edited by Remaint -- 10/12/2015 22:24:12 >
AQW  Post #: 73
10/12/2015 22:52:18   

Holding off on the post until tomorrow because

A.) I'm tired and it's late
B.) I don't want Krey ninja-ing a post in before me since I know he was trying to get one in tonight
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 74
10/13/2015 2:52:18   

I thank you for the opportunity, Afina. I knew how much I was pushing the boundaries you had set, and I was half expecting to be turned down immediately. My character as I wrote her was one I really wanted to play, and I'll happily accept any restrictions you want to place upon me. I really dislike mundane.

< Message edited by Bastet -- 10/13/2015 11:46:50 >
Post #: 75
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