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RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (It Lives Once Again)

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10/24/2015 21:05:58   

Nilburke: *Raises a hand as if to say something, thinks better of it, and continues to stand in his corner like a good little goblin*

On a (semi-)serious note, I'll be posting either tomorrow or Monday, depending on when I finish my application. Curse you, real life!

Edit: Oh, and I just want to suggest the possibility of players in the card game describing it in broader strokes as opposed to each play (since the debacle of trying to place each of the 52 cards would be quite the hassle). Assuming that this is approved (pretty please with whipped cream and sugar on top?) and if everyone else is in favor.

< Message edited by Apocalypse -- 10/24/2015 21:09:36 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 176
10/24/2015 22:36:35   

Wooow. We get a glimpse at the misfortunate past of Mr. Keystone. Feels+7% It's no wonder he had such a reaction against Woyadei. I'm almost sad to say my conquistador might very well live "up" to Keystone's expectations: Woyadei could very easily be one of the nameless undead to wear down or outright slay a newfound friend. *Raises chocolate drink to Keystone's toast.*
AQW  Post #: 177
10/25/2015 2:47:24   
Ted Zlammy

Oh, I totally forgot I asked about the possibility of seeing lightning a few pages back. I mainly asked in the off chance if Rajiri decided to try making a certain undead, uh, redead. So, thanks for the interesting factoid on lightning, hehe.

Anywho, I got one of my midterms come Monday night, so I'm gonna be rather occupied studying til' than. I'll try to get a post up some time Tuesday if I'm not totally burnt out from studying.

Edit: Managed to get a late night post up. Eugh, I'm tired.

< Message edited by Ted Zlammy -- 10/28/2015 2:25:14 >
MQ AQW  Post #: 178
10/28/2015 11:20:27   

AQ DF MQ  Post #: 179
10/28/2015 12:02:11   
Weaver of Epic Yarns

Depends on the source of lightning, pm me with details
Post #: 180
10/28/2015 12:28:02   
Weaver of Epic Yarns

sorry for the double but

Those in the tavern, we have a fight - Tavern folk only

Fight has been set up. One post per person in the tavern at a time. You do not control the beast, I do. Post your called single action for the round. I want to see how you all handle this style of fights, it will help determine how I dole out fights in the future. This is just a test round. So don't worry.

Once someone posts, I will make a small follow up post to tell what the beast does and if they are hit. Then the next person goes. All those in tavern hold post until I make a reply post to the previous attack so you know what the creature is doing. If you jump the gun, I will throw in a gm penalty.
Post #: 181
10/28/2015 12:41:18   

So for some clarification:

I am calling out that Nilburke will be throwing a Tangler vial at the beastie. Do I get first dibs on posting, or could someone theoretically beat me to it?
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 182
10/28/2015 13:10:40   
Weaver of Epic Yarns

I going first called, so go for it. Make sure to explain all information about any potions or spells in the post, anything left out will me exploited by me later on :}
Post #: 183
10/28/2015 13:26:28   

Got it, will do.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 184
10/28/2015 14:22:13   

I'll take next, if everybody's okay with it.
AQW  Post #: 185
10/28/2015 17:08:48   

Will the hellhound leave a corpse? Woyadei would want to give it a brief, respectful funeral or try to jolt it back to life with lightning~
AQW  Post #: 186
10/28/2015 17:29:14   
Weaver of Epic Yarns

You all will not be back in time to decide anything for this beast. This is for the tavern folk.
Post #: 187
10/28/2015 17:58:59   

No, I think Rem is talking about afterwards. Nothing to do with the actual fight, but more to do with his character's.
AQ  Post #: 188
10/28/2015 18:11:04   
Weaver of Epic Yarns

I know, answer remains the same.
Post #: 189
10/28/2015 19:25:12   

The information seems to imply the hellhound rots at an accelerated rate, assuming it will fall dead. If so, a very strong smell and maybe some heat would likely linger due to high-speed enzyme activity.

The information also implies the hellhound will instead retreat, once a certain amount of damage is done to it. This option would make more logical sense in regards to timed decisions. I wonder in which direction will it run, or will our familiar fog return it from whence it came.
AQW  Post #: 190
10/28/2015 19:40:10   
Weaver of Epic Yarns

Oh FFS, stop. Seriously, things will happen in the rp when they happen in the rp. I will not give out information pertaining to what will or will not happen. And I swear any open speculation or questions is going to bite you in the rear later. You want to know what happens in an rp before it happens, gm your own rp. Otherwise let the story be written as it is written. And real life science has nothing to do with an rp with dragons walking around, trying to arguing such makes as much sense as debating the coyote and road runner
Post #: 191
10/28/2015 19:43:30   

In other news, beastie has been engaged. Hope the tavern crew likes the new flower arrangement. (And it's free of charge!)
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 192
10/28/2015 20:05:23   
Weaver of Epic Yarns

Alright, looks good. Sigil is up for next action, then I'll reply again for the beast, then who ever claims next
Post #: 193
10/28/2015 20:36:58   

Why are you aggravated, why is speculation counterproductive?

I am not demanding knowledge priorhand to events, I am not attempting to ruin your story, I am not, and have no power, to enforce reality's physics onto your roleplay.

What I am doing, is gathering values based upon the information you provide, or do not provide. I am bringing to the table material that could be incorporated into the story, the story with a plot undefined.

Additionally, the character I chose is very opportune. Your words describe Woyadei well, "anything left out will be exploited by me later on." He attempts to use every available resource. In addition to being a sort of ooc 'awareness update,' my 'scientific' remarks foreshadow his attempts to utilise the surroundings, and it saves me time if things are rejected early, so I don't have to waste any.

You can chose to ignore my speculation; it causes no harm to anything. The reason I don't Gm is because there's already some active and interesting threads including this one with competent Gms.

For the record, I can debate the coyote and roadrunner. Not all too concisely, but I have some hypotheses. Similarly, I can marry dragons with reality(with some attempted divorces).
AQW  Post #: 194
10/28/2015 20:57:30   
Weaver of Epic Yarns

Then gather the information from what has already been posted in the IC and not ask what may or not be available for the future.
Post #: 195
10/28/2015 21:15:19   

Arguing with the GM is about as useful as tying your danglies in a knot and going to a kegger. It just makes things uncomfortable for you, and spoils the party for everyone else when something ruptures. Then you have to explain to the paramedics why you tied your stringy nethers into a running bowline. And, of course, the YouTube video of your foolishness at the party goes viral. I've seen it a million times. Admittedly, the knots were different.

I believe the concept Afi's going for here is that the two groups are separate, and will continue to be so until the situation changes by either the Tavern Group's actions or the GM's will. Think back to your Disney, Channel some Elsa and let it go.

Unrelated, Keystone needs a new coat. Dibs on the hide. If we survive, that is.


< Message edited by Sigil -- 10/28/2015 21:16:10 >
AQW  Post #: 196
10/28/2015 22:47:24   

Ah the connotations of 'argue.' I like one of its lesser intended denotations: And exchange of perspectives.

I'm neither uncomfortable or in a compromised position. Rather, I'm getting a better idea of what to expect from the Gm through the exchanges. It's cliche, but a problem unworded is a problem to fester. I'd rather squash all conflicts in the beginning, and hope to work for the better toward the future.

To hell with Elsa, I'll have some Napoleon Bonaparte!

"You must not fight too often with one enemy, or you will teach him all your art of war."

In this case, I'll 'fight' with Afina until we come to a friendly understanding!
AQW  Post #: 197
10/28/2015 23:08:10   
Ted Zlammy

Heyo, just did a post. Simply put, Thatch put on a boot, rolled to a nearby window, and shattered it. Do let me know if I sneaked in too many actions, or if I shouldn't have assumed if the tavern actually had glass windows. I shall adjust my post accordingly if so!
MQ AQW  Post #: 198
10/29/2015 0:14:37   

I probably won't be able to post til Friday evening (Which is to say I'll be going last in the rotation) as I'll be busy most all day tomorrow, but I'll try and be as prompt as possible Friday.
AQ  Post #: 199
10/29/2015 0:19:20   

In similar news, I'm going on a trip this weekend. Leaving Friday, returning Sunday. I'll probably be able to post Sunday, but most likely not Friday or Saturday.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 200
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